
Sub 3



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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    Enjoy the ales TR and hope the test run goes smoothly tomorrow.

    OO.. best of luck for Sunday.  Forecast looks to be warmish but light rain might cool you down a bit.

    TT.  fair enough on the shoes, funnily enough the only NB model I didn't take to was the 1080 - for many years their best selling shoe!  Good that you are moving more freely.

    I had an old mate's funeral to attend today so only had time for 4.5m this morning.  I've got a flu jab tomorrow lunchtime so have to work around that!
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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    edited September 2023
    TT/ TR/ Wardi - Thanks for the best wishes.
    Wardi - Sorry about your mate. 
    TR - Good luck for a good run today. 

    Covid avoided (I think), carbo-loading underway (a few IPAs too last night), gels bought, race plan sorted (ran with my mate for a while sticking to 6.30 mm). Swapped my run for a lovely walk along the coast with SPO and dog yesterday. Main concern is high humidity tomorrow (96% dropping to 90% through the race) so will run with my magic sponge to cool off,  plenty of water and hopefully it might drizzle. 
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    Wardi - sorry to hear about your mate.

    OO - that's high humidity!! Magic sponge sounds the way to go!

    TR - good luck with the s&c and run. I'm easing myself into everything, including s&c. I've been doing more mobility work, but only lifted once this week. Will aim for twice next week.

    No run today. Pushed it to tomorrow as Mrs TT has been very poorly - unusual for her, as like me, she tends to just carry on. It takes a lot to knock her for 6. Not covid but looking like a particularly nasty stomach flu, so hopefully I avoid that.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited September 2023
    Wardi - i recently had a couple of pairs of 1080s they were ok, but Rides are a similar shoe and loads cheaper.

    OO - nice IPA loading, was humid here today. Stopped for a pee at 8m and I was shocked with how sweaty i was already.

    TT - good idea as the s and c will be a shock. I've been on the squats and deadlifts this afternoon, but only a couple of sets of each and at a reduced weight.

    I still have Abo hopes, so i popped a couple of painkillers, things eased off as usual so i did an easy 8m, then stopped for a pee and decided to push on a bit. Managed 13m more at a steady pace. Knee was manageable, some of the aches from the summer's hills were as achey as the new injury, which must be seen as progress, but the legs struggled with the distance. 4 wks since last long run so no surprise. But i kind of regret asking myself the question now, as Abo might be doable after all but its only 3 wks away and I found 21m tough. However at least I'm on the mend.......although we'll see what the knee says tomorrow.
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    Best of luck OO
    Good news TR
    Bit up & down at my end. Was just getting back into a light training routine when I tore my L adductor Monday morning dismounting my bike too rapidly. It's been grumbling/tight for a couple of weeks & last weekend's parkrun/57M bike Saturday then 9M Sunday meant I needed to have done some serious mobility work before the commute but lacking time I just got on with it.
    Fortunately I've managed to run an easy 5-6K each day without aggravating it but a progressive 5K Thursday caused it to flare up again when pushing the pace on the final lap so I was fearful about today's parkrun. Miraculously I managed to run my best time on that course since catching COVID last November after a 2.3M wu. Again the last K caused it to start complaining but I was pushing the pace. It wasn't too bad so I extended my cd to round the day up to 10M.
    No further harm done so I'll try a double digit run again tomorrow.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    Jooligan.. Hopefully  good injury management, adductors do seem a bit slow to heal compared to other muscles.  A parkrun course record bodes well.

    TR.. my old pair of 180's used to cause rubbing behind my big toe beyond 4-5m, never encountered any problems with other NB shoes.  Congrats making your run up to 21m, that's a good result.

    TT.. get well soon to Mrs TT, hope you manage to stay clear of lurgy.  Enjoy your run tomorrow if you do get out.

    OO.. hope you have a good day tomorrow.

    Got out early for 27m on the bike this morning, cool but sunny & light winds.
    4.5m on the treadie later.  

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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    edited October 2023
    Thanks for the good wishes.

    Barnstaple Marathon

    2.54 / 4th / 1st V50 (didn't hang around for the presentations  Sunday lunch waiting at home). 1.26 / 1.28 split, took it a bit easier in last 6 miles when sub-3 largely in the bag. Really pleased, most controlled run I think I've run. Really felt like a fast jog. Some running company but generally solo. Feel fine afterwards, no niggles or aches raised their heads. Will do a fuller report tomorrow. 23rd consecutive sub 3 marathon, onwards and upwards. 
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Jools - the parkrun bodes well. How did you go today?

