
Sub 3



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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    OO - periodusation is a good name for me too at the mo, icy weather is preventing some of the intended quality.

    Joe - box hill sounds good, I did the Ballbuster there one time, awful weather absolutely pissed down (funnily enough).

    TT - big 2 days there. Steady as she goes

    Wardi - that's our sort of South coast race day weather, nice and warm isnt much of a consolation.

    Was minus stupid temps out on the commute dog walking trail this morning, proper Narnia like. I had icicles in my beard again. Ran up and down a gentle 0.25m slope plenty of times to bring up 10m.
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    Wardi - back when I started doing weights bodybuilding.com used to be great for demos (pics and videos) of how to do particular lifts with good form, but from a quick look now it seems to have gone all commercial. There will be plenty of online videos to show you how to do particular lifts correctly so I would definitely recommend looking up some of those. And always start light to get your form right before adding heavier weights.
    BM weather looks brutal!!

    TR - nice with the hills. I've actually done slight less in the first 2 days than last week (mainly because of no pm 4m run after the 17). I'm being sensible - I even kept it all relaxed yesterday :)
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    OO - Sounds lovely! Yes I did see that one and I think that's a good backup. Was put off by the shared tow path (ie shared with the public) but perhaps if it's an early enough start it wouldn't cause much of an issue?
    TT - Yes it is on the hillier side (700 ft or so i think) but generally takes in the flatter parts of Cork. The GFA deadline hasn't been announced yet but was end of September last year. Which is annoying as there aren't actually that many decent events May-September. Edinburgh would have been good but it's around the same time as a wedding, my wedding anniversary and our daughter's birthday. Makes it a tough sell! Interesting pattern of surges in that run. Looks like a fun way to mix up a longer run.
    Wardi - Yikes. Would not fancy that wind for brass monkey. A buggy each sounds fun but no way my wife will be entertaining that idea with a second. Agree re the weather, you really don't know what you're going to get. I think there's scope for someone to create a specific GFA qualifier in September on maybe a lapped course starting reasonably early in case it's hot. Then again, most people are probably organised enough to qualify in the spring.
    TR - The ballbuster was legendary. Quite a few colleagues from work used to race it. Looks like it has bitten the dust now though which is a shame. On a recce run in November we found ourselves in the middle of an ultra being run around Box Hill. I asked one of the guys how long the race was and he said he was doing the 100 mile route which I later found out had over 22k feet of elevation. No thanks!

    13ish cold miles today with a run to the barbers and then 12 miles inc 3k & 2k sections at HMP. The 3k was a comfortable 3:45/km avg but the 2k came in at 3:55s. The wind and a hill beat me up a bit and my HR went pretty high. Felt like a death march back home after that but was still cruising at 4:25s. I find when i've run quick reps my legs are charged and wanna go and what feels like a slow jog is actually closer to tempo, but that's a good thing of course. Overall happy. 12 miles at close to sub 3 pace.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    RJR.. That's a good quality run in the cold, nice paces in a MLR.  Re. Sept marathons, yes not much around in GB.  I had decided on Warsaw in Sept last year but had to scrub it due to injury.  Leeds is on in May but is quite undulating.

    TT.. thanks for the tips on weights, lifting etc. I'll search out some instructionaI videos/pics. I do have some ankle weights too so will dig those out.

    TR.. this clearly isn't the weather for men with facial hair!  Nice work on the hill repeats.

    11.5m today, very cold but a glorious sunny day.  Did a couple of laps around the racecourse where my double layers almost felt too warm.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Wardi - as TT says there's loads of footage of weightlifting. I'd say look for squats, lunges and deadlifts as a runner. I also do dips, pull ups, shoulder press. Not always on the same day. Good going on the 12, being out in the sun sounds good, I'm still in the dark.

    Joe - when i did Ballbuster, transition was wet through, roads street and very slippery with leaves........I do long runs with effort sections in the middle sometimes and have to run an easy 5m home after the effort section, sometimes  up and over a bit hill, always a horrible run home.

