
Moraghan Training - Stevie G



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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    SG  - as a skinny endurance sporter you'd have to stop the aerobics, eat loads and lift lots to get hench........I have dormant muscle thats reinflating, but 70mpw will stop too much of that.

    PMJ - that's got to be a motivation to losing a bit of weight then.

    Simon - probably a combination of cold weather and an m50.Body leading to aches and pains.........I was only praising your consistent non injured running recently too.

    Reg - good mix there. You'll defo go quicker in a race on the erg, what setting are you going to race at?

    SQ - easy does it, good to see you inching back to it though.

    11m inc 12x2m30 reps on a length of  dirt dog walking path avoiding ice, combination of surface and all the layers kept the pace down............couldn't do 3min reps as section of trail wasn't long enough.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited January 11
    That's it TR. Any build can put muscle on, but clearly my build, training and diet would take a lot more work than my clubmate who can either look at food or do very little weights stuff to put on.
    Good work getting some reps in.
    It really can be the most awkward time of the year to get quality in. Worse still if you have particular A list races coming.

    I've got literally nothing in at the moment. Keep telling myself no need to force anything as spring and summer have millions of choices when up for it and when 100% etc 
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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    Nice MLR there TR. I think I had a drag factor of about 135 the other day which was about 6 on the machine I used. I suspect 6:45 would be possible in a race environment but those extra second take a lot of extra power!

    I am doing weight training to get out of pain and become more injury proof so if it gives a less skinny look then that's just a bonus. I am still suffering the usual aches and pains though so I've not cracked the code yet.
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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    I did a running thing today. I had meetings at 7am so an easy 5 and a bit at 6am. Then 6.5mi at lunch with 4 x 1km efforts off around 60-90 seconds easy jog. 3:39, 3:33, 3:46 & 3:34. Nothing crazy as a first stab back but nothing broke either which was a bonus!
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    SQ - I agree on the negative connotations of obsessing over mileage. I suppose it applies to obsessing over anything really. My aim is to get certain key runs in each week and the mileage will be whatever it is (though it will be higher). Good to see you getting back out there consistently now. I suspect I will approach this weekend's xc in a similar fashion to yours.

    Reg - sounds like the rowing is coming on well! And the all around fitness too. Good job. Good news on the trouble free reps earlier too!

    SC - I think you might have been jinxed by the previous comments of never getting niggles! Hopefully it all settles quickly.

    Having a decent week so far. Double Tuesday - 8m as easy out (7:42), steady back (6:46) / 5m jog, a 12m jog yesterday, and 10m earlier as 2.5m brisk (7:13, 7:15) either side of 5m 'fast'* (6:15). 

    * fast
     for me is cMP+0-15s.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited January 11
    Always nice to get a first sesh back in Reggie.

    You could join my weekly tempo at that fast pace TT, for a while anyway until you blow it up a gear :)

    For a bit of fun I'm in a Strava "survival" group, as one of the girls from Friday track is on there.

    An ecletic group of 100, featuring some ultra maniacs, reasonably decent mileagers and some who seem to do jack all.

    Weekly challenge such as mileage, av pace, elevation, combos of these has whittled it down to 70 or so a fair few weeks in.

    (No miles gets you booted, as does bottom of the list for the stated metric/metrics)

    This week's is much more interesting.

    Beat your last week's mileage! No miles is booted, as is anyone who fails, so we could see a decent boot out number this week.

    A couple are screwed as they did about 80 or so, but it works for me as I "Only" did 55 last week :)

    I won't do anything more than the slightest change from what I'd want to be doing as this group isn't particularly important, but will see how deep i can get.

    The kid booting out 150-200mile weeks whilst doing 3-4 effort sessions a week, soon came a cropper and had to have a full week off to heal.

    I've seen people do similar before. Insane 100-150mile weeks, then a few months later boobing out 10miles a week. I don't get that, why not settle for say 70 a week for instance every week, rather than half a year extreme, half a year paying for it?
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    So I'm on 39 miles for the week so far.

