
Moraghan Training - Stevie G



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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    TT, i believe it means "age, sex, location" back from the early days of the interweb on dating sites.
    Why SC was asking people their ASL amidst hill reps, I do not know. ;)

    And yes, an utter arse with the car. Such a hassle and knowing I have to rebook when they've agreed the price with the lease crew. At least it won't cost me anything bar time! And I really hope next time, with part arranged, and knowing exactly what is to be done, they'll actually quote a time and do it at that time, so I can hang about and then drive off!

    Have a 3 day course Mon-Wed, then a Thursday morning consultant on the elbow. While it's reassuring what the net, and what others of you say about experience of such things, it won't hurt to check it out in the flesh.

    I think Reg is the utter opposite to me. If I try anything new and fancy it'll wreck me, whereas all the new and fancy / different sports seem to wreck Reg for the running :)

    And well done on your latest big week. Just need some consistent months like that and you'll be an animal.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    13.5 miler today for a 59mile week.

    Up a steep hill 1.5miles or so in. Then through a ploughed field, and down a muddy woody stretch. 
    Then late on up another half offroad section to join up with where my midweek medium long takes me.
    Felt a bit of a slog of a run, but 7.55, and always like to at least see a 7xx for long runs.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    That all sounds good fun Reg, you might need to pack on some bulk to.be able to.push heavy stuff.

    I see Simon had a good day, well.done.

    SG - cars can be a pain. I have two to pay for and none are mine, I just borrow one when i need it.

    After weather ruined Hayling 10 and Gosport HM, I went to the old faithful Goodwood (for an absolute soaking) and ran a progressive 82.12 today. Started a bit too slowly with a 6.33, so not far off 81min shape, off not much more than steady efforts since I hurt my knee. Knee was further improved so onwards and upwards.
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    Impressive mileage, TT. 

    Solid consistency, SG. Have enjoyed your 12 week mad-track sessions.

    Trying to take inspiration from your rowing/hyroxing, Reg.

    Jools - strava suggests some damage, but what are the deets?

    I’ve been largely avoiding strava. 

    10 days ago I had a foray back into the running world: 10 x 60/60 run/walk, then 3M with 60s walk each mile, then 4M, 4M across four days. Saturday, however, led to a recurrence of the crippling hamstring pain 1.6M into another easy run. Back to square one. Or probably minus one. 

    I have found motivation to cross train lacking. Work is busy, and I guess it is never as easy to get in a gym as it is to slip on the trainers and head outside, but I have been a little surprised at my lack of desire to hit the cross training.

    On Thursday I bit the bullet and paid to see a physical therapist, someone I used to go to but not for four years! She is quite literally a strong woman, and well versed in a variety of sport - inspiring confidence, but also tears of pain. She threw all the toys at my hamstring: needling, cupping, fingers and elbows, hammer gun then some taping. Diagnosed a problem higher up the bicep femoris which results in a shortening, manifesting in pain at the bottom of the hamstring. Reasonably confident of fairly swift progress, but we’ll see. If money were no object, I would see her twice a week. Obviously that won’t happen. 

    Tried 8 x 60/60 on Friday, which felt fine. Literally didn’t change out of my tracksuit and coat, so quite time efficient 😂. Dragged myself into the gym later that day for 20 mins ergo, elliptical, bike. Just a 30 minute bike yesterday - it turns out my father in law (living three doors away), has an incredible indoor bike set up. 

    Attempted 120/60 run/walk today, but the longer effort felt too much. Settled on 60/60 but for 30 minutes total, so progress I guess. 

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    Re-reading that, the physical therapist action sounds a little x-rated
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Was going to say SQ, are you sure you paid a physio?
    Had missed you'd got a bit of a problem - fingers crossed it bores off. You're much missed on here keeping the turnover of posts going.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2023
    Nice one TR, Low 82xx at V50 must be decently well up the Wava too!
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited December 2023
    Shame you're still having issues SQ, physio is needed sometimes esp to help scar tissue......stick with moral deadlift in future, not stiff legged deadlift.

    SG - im 56 nowadays , I can hit 83% ish on a good day......should get an entry voucher for the AG win.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    TR said:
    Shame you're still having issues SQ, physio is needed sometimes esp to help scar tissue......stick with moral deadlift in future, not stiff legged deadlift.

