
Sub 3



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    Oh yeah, just one pair of thin gloves for an easy 6 tonight! I don't drink solo, so no champers though (I haven't had alcohol since xmas day 2019, due to the whole 'not drinking solo' and 'not being allowed a social life' thing. I dread to think what will happen when I do have one... I too have a stash of new shoes. One pair I got for my birthday in Jan 2020 and never got a chance to wear due to illness, shit weather, another illness, a broken ankle and more shit weather. Maybe this summer.... They have zero grip (Carbon X) so best suited to dry roads. 

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    CC2 - happy days. have heard good things about the carbon x's. hope they do get a run out. 

    TR - 14 miles on a Monday. very nice. Yes I have my exercises which I've been trying to do twice a week but at least once a week. foam rollering is an interesting one. I have been a little recently but I'm not entirely convinced of the benefits.

    Wardi - hope you're enjoying your curry. Good news on the warmth. yeah its almost a year now of trying to get rid but really I just have to manage it. May get myself checked for shoes as its been a while. last time I saw a physio they said as long as it wasn't hurting I could train and it has just been tight.

    Balmy weather this evening. Honestly felt like a summer evening out there. keep it coming.
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    After a weekend of p!ss poor running where my mojo just upped and went, and a rest day yesterday, 11 miles with a faster friend this morning.  8m/m for a lumpy route.  Even managed a 7.34m/m into the wind!  Tomorrow's recovery run might need to be rather gentle, I suspect.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    CC2.. most of my shoes are flat road variants.  I have started to look for an off road NB shoe but my size is rare and they do seem expensive!

    Nice early running Jools.

    Joe.. that was a hot curry 'plus' last night - I am starting to wonder if the chef is challenging me.  :open_mouth:

    TR.. Nice 14m, I presume you have a few extra loop options on your commute?  My old work commute could be anything from 12-20m.

    Slightly leg tired or so I thought but got out for a progressive 10k this afternoon and felt good throughout.  Don't know if it's just me but my 'as you are' pace is much quicker in milder conditions - I really seem to struggle in extreme cold.
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    Jools - Good to see the mojo may be back. 11 miles at a pace and with the wind is nothing to be sniffed at.

    Wardi - the sort of hot that destroys your taste buds? I really hope the chef is playing tricks on you, and that you don't decide to 'warm-up' for the next marathon with one of their curries! I guess we all react in a certain way to the different variables. Apart from taking a rest day the day before I've never quite been able to work out why I feel so much better on some days than others.

    Aim was to run commute Monday-Wednesday with 4.75 miles out and 6+ on the way back in but I was not prepared for the toll on my muscles. Seems my body does not appreciate the warm up, cool down twice a day. I rarely have obvious fatigue in my legs, the sort where it hurts to prod yourself but definitely had that yesterday. Taking one of my rest days, back tomorrow with the week's midweek MLR.
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    6 miles steady for me this morning.  Much nicer weather, so a bit of a shame I didn't swap the 2 days around and do the 11 today!

    RJR: I find it takes time to adjust to doubles, because although the daily mileage might be fairly similar to what the body is used to, the reduced recovery time does seem to affect me.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Joe - as jools said, doubles takes some getting used to, you are exposing your body to a lot more frequency, maybe just do 2 days a week at first?

    Jools - last weekend was the right one to ease off running for sure.

    Wardi - commute minimum is 5m, ive done as much as 18ish before or after work, or 12 and 12 as a double. My easy pace is slow every run, i have to concentrate to get the pace up.

    10m last night, 9m commute inc 6m tempo i sometimes do this morning, which came out ar 40.52. From memory i thought that was pretty crap, but turns out its average for a slow day (today was wet and windy day), 40.00 is decent and 39.20 was my record just before Abo 2019. So solid enough as it was uphill and upwind at the same time on somes parts. Sub 40 is the aim in a few weeks.
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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    edited February 2021
    TR - Good work hitting a bit of speed on the pre-work commute. 40.52 is very decent in those conditions. 
    Joe - I would have thought doubles would have had less impact on your body than a longer single run but I suppose after injury that's quite a lot of runs over a few days.

    A leave day, so ran 17m av. 7.25 but was really a run of 2 halves with the first  av 7.45 first and the second a bit quicker av 7.05 for the second half. Longest run since October, bushed now.

