
Sub 3



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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    Wardi - I can get that with offsetting the holiday excesses. I'm afraid I'm not as virtuous as I enjoy the excesses first and worry about offsetting them after! Nice with the BM place, and great news on the training HM!! I hope the curry was good.

    TR - nice on the long run. Good idea on the fare money. I might do something similar for my long runs if I struggle to get back in the habit. Some great times at Abo. Sub-2:20 winning time!!

    OO - I hope the training run went well. Most of our breaks at the moment tend to be a few nights away with the dog when my kids are at their Mum's. If I was away for longer, and particularly somewhere warm, I'd expect I'd fit a couple of runs in.

    Jooligan - congrats on 1st finisher!

    Head and body haven't been quite up to doing much/anything the last few weeks, which led to plenty of CNBA. Still not 100% on both counts tbh, but I feel better all over when I exercise, so trying to get back to it this week. Having a very rough mental patch the last few days, but my run earlier helped (as it always does). 6m sub-threshold HR in the middle of 11m. Pace came out pretty much as I'd guesstimated.
    I've got a Coros arm HRM arriving later today that I think will be more trustworthy (based on reviews) than the Garmin wrist one, so going to stick to HR training for a while to try get back in the swing of things.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited October 2023
    TT - hopefully you can get going now. I use the wrist based 245 HR as a reference for mp runs etc, reads a bit low, but as long as I use the same gadget its comparable. But you should get some accurate data now......Abo winner is local, super quick solo debut. Strange race to do  for someone  of that level. First lady is from IOW and similar level to me. Usual solid field of approx 100 sub 3 too.

    Day off today as drove to N Devon, here Mon to Fri (in a tiny fisherman's cottage), should  be able to keep by the coast and run on the mostly flat. Might cop some wind though.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    TT.. good plan sticking to HR until you feel ok to press on.  I feel the same if I get out for a run, always perks me up.  The cycling I did during injury was better than nothing but didn't give me quite the same feel good factor.
    Cheers, the Jalfrezi was just the ticket!  The grub is very consistent at our local takeaway.

    TR.. that sounds very idyllic in North Devon, hope you enjoy runs around there.

    I was chatting to one our fast group (V40) who ran the Leeds Abbey Dash yesterday.  He clocked a lifetime PB of 32.24, that was 'only' good enough for 8th Vet!

    Got out this morning for a 5.2m shake out, legs a bit sluggish after yesterday's effort but no niggles.
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    TR - I was happy to use the 245 HR as a reference for general training, but the write ups on the Coros arm HRM suggest that it is more accurate, particularly when it comes to reps (245 can apparently lag on dropping HR on the recovery sections) so I figured if I was going to try train properly by HR I wanted the one with the better reputation. 
    Enjoy the break!

    Wardi - I gave up trying to cycle when I can't run as it does nothing for me. I do like a Jalfrezi. Glad it hit the spot. 32:24 for 8th v40?!?! Flipping heck!

    So first run with the Coros arm HRM today. It's incredibly comfortable to wear. 

    In a stunning display of restraint (for me), I followed the lead of yesterday and have decided to aim this week at 60% of my eventual (minimum) target volume (not counting warm-ups, cool-downs, or recovery jogs). Plan is to build by 10% a week. I've even set put a warning note on my white-board in an attempt to remind me to stick to plan so we'll see if that works.

    Tuesdays are long run day so this week my 'long' was 12m. Set the maxHR alert to the top of zone 2 and set off. Initially ok, though still experiencing a lot of all-over stiffness but the drop-off in pace for effort was sobering as my last mile was pretty much a jog.
    Still, at least I know that will improve rapidly if I keep getting myself out the door, and tbh, I've earned anything that comes my way in terms of reminders of what happens when you do what I've done (or not) over the last 3 months or so.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Wardi - tired legs is fine, it's aggravated legs you need to avoid.

    TT - good restraint, onwards and upwards.

    I usually push the pace a bit when I'm away as i have less time. Did a progressive steady today when the terrain allowed, saw a few mp pace miles late on. Knee was manageable, but since then its had a couple of hours on the Sth west coastal path. I've run in worse places than by the sea at Northam Burrows looking across to saunton sands.
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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    edited October 2023
    TT - Decent 12m, your runs and pace do ramp up very quickly, which is a great reflection of your ability. Hope you get the consistent consistency you need.
    TR - I've done that run, beautiful. Back and for across Saunton Sands would be good for your knee. My Saturday lager was Victoria from the Malaga brewery, a lager favourite. Enjoy the North Devon brews, Exmoor Gold is a winner. 
    Wardi - No niggles is good. 8th, 32 minutes  strewth!
    Jooligan - Congratulations on the PR win  not often in life we are first to finish. Good mileage too. 