    SG - im 56 nowadays , I can hit 83% ish on a good day......should get an entry voucher for the AG win.
    You'll be locked in a permanent cycle of doing their events (Runthrough?), getting a age grade win, then having to do another of their events, winning a voucher....

    I know someone who got a £20 voucher for a 20xx 5k as a V40.
    When I did an 18xx something 5k, when it was a long course, they refused to dish any V40 prizes out saying the field was too bootleg :D 
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    SG - it's only a recent thing to give the vouchers, would be good if they back dated them, they'd owe me a few.......I might use it for Dorney HM in Jan.......to be fair they are an ok bunch, they switched me from the full to the 1/2 this morning with no moans or fuss.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2023
    Was going to say I didn't think they dished anything.

    They were brilliant in the pandemic, when we were all so desperate for turnouts we'd gladly ship £22-25 for a 5k.
    And in fairness they get more competitive the further the distance, often just £2 more for 10k, or £4 more for HM.

    But now all the races are back, I couldn't even find something I wanted to do with them with the 40% discount for Black Friday.
    Even more tellingly, is the fact I have a work incentive I get 50% off sporty stuff up to a year's total of £500, so even with 40% off, then 50% of that too!
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    Great performance TR & chuffed your knee is feeling better now too.
    Sounds like you’re on a similar bench to me SQ
    The day after Cardiff XC I set out for a 20K run without warming up properly. Set off with right leg lead & on landing the left leg felt a sharp pain in my buttock/sit bone. Ran through it figuring it would ease as I went along. Got round ok but effort was a bit high for pace & there was some mild discomfort there still.
    Monday did an easy pace but steady effort 10K along the towpath which confirmed that all was not well but didn’t feel serious. Tuesday I tried some efforts but despite feeling ok during the lunges & leg swings there was obvious discomfort when running during the warm-up. After 3x300m @7 min mile pace I could hardly walk. A week off & I still couldn’t manage more than half a single of running. Saw a Physio that Friday who diagnosed tight piriformis pinching the sciatic nerve. Freed it enough that I was able to walk fine enough & even managed a 25:34 parkrun whilst down in Cornwall without making it any more painful. Took the rest of the week off but did cycle to work each day. Noticed that I was struggling with energy/power levels Thursday/Friday. This was evident during Saturday’s parkrun which was slower & more exhausting despite being less painful. Dragged myself round XC in the afternoon & that was even more debilitating. Woke up in the night coughing & had a headache/sore throat combo all day so guess I’ve also got a lurgy now. Feels Covidesque but the test says not.
    Seeing the Physio again Tuesday so hopefully get going better by next weekend 
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    SG - lol re: the ASL. That's the plan with the mileage. Just keep knocking out no-frills stuff for now. I think some of the difference is that I'm treating myself like one of my clients, but with a few differences such as I'm not giving myself a fixed schedule (still following the same principles). Nice with your week, and fingers crossed on the car front.

    SC - yes, as TR said, well done. Looking forward to the report!

    SQ - sorry to hear of your issues, but sounds like you're on the right path to recovery now so hopefully it won't take too long for you to be fully back at it.

    TR - nice with the free entry. You've reminded me I never heard back from NF on that front!

    Jooligan - hopefully not covid, but I know a few people who reckon they've had the newer variant(s) and tested negative, so maybe it has mutated to need a different test now.

    Some decent heavy weights yesterday. I want to get back in the swing of those to hit the startline at London in a similar shape to when I was lifting heavily and regularly (4-5 times a week) before (2016).
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    SG - I remember the glory days of the internet and ASL, more online gaming than dating though!

    Nice progression run at Goodwood TR. Is it me or are you a magnet for crap weather? I am trying to bulk up actually. During marathon training I was about 70-72kg and I am now 77kg, planning on getting into the low 80s. It will be interesting to see how it affect the running!

    Sorry to hear about the injuries SQ/Jools. Piriformis is a familiar one for me, Jools and often means a spikey ball in the bottom, SQ's therapist can probably work wonders on it!

    Another good week that TT, long may it continue.

    I am looking forward to hearing all about the extensive report SC wrote up and lost...

    I got too busy to get my running in last week so only two runs but I still did plenty of other stuff.

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    RicF, did you do the met league?