    Aiming to test some faster miles back at Friday track tomorrow.

    Slight awks is that I have to drop the car in Marlow for 8am, and thus am planning to jog back home after - that's probs 6miles, before track later. Must keep that easy.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Reg - I reckon you'd find more time in a race environment. Can you set the erg as you wish on race day.........agreed re the weights helping with the niggles (me too), probably needs a mix of mobility work, hopping, bounding, sideways etc to really work well

    SG - do you listen to inside jogging podcast, they list the top 3 on their strava each week, the mileage and training is insane, there are pro runners on there that don't top the totals. Have a browse of their strava page sometime.
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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    TR, yes you can set your own damper. It's trial and error, I've mostly been around 130 drag factor but I will experiment with it a bit lower. If the machine is old and dusty then you'll need to set the damper higher than a new machine to get the same drag factor. Most Olympians seem to be in the 115 to 135 region which is probably 3-5 on a well maintained machine. Gym Bros only use 10 and don't use their legs  :D.

    Strong week so far TT!

    SG - That Strava group sounds like a recipe for disaster.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Reg - I can imagine some people could do some madness when it gets to the latter stages.
    For now though, I've just cruised through the rounds doing my usual.

    There is a girl who has done two 80mile weeks, and needs to now do 80+ to stay in. Think she's doing some 50mile ultra in a couple of weeks, so probably shouldn't be doing another huge week :lol:

    Car drop off in Marlow, actually doing the work from about a month ago, when they had the car all day to say "oh yeah it needs a part we don't have, rebook later".

    Pleasantly surprised that the shortest route home is actually 5miles, not 6.

    How I re-fetch the car is utterly dependant on how quickly they get it done, and to complicate it I'm aiming to do the track sesh at 6pm too. Probably shouldn't even consider a jog back, as 10miles on the clock pre track might be pushing it.
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    SCoombes2SCoombes2 ✭✭✭
    TT - Don't worry - it was a couple of the Bedford's kids dads I was talking to (one is in our Vets team). He was saying how i'm never injured, I turned away from them after chatting to get my gear and the back started giving me grief straight away!!

    Just a simple stretch to one side has helped a lot - did an easy 5k this morning and it seems to be OK.

    Steady run yesterday morning, around the Emirates stadium again as I needed to measure it (630m btw..). Wore my Tak8's and realised 6 miles is too far really in them.

    Surrey League tomorrow, Wimbledon common. Perform like I did at the counties and I won't make the top 100... 
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Reg  - gym bros dont like using their legs. I thought I'd heard pro's row at about level 5. Didn't realise you can adjust the drag too.

    SG - resist the strava pull!

    Simon - how did you go? Less of a mud fest?

    17m yday inc 3 x (2m approx mp/1m faster than mp), day off today to give the groaning body a rest.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    TR don't worry, you can trust me not to move too far from my bread and butter plan.

    I had an easy cruise through to the next round as I'd only done 55miles last week, to be sure post physio, so naturally this week came out comfortably above, at 65.5.
    If they said beat that next week I might have to go some, but it's 4 categories this week,total distance, av pace, longest run and elevation.

    50 or more left, and you just have to not be bottom 5 overall. So there's no chance I'll be close to bottom 5 within any of the sections let alone overall.

    Looks a good 17mile outing that one.

    6 for me trying a new route when 2miles into a usual one.
    Exploring the wood/path between 2 areas of town.

    Don't think I'd do it again as it's bitty, steep woods, leading to really steep hills on road in Wycombe!
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    SG - that Strava group sounds like an accident waiting to happen for a lot of people! I hope it worked out ok with the car.

    SC - lol. That is quite ironic! Fingers crossed you're still recovering well, and that the xc went well. Ben ran for us on Saturday in the Hants League. First scorer. 

