
Over 60's training (Part 2)



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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    Mick: All the best for your upcoming chemo session.
    Ale: Logic defying? Isn't that just a variation of Murphy's Law?  Seem to recall observing the same on bike rides as a teenager.  Anyway, 52 mins is positive.
    TS: The penalty for not abiding by Mr(s?) G's pace instructions?  Still 9:40m/m is a decent pace for a training run.  Will have shaken a few cobwebs out.

    Legs OK now.  Survived better than anticipated.  Upper leg muscles a bit stiff the last two days but surprisingly calves were fine despite feeling very doggy in the hours following the long run.  Had intended a run around the estuary this morning but have too much on so had to can that idea.  So much for my idea of trying to get my mileage up.  Will skip parkrun tomorrow & instead aim for a slower estuary run, perhaps with a bit extra thrown in.

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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    edited April 2023
    Don't know B.A. alehouse - aware of his exploits, though . . .
    6 hours! No wonder you felt the effects for a day or two! Hope today's trip is less onerous, TS.  
    Extended estuary done (by the time you read this), NZD?  
    Best wishes for next week, Mick.
    7 miles yesterday with a chum - rural route but mainly quiet tarmac with a mile or so of trail.
    5.25 point-to-point this morn - dropped off by friend; 4 miles mainly gradual downhill, then the "sting in the tail" 1.25 miles up!  Legs tired today.
    edit;  Wordle in four.
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    Two solid runs there Dave.

    Yes, did the extended estuary run, albeit a bit later than usual.  An hour or so watching gkids soccer practices first so started from the soccer fields rather than usual place, near the river mouth,  All up 12.79 km @ 6:10 m/km, HR 134/147.  EG (68 m) a lot less than Tuesdays effort (intentionally :smile:).  Quite blustery.  Dropped to a lower pace over second 6km after upper R leg muscles started tightening up.

    Yet another storm forecast here from this evening through the next couple of days so another hiatus in running efforts :(.

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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Good work, NZD!  Hope the storm proves not as severe as you appear to fear . . .
    Mild here (no gloves!!) for my 7 mile point to point with longer efforts. Five in all, mostly uphill, totalling approximately 3.5 miles. Longest 1 mile, shortest  0.4 mile.  Had to dig in; legs still fatigued.  Going to take a 2 day rest also, NZD.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Hope the storm forecast is wrong, NZD! And a decent longish run! Will be a while before I match you, I suspect. 

    Mild here, also, Birch...and I ran in shorts for the first time this year, parkruns apart. 7 here also...although kms. Reasonable run, pace-wise but HR far too high, although I did feel fairly comfortable. Garmin said VO2 was 47; recently it has been 44/45, but prior to COVID it was 50 to 52. 

    Wordle in four, three yesterday. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    Dave: sounds a reasonably challenging effort; Grade & pace over your 'longer efforts'?
    Ale: Km's maybe, but 7 at a reasonable sounds like one of your stronger runs of late?

    As both of you suggested, 'storm' not so bad at this point so took the opportunity to squeeze in one more run for the month between showers.  Basically usual estuary run with a small tack on to get distance up to 40 km for the week.  Alas have picked up a bug from somewhere (+ stiff upper legs from the two longer runs) so pace was down on yesterday (9.18 km @ 6:34, HR 126/139, EG 47 m).  Week total 40.3 km, though month only 82 :(.

    Only ~7mm rain overnight, but strong winds in exposed parts. The sea off Orewa beach looked so bleak I stopped of enroute to my run and took a few pics.  At least the wind surfers were loving it.  Not certain I have seen one that far above the sea before.

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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Well done re shorts, alehouse  ;)  
    NZD - the longer efforts are mostly uphill, and I try to keep a "comfortably hard" pace. I don't time them. The distances in miles are 0.8 (50/50 flat/up), 0.7 (all up), 0.6 (flat),
    1.0 (all up), 0.4 (flat) .    Nicely bagged run amidst the "storms" - like the pics!  
    Rest day here, so 161 miles for the month.
    Wordle in four.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    ;Glad you got out, NZD!

    A goodly month, Birch! Is that the highest for a while?

    Short run (plus fitness suite) today brought me up to 139.56km (86.7 miles). Had hoped for 100 miles, but that would have been too much of a struggle. Just under 36k for the week, the highest for 9 weeks, i.e. pre covid. 

