
Over 60's training (Part 2)



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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    Ale: I'm sure course can make a difference.  Well done on age group first.
    WP:  An hour in torrential rain doesn't sound enjoyable! 
    TS: Hope the patient is comfortable and nurse getting some time off duties!

    Barcode scanning at parkrun yesterday then straight after, across other side of field to g'kids soccer.  Then g'kids here the rest of the day = no running.  Nor today (too far behind on the 'gardening' front).
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    Local hill run this morning, slightly longer version of the one last Sunday - sans the downhill dash!  12.76km @ 6:38 ave, EG 268 m, HR 124/139.
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    enjoy your foray into Wales - well deserved after your parkrun (and gardening and BBQ  :) )
    That was a really good effort on what sounded like a tough course and always nice to be an AG leader :)

    I thought Villa were a bit unlucky as Newcastle's finishing was very sharp (having said that they could have scored far more!) but the best thing was that when subs came on there was no drop in quality - very strong bench indeed and Harvey Barnes looks well suited to the style of play.

    an hour in the rain is very "bracing"  :)

    it's all go isn't it?
    G'kids seem to take up more time than the original kids, probably because there are more of them!

    Settling into nursing/ cooking/housekeeper duties - oh and some gardening to keep the grass down - it's all go!

    There are 22 stairs from kitchen to patient's room and I must do them about 12 times a day so that is 132' of climb :/

    Wordle in two yesterday and four today - not even sure it was a word but it fitted!

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    I failed at wordle today as do not think it is a proper word!

    Easy 35 minutes due to tiredness and heavy rain.

    TS glad to see the stairs are keeping you fit;-) You need a bungalow.... 
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    I see I haven't posted since last Wednesday . . . . . 
    NZD - I don't time the efforts; over the years I've trained to "feel" a lot of the time, with timed sessions and time trials used selectively. Maybe it's time I went to the track and timed some efforts!   
    Nice to see the 8 miler there!   
    TS - solid workout by the sound of it getting Mrs TS home - and daily ones in store too!  
    WP - good jaunts in the torrential rain . . .  
    alehouse - enjoy the Llyn sojourn; well earned and deserved after a pleasing parkrun! Surface for my session is all tarmac, btw . . . 
    Since last post my days have gone thus 
    Thurs 7 miles steady, Fri rest, Sat 7 (longer road efforts), Sun 3.5 (in order to get 40 in the diary for the week) :)  this morning 10.5 hilly - light drizzle for 10 miles, then deluge for the final 0.5, leaving me rather soggy !    
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    My alehouse has this on at the moment 
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    just the job :)

    another great week and a good start to this one as well despite the wet!

    40 miles is an excellent base for development I always used to find -once there anything seemed possible :)

    I agree about yesterday's word - it should have had an "e" in it - must be another americanism, although I do recall a poem that used it but I thought it was just a rhyming ruse!

    One thing about indoor stair climbing - it is not weather dependent :)

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    This is how Mrs TS gets to sleep 

    ... counting sheep!

    Unfortunately it only works during the day :)
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    Haha love the sheep :)

    I also love 40 mile weeks it is a great base to kick start everything from.

    Dave: A great kick to your week :)

    It has been a while but as PT is away on holiday I opted to go over the Rec and run a 5k as fast as my little legs would go.First attempt of any fast stuff this year.No t optimistic but managed it in 33.57 @10.56 pace a nice base to start from.
    I plan to run it every week and hopefully see some improvement.It is hard to try to run faster by yourself.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Love the pic, TS! 

    Well done, WP;  as you say, not easy to run a solo time trial. Encouraging start!  
    6.5 miles point to point for me. Legs tired. Warm morning.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Speed session today.  5 x 800m.  Decided to time them, NZD!  
    The "track" has an "up and over" about halfway, of around 50m up/down. Average time 3:45, so 7:30 miling approximately. Tried to keep effort level "controlled", rather than "full on".   My last parkrun in February was 23:11, so the same pace, more or less. 
    4.5 miles including warmup/down.  Warm.  
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    Sounds a good session and nice to know the pace as well.

    Easy base run this morning and pace was fastest for the course with a steep hill.Not sure if legs still feeling bouncy after yesterday.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    5x800m - tough session at 7;30 pace, good going.

    It's amazing what a slight incline can do to the feel of the run isn't it? Downhill all quite controlled, uphill an effort!!