    Wardi - NB are hardly ever reduced so i don't buy em.

    OO - top job, well paced, good to finish strong with a bit in reserve. Hope the roast spuds were good.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    OO.. a model of consistency, 23 on the bounce is impressive!  Decent splits too, hope the Sunday tucker went down well.  Any ales added on?

    TR.. I do check the NB online shop fairly regularly, offers do pop up occasionally.  Their is an outlet shop too though it's very pot luck on finding the shoe you want in the right size.  Sportsshoes are probably more consistent with NB offers.

    I was marshaling at the Bramham Park 5k/10k this morning, a CRUK event.  Apart from a bit of brief drizzle the rain stayed away which was rather better than the forecast!
    Quite warm this afternoon so got out on the bike for 33m.
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    saintjasonsaintjason ✭✭✭
    edited October 2023
    Nicely done OO. A model of consistency indeed. Such an impressive streak too. I haven't done that many marathons never mind 23 subs 3 hours. Hope the Sunday lunch went down well. No niggles or grumbles is very satisfying too. Recover well. 

    You had an interesting week then Jooligan! Nice one on the parkrun best for a while. I hope the adductor settles. 

    Good news TR with the injury and fully tested with that 21 miles. I can imagine that has got you focussed on a possibly Abo outing. What would you have to do to convince yourself to run? 

    More impressive dedication to the road back Wardi as noted also by TT. Sorry to hear of your friends passing. Hope he had a good send-off. 

    Glad to read of some improved running from you TT and further delighted to read of you moving really well during one of your recent track reps. Those mobility drills are surely a factor, especially as you admit to neglecting them. 

    A tired week at this end. Understandable I guess following from the biggest week training-wise the previous week. I felt tired all week and each run felt like a struggle. The only bright note was a decent leg speed session at the track yesterday where I ran some 400's at 10k pace kicking down to 5k pace for the last rep of each set. 

    I concluded the week with a confidence sapping 13.1 miles which was scheduled for 14 cut short because I had nothing left in the tank. There was supposed to be a section of MRP towards the end too but after 2 mins in I realised it wasn't happening. My Hr was in the zone but pace was way off so I called it a day and walked a mile home. A disappointing run but I count myself very fortunate that I don't tend to have too many of those. Feeling carp at the start of the taper is par the course of course! 
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Fair play on the marshalling Wardi

    SJ - you are going to find effort sections of ling runs hard given sessions on the Saturday........I'll go for the usual 20 inc 10m approx mara effort next Saturday, and if i cope ok and recover from it then I'll run Abo. I'm still marathon-less for the year. I was in good shape a month ago, so hopefully I'm not too far off that.
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    Congratulations OO. Top running & recovery should be speedier given you were able to ease up slightly in the final 10K.
    You seem to have been getting good results from your training SJ. A tough track session on Saturday is bound force a LR compromise come Sunday at our ages. Glad to hear you so sanguine about it.
    Hope to hear of a successful score next Saturday TR. Abo should be much easier to Sub-3 than Goodwood imo.
    Plenty of bike miles Wardi. Well done on the marshalling duties.
    Got out in the middle of the day: 21.5 degrees, sunny & humid. Happy to report I managed 25K with no ill effects. Pace was glacial albeit on an undulating route.
    Good to get a LR done though I’m very glad I’d not entered an Autumn marathon 😆

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    TR - Gutsy decision to add 13 onto the 8 and so pleased it worked out and your a possible/ probable starter for Abingdon: you've trained so well for it I really hope you give it a go. For next weekends 20 & 10 @ MP just tick if off even if paces are below par, as your still on the recovery trajectory.
    Jooligan - Really bad luck on the torn muscle but seems its not hindering your running, a really good PR time and a good 25K yesterday stand-out.  
    SJ - Your training has been first class, so you can expect a few off-colour runs, time now for the taper to do its magic.  If you continue not to feel as fresh as you would like, consider giving yourself the Friday and Saturday pre-race as rest days?  
    Wardi - Nice one keeping the fitness with the bike miles!
    TT - Hopefully you've avoided the bug! 
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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    edited October 2023
    Thanks for the congratulations and well dones. 

    Barnstaple Marathon 2023 
       2.54.46 / 4th / 1st V50

    Pre-race: As likely to be warm, took an electrolyte tab on Saturday and as had various aches and niggles took off the Friday as well as the Saturday, doing lots of stretching. Drank a litre of beetroot juice from Friday. Marginal gains! 