    Weights and bike commute this morning, 10m home tonight.
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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    edited January 17
    Joe - The tow path was very clear, only busy for 100m outside the pubs on Richmond riverside but they did cheer and clap which was great. Nice run from you today, 12m at close to sub3 pace is very good going. 
    Wardi - Sounds a lovely run and a good distance.  Hopefully no niggles too?  Certainly dodged a bullet with the BM.
    TR - Icicles in your beard! Hardcore. Nice 10m today, meat and drink of a good marathon training cycle.
    TT - Sounds a really good surge run of 17m? Hmmm - what is a surge run exactly?
    LS21 - Hope your over the lurgy and back at it?

    Lovely 10m in the sun yesterday afternoon, only doing an online training course so delated that to evening time. Equally nice 5m on the beach this afternoon, followed up with a bumpy club run of 9.5m, including up the local heartbreak hill, 500m @ 28%!  Seems there at least 4 of us from the running group I was in doing Manchester in April.
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    rjr - yeah, it sounds like circumstances are limiting your options. I'm sure it is ok, but just double check OO's recommendation of Richmond as if too much of it is classed as trail it might not be eligible for qualification purposes. Nice with the 3km/2km, but sounds as if HMP might not be 3:45/km. Good workout either way though.

    Wardi - I've never tried the ankle weights. Mrs TT has some but not sure how useful they are.

    TR - good commuting in the cold. 

    OO - 28% ??? Blimey! Nice training though.
    A surge run is basically structured fartlek where you pick up the pace for bits, but keep going at your regular run pace on the in between bits, rather than jogging as you normally would on a workout between efforts. At the moment I'm sticking to my easy pace between the quicker bits (cMP + 1:15-1:45), but as I get fitter the in-between-bit will get faster. Further down the line the surges get quicker too. Usually 5km effort for 1-2min surges, 10km for up to 5min surges, and around cMP when it gets into the 10-15min range*).

    * though before my pb I had one of these runs with 2 x 10mins and 1 x 15mins which were all run at about HM pace, which was a strong run and kind of the benchmark I'm aiming for.

    11m yesterday lunchtime with 6 x {1/4m @ 5km-10km effort, 3/4m brisk} - averaged 5:40/6:58. 4m in the evening as easy out, brisk back. Opted for shorts for the lunchtime run which was a mistake as struggled to get my legs turning over in the cold.

    Hopefully an easy double today but my timings are somewhat skewed as a result of waiting in for the treadmill to be delivered (also need to find the time to assemble it).
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    Wardi - I did spot Warsaw as a possibility but was surprised I couldn't get direct flights. Aiming to make it as quick and painless a trip as possible if I need to go abroad. Must be cold your way today. It was -6 this morning in the West Midlands.
    TR - 5m is quite the cool down. I had to run down some busy roads yesterday with no pavements so had to pick and choose my stretches for 3km and 2km. Ideally I think I would have done the 2km a bit later and saved myself such a long cool down but in hindsight it was probably better for my legs.
    OO - I had to reread your post a few times just to make sure you really said 28%! You won't see anything like that in Manchester. Some solid miles banked!
    TT - Quite possible. I have some days thinking i'll be the right side of 1:20 and other days on the wrong side. Generally i've been aiming to train around 3:55/km so that with a ~4-6% shoe benefit and taper I'd dip under 1:20. I like the sound of the surges, presumably the easy run distance/time between them is random ie when you feel like surging you do it?
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited January 18
    OO - good that you can get out in the sun. That group sounds good, you might have some long run company with the other Manch folks.

    Going well this week TT

    Joe - once the London dates get announced more races may pop up, they added a September marathon at Goodwood last yr in order to beat the date. Dorney lake in early Oct may make the cut yet.

    Trying to stick to singles at the mo, but 5 and 5 today in order to be able to run in tomorrow and bike home later.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    RJR.. around here ⁶I get the impression that Ryanair have the Poland flights pretty much tied up!  Less cold than yesterday here, peaked at 1 degree and very sunny again.