    An easy double on Friday, before running the Sat XC at ~ marathon HR, plus a back/hip mobility and core session, and heavy weights yesterday, saw out my week. Ended up with 83m. Highest in at least 3 months.
    The xc to HR was surprisingly enough to get me in as 5th scorer for the club, but we were missing a few of our quicker guys.

    Weights yesterday were all Romanian deadlifts where I built up the weight over the session, finishing with 2 x 3 x 101kg, and 1 x 3 x 103kg. I was very glad of the back support belt I bought recently! Surprisingly no doms (that I'm aware of yet) from the heavy lifting!
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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    TR - You can only change the damper setting but you can look in the menu to see what drag factor that is returning as you pull. So 10 on one machine could be the same as 5 on another if the one with 10 is all dusty and blocked up and the other one is clean. nice long run.

    That's a good week TT, nice lifting. Last time I did deadlifts my back cracked mid rep and so I left it there and haven't returned to them yet! Maybe I need a belt.

    Hope you cracked the top 100 SC.

    SG - I can't imagine having more faith in anyone to chart the sensible route through the Strava group, than you!

    24 miles for me last week with a bit of quality in there and a fair bit of gym work too.

    Is it me or are the women's distance records all going down a bit too quickly? Road WR now faster than the track. Seems suspicious.


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    SCoombes2SCoombes2 ✭✭✭
    Reg - Don't see an issue with a flat road 10k being faster than a track 10,000m - it's mentally tough doing all those laps. I do think that a 5,000m should be faster than a road 5k though, due to less laps. 

    Didn't crack the top 100. It's a bit weird, warm up felt better than the counties, but started well down and didn't feel too bad at the start, but the couple of steep hills were really making by quads scream. rs basically into the woods, 2 big laps with a undulating hilly start, flatter mid third, and a downhill last third, but with a few short muddy hills through the 'Butts'. - then down the bottom to start the 2nd lap.

    Just felt more tired than I should have done - ended up 129th. There was a big field, lots of Thames H&H in honour of Ed Catmur who died last week.

    Back felt ok, but the outside of my left knee was giving me a bit of pain walking back to the pub.

    Yesterdays LSR was a hilly 14.5 and I felt ok - left knee took a couple of miles to ease off, weirdly couldn't feel it at all last 2/3 miles.

    7.5 miles this morning, knee not great again, I'll see what it's like tonight. My legs are REALLY achy, nearly post marathon level. Hmm..
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    SC - possible covid or flu symptoms? It sounds like you might benefit from a few days off and some icing?

    Reg - I'm sorry to say it, but the women's distance records stink worse than Kratochvilova's 800m! I read that the fastest 5km in that 10km was only a few seconds slower than the 5km WR set a few weeks ago!!
    Definitely get yourself a belt. I wouldn't have tried to lift that heavy without it. Be prepared to have it almost uncomfortably tight to get the full benefit of it though. 
    Nice on the 24m. Too early to consider any races?

    I spent Saturday and yesterday annoyed with myself that I was happy to have a reason to run controlled rather than race at the xc (the urge/drive to push myself has been sorely lacking for a while), which was part of the reason for the heavy lifting last night.

    To try get my head back in a running quicker space I put some surges in today's long run. The times were comparatively sh!t but I've got to start somewhere. 4m easy then surges of 1,3,1,7,1,5 with 5mins easy between (no jogging), then 6.7m to bring up 17m. It all felt sluggish, though at least I was remembering to push on the last 1min and 5min when it got uncomfortable, so that's a little bit of progress.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    SG - looks like you're over that issue now, good man.

    Reg - interesting, I wonder how they ensure race day is equal for all. They used to bring new machines (and sell them after?).....or did I make that up?......things cracking are things going back in place, so usually a good thing..........I believe in Father Christmas and Nessie more than I do in elite endurance sports, I watch it but don't really believe in it, I used to follow TDF avidly, but just keep an eye on it now.

