
Moraghan Training - Stevie G



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    I was premature in saying you were recovering well, Jools. Sorry that the virus is still affecting you. 
    Looking at that progression, Reg, it’s definitely time for a cut back. Which races do you have before London? 
    Christmas meal in January sound right up your street, SG 😆. Hope you manage to get in some good running in a different location. 

    Had toyed with putting the long run either today or tomorrow, but am pleased I left it a day. Pretty knackered heading out on the canal - and that was with the tailwind! 9M total with seven sets of strides on the way back. Yet again they felt better as I progressed. Definitely loosened things out a bit and always fun to attempt a bit of all out. 8m/m average. Time permitting, will head for a longer one tomorrow. Nicely front loading the week in advance of Sunday’s race. 
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    SQ -exactly that. Freezing cold - long way away, choice of food i'd never usually eat - brilliant.
    Luckily reasonably quick in and out. Thur morn drive up, Fri morning drive back down.

    You're leaving me standing in the 2023 race count. I haven't even created my customary fb year album yet!

    Jools - are you doing hard efforts every weekend? Might need to take it a bit easier to swiften the full recovery?
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Surprised by how darn cold it was today.

    Gloves, 2 layers, long johns, the whole kaboodle on my 2mile slow warm up. "Strides" were an embarrassment to the word.

    However, I got a 5mile tempo off at 6.20
    6.18 start mile with the oddly slightly slippy despite being hard half mile of grass, then 3miles consistent 6.22-6.24, then a sprightly 6.13 to end.

    Headfones refused to stay in after 1.2miles, so I got an exceptionally rare listen to my breathing on one of these for once!

    The last mile didn't sound particularly "prime fitness", but i'll take a 6.13 without particularly gunning it. 

    Feels a decent step up on last week's 6.24.

    Next steps are getting back to 6miles and a little quicker. Maybe a normal temperature / weather day might help in fairness!
    But from a couple of days ago wondering how long this is going to take, it feels fairly positive again.
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    SQ - I don't have any races booked yet, I'm not in PB shape thanks to last years spring success so I am not desperate to race unless I think it will help my marathon build up. What I enter will probably be at fairly short notice.

    That's a decent session on a cold morning SG. 

    No long johns for me but I did get to try the tights in proper cold for the first time and my legs felt lovely and warm. They also did a reasonable job of cushioning my fall when I stacked it going round a tight bend on sheet ice! My arm did not get off as lightly so I am now sporting a bruise and cut the complete length of my forearm. My ankle is still niggling so will see if today's run made it same, better or worse before deciding on tomorrow.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Always the main fear on these sudden cold days isn't it, as you can't pre run every route to identify every dodgy spot.
    My warm up had a couple of whole width of road/pavement ice bits, but the actual tempo route had easily identifiable slippy patches.

    Really is a pony time of the year January isn't it :D 
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    Funny that - Beds weather tweeted today that this is likely to be the first day since 18th December to have no rain at all anywhere in the county.

    Good mileage SQ and 20 Reggie and good pace with it too. Hope the fugg goes soon Jules!

    Although saying that - I thought I may have had something similar after my 105th placing at the Surrey league on Saturday. Just nothing in the quads on the muddy hills. To be fair it was the first really tough course of the season, but i should be able to cope with it better. Football? Just don't even go there!

    Sundays run was quite tough, but was 14 at 7.05's isn't too bad I suppose. Then the 8.5 yesterday with the new Rocket X felt ok. Will see how it goes.

    Sad news that a former coach of mine died yesterday -John Bicourt. Was a former 3000m hurdles UK record holder and was at the Montreal Olympics with our coach Tony. Heart attack whilst waiting for a procedure. 
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    Nice tempo pace in sub-zero temps, SG. That said, I love the cold. If only race could be in these conditions. 
    Fair enough on the race front, Reg. Tempted by any XC or similar? Hope the forearm/ankle improves. 
    That’s sad to hear of your former coach, SC. Especially whilst already under care. Haven’t tried Hoka before but always fancied them. What do you make of the Rocket X?