    "easy" base run but speed fastest for the course?
    Something was going right!

    I had an outing this morning to add to my stair work - well a mile or soo fo dawdle, the more stair work.

    Wordle in four this morning
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    Dave: Yes, a tough session and impressive pace.  Even if had been flat let alone the up and over bit.  I am assuming "50m up/down" is not 50m vertical up/down per 800m segment (12.5% ave gradient per 400m!).  That would be truly impressive.  
    WP: Good 5km speed workout + following hill effort.  You are making good use of PT being away.
    TS: Nice pic.  Looks a very peaceful spot.  Very lush looking grass for late summer.  Typical, or wetter than usual?  Hope Mrs TS is still comfortable now the post op pain meds will have worn off.

    Afraid another week foi me with no outing so far (& can't blame the weather - a lot of rain but also plenty of sunny spells) :(.
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    time to get out there!

    Mrs TS is on morphine plus other meds which takes away some discomfort...

    a very wet July and not much drier August so far has contributed to the grass growth - I am on a 5 day cycle of lawn mowing to stop it getting too long and clogging up the mower!

    Strangely, I noticed this morning that the chestnut trees, which are in abundance around here,  are turning russet leaved already and the chestnuts are already well formed - very early indeed.

    another dawdle this morning very early before my chores  :)

    Wordle in five

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    So TS Mrs TS is drugged up so she is not that much trouble..... B)

    NZD: Come on get yourself out in the sunshine -you do not want to lose your fitness.

    A rest day here I was tired and slept in and already 24 degrees at 8am.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    yup - apart from getting her up, washing,feeding, medicating... :)

    This is a nice athletic related story

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    .. don't know where all this warm weather is - cool and cloudy here as I sashayed around my walk in company of a very attractive dark blonde.....

    ....dachshund :)! Property of a chap I see out regularly and the dog has taken a liking to me, so much so that on seeing (or smelling) me in the distance his little legs scrabble eagerly to close the gap.

    Lovely little fella who has no idea of his size imbalance and will fearlessly warn all larger dogs, which is nearly all encountered, of his potential threat :)

    Set a new stair record yesterday, aided by visitors and a grocery delivery, of 242' of stair climb  :)

    wordle in four today despite getting four letters, all in the wrong place, first time around
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    OK, got the message!  Dusted off the cobwebs.  Moderate excursion around estuary this morning with several strides thrown in; 8.3km @ 5:52, HR 131/150 (the 131 reflecting my limited training efforts over the last few weeks :( ).  Legs a bit leaden at times.  Don't really feel up to parkrun tomorrow morning but I guess I should, even if purely as a training run. Perhaps will re-think in the morning ... even 5:52 pace would have got me first M75+ home by between 5 and 20 mins over the last two months plus.  Not so keen to see that on my record though!

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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    TS: 242'!  That's a lot of stair climb.  Hope the knee is holding out?  
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Today's 20 minutes easy was a struggle,  as was yesterday's.  Combination of hills, roads and driving.

    Any knee progress, TS,?

    Wordle in four the last three days.

    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Nice to see you were out, NZD - strides too!  
    Steady 7 yesterday, similar 6 today . . .  
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    a good nagging never did any harm :)
    May even lead to a fast parkrun...

    welcome back from sunny Wales..

    all good backup to your interval sessions and keeping the mileage up.

    The stair climb count arose out of me having tired legs last week - couldn't think why as I hadn't been out all week. Realised it was from my extra exertions on the domestic front!
    Our house is an old Victorian pile built on six half levels because of the slope of the hill on which it is built.
    There are 42 steps up from the lowest level, the kitchen, to my study at the very top of the house and each step/riser is 6" high so a full trip up is 21'. A half trip up to my wife's bedroom from the kitchen is 22 risers so 11'.
    I make a note of how many full or half trips I made each day... sad I know!

    Strangely my knee doesn't appear to mind them too much but any eccentric loading soon makes itself felt :/
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    .. super Saturday sports watching day tomorrow - unfortunately can't get to see the Man City v Toon game as I don't have the necessary subscription and can't rally wander off to the pub to watch it.

    Wonder if I can find a dodgy VPN somewhere...
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    Dave:  If only I could match your consistency ... along with matching your 5x 800m reps pace! 
    Ale: as below, I understand the 'struggle' bit. 
    TS: Seems the stair workouts might be helping your knee.   

