
Sub 3



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    Great news SJ. Job done, 2.57 is very decent and glad the knee behaved. Enjoy the post marathon glow and feeling. The fact that marathons are so tough is part of the challenge. 
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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭
    Congratulations, SJ.  You hung on well in the second half!  

    Nothing very exciting here.  1 hour in the gym yesterday and 30 minutes in the gym followed by a 30 minute run/walk today.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Well done SJ, another sub3 on the CV. Sub3s take some earning, so another proud day.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    Nicely done SJ, you've still salvaged a thoroughly decent sub 3 when the going got tough, celebrate well.

    A clubmate who ran 2.43 at London had a go at sub 2.40 at York.  He set off too fast (2.35 pace) and the wheels fell off from 30k. (6mm to 7 15 pace!).  He was suitably chastised but still pleased enough with 2.48 and a lesson learned.

    Lovely day for a marathon here, cool with blue sky and light winds.  Once I had done my supporting duties I did a loop around the University and Heslington village for 5.5m.  45m plus a couple of bike rides this week which is the most I've done since August, encouraging signs.
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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    edited October 2023
    Wardi - Interesting your pacy runner, shows the danger of going out too fast. Nice one, that's a really solid cycling and running week. 
    TR - How's the injury? Able to do anything at the moment. 
    Joolska - still making progress which is good.
    TT - How's things? 
    SJ - Hope you had a good evening in Amsterdam and your wearing your aches with pride today.

    10m & 5m double yesterday, ran in the ZoomX Invincibles for the first time, couldn't feel the impact which was good but feels a very bulky shoe. So 34m for the week about 100m of cycling and hopefully a bit more running this week with some of those in Tenerife as off on holiday for half-term. 
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Good wee there Wardi, on the mend now hopefully

    Nice one OO, I'm going to Devon for half term, supposed to be for some post Abo walking.......I've kept running, just the once a day, harder on the s and c, exercises and icing. Commute bike is stuck in bigger gears, not sure if its helping my legs or not yet, with big climbs. A plus is the OP is quiet nowadays so i can lift a lot heavier on the weights. I have thoroughly aggravated things at the mo, need to stick with a steady mix of all these things and hope fully things will settle. The worry is its old age wear and tear.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    edited October 2023
    TR.. my last two injuries have needed a lot of patience - around 6-8 weeks to start running again.  As long as the rehab isn't aggravating the niggle you should see a gradual improvement and recovery.

    OO.. nice double yesterday, I assume your foot/toe is improving?  Enjoy Tenerife.

    I did take a tumble on my run yesterday.  Nothing nasty but the side of my knee swelled up where I landed.
    It had returned to normal this morning so just a sore abrasion and a couple of bruises to heal up.  Managed a 5m run earlier without too much discomfort.
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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭
    Fingers crossed no bad damage done, Wardi.

    A bit of a cold this end (well, I've done a lateral flow which was negative, so I'm assuming it's a cold).  My resting heart rate is definitely elevated and I'm knackered, so having a couple of rest days to see if that (plus vitamin C, echinacea and First Defence: the Quackery Holy Trinity) knock it on the head.
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    saintjasonsaintjason ✭✭✭
    edited October 2023
    Thanks all for well wishes over the weekend and the post race congrats. As always, you are all in my mind whenever I tow the line as its a sharing experience on this forum. I often forget its public sometimes. We got back home late last night having spent another full day ambling around Amsterdam to complete our long weekend away. Legs were worse yesterday than today but going downstairs still eliciting groans. 

    Good to read the running bug is being caught by your daughter OO. I've really enjoyed running over the summer with my son. I am going to do more of that even at the expense of my own training if it comes to it. Interesting re the bulkiness of the Invincibles. I guess there has to be a trade off for all that softness. Enjoy your break. Sounds ideal with the weather turning colder here.

    Hope the cold buggers off Joolska. I'll be amazed if I don't come down with one following my weekend away and post marathon immune system dip.

    Good on your clubmate for having a crack Wardi. It all adds to the experience as you say. Very encouraging to see you getting back into the swing of things. Some good patience shown over the last several weeks. Hope the knee has continued to settle after your tumble.

    Good to read you are getting away too TR. Some RnR will do your mind good as well as your body. Sounds like you are managing things sensibly although appreciate you not knowing if its doing harm or good. Apologies if wrong but I think I'm slightly younger than you and I am increasingly thinking about longevity. As my half century looms ever closer I am thinking two marathons a year is one too many. My hips in particular have ached a little more this campaign. Of course its lack of flexibility and s&c. Something I aspire to be better at.