    Felt much better than yesterday so perhaps the strides helped. A healthier 24h of eating as well for sure.
    Flooding around the river and racecourse continues, so headed out on the canal yet again. Frustratingly, then are closures in sections, although it will be worth in in the long run when the surface is brand spanking new. 
    Had two hours to play with so 8M easy (7:40s with a slight tailwind), into 8M at approaching marathon effort - averaging 7:00 for this. With the fancying about on and off the canal this is a good improvement on recent long run paces. 
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    Stevie G said:
    Always the main fear on these sudden cold days isn't it, as you can't pre run every route to identify every dodgy spot.
    My warm up had a couple of whole width of road/pavement ice bits, but the actual tempo route had easily identifiable slippy patches.

    I didn't find it too cold yesterday but my run was in the middle of the day after the sun had come out and not first thing. The thing that caught me out a few times was no grip when taking off, so I'd land happily, roll forwards and then push backwards only to find the foot flying backwards instead of me flying forwards ending up with a cut half-stride.  
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    SQ -there's cold, and slightly cold for races is always ideal, then there's been the last 2 mornings.

    My general sort of feeling all year is getting too warm on runs, even in vests, but these last 2 have been long johns, gloves, thick layer, heavy socks! Only a couple of miles into that tempo did I get to enough heat to feel my hands :)

    Oh well, 8 done today, 7.54.  Back to the standard grassy steep bank/ploughed fields/woody little 1.5mile or so midway.

    Couple of brief stops to get over a stile and let a dog play me and an owner a merry dance.
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    I ended up a bit too warm today. 10 miles with 7k at LT, with the 4.35 miles of LT coming out at 5:58. This wasn't helped by quite a few stretches where I had very little traction, similar to Phil's description. Without the ice I guess around 5:50 but I'd like to see these sub 5:40 so definitely not in the shape I was last year. 
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    Still ok Reg tho. SG - Hope your Long johns did the job ;)

    SQ- Yes really sad although i hadn't seen him for a bit. The Hoka Rocket X are great, I use them as my workhorse runs up to about 8 miles. I must be honest I only buy them as they are always on sale for £70.

    Training over at Luton last night, 8 x 800 off 80. First 2.39, progressively faster and 2.27 for the last. Not too bad in the cold I suppose, but my body likes the cold air. Tried dropping the arms again and might have helped.

    8 miles this morning.

    Still no biscuits, sweets, chocolate or crisps since the 9th Jan 23. Quite pleased with myself and I actually think it's getting a bit easier to resist. Still no appreciate weight loss yet tho. Arse.
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    I thought that a couple of days of cold temperatures may have firmed up the Thames Path enough to be useful and the first mile or so of my run was on a hard, rutted surface with plenty of grip. After that, I hit the floods so ended up with very wet and cold feet. I had to change route right at the end where SG went under as that flood plain was completely flooded but, hey ho, a run in the bright winter sunshine and a sighting of a kingfisher makes it  a good day. 
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    20 x 400 last night, generous recoveries at 70 secs. Very cold and half of the track was white and crunchy, but actually not bad to run on apparently. I was wearing my dragonfly so they were perfect. Averaged 71-72, felt decent but I love the cold air.
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    Quick 400s SC.

    I may well have reacted too late to having a cutback week. After Wednesday’s tempo I had a sore hamstring, tried an easy recovery Thursday  but that made it worse so next couple of days were just on the bike and 30 minutes on the elliptical. Hammy felt ok today so did a long slow 20 miler just to ease it back in 😂.

    Hip is very sore now though, it’s where I landed on the ice earlier in the week. Hopefully tomorrow it will feel better, if not then the long run gamble may not have paid off 🤷🏻‍♂️.