    Find out tomorrow if selected for the OCC @ UTMB in August. Longish odds but gotta be in it to win it.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    Sounds a good effort TR, you should get nearer to 40 on a calmer day.  We had a stiff SSW wind this morning.
    Joe.. doubles are similar to gradually increasing to higher mileage, it is wise to build them up gradually so your legs get used to them.  I usually do 3-4 a week and I think by now I have battered my legs into submission. ;)
    Re our curry emporium.. they are very good and you can always taste the food in amongst the heat.  A couple of my favourites (Achari & Korahi) are more 'medium' spicy but I enjoy them for a change as they are very flavoursome.

    Speaking of doubles 7m+4.5m today.  Nice temps and no rain up here so enjoyable runs. 
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    I thought my fellow cat lovers Speedy & Jools would enjoy this one..

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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    OO - nice one, similar to some of my recent long runs with the 2nd 1/2 around the mp +10% mark, i like them, passes the time but don't destroy you. Hopefully they are getting me fit too. Fingers crossed for tomorrow.

    Wardi - your legs are pretty tough, with all the doubles you do.
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    Indeed Wardi, that did make me chuckle :smile:
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    I think our boy-cat is at least a third of the way through that card...!
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    Best bit of news I've had for a while.....

    Dear Peter,
    We are pleased to confirm your registration for the OCC. You will be joining your fellow runners from all over the world who will participate in the 18th edition of the UTMB® Mont-Blanc.
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    Wow, congratulations OO!

    I wussed out of a run this morning because the rain was pouring down.  I'd planned to run this afternoon, but thankfully remembered just before lunch that I have an online training session for work stuff from 5.30-9pm tonight, and so squeezed in 7 with 10 x strides.  I'm just not used to having stuff on in the evenings any more!
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    As you've all said doubles are tough! I had yesterday as a rest day and that gave me a good reset. Definitely something i'd like to incorporate, makes the faff of having to travel to work more bearable.

    TR - That's good tempo work. Sub 40 is a good jump down but with the right conditions and ever improving fitness should be fine for you I'd have thought.

    Wardi - I like the idea of a spicy curry for a bit of bravado but then instantly regret it. The tastiest thing every curry for me is mango chutney. High in carbs too so did form an integral part of my carb loading for Nottingham!

    OO - That is great news and it's great to hear such news amongst all the doom and gloom. Really hope it goes ahead smoothly, already looking forward to that race report.

    Non-teaching day today allowed me to get my midweek medium run in. 15 miles at MP+10%. The pace was totally unnecessary but I just rolled with it. On course for 63 miles this week all being well. Not far off my biggest ever of 67.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    OO - good news but when is it ? Cant see any overseas travel for a while?

    Well done on the midweek 15m joe, good pace too.

    10m run home tonight.
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    Exciting news OO. Best get sign up for the Elevation Challenge every month now.
    RJR Do you have a bike? Cycling one-way & running the other is a great use of commute time without the damage of doubles. You can extend the runs where necessary then too. I’ve used it a lot the last couple of years & I know TR is a proponent.
    Usual running from me: high mileage & elevation. 
    84.6M last week running singles only.
    Cutting back a bit so no double digit run yet this week. 
    RED Streak is on #99 
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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    edited February 2021
    Joe - Thats a pretty swift and confidence boosting run. Great mileage too.
    TR - Last week in August, so there's a reasonable chance it will happen and I will be able to travel there. Hopefully Covid passports will be a thing by then.
    Jooligan - Too bloody right, there's 3,500 metres of climbing over its 56km. A great week from you, I will be looking to have some like that from June.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    Great news OO, really pleased for you.  Fingers crossed for the event, travel etc.
    Joe.. nice MLR in the bag, the extra miles in a week will help endurance too.
    TR.. another good commute, was it windy down there?
    Jooligan.. great mileage last week, don't blame you for a cutback.
    Jools.. was that the cat that went missing a while back?

    Due to blow a hooley this afternoon so got out this morning for just over 9m.  Managed to avoid the rain too which was a bonus.
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    Wardi: yup, the one who got knocked down and had a pneumothorax and fractured leg, and the one who went AWOL for 3 days almost certainly locked in somewhere (and the one who - according to his GPS tracker - still regularly crosses busy roads).  Bless his furry feet.  Currently sat in the living room with me, however, as he's very disappointed by the weather.