    I have written a lengthy report on my race with some logistic thoughts on a blog I never update!

    Here for those with a few minutes to spare: https://thehardestmile.blogspot.com/2023/10/amsterdam-marathon-2023.html

    However, for those with less time/interest...

    TL;DR: An honest run that seemed to flash by so quickly. 1.26:31 first half was obviously too fast. 1.31:11 second half was a fair reflection as the last 4 miles were tough. Eyes welling up as I cramped meters from the stadium. Shuffled home in 2.57:42. 
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    SJ.. I did enjoy your report, agony cramping up so near the end.  One of my lady club runners seized up in similar style 200m from the finish at York, took her about 5 minutes to get moving again.  If ever there was a time to break your beer abstinence the end of a marathon is surely it!  Well done again.

    Jools.. good luck shifting that cold.

    10m today, the knee abrasion isn't too bad.  I've booked a massage for tomorrow which should hopefully iron out any remaining muscle knots.

    I didn't get lucky in the Brass Monkey ballot, 4,200 applications for 1700 places this time.  My club do get a few places allocated so I might get in via that route, would be ideal for the Barca build up.  Not many 10m/Halfs up here in January which I guess is why it's so popular.
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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    edited October 2023
    SJ - I enjoyed the report too.  Interesting you knew you were going a tad too fast - I think we all do and hope it lasts to the line. That's a good tradition established a few Guinesses after a sub 3 marathon. I suppose the rain was a mixed blessing kept you cool but does hinder your enjoyment of the city.  Well done once again, a great focused race face in the photo.    Yes, my daughter (27) has asked for an entry into the Exeter half marathon in February as her Christmas present and talked about overseas races. 

    TR - Your still doing quite a bit then which is great, and hopefully the injury risk is decreasing with each passing day. 

    Jools - Add munching raw garlic to that mix!  It works. 

    Wardi - Ouch for the fall, unlucky for BM, good luck for the club places and a good one on the 10m, and "nearly" back to normal training pattern.

    An easy 40 minutes after work in the Invincibles again.  My foot is still sore but I have 15 runs to get d&d for the Gran Canaria mara in 31 days time!  I think they will be good for my easier runs when I want to protect my legs and feet, but not much good for anything else.  The heel lock is slippy, they are bulky and the sole extends outwards plate-like, so the shoe catches the back of your calf as you follow through the stride.  They will sit with my other tempo shoes /racing shoes.  Thankfully they were heavily discounted (£175 to £82) because of the colour otherwise I would be selling them. 
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Been at my youngests uni graduation, so I'm a bit late on this

    Cracking read SJ, reminds me of many of my own maras. Great stuff to convert it to a 2.57.......we could look at pacing, nutrition, pre race site seeing as areas that might not have been ideal.....and to be fair i saw the highlights on Eurosport and they said it was tough conditions too......but my over riding thoughts are why would you cut to one mara a year and miss out on days like that.......those days are why I keep trying to make more marathon start lines, you dont get days like that in a 10k or HM. The most fun you can have without taking your clothes off.
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    TR said:
    The most fun you can have without taking your clothes off.
    Exactly what keeps me going TR. Congrats on your youngest's graduation! I hadn't realised GFA was open. I'd best get my application in then. Hopefully the rehabbing is working. I can get the worry about it being age causing the problems but I suppose the only option we have is to keep on keeping on.

    sj - congrats on a well toughed out marathon. Glad your body held together, late cramping aside! I enjoyed your report too; it sounds like you were in a good rhythm for most of it. So as your first overseas marathon, how does it compare/rate?

    Wardi - I saw that with the LV60 @ Chester. Impressive running.

    OO - good to read of you being able to get out and do a bit. All good here ta; just busy and away.

    Jools - get better soon.

    I've been up to my eyeballs with bits and pieces, and then away in Cornwall for a bit (turns out that an 8m walk along the coast path is what is needed to tire out a pointer - he slept well!), so a nice bit of downtime.
    Got back to it with an easy 6m yesterday after several days of no running. I think I've probably had enough downtime so looking to build back things now - got a plan that takes both Seville and London into account.
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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    edited October 2023
    Nicely put TR and congrats to your son and you as parents.  Its the finish line that gets me, no matter how many marathons I run, I always feel a surge of emotion.  

