
Sub 3



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    SJ - I feel quite creaky for the first mile or so of runs at the moment and I think part of that is that running is providing my only real exercise. Normally i'd do some walking around e.g. to/from work or to town for shopping. It's not a surprise of course but I do think it's taking it's toll a bit.

    Wardi - good work on the run. Agreed, ideally I'd have that key 5x1k with 1 min off type workout to show i'm actually capable of the time i'm aiming for but i'm rolling with the plan.

    Good mileage TR and OO and result on the trip to the pub!

    Easy day for me today, a bit of hill running tomorrow which I need to do at the crack of dawn before work. Staying at the future parents in law at the moment, while the builders knock through into the house, and i now seem to get heckled or shouted at every other run. It's not an uncommon thing generally but I can only think of one occasion in a year's running at home which I guess means I should just be thankful for where we live!
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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭
    England Athletics cancelled their meeting last night so still no set date for a return to racing. No set date for the postponed meeting, either!
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Nice running and pubbing. Hows the hernias, still gone, my niggles flared up recently, just after i declared it gone too.

    Jools - shame, maybe their meeting with the govt didnt happen.

    9m easy this end.
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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    The pub was great, drinking St Austells Proper Job and Sharps Atlantic Ale.  Funnily enough, the day after I had a call offering me a surgery date which I said I didn't now need, mine flared up, too, due I think to the harder pounding of my virtual 5k race. Seem to be cooling down again now. 
    Joe decent day with you I trust for hill running.
    Off for a cycle later as a running rest day.

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    I couldn't really call it hill running even though I managed 14x45 seconds within a 12k, still ended up with less than 200m climbing. Not bad with just a Mars bar for energy anyway. 

    I think we can settle for no racing this year. I feel for the professionals the most. it's their livelihood after all. wonder if the sponsors are sticking with them. 

    I'm no beer lover but they sound tasty even to me OO.
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    saintjasonsaintjason ✭✭✭
    TR - yes Mcr has steadily increased in size. Last year was 25k. I dont think that many toe'd the line on the day though. 

    RJR - I used to get heckled quite a lot a few years ago. Run forest run being a particular favourite. I then went through a phase of kids running along with me for 200m or so. Quite amusing. Oh and the classic - get those knees up! Dont get it so much now. 

    A couple of CNBA treadmill efforts earlier this week followed by 10x3 mins tonight during a 10 miler. Tried to keep things a little easier in order to finish the session knowing I could have done a couple more reps. I think anything much faster isn't going to be worthwhile. Quite enjoyed the session actually with controlled pacing.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    10 x 3mins is a decent session SJ, around 800m?
    OO.. I haven't braved a pub yet but you have made me quite tempted.  :p
    Joe.. when I run with our club we are always mob handed so get very few heckles.  Those hill sprints are good for leg strength, nicely done.

    A bad few hours for me yesterday.  Had to cut a late afternoon 8m run short to 5m as I felt out of sorts.  2 hrs later I was shivering, heavy muscle spasms, later sweating heavily and felt like death warmed up.  For a while I thought I had caught you know what but I had no cough and smell & taste were ok.  I was laid out for about 4 hours, RHR up to 80 at worst.  Fortunately by 10:30 I was over the worst, RHR down to 70 so had a good night's sleep.  Felt almost normal first thing today & RHR dropped from 57 to 47 by lunchtime (my usual is low 40's).  Don't think it was food poisoning as no gut or sickness problems so no idea TBH. 
    Celebrated my recovery with 25m on the bike, I am also looking forward to a fish and chips treat soon seeing as I couldn't eat beyond a light snack last night.  Might even be back on the beers tomorrow!     :p

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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    OO - sounds yummy. I like both of those. Yes, defo wise not to declare it cured, thats what cost me.

    SJ - 3min reps within a 10m is ticking a lot of boxes. Download a few old shows from the inside running podcast, the trsining recsp banter between the 3 hosts is funny (they are all sub 220).

    Wardi - sounds like you are on the mend, a few electolytes sounds ideal.

    8m inc strides for me today.
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    saintjasonsaintjason ✭✭✭
    edited July 2020
    TR - I love that podcast. I think I've mentioned it before. I guess my comment re finishing sessions as though you could do a couple more rang a bell as they always mention that. The banter is great. Covering the ground well is another highlight that crops up every week. 