    13m on Sunday went well, as did the 10k & 4m y'day all easy pace. 7m easy this morning, followed by lots of swimming, followed by my debut jet ski ride in the sea this afternoon with my 13 year old, one to tick off 60 things to do by 60!!! Was going to do another 5m this evening but the jet ski was so exhilarating  had to cool off with a few beers by the pool so maybe 10m tomorrow. 

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    Ideal holidaying there OO & TR
    Agree that Exmoor Gold is a great choice of refreshments. 
    Well done TT. Most times getting out the door is the hardest part. Good restraint too.
    Good news Wardi. Very satisfying running a half-marathon in training - I feel that’s the start of LR territory.
    Backed up Saturday’s miles with 30K Sunday for another 60M week 😎
    Took Monday off although I did bike my commute.
    Just an easy 5K today as got a bit of ‘fun’ coming up Friday which should go much better if I take it real light & easy til then.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    Jooligan.. 60m is a solid week, enjoy the Friday fun when it arrives!

    TT.. sounds similar to my 13m on Sunday, faded slightly late in the run.  I have convinced myself that the endurance will return!  Hope the plan works for you.

    OO.. some decent runs early this week, the post jet ski beers were well deserved.  Enjoy the break. 

    TR.. I do enjoy a run when on hols, a change of scenery can lift the spirits.  

    4.3m + 7.5m today.  Tonight's run was my first with the club for several weeks.  As I'm aiming for Barca in March I need to get used to running in the dark, damp, cold etc. ;)

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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    OO - jetskis sound a good way to hurt ourselves at our age.

    Wardi - I've coped a few dark mornings already this autumn, but the dark evenings a&e about to start too.

    Jools - good one on the 30k, your idea of fun, is probably something hard-core.

    Proper test today with10x3min, first time in a while so bit of a shock, but av pace was ok comsidering, although alot flatter than my usually commute for this. Knee was manageable. Hope to be able to use my Hayling 10m number in 10days, probably as dome sort  of mp run, as getting there will be a 9m warm up.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    Good session TR, and a definite plus that the knee behaved.  In some ways I do miss the dark commute runs from work.

    I've had an odd grumble from the knee that I landed on during the tumble 10 days ago, nothing serious but I'll keep an eye on it.

    The predicted sunny day here didn't really happen.  So a grey and occasionally drizzly 10m done to add a bit more endurance to recent training. 
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    Wardi - the return to training is going well! Fingers crossed for your knee. Lol with Barca. It is definitely known for being cold and damp.

    TR - nice with the 10 x 3. Hopefully your knee goes from 'manageable' to completely fine in short notice.

    OO - cool with the jetski! What else is on your list? Good training too.

    Jooligan - very nice week. Well done! I almost dread to ask given some of your past adventures, but what's the 'fun' you've got lined up?

    6m easy for me yesterday. Had a rare run with Jr as he continues his comeback from his knee problem, so chatted the whole way around putting the world to rights. I'm finding running to the HRM rather than pace almost therapeutic.
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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    edited October 2023
    TR - Positive news you passed the test, and especially haven't lost any pace. Good to have Hayling 10 to target.
    TT - Nice run with jr.  Its a wip, from marathons and hikes in countries/ places I want to visit to writing a poem, brewing gin/ beer to skiing with my sons next year.
    Jooligan - Thats a good week, your back.
    Wardi - Nice 10m.
    SJ - How's the recovery going? Any niggles from Amsterdam? 

    The 1 hour jetski with my son was fantastic, we stayed on, peaked at 27 mph felt like a 100, passed the test as able to ride it back into port. Relieved. 10m yesterday and 8.5m this morning, rounded off with a sea swim. Back to UK tomorrow then back out to Gran Canaria in 3 weeks time for its marathon. 
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    Good holiday running OO, Gran Canaria awaits!  FWIW my dream hol was the Everest region which we did in 2001.  We hiked up to a hill called Kala Patar, 5545 metres.  The air was very thin but I will remember those views for the rest of my days. 

    TT.. I always tell my spring marathon bound running mates to start training in Nov/Dec.  If you leave it until New Year I tell them, the short daylight hours, cold, rain, etc will come as quite a shock.  I do try and practice what I preach!  Good to hear your son's knee is improving.

    Had an easier run  today, 5.2m this afternoon.  I wisely decided to wait until this morning's heavy rain relented.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited October 2023
    Onwards and upwards for you and your lad TT

    Wardi - defo good to start before Chritmas esp if folks have wound miles right down.

    OO - good stuff on not hurting yourself on the jet ski.