    TT - Ha ha for your dog, its the sea air. Good to see you back at it and look forward to seeing you seemingly effortlessly slip away into the distance at London. Just realised my last London was in 2019.

    SJ - How is the recovery going?  Hope your still in the warm glow of your achievement on Sunday.  So I take it you would recommend the Amsterdam marathon?  Any more overseas adventures planned?

    A lunchtime 10K @ 6.48 mm, felt good, surprisingly warm out there. Just looking at running plans for 2024, so far its London marathon, Verbier marathon in July and really keen on Naples marathon in October (principally as I want to see Pompeii again, have a pizza in the home of it) and the Athens Authentic in November (would like to see the Acropolis).  New York might also feature on that. 
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    saintjasonsaintjason ✭✭✭
    edited October 2023
    Thanks all for kind comments and indeed words of encouragement moving forwards.

    Unlucky in the BM ballot Wardi. Seems crazy to think a local race like that is so oversubscribed but it shows the popularity of running in 2023. As you say, not many to chose from at that time of year. I do like the 4 Villages half over this side. A toughie (hilly) but a good early fitness test.

    I'm usually a super cautious runner OO so knowing I was a touch ahead of where I wanted to be should have made me recalibrate. I guess I sort of did, but not intentionally :smile: Yes still have that warm fuzzy feeling of a job well done. Amazing how your emotions change in the hours and days afterwards. I'm often too hard on myself. The 'race face' photo is from Abingdon 2018. I've since updated the blog post with some photos from Amsterdam. A few more grey hairs now sadly. Yes I would say Amsterdam is a good one to do. Loved almost every minute of it :smile: Good that you can get some use from the Invincibles despite all the issues with them. Loving your race plans for 2024. You've sold me on Naples !

    Echoing TT and OO on the congrats on your son graduating TR. My son wasn't interested in Uni so is going a different path but I can imagine the pride you and Mrs TR must feel. Re my race: It was a bit grim at times weather-wise. I tried not to let that affect me but after reflecting a bit more, the fast first half was probably with the wind and the stretch from 20-30k was 100% into the wind so will have taken a bit more out of me for sure. I enjoyed your analysis so much I may have made a faster u-turn on my 'post-race headspace' than Kwasi Kwarteng did 12 months ago...

    Glad the break did you good TT. Good luck with the plan going forwards. For sure the downtime will have done you some good. Resting and recharging is all part of the training process too. I have included one rest day a week for a while now with the specific purpose of ensuring I'm ready for a weekend of effort where most of my weekly running is done. I think I  was at 50% some weeks of weekly mileage being sat/sun. The weekend warrior.

    As alluded to I've been replaying events from the weekend and the last few months in general and have come to the conclusion that I ought to 'keep on keeping on' because I enjoy it so much, even when I don't - if that makes sense? I have concerns about longevity and health as I get older but I can do things to help with that. I am awful at stretching and s&c. No matter how much I talk about fitting it in I still don't manage to. That has to change if I want to keep going. 

    So with that warm fuzzy glow still radiating I entered London GFA with my 2.55 from Manchester in April last night. I also entered the ballot for Berlin but if that falls through there are plenty of other options as OO has kindly pointed out. I will be looking into Naples for sure as I do love pizza ! 

    Recovery is good. Legs feeling pretty good today. I've been walking but no running for a little while longer. The only other thing I have is a 10k mid November which my son is running. I think I'll run it with him as he is getting fitter by the week and I think it would be great to help and encourage him by joining him instead of lining up further up the road and going for a time. Its time to enjoy running and sharing the experience for a little bit at least. 
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited October 2023
    Nice one on the Cornwall trip TT

    OO - thats a big list of maras for next year.

    SJ - if you don't go well at London it'll be my fault for twisting yr arm........running into the wind at that stage isnt ideal as the leaning into the wind will put strain on the hammys and lower back......that warm feeling is rightly earned. There will be no end of the old "wasn't my day" tales after folks messed up their race day. So a decent return is always a proud time.

