
Sub 3



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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    edited November 2022
    A top notch pasty and a bottle of wine seems a fine reward OO.  Considering the rain, a pesky pre race wasp sting and gut troubles that's a fine result.  Congrats to the team too.  Celebrate well once you've dried out.
    Good news on the hosepipe ban TR, hopefully we'll get similar news here.
    Re Parkrun pacing, I actually clocked 23:57 but Parkrun timing can be out by 2/3 seconds sometimes.  Most of those following my pied piper attempt made sure by sprinting off in the last 100m anyway.

    SJ.. I reckon the rain looks worse from indoors than when you get out in it.  I always feel better after a run so that gets me out of the door even if I'm a bit reluctant.  Well done slogging out that 12m, good for the soul.
    8.5m today, lovely bright morning so glad I got it done - rained pretty heavily for 2pm.   
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    Great result, OO, especially considering the pre-race issues!

    Nice pacing, Wardi.

    I managed a couple of 3 mile run/walks over the weekend, but the hamstring is still very tight (on RHS - the side that took the impact of the fall) and so I'm wary of doing much more, bar gentle stretching to ease out the lower back/hip/hammie.

    On a lighter note, trying to maintain some faith in my over overworked local constabulary, but it's a bit concerning when they ask me (a pedestrian for the purposes of the collision they are investigating) for my insurer's contact information...!
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    It has been one of those hectic weeks here. Never seems to be a spare moment. Combination of flu jab, getting a drenching, and my covid jab left me feeling a bit blah, so last week ended up as only 59m off of 5 days. Would've been less if I hadn't had to run in and out to work as we're finally back in the office 2 days a week.

    OO - bloody well done. Lazarus has nothing on you ;)

    - good to see you feeling better and getting back to doing a bit. I'm not surprised with the police questions - they've got scripts to follow and end up asking them out of habit. I had similarly pointless questions a few months back after I'd confronted a gang ripping catalytic converters off cars on our road.

    sj - just remember: winter miles for springtime smiles (at least that's what I keep telling myself when I equally get wtfp).

    Jooligan - nice restrained post-Abo mileage ;) Fair play to you for being able to do it.

    Wardi - nice pacing at parkrun.

    TR - good to see you getting your volume back up.

    Been struggling to get/stay warm the last few days, so even though it was a balmy 12 degrees here I opted for leggings, long sleeve, t-shirt, hat and gloves. Wanted a moderate 2-2:10 as my first 'build' long run, and got 17m in a smidge under 2:10. Pace for effort was a bit down (see above), and the last few miles were a bit tired, but I'll take that for now.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    TT.. very mild up here this morning, I was in t-shirt and shorts again.  Nice long run BTW.

    Jools.. good to see you can get out for a jog/walk.  Recovery after a major fall or collision is often a slow process sadly.  Is the violin playing pain free?

    5.2m today, a bit breezy but pleasant temps around 13 degrees.
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    Wardi: violin playing isn't too bad.  The muscles the rider hit on the left arm are the ones not really needed to hold the violin; the muscles hit on the right arm are slightly affected, but only when the arm is fully extended to do lots of fast notes at the top of the bow.  I took a lot of the fall through the hip/thigh, which is why it's all a bit tight and achy in the hammie.  It is slowly getting there.  A pleasant 3 mile run/walk in sunshine, albeit a stiff breeze, this morning, and it felt better than Sunday's effort.
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    TT - Good to get the first long run D&D, and that looks a decent enough pace. Do you have a target race for early 2023 in mind?
    Joolska - Good to see mother nature is working with you. 
    TR - Looking like Brighton marathon is going under, luckily plenty of other fast marathon options in April 2023. You should think about going Manchester a go, though its a helluva trek for you.

    Thanks for the thanks, got screaming quad DOMS at the moment, far worse than from my Alpine ultra in the summer, its all the fast road downhill running.  Now thinking of my next one, which will be the 20th on my current sub3 streak.  I have Seville in February which I've entered but am being increasingly tempted by Lanzarote on Dec 3rd or Madeira for which I already have an entry in mid Jan, which will be a quick flying visit jobbie.  

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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Jools - hopefully you'll be able to get moving a bit more which will help the recovery get quicker.

    TT - im sure the jab combo didnt help.

    OO - ouch on the Doms, worth it for another sub3............Grounded Events are going into administration, rumour of a new events company rising from the ashes, hopefully all the entries will be honoured. It brings in multiple millions to the local economy so hopefullytheres a desire to keep it going......I'd like to do Man one day, but it'd need a Saturday and Sunday stay over. Newport could be an option.