    Easy 8m for me. Short run tomorrow as going home later in day. Then hopefully a decent length run on saturday.
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    OO - I had a 40 before 40 list that was a wip that I never completed. Fun putting it together and ticking off stuff though. I like the poem one (I've actually had two 'published' - one as a kid, and one a few years back). Beer brewing is on my list too. I had a lot of travel ones as well (it was one of the reasons I went to Kenya).
    Awesome with the jetski!!

    Wardi - I'm completely with you on not leaving it too late to get started. 

    TR - sounds like you got some decent running in whilst you were away. 

    Not sure if I'd said, but Jr's issue turned out to be a mild MCL strain (kid stepped out in front of him and he twisted to avoid him). He'd probably still beat me in a head to head, though that probably says more about my lack of shape than his rapidly returning condition right now!! 

    8m 'MLR' yesterday as 5 easy, 3 steady (all by HR). Surprised for the 5m to come out at 7:42 (around 7:55-8:10 is probably closer to what I'd expect at the moment). The 3 steady came in at 7:00, which correlates well with Monday's sub-threshold tempo (usual gap is current MP + 30-40s).
    Normal pace/effort service was resumed for my evening jog.
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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    edited October 2023
    TT - Very impressed as a published poet. Mine is likely to be about the dog and be unread. My main goal though is a running one, 30 consecutive sub 3 marathons by 60. I am on 23 at the mo. Nice pace surprise, your in better shape than you thought.
    Wardi - What a walk, view and adventure that sounds. 
    TR - Glad you had a good week in Devon.

    10m earlier and now awaiting to be taken to the airport. Hopefully a run tomorrow and then a long run on Sunday, inc a MP Half within on will bring up 70 for the week. 
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    Good to see you getting back to it TT & nice easy pace. 
    Mildly envious of your holiday destinations/activities TR & OO.
    I’m on holiday now for a week. Not sure what I’m up to but not likely to be as adventurous or fun.
    I’ve ruined myself for running by doing 50K on the track today. 🤣
    It was a charity fundraiser at school. Kids had 50 minutes to do 1M, 5K or 10K with each year group taking it in turns throughout the day. I started at 7:45 & went til past midday which included a few refuelling breaks once I’d passed the halfway point. Left it a bit late really. HR was a good 5 bpm too high from the off too. Could’ve gone on a bit longer but I was slowing badly & needed to get back to see my Yr13s before the break really.
    Kids were great: loads of positive energy during the challenge & over £15K raised for the local hospital trust & the Cobalt medical screening charity.
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    Fantastic Jooligan, many congratulations for the charity run and event,  and very well done. 
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    TT - good to be stringing some days together......I sort he dog out and then run whilst the spo has breakfast and a relax. Originally I wasn't going to be running this break as it was supposed to be post Abo

    Great stuff jools, 50k is a long way.  You'll have to do a fee days biking. Spo was on half term this week, so obviously out of sync with your area.

    OO - hope that mp run goes well, I bet you got home quicker than me, 5.5hrs to drive 180ish miles. Tedious.

    7m inc 30min of 1min effort/1min jog today. Didn't have long and am trying to get the wheels spinning a bit quicker. Hopefully a longish run tomorrow.
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    OO - that's a great target with the sub-3. I occasionally write bits and they never get shown to anybody. It's just when the mood takes me. I always wanted to write a novel (had a short story published as a kid too and that gave me the bug), but I don't think I've got the concentration levels required. Lol.

    Jooligan - as per the other thread, well done! Fantastic there was so much money raised.

    TR - I'm really not a morning person; that's probably why I don't get anything done. Nicely done on the effort!

    45mins fartlek yesterday (+wu and cd). Started with a mix of 1-3+ min efforts and then had 3 x 5min efforts with 3 x 10s strides between each 5 minutes.
    8m this morning. Same route as Thurs. Pretty consistent for the HR.
    Thurs: 5m easy (7:42/m - 149bpm), 3m steady (7:00/m - 159bpm)
    Today: 5m easy (7:42/m - 149bpm), 3m steady (7:06/m - 159bpm)

    I felt tighter today on the steady part (back). That makes 67 for the week, so happy with that.
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    That’s a great week TT.

    Nicely squeezed in the TR. Hope the LR went well.

    Against all the rules of running I rocked up to parkrun this morning.😂
    Went to my home course for the first time in a couple of months. I’ve been avoiding it as although it’s beautiful & pretty much flat it’s very much off-road: boggy bits, a cobbled dramway, tree roots & loads of twists n turns; so the wetter weather (& the fallen chestnuts) ensure it’s always challenging. I figured the softer terrain & lack of big hill would be kinder on my legs & it was also a local chap’s 500th. We started parkrun within a month of each when this was the only one within a 75 minute drive. These days there are dozens within half that time.
    No warm-up beyond my activation routine of lunges & leg swings. Opted for the older Bostons as the cushioning is better than my Inov8s. Legs took a minute or two to start turning over properly but after that I was catching & passing folk all the way to 3.5K then working hard to stay ahead. Came in 5th in the end probably less than a minute down on what I would’ve done if it weren’t for yesterday 😎

    Any plans to make a return to parkrun Wardi?
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited October 2023
    TT - good mix there. Good week back at it.