    Managed to have a dry bike commute this morning, but coped one hell of a beating from the storm on the way home. Ran through loads of standing water and the up and down the big hill was up and down stream. Good to have other something than an achey knee to piss me off though whilst I was running along.
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    Enjoyed the blog post SJ. Congratulations .
    You held it together well in the final miles though I’m surprised you didn’t rein yourself in earlier as you’re normally a master of pacing. 
    Nice idea to run the 10K as pacemaker for your son. Any idea what target he has in mind? 
    Your injury can’t be too bad OO if you’re still planning to run another Mara soon. A MP(ish) 10K is encouraging too. Presumably in something other than the 🧽  🧽 😂
    I’ve continued building nicely: 61M last week including 17M on Sunday after a parkrun/XC race double on Saturday. Neither of which were quick enough to feel happy with.
    Day off Monday, 4 (inc 6x400) & 6 Tuesday, 3.1 & 9.6 today.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    TR.. congrats to your lad for the graduation, has he got his eyes on a career yet?  Bad luck on the homeward wetting, it's not due here until later tonight.

    SJ.. keep an open mind on future marathons.   I was running 2 or 3 per year in my late 50's/early 60's.  Dan A & Padams (formerly of this parish) recommended Barca to me around 2014. The start & finish were fabulous, the course prettier than London.  I also loved the Valencia event with the finish in the science Park.  Frankfurt was a great experience too,

    TTwith what I can best describe as a disco atmosphere indoors complete with cheerleaders. Spreading my wings gave me a new enthusiasm for marathons.  I often think runners are so obsessed with getting an entry into London simply because it is so difficult and challenging to do so.
    Good to see your son is gaining enthusiasm!

    TT.. that sounds like a decent break for you, hope you can kick on from here.  BTW that LV60 time was topped at Chicago with a lady running 2.50!

    OO.. an admirable list of running and sightseeing events!  Beware Pompeii, our guide couldn't wait to take us to the old brothel.🙂

    7m + 4m today, dry so far but windy.  Massage followed tonight, more manipulation on the hamstring and the ITB which was a bit tight.  Hopefully good to go soon.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Building up again nicely then Jools

    Wardi - good one on the massage, defo a good idea to get rid of scar tissue and loosen you up.

    I'm improving as the old outer knee aches and pains are more than the recent damage, and more manageable. Managed a steady 7m within a 10m today, but had to ease off due to feeling ropey from a touch of lurgy, but an improvement on easing off cos my knee hurts.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    Not sure what happened to my previous post, a paragraph appeared where there shouldn't have been one!

    TR.. good to see you are making some progress and can run a decent distance again.  Hope the lurgy eases off soon.

    Went for a test run this afternoon, the affected leg is much improved.  I can hardly sense the old injury site now.  Thought I was going to get a soaking as the rain started coming down quite heavily in the 1st mile.  Luckily the dark clouds blew over after 10 minutes or so.  Too warm for rain gear anyway - 17 degrees at 4pm! 
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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    edited October 2023
    Jools - Good that you are building up the mileage again. That's a good weekend of running, everything is in the mix. My Mortons Toe is a tolerable nuisance and the Mpish run was in the clunky Invincibles!

    Ha ha mention the Naples marathon, SJ mentions the pizza, Wardi the brothel. But it is quite a sight as is the interesting direction signs to it! Wardi, I am with you on the overseas marathons, plenty more I would like to do, ideally 1 in each EU country. 

    SJ - See you in London and hopefully Naples too.

    TR - Good progress, hopefully not too long until these aches disappear.

    11m on the trail earlier @ 7.45 dry but sweaty. Largely travelling tomorrow, for a week in Tenerife, a half-term holiday as Mrs OO thinks,  though we all know as runners it's really a week of warm weather training.
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    Haha OO. I always have intentions of running when I go anywhere on holiday but I rarely get out the door once my brain is in holiday mode, and it'd be even less likely to do it if I were somewhere warm. Nice lunchtime 10k the other day.

    Wardi - great news on the test run! Stunning LV60 time at Chicago! 

    sj - I've got 1 rest day every week too, but tend to put mine on Sundays. I'm still permanently wfh at the moment so my biggest issue is not having a routine rather than finding time. Good news on the keeping on keeping on decision. I really need to make those extras a habit rather than an occasional thing myself for the same reasons.

    TR - good news on the knee improvements. I've been a bit the same with a touch of lurgy so have been very lazy at getting back to it this week.