    Simon - I feel your achey knee, I'm in the same boat. Maybe take a few easy weeks before your build up for your comps.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Hopefully TR, though I know the stretching stuff I need to do to keep it looking the right way.
    Hopefully yours (and Simons) have a similar route out.

    Last week I did 3miles, 2miles with 90secs as a taster of getting back into sessions.

    So this week developed it with a 1mile at the end too.

    Freezing cold, which probably helps nothing.

    But reasonable outcome

    6.17    (6.14, 6.23, 6.15)
    6.12    (6.12,6.12)
    5.58    (5.58)

    The last mile was working decently to keep that sub 6.
    Not huge difference between the 3mile and 2mile splits really, it's that mile 2 of rep 1 that seems to weigh it down - same last week. Must simply be a part of the route.

    That'll do. 3miler later to jog out.
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    SorequadsSorequads ✭✭✭

    Sorry to hear the back and knee giving you a bit of jip, SC. It’s all connected I guess. You’re doing good mileage at the moment and so am sure it will all come good for the big day.

    Good long run, TT. And nice surges to spice things up. Certainly takes the mind off things.

    TR although I know that has been (and probably is) loads of drugs in cycling, I still really get into TdF. So much so my wife and eye play fantasy TdF and it gets very competitive!

    Reg – Ngetich does have a reasonable pedigree and set of results so it’s not totally out of the blue. But yes, the records do keep tumbling at the moment.

    Just over 50M for the week (second in a row), so good to get some consistency in. The early stages of this plan have probably too much quality per week, so have been keen not to kill myself on any particular session. Saturday called for 3 x 8 minutes continuous hills (up and down) tempo off two minutes jog. Converted in 3 x Gambles Lane near me. Bottom to top to bottom again came in at 11:46, 44, 53. No rest other than the relatively flat closing/opening stage. Good session in the dark.

    Sunday was the longest post-injury run yet: 13M at 8m/m. Lovely along the canal in the DAYLIGHT!

    Very nice progression in the session, SG.

    Back to a session at 5am this morn, this time in -2C. Although low winds so not as chilly as feared. Two x 4, 3, 2, 1 mins (60s jogs, 120s after the set). Slowest at 6:58, fastest at 6:12 for an average of 6:40. Pretty destroyed during the later recoveries and the HR didn’t get back down that much. So a second a mile slower average than last week, but a bit more fatigue in the legs, I guess. 8.8M at 7:50 pace for the morning. I find it sets me up well for the day! Although tiredness can quickly get the better of my immune system (and mood) if I stack too many of these together.

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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    SG - good progress on the tempo stuff. I think sometimes the middle mile of 3 can fade out as you adjust to the level you're working at. Kind of like the 4th km in a 5km race, so it could be that as well as the route. What does Strava/Garmin tell you about the profile?

    SQ - great stuff on the 13m, the very early session(!!), and the back to back 50m+ weeks
    I can get that with the session stacking. I'm the same with fibro so even with light back to back 'efforts' (like last Monday and Tuesday which both had steady (cMP + 30-45s) miles) I played it safe and stuck to jogging the next day. 
    That's a good length hill. The longest one near me is a little over 1200m.

    Weighted core workout last night. 10m easy earlier. Trying to get to a place where I have the right number of runs/sessions in place this week (albeit at lower levels).
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited January 16
    TT, oddly, mile 2 has the smoothest flattest stretch to start the mile off and has a 14 feet net down (versus the 18 feet up on mile 1).

    But it has a few bitty bits like a blind bend and need to position to the side of parked cars and switching sides of the road, then slight climbs up and round another bit. I suppose those few direction changes all add up, as well as the effect you mention of knowing you have a last km/mile to make things up. 