    Jools - that was a nice surprise then, your legs must be pretty tough still.

    Kept on the flat again, but windy on the coast today, so 10 out with more of the up wind then 10m steady to benefit from wind (except last couple into wind). Went out a bit too quick with 10 av 7.48 and probably worked too hard into wind as started feeling hard work at about 15. Anyway 10 back was av 7.17, so 20av 7.31, which is quick for me, and crap time on feet, but there's probably some gains to be had.........had best make sure i take the 9m to the start of next week's Hayling 10m pretty easy, or it could be a similar struggle late on.
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    Nothing wrong with a quickish 20 now & again. Hope you’re getting a lift back from Hayling TR! Will you be running it at MP or quicker?
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    edited October 2023
    Jooligan.. funny you should say that!  My first Parkrun since Aug 5th today.
    Bravo on the 50k, that's a long time to be running around in circles, even with snack breaks!  A great effort with the fundraising too.  That Parkrun effort is worth bonus points, congrats on 5th.

    TR.. unlucky with the wind today, barely noticeable here this morning.  That 20m is a decent endurance and confidence boost,  nicely done.

    TT.. that's a good week in the bag, a decent mix of sessions too.

    Misty & murky for the Parkrun at York but decent conditions for running.  I didn't know what to expect as I've done nothing resembling fast stuff post injury.  Had a better run than expected in 23.19, about 20-30 seconds down on pre injury par. Nice to be out there again plus a bonus of 1st in A/G (vs 15 other old gits).  Not quite ready for the pipe & slippers yet.  :)
    With bits added on before and after 10.5m for the day.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited October 2023
    Jools - don't think it'll be quick after 9m there? mp might be doable but there's a couple of miles on the Billy trail (which must be very wet) and the seafront miles could be windy. I hope to get the SPO to walk the dog at the seafront and give me a lift home. Hope it's dry or she won't be up for that. I could park at the bridge on to Hayling and do 4ish miles there and back.

    Good one Wardi, you'll soon get that 20 odd seconds back.

    Had a review......less miles this week inc a day off, but progressive 10m ending at mp, 3min reps and a brisk 20m, so probably a decent week even with no mlr.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    5m easy today, legs were a bit tired.
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    Nice one Wardi. Nice to lay a marker down. Enjoy the journey back to 22:xx, shouldn’t be too long.
    Sounds like a good mix TR & the occasional day off is going to become increasingly important as the years roll on.
    Had a very pleasant LSR this morning on the local trails with a club mate. Borderline undulating loop of 13.1M, legs mostly felt ok, though they were a bit sore on the long descents & definitely underpowered.
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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    edited October 2023
    TR - A very decent week and that's a good looking 20m, ideal with the 2nd half a solid chunk quicker.
    TT - A really good week too and impressed with your literary skills and a published author.  My poem will be ala Baldricks war poem in Blackadder4 "boom boom boom". 
    Jooligan - Some recovery to run 13m after the 50k the other day. Not surprised you felt underpowered. 
    Wardi - The PR must have felt good. Decent time. 

    TR - You won the holiday travel home. Hotel pickup 5pm, got home 8.30 am after Bristol Airport palaver, which had me running through various unlit lanes at 3 in the morning to retrieve my car from the car park but a bonus 4m d&d, winner! 

    65m week with 16.5m today Inc 13.5 @ 6.47 mm, felt very controlled/ steady.  Will repeat next Sunday hopefully 10 secs a mile quicker. Foot ached after mile 10 so cut shot, originally planned a 15m tempo. 
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Good going Jools, your legs bounced back well

    OO - ooh that's a tough trip home. Good going on the long run after that trip. Bodes well.

    Not sure the sky can have any more rain left in it after the rain we've had here this weekend and last week.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    Jooligan.  nice work grinding your way round a 13 miler after a heavy weekend's mileage.  Hope you had the nice calm & mild conditions we had here.

    TR.. I assume you celebrated the 20m with a beer or two last night?  Hope the 5m has eased a bit of stiffness.

    11m today including a club 5m handicap race.  I just eased my way around the latter as I didn't want to push my luck too much with 2 races in 2 days. The off road section was very muddy and even with decent trail shoes I had to battle to stay upright.  Good fun though.  

    56m for the week which is identical to last week.
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