    Got caught up waiting for a storm that never came (dog is reactive) and then pulled a CNBA yesterday. 8m earlier as 2 easy, 6 brisk. Out for a dog jog soon. Got another uni visit with Jr tomorrow with an early start which will limit any run window, so basically just trying to get aches, lurgies, etc, to clear up before the start of next week ready to crack on.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Sounds like you're more or less good to build up now Wardi

    OO - enjoy the training camp

    TT - hopefully the rest days will enable you to get bavk to it next week

    I backed up ydays good day with an achey day, but i guess thats going to happen after pushing on a bit. Managing general knee wear and tear is going to be the norm now anyway. Keeping the weights going will hopefully make  difference.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    Cheers TR, yes I'll keep doing a bit of strength work on the hammies and cracking on.  It's usually hammy & shin niggles for me, my knees have been very robust over the years.  FWIW I do feel better for getting out even if it's a creaky/below par run.

    TT.. I do get a run or three done on hols, the Mrs is usually keen too.  Creates an appetite for those holiday excesses. 🙂

    OO.. we stayed in Sorrento rather than Naples, still very handy for tourism.  Worth visiting Herculaneum too, not as big as Pompeii but some spectacular stuff there.  Re. the Pompeii brothel - there are original drawings on the wall of various couples in assorted positions of 'flagrante delicto'.  Apparently the clients would point at their favourite position/fantasy and off they went with a lady of the night. 
    Enjoy your Tenerife hols!

    7.5m on the treadie today, weather absolutely filthy here - 40mph gusts and heavy rain most of the day.  It is due to calm down overnight thankfully.  I did get lucky with club Brass Monkey ballot, 10 places for 16 runners and I was 3rd out of the  proverbial hat.  Must buy a lottery ticket while my luck holds!
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Wardi - the big hill in my commute is probably the main knee annoyed for me. Good one on the BM place.

    Popped a couple of painkillers, set off on the flat with a view to seeing how far i could go (packed some train fare in case i wanted to bail out), but things were manageable so kept going. 21m with a few 7.3Xs at the end. Bit of a surprise, but happy to have it.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    TR.. that's a great 21m on a frail body!  Good saving on the train fare too. 🙂 A beerio is truly deserved.

    A steady 5m for me today, complete contrast to yesterday's weather -  mostly sunny & light winds.  I'll head off tomorrow with the intention of getting back into the double digit runs.
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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    edited October 2023
    Wardi - Haha, good tip for Herculaneum. Have a good 1* tomorrow. Good news with BM. 
    TR - Good to see your still decent shape and the body is recovering/ recovered. That's a really good run. 
    TT - Love a holiday sightseeing run, normally when the family are asleep...

    ...which brings me onto an easy 10k topped off with a seaswim. Was going to double up but just back from Siam Park, waterpark, where the artificial wave machine was worth the extortionate admission. Carbo loading now with a few cold lagers for tomorrow's morning HM training run. 
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    Sounds a great break OO. Ideal timing: missing Babet.
    Good news on BM Wardi, hope the double digit tester goes well.
    Quality LR that TR. You just got to keep that body ticking over til the laps of Goodwood are upon you.
    Parkrun +wu & cd came to 18K today. My 17th visit to Mallard’s Pike was an average one: ran my mean time there 20:47 😂 Good enough for 1st finisher though 😎 Was hoping to improve on the 20:40 of 3 weeks ago however the chasing footsteps had faded once I got halfway up the hill (1K in) so I didn’t quite push as hard as I might’ve done. Reckon 2nd was closing on the descent though, as he finished just 7s behind me.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    Congrats on the Parkrun win Jooligan, no chance of that at my local even when I was running sub 19!  15th was as good as it got.

    My 'long' run was initially planned to be around 12m as I didn't want to push too much further than a recent 10m.  As I neared home and felt ok I opted for a longer loop back to the house which took the run up to a pleasing 13.1m.  My pace dropped slightly in the last 2-3m no doubt due to a lack of endurance.  I last ran this far in July!  Lovely morning up here.

    The town bridge was closed on Friday due to potential flooding and only reopened this morning.  No flooding reported and the river level is dropping which is a relief.  That should make my walk across town for tonight's curry treat a little easier, the beers are already in the fridge. 🌶🍺
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Wardi - nice one, I recognise the weary last few miles. Lack of long run conditioning. Enjoy the refuel.

    OO - sounds good, what lager were you on ? Hotel stuff?.........agreed, I should Still have decent fitness despite nothing quicker than steady for about 6 wks.

    Jools - good to see you on the up again. Nice win too.

    Stayed on the flat for an easy 10m today, knee was manageable after yday. Legs groaned a bit late on. Lovely still and sunny day, the Abo folks can thank my DNS for that.
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