    Wardi - just shy of 800m this week. Well, according to gps but its 3 minutes work so that what I take from it. Sounded a nasty little dose you had there. Glad to hear it buggered off. 

    Really tired tonight so just 6k on the treadmill. Keeping some really odd hours atm. WFH fails miserably when deadlines keep coming. 

    Car woes too as Volvo sent for my car due to a fire risk in the engine re egr cooling issues. The hoses they were replacing under recall have damaged the egr cooler which I am to foot the bill for. They have graciously agreed to waive 75% of labour costs but still want ty o charge me £600 to replace something their defective hoses have broken. Obviously I presented this case to them. I was supposed to get a call today (Friday) but nothing. So now I have a car I dont want to drive. Great.

    I am thinking of getting rid as this egr issue is annoying to say the least. Last diesel car i ever buy. Who ever thought it was a good idea to cheat emissions by sending the harmful gases back into the engine is some kind of genius. Better for the environment I suppose. 
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    SJ - yes, its good entertainment. Ouch with the car, they are money pits. I have just taken on a 3rd car again for my youngests Uni travel, i was back down to 2 when my eldest moved out.

    EA update mentions unlimited numbers in a covid secure environment, then Gosport 1/2 (Nov) and Worthing 1/2 (end of oct)both cancelled. They are both 2000 runners, so 2000 is obviously too many. Vlm and Brighton are going to have to have a convincing race plan, to be able to ho ahead.
    I had numbers for those 2 1/2s and fancied my sub80 chances.

    Off for a long run, i had best include a few hills, looks like IoW mara is my best hope now.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    21m, last 11m around the target mp +10%. Last mile was quickest so felt strong. Was a bit of a warm one, will have plenty of fluid to replace.
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    saintjasonsaintjason ✭✭✭
    edited July 2020
    Hope the beers went down well TR. Very, very tasty long run again. You're doing so well on the motivation front to keep this going. It usually rubs off on me but as I've said I'm struggling on that front. 

    I'll be out early doors for 90 mins - 2 hours. Just ticking the boxes and not really running with any purpose. Need to sort my sleep out though. Knackered all the time. 

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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    SJ - if vlm and brighton get cancelled later this week, then my motivation might dip a bit on top of the 1/2s being cancelled.

    8m easy today
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    Bravo TR, that's a great long run in toasty conditions.  The rescheduled Barca marathon in October is still on for now but the locals seem to want them to get on and cancel it.
    SJ.. I've had a couple of poor night's sleep this last week, don't know why.  Only advantage is that I tend to sleep like a log the night after to catch up!
    I've decided to keep a lid on it after Thursday's bug.  Managed a steady 5m yesterday though legs not quite back up to full strength.  Will do a few miles later or maybe get out on the bike as we have a warm day up here.
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    Wasn't too hot today I thought but felt like a burner in the sun. 

    Wardi - that sounds like an intense bout of something. nice to see things are getting better. 

    TR - excellent run that. The sort that presumably makes you think you're on track and ready to rumble?

    8k of 800 on/offs yesterday a touch slower than target 5k pace and then a shake out this evening with a little along the canal. Week coming a big test with that 9k on saturday split into 3x3km (3:45 pace, 3:30, 3:45). If successful there'll be a 5k in there quicker than I've gone in about 12 years. I may need a fair wind!
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    MennaniaMennania ✭✭✭
    Howdi All,

    Wardi - hope your bug has passed.

    TR - You Just need a race now 

    RJR - seem to be in a nice place - hope it goes well on Saturday

    Still horribly fatigued at the moment - most runs in the high 7s and a bit of a struggle most of the week so went out for 16 with a half at a picked up pace. Went Ok given the last couple of weeks - lega a bit tight today
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited July 2020
    Wardi - spain have had a few spikes, but hopefully by March it'll be ok for Barca.

    Joe - not sure what those paces are in old money, but they sound sharp.

    Menn - hope you're back to full power soon.

    15m for me tonight.
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    TR - I'm not sure either. 3:30 is around 5:40 miling I think? Continued good mileage there. 15m on a Monday!

    Menn - at least you're getting out there. Hopefully a return to form soon.

    I got my session wrong today thinking a 1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2,1 pyramid was in 100s of metres rather than minutes. so I had a racey session today but I've still got a tough session to catch up on.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    lol Joe, at least you got some decent sprinting in the bag.
    Nice miles on a Monday TR.
    Menn.. hope whatever is causing it won't hang around.  At least you can tick over for now.