    The weather is just not good for anything at the moment. The cold spell we had towards the end of the week firmed everything up underfoot and I went out Sunday for a run down by the Thames but it had warmed up overnight and was just a mix of every type of slow mud: slow sticky mud, slow slippery mud.
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    Morning All - ASL is 'Above Sea Level' -hence the 200m ;) Boy it was cold up there Saturday, but good to watch the sharp end of the Chiltern League was nice for a change'

    Hope the injuries heal up quick Jools & SQ - TT seems to be progressing nicely too.

    TR - Good effort yesterday, how many laps of that course? Shame you can't go outside the gates of the racecourse!

    So down to BP for the British masters 5k - had to drive to Stanmore and get a VERY cold Jubilee Line tube to Waterloo and then the Northern Line to the new Power station.

    Bit of light rain, but not too cold and no ice. Tried to replicate the LFOTM warm up, 5 mins tempo 20 mins before the start and a few strides. My HHH mate and Reading RR Ben P was on start line with me.

    Same course as the under the lights 5k's, so fast start with the 35's & 40's haring off, then Jeff from Trafford (V50) came storming past too. Felt swiftish, confirmed by 3.05 for the 1st K. (watch says 3.12 tho!)

    Settled in just behind a V35 HHH guy John. Have a few burps and stomach issues down the back and through for 6.23 for 2k. So back on 16.00 pace, but was hoping to stay below.

    So got past john past the athletics track and up the bandstand path to start the 2nd lap and tried to push on to Jeff. Went through 3k just under 16m pace and past Jeff around the left turn to start going round the side and up to 4k.

    Still felt quite strong and went through 4K in about 12.45, so was happy that I felt I had some still in the tank. So just tried to hammer as much as poss the last K - and was well happy to stop the watch on 15.52 and first V50. My watch has the the last K as 3.00! Doesn't quite match up, but not too bothered. Fastest 5k since 2015, pre Berlin.

    Obviously well happy, HHH got the V45-54 team prize too. Went home and spent my Luton half winnings on Sunday dinner.

    7 this morning, felt it a bit, bit heavy legged.
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    SC - that's a great run and national title too then?! Fastest for 8 years has got to be a major boost!

    Cheers Reg. I know a runner or two who carry a bit more muscle and it doesn't seem to have an effect until they get towards the marathon, but even then it all depends what you want out of your running. James Cracknell is a big well built guy and does quite well over the marathon.

    Nice little shot in the arm earlier. 80mins steady came out as 6:41m/m. 10mins easy either side made it 14.67m so the distance is slowly getting back up towards where it needs to be. One of those runs where you just feel fluid and strong, and are really enjoyable.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Jools - sounds like you need a bit more fizz.

    Reg - you will be ok at shorter distances with a bit more weight. I've put on a bit recently with heavier weights but I'm trying to protect my legs going forward........I'm defo a crap weather magnet.

    Well done Simon, great stuff, great to run your quickest for such a long time too.......5 and a bit laps yday, I don't mind the laps of the circuit although it did flood yday, and there were quite a lot of runners on the circuit by laps 4 and 5 due to the other distances.
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    SCoombes2SCoombes2 ✭✭✭
    edited December 2023
    Cheers Both

    TT - Getting there then fitness wise, good news. Yes 1st V50, just about to cellotape a note on the back of the medal so I know what it was for.

    TR - Ah I wondered why one guy I knew who did Goodwood was saying how bad the conditions were, didn't realise there was flooding.

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    No rest for the wicked - 6 x 1600 off 90 last night, bit wearing on the old Tak8's but got them down from 5.26 to 5.14/13's and 5.07 for the last.

    8 miles this morning up and around Hampstead Heath. Bit achy now..
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    Excellent stuff at the Masters SC. If I get back into run shape, sub 16 for 5k will be my main goal, nice to know that age won't be the excuse for me failing!

    Had a bit of a cold in the background this week so had a lie-in this morning. I did get out for a 10k run before breakfast which leaves me reflecting on how a 6:50 am run now constitutes a lie-in!

    That meant the gym session moved to lunchtime.  That's now 4 months of weight training done. I've quite enjoyed it so far. I do need to start spending more time on the bike and try and get my 3 runs a week up to 4.
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    Reg - go for it. I checked the all time V50 5K records - just Martin Rees, 15.00. Bloody hell ;)
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    Good luck to anyone racing this weekend. I'm off to Oxford for the Southern masters xc- perhaps I might see @Dachs there, you never know....
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    SC knocking out some stellar road and XC racing. In a fine purple patch.