    12m and 5m double today. 12 was the recent usual 2 easy, 10 steady (av 7.08), still not seeing anything sub3 ish. But my legs are pretty tired at the mo.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    TR.. good miles in that double on tired legs.

    OO.. bad news on the DOMS!  I heard about Brighton too, no smoke without fire I guess.  Hope it can be resurrected or nearby marathons get the interest and custom.  Is Southampton comparable?

    Jools.. good that your violin functionality is still ok.  The running & walking activities should become less uncomfortable in time.

    4.3m + 8m today.  Club session tonight, joined the fast crew (at a discrete distance!) for 20 x 200m in the middle of the 8m.
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    TR - plenty of time for more improvement, plus as you said you're on tired legs. 7:08 for the steady is a nice improvement over a couple of weeks ago.

    Wardi - temps down here are about the same. Windy though!! Short reps!!

    OO - well-earned DOMS though. Lanzarote makes a nice winter break, and as I'm sure I've said before, a decent flat course.

    4m jog with 10 x ~15s strides + a 7m moderate yesterday. Still feeling a bit out of sorts but getting there.
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    TR: I'm pretty sure Newport got cancelled this year due to a lack of entries.  A friend had to switch to Abo, IIRC.

    Another 3 mile run/walk this morning, and definitely the most comfortable so far.  Fingers crossed that I'm almost there with the hammie/hip freeing up.  As you say, TR & Wardi, getting some blood flowing through the muscles with activity can aid recovery: it's just getting the balance right so that I do enough but not too much!
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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    edited November 2022
    TR - Newport is a good option. When I ran it, a reasonable amount of faster runners to run with/ have in sight and a very tight course (26.25) which is worth a minute and a bit. 
    Jools - Seems we are in an moment when marathons are not hitting their targets, e.g. The Cornish on Sunday, normally sells-out in a few weeks, 450 places for 344 entries, seems Abingdon did slightly better but not a sell-out and interesting what you say about Newport and the reason for the cancellation. 
    Talking of which, this morning bumped into another Cornish marathon finisher in Tesco (o the glamour) wearing her post-race hoodie, we got chatting, that was her 308th marathon! 
    TT - Yes, I remember your positive feedback on Lanzarote. Thanks, it will complete my set of the Canary Islands road marathons.

    DOMS getting better and off for a recovery 4m with the pooch whilst I await an email saying whether I have in place in the 2023 Marathon de Mont Blanc or not. I was unlucky last time, so hopefully my number is up this.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    Best of luck with the Mont Blanc draw OO, do you know what the odds are?
    308 marathons is going some!  There is a lady in our club who claims she's done over 150 but she counts ultras as marathons which I don't think is fair & proper really.  Hope the DOMS are short lived.

    Jools.. good news that your stifness & soreness is easing up.  When I was injured earlier in the year I used to go for 4-6m walks to get some air and ease the frustration.

    TT.. yes quite short reps.  One of the club coaches set a generic session, about 24 turned up so quite popular.  8 x 200 (30 secs recovery between each rep) 4 mins rest after each block.  I thought it was an ideal opportunity to start shaking off that post marathon sluggishness.  I called it a day after 20 and jogged back with the fast lads who had done 24 by then!  Nice double yesterday BTW.

    9.5m run while I was on the outskirts of York this morning.  I had no idea the King was visiting and it wasn't me who threw the eggs - not at the their current price anyway. :)  Got caught in a heavy shower with 0.5m to go so did get a bit soggy.  We've had about 20 mins of hailstones this afternoon.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    TT - it'll take a while to get over those jabs from a running performance view.

    Wardi - 200s ! Nice. Good that it wasn't you throwing eggs.

    OO - did you get in.......so many races to pick from now, so some are less popular, however a 10k I usually do in January sold out in LT 24 hrs recently ( big race too - well over 1000 places, probably more like 2000). Newport is a possible if there's no Brighton,  but i still need to set my Brighton record straight really, although Newport would be a lot quicker.

    Jools - yes, Newport moved from Oct to April.

    Looks like Brighton will survive as a preferred bidder has been found. Good news as they were still selling entries Monday and you can still buy a 10yr membership today, would be naughty if they folded and were still selling places knowingly.

    5 and 5 today, didn't get rained on in either, novelty stuff.
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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    edited November 2022
    Wardi - nice one on the 200s, sounds a really good session. Good 9.5m too. I think this lady counted ultras too.
    TR - A dry double! That's a win bonus then, your luck has changed! Good news too with the Brighton marathon. Too big a city not to have a marathon. 