    Bike ride on Sunday & 5m yesterday confirmed I was back to full health.  A pleasant 10.3m today, leg felt comfy enough so pleased with a bit more progress.

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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited July 2020
    Some pdf docs went up on runbritain re the return of road racing. Wave starts (where needed), no baggage tent, bring your own race drinks, discourage spectators........reckon the goodwood motor race cct race days would fit this well.
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    Sounds good Wardi, glad leg held up. Goodwood is a good shout for racing TR. There's racing to be had at the right venue with sensible people but theres some ifs in there of course.

    Attempted Monday's misinterpreted session today. Far too tough at my current fitness level. Not sure where that leaves me but I guess I just keep trying to get fitter. might just have been one of those days.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    Joe.. just keep chipping away at those sessions, as long as you have enough steady days in between they should come good as time goes by.
    TR.. those docs are a bit limited to start with, but better than nothing and hopefully will open more races in the long term.  Be interesting to see the first big marathon or half to get the go ahead.
    Still ticking over here, 6.4m yesterday & 5.3m today.  As it's been short runs for months up to my recent double digit runs of 10-12m my legs do protest a bit after the latter - lack of practice! 
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited July 2020
    Wardi - racing is allowed from Aug 1st, no max number, but dependent upon covid plan and local authority. Closed courses are encouraged, baggage tents, spectators are discouraged. Bring your own bottles, or grab one off a table (not a marshall).......race directors are digesting. We'll see how many want to go ahead once theyve had a chance to digest the info.
    Vlm update imminent, could well be the elites only closed loop race, id argue im due an invite as a sub3 m50 !!!!!.....but will probably be doing 11 and a bit laps of goodwood instead, closed cct, lots of space and no spectators, can carry my own bottle.

    12m this morning, 6m ~8mm, 6m ~6.50ish.
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    MennaniaMennania ✭✭✭
    This is currently doing the rounds https://www.runcheshire.com/wrexham-elite-race-plan/ - Even though this is just down the road from me I am struggling to get excited about running around Wrexham Industrial Park 7 times - Going to wait till Maras become an event again rather than a TT
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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    edited July 2020
    TR - Cracking training, hope you get a chance to race now, albeit having to run round and round somewhere.
    Menn - Yeah hardly gets the juices flowing that one.
    Joe - keep on keeping on, that's all good stuff. 
    Like you Wardi just ticking over. 35m last week and probably the same this as on staycation and boozing it up with the wider family. Spanish maras looking dicey, could be goodnight Vienna for my Madrid and Malaga plans. London too.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    OO.. I see Hamburg - who were quite bullish a month ago - also got cancelled yesterday.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Menn - you're quick enough to get in that event ? Id do that. Looks like vlm is about to get announced as elites only too on a closed loop.

    OO - you might be ok. Depends on spanish spikes.

    22m today, 12 av 8.03, 7 av 7.01, last mile was 6.3X. Drizzly and humid.
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    Looking good TR. Seeing a pattern of quick final miles. I feel very much out of the marathon game atm so forget how tough a run like that feels.

    OO - can't knock a bit of boozing with the family. As restrictions lift I can see quite a bit of that in the coming weeks, especially if we get some sunshine.

    Had the dreaded seasion today and couldn't hack it. I stopped at 9k (which was actually the session) but had intended to carry on to 10k to get a new pb. Had to stop at traffic lights so couldn't really call it a pb even if I'd carried on. 3:40 min/km pace feels comfortable, 3:30 feels awful. Plenty of work to do if I wanna average 3:28 for 5km.

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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    edited July 2020
    TR - Classic and impressively run 22m. You should - we all should - ask VLM to base this year's race on Wava.
    Joe - I find exactly the same. 5 secs per mile too quick in a marathon a killer. Keep working at it, you will get there. 
    Was going to do today's run this evening, but thought get it done or not at all, so steady 12m d&d and 42m for the week, plus 50m of cycling and a few miles of swimming. So overall reasonable.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Joe - 5k is much  shorter, you can expect to go quicker than you did over 9k.

    OO - agreed, sub 3 as m50 should get us an elite race entry, but we'd get lapped and therefore get in the way. If goodwood goes ahead then its obly about 8 or 9 weeks time, but im in good shape. P and D 14m mp next weekend, with no build up races those mp runs have become important.

    7m easy here. 
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