    Decidedly chilly morning.  5C at start of 3km warm-up run though a touch warmer by start of parkrun after filtered sun broke through clouds around the horizon.  Result (25:10) probably as good as I could expect; not great, though not disastrous.  Stiff/leaden upper leg muscles made it a struggle almost all the way.  Despite the cold, one young lad did it all topless (other than a HR strap!). That is, standing around before and afterwards, as well as the run.  Also one young lass (~18-ish?) I noticed at one point beforehand with just a bikini top, though at that point was putting on a normal running top. Yikes.

    Interesting to compare HR profile from today (25:10) with one from 11 months ago (23:58).
    Today HR barely got above 151 until 0.6m from the finish.  Back in Sept last year, it was above 151 from the around the 400m mark, and mostly above 160 from 1.6 km.  A glaring difference.  Not certain if it means I am no longer pushing hard enough, or was it simply the stiff (out of condition?) legs this morning?  Didn't seem to have any reserve to push harder today (other than over that last 600m!).


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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    25:10 sounds fine, NZD! You will get quicker as you move towards summer.  Can't answer your HR question.  Sometimes we don't push ourselves as hard as we think we are.

    Fairly grim 25 minutes or so; quads just not happy.  I'm sure that they'll play ball when I'm older.

    Wordle in five.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Torque SteerTorque Steer ✭✭✭
    edited August 2023
    good result!!!

    You went off a bit conservatively *as a result of tired legs etc)  so your HR didn't leap up straight away as a result and then climbed as yo put a final effort in - about right :)  

    what ails you?  Too much Welsh ale?

    Alas my stair altitude record did resukt in some reaction in my knee, yesterday it was sore and a bit swollen but nothing like Mrs TS's - she now has a blackened foot where the blood has drained down from the op site :/

    Wordle in six yesterday  - one of those tricky double, double use letter ones and two today!

    Some very good athletics at the Worlds the men's 400m looks particularly strong with a  <45 sec time needed to get out of the heats!
    Hope KJT pushes on in the heptathlon after her excellent javelin throw - a previous major weakness - she deserves some success after all her injury setbacks 
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    Another update.
    Very plateaued on my recovery, still held back by the chemo side effects. See the docs next month to review the results of my final blood tests. Fingers crossed for full remission and a end to the drugs.

    I have worn a HRM for decades and found that a lower hr usual indicates over used muscles and or mental fatigue. This is different from when you get a higher hr for a slower pace when you have just been over doing it.

    You and the wife must be a bit of a worry for the kids.
    I can watch virtually any football game anywhere in the world. I have my legit channels for premier League but the dark side for the rest.
    There is a portal which is safe assuming you have all the normal safe guards.
    It provides links to the dark side. This requires a little skill to negotiate as you may have to try a link 5 or 6 times before you get passed the porn and scams.
    Once through the channel it is usually good quality.
    This is not for novices.
    Just google totalsportek for the portal.

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    Lovely to see you Mick and glad things are still going in right direction! I really hope you are in remission and can be drug free!!

    TS Watch those stairs!!

    No run today as too tired but ran yesterday and a good run.I am under the weather but RHR is normal +3 so will be watchful.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    good to see you in fine spirits and hopeful for the forthcoming results.

    Must be due to Spurs winning a couple of games :)

    Our children are very diligent in checking upon us but there is nothing of them to do - I can manage what is necessary on one leg!

    Just heard from my friends who have flown out to BC to visit their family there - the view from the plane was not pleasant!
    They had to give up their apartment there under the crazy laws introduced on non-residency, despite having owned it for over 20 years and used it for several months each year.  They gifted it to their son and g'kids who in turn had to pay for the privilege and who were in turn reimbursed by their g'parents.

    Thanks for the link - looks promising :)

    good listening to your body!

    Lawn mowing was the highlight of my weekend's activities but had a pleasant stroll this morning in sunshine after making the patient comfortable. 
    Off to the hospital on Thursday when hopefully the rigid splint on my wife's leg will be removed and the one which permits limited knee bend will be installed and the rehab can begin.

    Nice to see KJT getting her just rewards in the heptathlon.
    Never seen two athletes fall like those Dutch ladies in two separate races - bizarre!

    wordle in four today
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