    Reg getting hench.

    Outstanding from TR at Goodwood.

    Good to hear from PMJ.

    Sorry to hear of your bench action as well, Jools.

    Quiet from SG, but consistent in training as ever.

    After the hamstring injury recurrence ten days after the initial injury, it has now been nearly five weeks. Taking a much for cautious approach by starting with 1 minute run, 1 minute walk for 30 minutes. Running only on alternate days, I have added a minute to the run section each time, with today at 6 x 6min run, 1min walk. In a straight line, on good footing and running at 8:50 pace, it feels fine, but if my right foot slides on slippery grass/mud, the hamstring is in a bad place. Sticking a spikey ball under the hamstring whilst commuting seems to be helping the area.

    So getting there, but being cautious. Miss running too much to have a longer lay off. Supplementing it with a reasonable amount of elliptical/ergo/bike. But CMA to do any tempo or intervals and just working to easy HR. That said, it isn’t hard for the HR to stray into probably MP levels on the ergo without much thought.

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    Cheers SQ - Really hope your recovery keeps progressing. 

    Weird weekend  - all the way to Oxford for the SEAA, for them to call it off as it was a dangerous course! I can't be bothered to waste some typing over them.

    So got back at 2.30 and did a hill session to get over it. 15 miler yesterday and 8 this morning.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Monster 5k time from the big boy Simon the other day. Wowzers.

    Hope the progression improves SQ. Hamstrings have always been an area I have fairly tight, but generally get to go about my business. Do have to watch the "strides" they do on Friday track pre sesh though!
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Nothing too special from me last week or so, just a firm 61mile week just gone.

    Joined a local club for their sesh on Tuesday of 16x300m in pairs. Fancied that, then got there and found a little stinger that you had to jog back 100m after your leg, as it was on a 400m grid. That certainly makes it harder!

    Friday was an impromptu sesh from one of the Friday track coaches, whilst it's on a 6 week shutdown.

    Bit of an underwhelming one to be honest from the high of the track vibe. Only 6 of us, and a mad trail dark road warm up, thankfully with head torch on, including scaling some 10 foot gate on route.

    The sesh was like an old school Marlow Striders one from the mid 2000s, as in random distances, random recoveries and utterly mixed ability.

    Mostly little residential loops, but one rep was up some steep ass pitch black, traily, dodgy footing hill
    Basically under or around 5 dead pace, but about 8xx pace for that one!

    The coach left me for dead on the last rep, an all out sprint. He has a real turn of pace for the shortest stuff, but seems to drop off a cliff even at 200m. Very odd.

    14 on Sunday, sort of reverse of my Holtspur, Beaconsfield, Penn, Hazlemere route that has a 300feet hill down late on. So 300m up early on was a killer, even though I took a slightly less steep version of it.
    7.28 average for that was ok
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Today was back to tempos....

    6.5miler, I intended to throw in 2 x 0.5mile at HMP.

    The last 0.51mile on my watch showed 5.59 which will do, but the first bit was a bit lost in a bit of a sweeping leafy bend, and that mile only came out 6.15 anyway, but kept it that low.

    Overall pace?  6.15!!

    1 sec quicker than previous ones :)

    Though it's been a few weeks since one of these. 2 weeks ago was 4x200m, 4m, 4x200m with the middle bit maybe 6.12.
    Never an easy sesh and always pleased to drill it off.
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    Any races in the offing SG?

    Luton last night in the annoying drizzle & rain. Decent session tho - 8 x 1k off 80 - 3.16 to kick off, then 3.12's until a 3.11 and a 3.07 to finish on.

    8 miles again from work this morning. Camden-Belsize Pk-Hampstead (up) around the back of the heath to Highgate (flatish) then Highgate - Gospel Oak (steep down) then through Kentish Town and back.

    Bit of drama at the start, myself and another passer by stopped a road rage argument getting nasty, getting both to go their way. Fun fun fun.
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    Anyone running?

    7.5 this morning, tootle around Islington and a blat around the Emirates, got 5th fastest. Chucked about 6/7 60 secs tempo too. 
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