    Obviously it was very cold today -6 when I headed out but everyone seemed so polite, almost everyone said good morning or similar. Either the cold weather leads to a natural section of only the decent people being still prepared to get out or, those that do are just feeling so pleased with themselves it puts them in a good mood. Of course it could also have been all the icicles in my beard that made me look like a friendly snowman!
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2023
    Usual mad reps from SC. It's no wonder you very rarely race over 5k :)

    Reggie, funny you talk about friendliness. It was really noticeable in my couple of runs up in Nottingham how friendly people were. Again not sure if it was a "cold" thing, or just a further northern thing.

    Swerved the hardest of the XC races today. We had a decent team, albeit had it all to do to overhaul Maidenhead who have literally called on anyone they could possibly could this season, which is fair play!

    Long run instead and I'm seeing the numbers progress.

    Last week was 13miles at 7.40, with the peak before that 7.35

    Today was 15miles at 7.28, with more climbing.

    So we're getting there slowly. No second session this week, but the travel, and actually slightly higher mileage this week probably counter any risk the "gain" was on freshness.

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    Pretty tidy tempo on the ice and whilst struggling with niggles, Reg. Especially when backed up with a 20. Definitely natural selection on the friendliness. You’ve got to be a keen souls to get out in such weather. 

    On discount is definitely my first shoe filter, SC. Will try Bondi next at circa £70. Nice reps. 

    Fantastic to see a kingfisher, PMJ. Two Christmas ago I had my son asleep in the buggy on the patio. Heard a weird bang outside and a kingfisher had flown into the bifold door. It must have been stunned and just sat there looking at the asleep toddler. Really stunning looking bird and amazing to see it for so long I disturbed. 

    Nice long run, SG. Nothing wrong with one session and a long run per week everyone once in a while. In fact as a conservative option it’s work in the long run I reckon. 

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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Hopefully no harm done Reg.

    I've been ticking over on the easy stuff due to a groin/hip niggle which has caused me some grief. It seems to be improving as i did 20m as 10 easy, 10 steady yday, which is first decent block of quicker stuff in a while. Hopefully i can crack on a bit now, although all the -5 temperature in the mornings are preventing any quicker stuff anyway.
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    Linda Franks 5M

    Organised by my club, Almost Athletes, this is a super race: flat, fast and usually good conditions. In 2021 it was covid-moved from January to July for an absolute scorcher: 31C at the 7pm start time. Back to its usual Sunday 9am slot it was 36C colder on the drive there 🥶! That said, all my PBs from half down have been in single digit temperatures and with the very low wind forecast, conditions looked great as long as the course wasn’t too slippery. 

    Superbly organised with easy parking, friendly marshals and no faffing around with a lengthy briefing, AAs did the Glos road race series proud. 

    Enjoyed a warm up with Spoons and lots of hellos from club mates. Having run the race several times before, I was relaxed knowing I could wear a few layers in advance and ditch them very easily near the start.

    0859 and of course a car comes; queue the annual groans. 0900 and we’re off! Marginal uphill for the opening 400m, but with the adrenaline and close proximity of other racers it is utterly unnoticeable. In about 15-20th and a gap forms ahead, leaving me in a good group of four including the top two ladies and a MV55 who usually just beats me. 

    5:51 through the first mile. Being in the group was great although I was on the edge. Took slightly more aggressive racing lines, although had to take not of one particularly slippery corner to avoid on lap two. 

    5:49 then a 5:55. Sub 30 was the ultimate aim having not been there since pre covid times 😱. Seemed to be finding just the right balance of effort to pace. Keep going!

    Went through 4M market in 23:3x, so sub 30 is in barring a colossal blow up - always a possibility with my racing craft. 5:54 fourth mile. Dug out the sprint up with a quarter of a mile to go as the group inevitably splintered and pulled away. I was maintaining - how does everyone else save such a sprint finish? 

    Lovely hint of descent back to the finish line - a rare luxury in races. 5:54 final mile. 29:3x on the watch. 29:29 chip time and 19th overall. Result!

    Really pumped to be back under 30 and a nice validation to the different stimulus of hill training. 