    On the day:  Slept well - 7 hours and woke 5.30!! Left @ 6.15 am left to get to the venue, a 90 minutes drive away. Easy to park  the venue, picked-up number, no fuss and had a chat with Steve Edwards, his marathon number 982!!  More stretching as wanted to avoid the cramps that hindered my last 12 miles @ Exeter marathon previously.  Result, legs felt good and no major aches around my piriformis. 

    Race plan:  Go off easier than normal, and aim for a 1.26 and 1.28 split. 
    Conditions: OK, a bit warm and muggy, and it was humid, but race ran largely with cloud cover and a slight breeze. 
    How it went:  To plan!  Ran with my mate for the 1st 4 miles (6.29, 6.41. 6.41, 6.37), I wanted to pick up the pace and he wanted to run 6.40 mm, so went off in chase of a pack 300 metres ahead @ 6.25 mm.  Caught them at 10m, and one of the guys joined me until mile 18, around 6.25-6.30 mm.  Then solo to the finish @ 6.50 mm.  Felt a slight hamstring niggle, so decided to just run it in as the sub-3 in the bank and if I avoided any pitfalls should be good for 2.54/2.55, so ran the last few miles on the trail next to the river into Barnstaple and crossed a few seconds under 2.55.  My mate finished 90 seconds later in 5th having run even splits throughout.  

    Post-race: The Sunday roast was not to be, as my sons rugby match had a few concussion incidents, so my wifes time ran out, a Big Mac instead it was and a few Atlantic IPA's whn I got home.  Interestingly, I took 3 gels, my mate 6 * 40g gels, so might take a few more next time.  

    Next up: Gran Canaria in November. My favourite run in the sun.
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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭
    Fantastic result, OO.  We should rechristen you TKOC (The King Of Consistency).  That roast dinner was well deserved.

    SJ: as others have said, a tough session on Saturday is highly likely to have affected the long run.  One run which doesn't go to plan is just part of any training block, and you've had plenty of key sessions go perfectly.  Draw on them come race day!

    Nothing very exciting here: 40 minutes in the gym plus 10 x 1m15s run/45s walk yesterday, and 30 minutes in the gym today.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    edited October 2023
    SJ.. you wouldn't be the first runner to go to the well once too often.  You have plenty of decent runs and sessions in the bank so fret ye not.

    OO.. I do enjoy a burger & fries every now and then, a good choice of ales too.  Roll on Gran Canaria!

    My 66th birthday today, significant in that the government will send me some pension money later this month.  I might stretch to a pair of those Adidas super shoes. 🤔  By way of celebration I treated myself to a very nice Madras last night.  I also managed my longest run post injury this morning, 6.3m.  Leg not too troublesome.

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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    OO - fantastically well executed. Well done!!

    TR - if you do Abo what are you looking for from it? A particular target, or just keeping your hand in? 

    Jooligan - positive on the parkrun.

    sj - sensible call to not push the pace on yesterday's run. It bodes well that you were ticking along nicely through the 400s so it sounds like you just need to freshen up a little.

    Wardi - happy birthday and happy longest run post injury day! :)

    I didn't get to run over the weekend - Mrs TT was unusually out of sorts with this so didn't want to leave her on her own. I thought I'd avoided it, but given how my tummy has been today I'm not so sure, so just going to get my feet up instead of exercising today, and see how I am tomorrow.
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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭
    Happy birthday, Wardi!
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Good one on the 25k jooligan, hopefully on the up.

    OO - well executed race there, good to run controlled and strongly. I favour as many gels as possible 5 or 6. But the trick is to get most of them in before you are working too hard to digest them.

    Happy birthday Wardi, hope you have a couple of frothies later.

    TT - sounds rough that lurgy.....I would hope to be sub3 ready for Abo.
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    Happy birthday 10K Wardi. Collecting your pension will be nice.
    Excellent execution OO, enjoyed the report. Cheers.
    Positive progress Joolska.
    Hope you’re able to get going again this week TT.
    Picked up 2 pairs of Boston 10’s for £40 each this evening at the local Adidas outlet store. Banking on getting on better than you did with the 11’s. Didn’t get any before as I wasn’t taken with the high stack height of this iteration, having run almost exclusively in Boston’s since about 2016, however they felt ok in the shop so bought the last 2 pairs that fit me.
    Minimal 5K easy at lunch. Slight improvement in pace for effort in spite of the weekend’s antics. Groin strain definitely easing but still need to be careful dismounting the bike 😂
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    Jooligan.. that's a bargain price comparison to current shoe prices.  Good to hear the groin strain is easing.