    Sounds like you're building back up nicely SQ. Nothing quite like getting back to that "Oh no it's session day", but it's brilliant really - it's the right dread isn't it :D 
    The feeling after is so much better than a standard run.
    Same for when you can't do long runs you miss it, even if you don't necessarily feel thankful early doors.

    The high after those Friday track sessions is quite nice. Plus a rare chance for some social stuff!
    You can't get too much in after though, as not unreasonably the key guys want you to ruck off home so they can leave :D 
    Couple of laps cool down and you're done really, so you have to get some chat in pre sesh :)

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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    SG - sounds a bit fiddly which could definitely account for some of it alright. Would be interesting to see how mile 3 comes out if you focus on nailing mile 2 at the same pace.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    I used to do this as a 3mile loop, but have played with it adding a 2nd lap in of the first bit, or even going out further and back.
    Probably helps having a few bits that can be a fiddle faddle, instead of say the smoothest short road section for laps.

    Both mentally and for prepping for less than ideal courses.

    There's a local fella who often does short loops for tempos and barely beats it, or will be slower in races. It's absolutely insane to me that is. As I'd never get close to race pace solo continuously. Or even try it!
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    SCoombes2SCoombes2 ✭✭✭
    edited January 17
    Cheers for all the knee concern - well it was ok with my newer NB Propel V4 Monday night with the kid for 30 mins, then was fine last night during the 8 x 1k over st Luton, with 2 90 degree left turns (even though my back hurt a bit). 3.18 for the first, then some 3.15's a few 3.12's and a 3.08 to finish.

    Lumpy 7.5 miles this morning - was fine until I finished a downhill bit and went uphill a bit and it twinged to 6/10 pain level. So stopped and rubbed the side of my left quad and it was OK for the rest of the run.

    So better than I had hoped - will keep monitoring

    Picked some more Adidas Tak 8's for £60 with some vouchers (they are £84 in sportshoes at the mo). My Vaporfly for £120 should be here today, from 'Sportspursuits', worth having a look if you are in need..
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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    SC - I'd love to sympathise with the knee concerns but if you're still knocking out 8 x 1km like that I'll reserve it for now :-)

    TT - Some good lifting and running there. Nice one. I am not near race shape at the moment. Might do the TVT TVXC but otherwise I am working towards Hyrox and being quick over those 8 x 1km sections in May.

    Good session SQ, looks like the comeback is well and truly in full swing. 5am though!

    Nice return to quality there SG.

    I did my own session today. Felt like something but didn't know what until I was out running. I considered another 4x 1km but that last one made my calves sore so I thought I'd ease into a progression. 3k easy to warm up and then picked it up on each 1km. 3:59, 3:50, 3:43, 3:40, 3:36 & then 3:40 although the last one involved running through a car park and crossing two roads so it was probably another 3:36 equivalent. All in 11k or just under 7 miles at 6:25/mi.

    That'll do for session 2. My target will be to get to 8 x 1km @ 3:20ish but I am probably 15-20 seconds off that at the moment.
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    SCoombes2SCoombes2 ✭✭✭
    Reg - Yes I understand ;)

    Nice little session there - progress..
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Pain at 6/10 and you could just rub the muscle and it was fine after?
    You must have some magical hands there Simon.

    Looks a sensible and nice progression there Reggie.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited January 17
    Missed sportsshoes £50 for Wave riders in 12s deal, so was considering the connotations of getting them in 11.5 instead.
    Work shoes are 10-11, and have just always run in 12s and never had a problem. 

    Then noticed some "E2" which apparently means wider versions in 12s are there.

    Quick research shows there's a scale of normal  e2 wider, then 2 or 3 extra extra wides etc.
    For £50 and divided by 2 with work discount, £25 is a minimal risk isn't it.
    With maximum gain to fill the storage cupboard for years if they're fine.
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    SCoombes2SCoombes2 ✭✭✭
    SG - Yes was surprised myself, was expecting the knee to keep on twinging. Hopefully it will be OK from now on...
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