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    Cracking race & great report SQ. Sounds perfectly paced. Good to see Spoons going so well.
    Decent progress SG
    Seems the logical thing to do Reg 😉
    After 5 days off I returned to running of sorts yesterday with a sub 22 parkrun which left me wiped out & sore legged again.
    Figured I might as well do a long run today too so did 24.7M in the Brecons so almost 2300 feet of climbing - all in the first 13 miles. It was super slow. I just about held 11 minute mile pace for the 9 miles back along the canal though I did have to stop 3 times for a breather & a sugar hit - marzipan makes for a great fuelling choice. Insane but some great moments.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Looks like a really good outcome there SQ - those massive longer runs haven't dulled the faster end paces.
    Love that you kept it polite and stayed a couple of seconds outside my last one too ;)

    Sooner you than me, it's got to be as cold as it gets in England right now hasn't it?
    Loads of layers and still never once warmed up on my 6 today.
    Jools - beauty of a view but again, I would not fancy being miles from anywhere in this weather  :D  
    What is it with those random piles of stones? Well, I ask that but there's one in the woods next to me too. 

    What sort of backpack is that by the way? Saw a 50k in summer i could well fancy. It doesn't have many "rules" of what you need, but a size of drink bottle, phone and foil sheet are 3, so it'd need some sort of pack to store them.
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    SG - not sure which one Jools has, but I've got a Decathlon one which is extremely comfy - 3 locking points on the front holds it in place nicely. Training is looking good.

    Reg - that's a good, sensible increase in mileage. Bad luck on the hamstring, but fair play on a slow 20 in those conditions! I can get that with not entering races. I've got 2 race entries, but after the pretty crappy run lately I'm wishing I'd not bothered. Still, they'll hopefully give a good training boost!

    Jools - hopefully that long time on feet helps shift the remnants of covid for you.

    SC - good job on sticking to the 'no junk'. Positive track work!

    TR - hopefully that niggle clears up for you sharpish! Nice work on the 20.

    SQ - good racing. Nice marker to put down at the start of the year!

    Not much to report here. Felt battered after running in the heavy winds the Friday morning before last (13th), which sent my back into spasms, and left me off kilter on the run home, which put pressure on my left calf/achilles. Rather than be sensible and take a day or two off I tried to run easy on the Saturday and realised at the furthest point from home that that had been a bad idea. Ended up having to take a week off with constant back and achilles home treatment. Lesson learnt (hopefully; lol)!
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    Oh no TT - Hope that eases soon mate.

    Jools - Stunning scenery

    SQ - Nice time and pics, feeling chilly just looking at them. Are the orange vests that Western Tempo club?

    Reg - nice run, hip should ease up soon I would have thought

    SG - People so seem a bit more friendly in he cold, although perhaps they are smiling at my Greggs bobble hat ;)

    So did the Houghton Hall parkrun, first back in 17.21, reasonably hard effort in the cold air. V50 record was 17.54, so nice to know it wasn't too fast in advance. 

    Got back to the track by the house and did 20 x 200 off 30. Had to go back and forwards as half of the track was too slippy.

    Did about 15.5 yesterday with Mr Buckle, lovely weather. 8.5 this morning, managed to pick up some more NB Fuel Cell Propel V2 for £55 off their website, so all good.

    Have entered the Mile race night at Lee Valley on 8/2, and will be doing the inter area indoors the day after the national xc in Feb too, plus the 3000m indoors in March. With another Battersea 5k in Feb and the 3000m thing in the indoor Karting track at Canary Wharf, the calendar is varied at least!
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    SCoombes2 said:

    Have entered the Mile race night at Lee Valley on 8/2,
    I assume that is on the indoor 200m track and it seems odd to not run 1,600m but I guess the magic of the mile overrules common sense. 
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    This is the bag SG https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/285105021102?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=ZpJ_vpSjRzS&sssrc=2047675&ssuid=j4VlfHcmSpu&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY Bought it for my 75 mile epic 2 years ago. It did the job fine & I’ve used it on a few training runs & fell races since.
    Doubt it’ll have helped TT but it was good for the soul. Steady return for you I hope: time for some solid consistency now.
    That’s some Saturday workout Simon!
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    SQ cracking 5m, good speed, puts you in the 36s for 10k. Good place to be, especially off strength based work. Have you entered Newport?