    TT.. swift recovery to Mrs TT, hope you are well enough to resume training this week.

    Looks like we'll all be getting a bit of an autumn tan top up this weekend.  I have noted a few of the Chester marathon runners fretting about the warm forecast.

    Thanks for the birthday wishes.  I did get out in my new NB Supercomp Pacer shoes today.  Not as cushioned and chunky soled as carbon shoes usually are.  More of a racing shoe for  5k to Half Marathon, nice feel to them on my first outing.  Just over 5m done, the hamstring does seem on the mend after runs on consecutive days.

    I did get a chunk of pension money today, probably to keep me in bread and water until the main payment at the end of the month. 🙂

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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    New shoes all round then

    Jools - good you're on the mend. Careful getting that leg over.

    Wardi - good you got out in your new shoes. Looks set to be warm at Dorney mars too, and the IoW which doesn't start until 11am to allow travel time.
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    TR - cool with Abo. I've had thoughts of trying to find one to do if I get my back sorted for a confidence boost before Seville, but ended up dismissing it as the down time either side has too much of a knock on effect.

    Jooligan - good bargain hunting. 

    Wardi - nice birthday pension bonus then! Retirement age will probably be 90 by the time mine comes around!! I tried on a pair of the Supercomp ones a while ago I think. Felt more like an old school flat (came up small size wise though so sent them back).

    Got out yesterday for a very easy 7m, and then 2+ run/walk with Mrs TT. Will do a bit more today hopefully. Got some mild sniffles, but that seems to be it. Thankfully none of the falling over dizziness that Mrs TT experienced.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    TT - I'd still consider a few 1/2s at around mp as i think the race day experience is something to include.

    10 (inc 7 steady) and 5 yday. 13 (inc 9 stdy) and 5 today. Legs are tired, but more miles, more often and more  healing. Still need some ice and massage, and manage some discomfort. Couple of shorter days then another long run Saturday..........not sure I'll try to run any mp yet, not sure it's a good idea. But will need to see if i can do it soonish.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    Good miles TR, with that volume I assume you're on the mend.  Wise to have a bit more massage etc, I'm planning on similar even though I seem to be on a similar healing pattern.

    TT.. I got the hang of the NB sizes a few years ago so never have any problems now.  Hope you got a run in today, good luck to you & the Mrs for a swift recovery.

    5.2m today, a long way from my mileage monster days but first time I've run 3 days in a row for several weeks.  Onwards!
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    TR - definitely. I have two potential HM' in the diary, as well as hopefully a few XC races. I meant I decided not to find myself a marathon. Good to read that you're continuing to improve.

    Cheers Wardi. And nice one with the 3 in a row.

    I got out for an easy 8 / 4 jog double yesterday. Feeling off-colour still but seem to be ok to carry on gently (though they're not the most pleasant of runs at the moment).
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Wardi - good progress. There's good reviews for the new 1080s, but it'll be a while before they drop to my price level.

    TT - fair do's, I was thinking similar myself when my body was groaning today, seeing as I have Gosport HM in 6 wks and then GW 2 weeks later.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    Cheers TR, managed to make it 4 days on the trot though it was a bit of a damp run.  5.5m done, I can hardly feel the injury site now which is encouraging.  

    Speaking of half marathons.. my local Brass Monkey race has changed to a ballot for next year with a week to get your entry in.  Makes sense as having everyone logging on at the same time (like last year) then giving them a random queue number didn't make a lot of sense.
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    TR - A few big days!  Looking good.  I would be tempted to swap the long run with mp tomorrow for something less demanding on your body as your still recovering from your injury, and this week would have taxed it. I am sure with the training already logged as long as you get to the start you will run a solid 2.5X time.
    Wardi - Good to see a daily run streak ongoing.  Good news on the pension, increasingly important to me as time goes by and the enduring popularity of the BM.  
    Jooligan - Great bargain hunting.
    TT - Good on you, for getting out and getting it done.

    Recovering from the marathon, knee a bit sore, toe still aches, but will look to do a few miles tomorrow.  Have done a few cycle rides primarily to enjoy this weather.  
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited October 2023
    Wardi - top progress. There's a 10l near me in January which sells all 2000 places in a few hours. I cnba with getting involved in the paranoia and hype, there's other races which need supporting.

    OO - good that you're not too banged up. Agreed, I sacked off the idea of the big mp run tommorrow earlier in the week, I'm not sure i can mechanically go that fast at the mo. I would usually do some mp miles this coming mid week and next weekend. I will try then, I need to know if i can do it before race day.
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