    Wordle in four also. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    I ran a long run today 1 hour 38 minutes and have run all week no day off-yay

    April 125 miles longest since September-yay

    In shorts here as well :) cue it rained!
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    That's great, WP - splendid monthly total too  :)   Shorts all the way to September now that May is here . . .
    Rest day again as planned for me today - feel legs will benefit from a two day rest.
    Nice work by the Mags, TS, also good from Bournemouth for your boys, alehouse, ahead of the big game today.

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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Decent April haul, WP!

    Just over an hour at conversation pace with M77 earlier. Both dressed for the rain, which never came, despite the forecast. Longest run for nine weeks.

    Better results for the Foxes this weekend; now they need to take matters into their own hands(well, heads and feet actually!)!

    Wordle in four 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    Birch: Nice to give the legs a rest as you work them hard.

    Ale: Nice longer run!

    Just a short one yesterday 46 minutes  .We had the rain instead of you Ale :)

    PT today and maybe a short run post session.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    46 mins is fine to back up the longer one, WP!   
    Nice longer one for alehouse too!  Shame about the penalty - at least you're out of the bottom three, and with four games remaining, goal difference advantage could be worth a point  . . . .    
    6.25 miles point to point run this morning - slow start, but picked it up to "steady" effort. 
    Shorts even on rest day yesterday - warm enough to sport them in pub garden whilst enjoying a couple of early evening beers :)  
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    hi all

    part way back after coming down with what I can only describe as Covid but without a positive test - all the classic symptoms, headache, sore throat, temperature etc but after two tests still no confirmation.

    Started on Sunday on my "long" run where I felt progressively worse as I went along and so cut it back after 7 miles and then went rapidly downhill so that was a great Bank holiday - just as well there is another one coming along :)

    Nice to see everyone piling on the runs and a great seaside aspect from NZD as well.

    The Toon have done their best for the Foxes but it's up to them now!
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    wordle in five this morning - brain stuck!
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    Have you still tested TS? I know Mr P had symptoms which started a Monday but negative tests until 4 days later.

    Dave Well done on a good positive  run and sounds like shorts are to stay :)

    PT session yesterday and we are progressing each week we add heavier weights.Next week there will be 32k kettle bell.Arms are my weak point but getting there. Then after some grocery shopping we stopped at picnic spot for Mr P to have coffee whilst I ran by this time it was 11am  muggy and warm but a 25 minute run.I am getting used to this shorts runs post PT session.

    Then I mowed half the garden as first cut and took me an hour as it was.Finish it off today then tree man coming to start two days work chopping and chipping tree.

    Today legs and body worn out hard to get out of bed so 48 minute run.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    That sounds pretty grim, TS - hope you are back in action before too long  . . .    
    Good cross training WP - inc shopping !   32k kettlebells seriously impressive ( to me, at any rate) :)  Do you still sport the skort?  I'm reminded of this garment as a clubmate recently wore hers for a marathon  . . .   
    Definitely shorts for me; this morning for the speed group (10 attendees today - a record).
    400m, 600m, 400m, 800m, 800m, 400m, 600m, 400m.   7 miles for me with warmup/warmdown.  
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    just had another one - still negative!

    That's a chunky kettlebell to chuck around - in fact it is over the HSE guidance for weight to be lifted by a single operative!

    Just watching my grass growing .....

    great turn-out and session.  Funny how intervals always feel more appropriate with the sun on one's back.

    I was on a call earlier and the guy at the other end told me to stop talking as my voice was so hoarse
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Hopefully not COVID, TS! I had very few symptoms, in fact just a very high temperature (38.6 I think). Whatever it is I would take it very easy...which is what I thought I did but still managed to hit me and I think it is still doing so, ten weeks on!  But getting there. 

    And yes, The Foxes fate is definitely in their own hands! Although a major thrashing of West Ham by Man City this evening wouldn't go amiss. And I'm not happy with Maddison!

    Well done on the record attendance, Birch! Word is getting around! 

    Progress, WP! But don't rush! Have you booked any races? 

    Just over 43 minutes today, logging just over 7k. Felt reasonably good but still too high a heart rate for the pace, which is too slow for the effort!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    that is still a decent pace, under 10m/m for your current state of training

    it was a bad miss by Maddison wasn't it? But a reasonable thrashing of WH to keep your spirits up.