    That lot certainly is varied Simon

    Jools - well you can't be too poorly if you were running 24m in the Brecons, when my wife's long CV was bad she couldn't walk up the stairs comfortably.

    TT - hope you're back at it soon. I still think you should target a lower mileage "normal" week and try to string weeks together, even if you could do more when you are having good weeks.
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    I’m nowhere near that bad TR but I was struggling from early on even though I was walking most of the hills. My quickest mile was 9:01!
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Struggling, yet still continuing for 24miles, you maniac  :D 

    Still obviously darn cold, and today was possibly the first time I've ever done a session in full 2 layers, gloves and long johns! Last week was 1 layer and no gloves.

    Another step on in the tempo, last week was 5miles at 6.20, this week 6miles at 6.21.

    Not as consistent a range of splits as last week, with the middle 2 a chunk slower than the other 4, but all averaged out ok.

    Back to 2 laps, and the crunchy grass half mile certainly felt harder the second time round. 

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    Nicely done with the 20M, TR. Knocking out that distance with some niggles seems to be a theme on this thread. Haven’t entered, Newport, Back to considering Manchester and I have only a few hours to decide apparently! 
    Super photos, Jools. Last sentence sums it up 😊. 9:01 is quicker than all my miles yesterday. 
    Hadn’t realised I was that close your most recent 5M, SG. I should have pulled out the terminator hands a bit earlier! Speaking of summer 50ks (sorry for banging on about this…), the Dartmoor Discovery has ten (!) drink stations, and you can leave your own bottles/fuel etc at eight of them = no need for a backpack. I’m saving you money 😆. 
    Oh man, TT, the rig doesn’t sound good at the moment. Hope things pick up. 
    SC - yes, orange vests are Western Tempo. Borne out of Cheltenham Harriers and some kind of dispute. Some fast guys in there with a couple at least sub 15 mins for 5k. My personal challenge is how many orange vests I can pick off in any given race. Sad, but motivating. To be fair, the club do great training and seem to bring people on. When I get to a point in life when I can attend club training sessions at all, I will probably switch over. Fun looking calendar ahead for you. 

    Knackered yesterday and so really couldn’t be bothered with anything more than 4M at 9m/m. Nice though to be able to get round the river again now the floods have receded. 
    Late afternoon/early evening long run today. Kept the effort steady, but fond the pace coming quite nicely. Out an back on the canal, ignoring the closure signs. Middle 2M were muddy and slippery as I didn’t quite time it right to get this bit nice and frosty. 18M at 7:35 pace followed by a few squats and deadlifts. 
    The recent low wind conditions have been an absolute dream.
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    SQ - Yes I remember speaking to I presume the team manager at the national road relays.

    The cold quiet weather has been great for running, but don't mind it warming up a bit tbh now.

    Decent session tonight, 8 x 1k off 90. Started on 3.13 and whittled them down to 3.03 for the last one. Perhaps the healthy eating is starting to pay off? who knows but felt great.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Too fast SC, lost interest ;)

    SQ - 7.35 for 18isn't messing about. "Steady" is a relative phrase though. Moz on this thread used to use steady as the zone between MP and Easy, others often seem to use it as a "decent" effort, but assume your use is more not too hard, but not technically "easy" as such?

    Half day post Wycombe's (freezing) game last night, allowed a nice lie in, and then leisurely started 8.5miler. Different route to the usual midweeker.

    The original plan was couple of miles flat, up a very steep but say 1/3 mile hill, through a village and down a hill, then trawl back up an offroad version of that hill and do the reverse.

    Once i'd scraped up that first hill I thought sod another hill later, so kept it to 2 flat loops instead.
    7.40 and 30miles for the week so far.

    Done until tomorrow, which is the WFO (is that an acronym now for office not home?) which always feels a little more fresh with different routes.
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