    No luck with the Mont Blanc marathon, odds of 5/1. Consoled myself with a 3 & 4m double, legs still not liking it. 
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    Jools - good news on the continued improvements.

    OO - bad luck with Mont Blanc. What'll you do instead?

    TR - good news on Brighton. Hopefully whoever has taken it over runs a better ship. I could still feel it a little last night on track, and again this morning, so hopefully that means I've got some good speed improvements ahead when that clears and I get rid of this bl00dy sciatica. Nice with the dry runs!

    Wardi - speedwork is a necessary evil sometimes. What kind of times is your quick guy hitting?

    Back to track last night for the first time since doing my ankle. I'm doing a 4-week phase of trackwork at 1m-3km pace and the session set was 2km + 8 x 400m. Happy with 6:31 (3:16/3:15 split) + 74, 72, 72, 73, 73, 72, 73, 71.
    Jr hung with me for chunks of it too. He's in that hard place of being between pacing groups so he opted to run with us, and then ease off during the 400s (though still solo running 76s). I don't think I've got a lot of time left before I find him up on my shoulder for longer during races.

    Particularly nice too to see the return of one of our younger/quicker runners who has had a torrid time with covid.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    OO - shame, but at least you found out well in advance.

    TT - dont push yourself too hard whilst the jabs are doing their thing. I've kept with steady at max,,but aim to try to push a bit quicker soon.

    5 and 5 again today. Ticking over until saturdays long run, Tues and Saturday were the only key runs this week. Aim to drop volume but add pace for the last few weeks. Tiredness is defeating my legs at the mo.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    edited November 2022
    Saturday looks a decent day just about everywhere TR so a good choice for your long effort, windy today & tomorrow.  Wise to be reasonably fresh for a long run.

    Bad luck with the ballot OO, try again another day!  Is there a way of guaranteed entry/qualification as per London?

    TT.. not sure of our fast group's times for the 200's.  Just as a sum up, we've got 3 guys who've run 15:30-16.00 for 5k this year and 2:36, 2:38 & 2:39 marathon times.  It's our club dinner Sat night so we are having a mass turnout at York Uni (Heslington) parkrun Sat morning.  The fast crew are attempting to fill as many slots as possible in the top 20 (who said it wasn't a race! ;) )  It's a 5 x 1k lap course so I am going to get lapped at some point.
    Top notch track session last night and much sympathy re. the sciatica. 
    7.5m today, t-shirt & shorts again but very windy.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    T-shirt and shorts is good going, weekday stuff is mostly in the dark now, so I'm long sleeves now........Saturday morning whatever the weather, I havnt even looked at weather yet, but better than last weeks soaking would be nice
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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    edited November 2022
    TT - Great to see the progress of TT Jr and that looks a really good session.  I probably will find another trail marathon in the Alps, the one up the Eiger looks appealing.
    Wardi - Nice on the t shirt and shorts long may it continue. There is an option of going with 2:09 events or paying a solidarity fee for a bib, but that is the thick end of £500 so I will give it a miss.
    TR - Eat well and run well tomorrow.  3 weeks out. 

    Well, I've just entered another marathon!  Salisbury Plain Winter marathon on Saturday December 3rd. It fortunately coincides with some work I am doing in the area on the Friday and also en-route as I need/ want to be in London seeing some friends that weekend. Itsa long loop around the plain, generally pretty flat and on trails/ fire trails.   If I am not feeling it, there is a half marathon option.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    OO - careful thats not far from Chichester, but the worse of the weather that weekend should be on the Sunday morning. Watch out for tanks.......3 wks out should be the 13.1m TT on the rolling loop, I managed to get under 1.27 just before vlm last yr, I'd struggle to get under 1.37 nowadays. Not sure what I'll try tomorrow but some mp would be good, although I'm not sure i want to find out if i cant manage it, the question probably needs asking soon though.

    5m easy, no rain again.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    edited November 2022
    OO.. interesting choice, I used to own a Uriah Heep LP called 'Salisbury' with a pic of a tank on the album sleeve.  1971!  Hope you get a decent weekend.

    TR.. good luck with the mp/time trial tomorrow, weather looks reasonable.

    8m today, a balmy 15 degrees but pretty windy all day.  All set for the Parkrun tomorrow.  We decided to change our original course of choice at York as maintenance has turned it into a bit of a mud bath with one section closed off.  York Uni it is then, a Starbucks coffee and muffin will possibly follow. 

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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Coffee and cake sounds good.