    Up early coughing  :/

    Wordle in four - catchy word 

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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    Dave: I have 4 skorts as sold the others and not worn one as yet this year think I fell out of love with them and found nice comfy shorts I like wearing.
    Well done on your session and word spreading  :)

    The kettle bell is just deadlifts so not that impressive really :dizzy:

    TS: I hope it stays negative for you but sounds pretty nasty take care.

    ALe: I usually run the 5k on last BH but not ready and there was a race I entered before we moved and that was Sunday but just let it go as not ready.I do have Tenby 10k in October and maybe one in July if I do not go away.

    Easy run yesterday 48 minutes as legs were like lead as per usual.Today 58 minutes legs less like lead today.

    tree man arrived a day early so no grass cutting for me.Half the tree is on the lawn and it has let so much light in already.Back today and then tomorrow to chip it all.

    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Further than intended this morning - 7.5 miles, inc a rather steep half mile hill!  Final couple of miles were a real trudge - effects of yesterday methinks!  
    Off to "Lads" lunch now . . . .   
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    Good luck with the bug! I'm obviously very nervous about catching anything. I have been given an alert card for emergency departments so I get priority.

    Kettlebell deadlifts, my image of a delicate Welsh flower has now changed to the incredible hulk.

    My 5th chemo session went well, I even went for a 3k walk today but no running yet. My blood counts are mainly in the normal range with one more chemo session still to go. Very optimistic about a full remission then it becomes a question of how long it will last.

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    more good news from you - stick at it :)

    I was at a meeting with 20+ people on Friday - life was safer during lockdown and Teams calls!

    just as well you didn't cut the grass - it will recover better once the tree bits are moved.

    I have lovely airy silver birch trees in my garden - next door however is a forest of oak, hornbeam, holly, laurel and beech which the neighbours refuse to do anything with so it has grown pretty dense over the years.

    that was a long backup to your interval session - hope the lunch refreshed you properly :)
    Last gasp time for the Owls and just missing out on automatic promotion even with that impressive total of points?

    managed a few hours sleep - looked outside and saw the rain and decided that a walk would me do no good!

    Wordle in five
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Take it easy, TS! And Mick!

    Short run yesterday after work. Then Wordle in five. 
    Then an even shorter run this morning with Wordle to be done at the airport! Just waiting for a train before I head to Charles de Gaulle for my almost annual trip to see a friend north of there. Hopefully he will be at the appointed meeting place! Will run but likely to be short.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Wordle in four.
    Through security so now 90+ minutes wait until departure.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    enjoy the trip  - but you will miss the Coronation :)!
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    TS - lunch was, believe it or not, just a couple of coffees . . .   football; yes - a dozen or so games ago, we were on an unbeaten 23 game run, clear at the top with games in hand.  Now, on 93 points with a game to go, so we could finish on 93, 94, or 96. Last season we finished with 85, so possibly we could have 181 points over two seasons with no promotion!! 
    Any running in the offing?   
    Bonjour, alehouse!     
    4.5 miles steady yesterday, and a hilly 11 today, with some efforts thrown in.  Scheduled the double digit today, as missed last Monday, and will miss this one, as Bank Hols.  I'll rest tomorrow. 36.5 for the week.   
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭

    Mick: Keep at it you make my heart sing to see progress.I shall run my race for you on Sunday.

    Garden is covered in logs and TS was right garden is a total mess where they dragged heavy branches in the rain.I just hope the mud patches recover.Most have been chipped just a huge pile of the chippings on driveway.

    Ran yesterday a fast run and fastest for route which was pleasing.

    Today building on 7+ miles last week and ran 8 miles or 96 minutes and I checked my log last time I have run that far was 2/2/2022!

    In the post redirected(this ends end of month) was an invitation to one of my favorite races not run since 2019 before the world went to hell in a handbag.This race if you have a good memory is run by local village to raise money for local shop and race numbers are previous years place card.£7 and for that water,medal and a cotton tee.It is next Sunday and a quirky distance 4.7 miles and hilly especially the first mile.Not chipped time just one for fun.Friendly and fun what more can you ask for your first race of 2023.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    32.6 miles for the week as my week starts on a Sunday.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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