    7 miles with 10 sets of strides yesterday lunchtime, in shorts and a vest because it was so sunny and the wind wasn't making it too cold.  7 mile plod in tights and a jacket this morning because it was blimming miserable.
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    Jools - chalk and cheese this weather. Same experience for me. Lovely out yday in sunshine but cold, wet and very windy today. Nice running!
    Wardi - good work.
    OO - Surprised it's "only" 3500m climbing. That'll take some training for though still. Guessing it'll be quite technical in descending?
    Jooligan - that's a good shout re bike. With house still being renovated I don't really have anywhere for the bike atm and by the time I do I won't actually have to travel but I can see myself run/cycling in the summer a bit. 84 miles on singles is pretty nuts but then so is 99 days on the trot. I can't imagine how much your mileage and climbing would have destroyed my legs over that period!

    No run commute today, forgot I had a 9am start and had left it too late. But 6.75m easy in the bag. Rest day tomorrow. Cocktails and curry tonight.
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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    edited February 2021
    Joe - Yes, plenty of tree roots, narrow trails and rocks.  Its the descending I am weak at. I ran the Marathon du Mont Blanc in 2018 (2,750m up, 1700m down) was overtaking on the up,  overtaken on the down tried following a few faster guys on the ascent - both took a big tumble so back to a cautious shuffle.   
    Wardi - Good weather dodging, a key skill in Feb. 
    Joolska - Yes a striking contrast. 55mph gusts here and driving rain. Better weather next week thankfully. 

    So for the race in Chamonix, have booked a refundable hotel and spotted the flights I need.  So for the next five months assume its on, up the mileage and run a local trail marathon in the summer whilst hoping Europe and the UK nearer the time, open-up for international visitors without the need for PCR tests/ quarantine - a 50/50 shot with the Covid variants the known unknown.  
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Jools - 100 up today ? Ideally id run once a day in the morning, but commute running has helped me keep at it during lockdown when i might have eased off. And its enabled me to be well over 3000m for the last few years.

    OO - fingers crossed then, depends on CV variants and vaccination numbers in other countries. I booked a week in wales today for August and i fancy my chances of that happening.

    Wardi - every day has been wet and windy here, im ready for spring.

    Joolska - vest ! Blimey, i wear a vest a handful of times a year.

    Joe - curry and cocktails, yum. I'll have a few frothies later to prepare myself for tomorrows long run.

    9m inc 30min of 30sec/30sec this morning, my body groans but im hoping it will respond to a little bit of pace variety.
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    Yep 💯 not out.
    Very blowy but managed to get out for another 8.5M with minimal rain today. Wouldn’t have minded a vest today - was far too warm in long sleeved Tee but fortunately they roll up & stay up. Reversed the route I’ve run the last 2 days & used 3/4 segments as excuses for efforts. Improved my times on all of them so a good 7 minutes of hard effort in a 68 minute run with 900’ of climbing.
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    Jools, you have a GPS tracker for your cat???? Maybe I need one of those.... 
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    Nice ton Jooligan, yes difficult to know what to wear when it is mild but windy/wet.  FTR my last non running day was late September which was my last bike ride of the season.  The last time I did nothing at all was last April!  I just seem to have got into the habit of a daily run (or two) over the months so I do it now without thinking about it.
    TR.. nice mixed pace session, hope tomorrow's weather is kind for you.
    Joe.. enjoy the curry and tipples, though cocktails must make for an interesting taste contrast.
    Jools.. crikey the vet bills must have been eye watering at the time.  We only live 30m from our main street yet our old cat never went in that direction.  Maybe cat wisdom in old age!

    Windy & squally showers here too this morning but dragged myself out for 10m as the wind was set to strengthen this afternoon.  Bowl of chilli later so the Mexican beers are duly chilled. :p
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    The pnemothorax and leg combo was £2,500...

    Speedy: yes, we got it after he went AWOL for 3 days.  Too big for his sister, though, so we don't know what she gets up to!
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Agreed, more lockdown for a while isnt a bad thing, still 19,000 in hospital, although thats 1/2 of what it was, but that 19,000 will no doubt result in a lot more fatalities. Very sad.
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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    edited February 2021
    Chapeau Jooligan  #100 up.  You have amazing motivation and clearly super biomechanics to absorb those pretty serious runs on a daily basis. The run continues.
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