    Spo has got a mingng cold and cough which is no doubt heading my way, so i decided to try for some mp despite feeling too smoked to try for any recently, as i really need a fitness test, and might have the lurgy pretty soon. Came in as 5.5m easy, 10m av 6.43, 5.5m easy. Did av 6.37 for same av HR at start of Sept, but I'd had a summer of racing and was in good shape, but I'd normally expect 6.3X for today's av HR. 76m for week, 4th 70something in a row.

    3 wks before vlm 2021 i did a rolling course 13.1 av 6.37 and ran 2.54 at vlm, so I'm not that fit. However I was on antibiotics 5 wks ago so am getting fitter. 3 wks to go.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    Good effort TR, that's still a strong pace in the middle of a long run.  A few good mileage weeks on the Trot too.

    10m Inc the Parkrun yesterday, 27 runners from the club there so a good morning blast for everyone.  My Parkrun times have started creeping back down so modest progress made.
    Good night at our club dinner last night, didn't have too many tipples so no hangover today!  Only had time for a 5 miler this morning but it did bring up 57m for the week which is ok at this point.

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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Good restraint then Wardi, good to see a bit of parkrun progress.

    I'd been planning today as a zero for a while, so was happy to watch the T20 instead of any aerobics.
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    TR - Ha ha, my marathon is on the Saturday,  run in perfect clear and crisp weather  just before the arrival,  no doubt of a winter storm. Good run yesterday from you, an average if 6.43, not too far away from 6.37, looking good I woukd say.

    Wardi -  A good week and few days of training and that's a great turnout for the PR, good to see your times are getting faster.

    9.5m easy in the sun today, to bring up 27 for the week, ran partly with 2 clubmates who purposely overdressed as a rehearsal for Valencia, they were pretty warm! A slightly sore AT so will have to go easy this week and treat that.
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    edited November 2022
    Morning all.

    TR - you're regaining fitness quickly. Keep the faith. Great consistency.

    Wardi - nice one on the parkrun improvement.

    OO - take it easy on that AT.

    I found out on Thursday that I've developed an intolerance to pesto (not sure yet whether cashew or pine nut) to add to my growing list of nuts that I can no longer eat. My run home was uncomfortable, and I've been feeling permanently queasy since (whether running or not).
    I'd committed to run the xc yesterday though, so figured I'd aim to run strongly, but keep enough in reserve to manage the queasiness, so pleasantly surprised to find that I'm in better condition than I thought as I managed 8th place. Jr was back in the scoring team too, running strongly. Ended up with 78 for the week.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited November 2022
    OO - yes, the saturday will be a fine day. Good idea on yr mates getting layered up, it was warm this weekend so that will have helped.

    TT - hope you are soon on top form.

    10m home tonight, was all of about 30sec into it when it pissed down, bouncing off the road stuff, but it stopped after about 10mins, although i was wet through by then.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    TT.. that's a decent position in the XC, good to see your lad doing well too.  Shame about the pesto allergy, one of Mrs Wardi's favourite ingredients!

    OO.. the wife is keen to return to Valencia so I might well run it again in the next year or two.

    TR.. looks positively chilly up here at the weekend which will come as a shock.  Bad luck on the wetting tonight.  

    Another murky misty day here which does at least mean light winds.  5.5m done this morning.  Nice to see the latest fly tipping I reported (two settees) have been cleared up.
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    TT - Nice one on the XC, looked a good day for it.  A great weekly mileage and good to see TT Jnr run well to.

    Wardi - Yes, I am planning on running Valencia in 2023 or 2024.  1 of the 3 overseas cities you can fly to from Cornwall is Alicante, and then do what you did, train to Valencia. 

    TR - I think your training is coming together nicely for Goodwood, a few more faster runs and then your there and good to go. 

    Easy 4m on grass today (driving rain and wind - urghh) but luckily AT didn't feel too bad, still a touch sore, so a few more days of easy running on soft surfaces.  So easy as it goes. 
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited November 2022
    Wardi - i only look a day or so ahead weather wise, my training times are fixed so it makes no odds really, I just have to suck up whatever's served up.

    OO - good idea on keeping it easy. I'm starting to get there, looking at one last long run saturday, hopefully with a long effort in it. I have a gosport 1/2 place sunday, but I'll give it a miss as there's too much danger of going too hard. I can't do that on my own in training. Shame as its normally a key race for me.

    5 and 4 today. It was absolutely hosing down this morning with strong winds, pavements and roads were flooded, wore loads of standing water, reckon some drivers did it deliberately. Not sure I've ever run in wetter conditions.
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