    TT.. it has to be 0 degrees or lower to get me in running tights!  Despite my Raynauds struggles it doesn't seem to affect my lower limbs.
    Good luck with the treadie delivery, I wanted mine upstairs back in the day so at 95kg I had to draft in extra labour.

    OO.. that 28% hill sounds brutal!  I get a few mild niggles but not enough to stop me running.  I'll see if my current S&C stuff makes a difference. The Brass forecast has improved slightly but still looks very windy to half way.

    5.4 + 4.3 sunny miles today plus a few exercises.
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    Wardi - I've been doing most of my runs well wrapped up - trying to see if removing a stressor (cold) helps with keeping the fibro under control as volume and effort go up - but I hate the feel of leggings getting caught over my knee. Nice with the sunny double.

    - yesterday ended up being a bit of a bust as only managed a very easy 6m (busy day), but yeah, ok so far. Looking at, hopefully, similar volume to last week by the time today and tomorrow are done, but with a little more effort, so going in the right direction. Any improvements on the niggles front from the (mainly) singles plus s&c?

    rjr - not necessarily. I tend to structure them to some degree as it means that there will be some surges where I start off more fatigued than others, whereas with allowing more recovery time I wouldn't get to stimulate that scenario of trying to pick up the pace on tired legs. Doing them completely randomly also has benefits obviously. I think I just do better with a little bit of structure in there. I've got 4 very specific ones I'll be looking to do further down the line, which are all structured.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited January 19
    Sunny sounds good Wardi, both runs?

    TT - good to have an easier day though. The usual hammy, bum cake and groin stuff is feeling good. I'm able to lift heavyish and it's going well, although im reinflating dormant muscle and gaining weight.........the medial knee damage is improving, biggest problem is front of the knee wear and tear aches, at times its very stiff and achey.......if it's arthritis weights should help, if its runners knee then weights should help........I taped it up last night as if its runners knee, can't hurt.......

    Folks were reporting -8 and -10 at their homes today, was real cold and icy out on my commute dog trail accross he fields, so who knows what the temps were out there. Managed to dodge as much ice as possible and get 7ish of the 10 done on the trail. Pushed on for the last few.............bike commute and weights just now.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    Good work getting the 10m done with a bit of ice dodging TR.  Yes it was wall to wall blue sky yesterday, not much above 1 degree though. 

    TT.. the odd low volume day won't do any harm.  Good to hear you are making a bit of consistent progress.

    A single 5.5m run today, a bit cloudier but temps were up to the heady heights of 3-4 degrees.  More fly tipping to report - this time it looks like it's come from a 1960's kitchen - old lino & a kitchen appliance I didn't recognise.
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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    edited January 20
    TT - Thanks for that, I like the sound of the surge run.  Nice 11m too, and brave man wearing shorts.  
    Joe - 28% - I hope not, there's that tiny rise in Altrincham and thats it.
    TR - Nicely done, especially with the very cold temperatues & ice dodging, a lot around yesterday.
    Wardi - That is balmy!  PR today?

    Nice 10m in the sun yesterday in the afternoon once most of the ice has melted, and 10m this morn, including 5m @ 6.22mm, which I was really pleased with as haven't had a pacy run for a good while.  Choose to run in the old VF as getting no pace whatsoever from the Nike Invincibles, great to run in some shoes with a bit of zip.   Off shortly with my son and some of his pals to see Plymouth my "local" team (who they will be supporting) vs Cardiff City, my main team. Hoping for a 7-7 draw! 
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    JooliganJooligan ✭✭✭
    Hello folks.
    Been reading along but not posting as my running is still 💩💩 due to injury, loss of fitness & persistent post-run muscular/joint aches.
    Pretty sure it was Charlie Spedding who used to incorporate regular surges of 1-4 minutes in his long runs.
    Good to see RJR posting again. Was wondering what had happened to you just the other week. Good luck getting to the start line injury free. You’ve certainly got decent speed. Village Bakery is a great HM: quality field & fast course so you should go well.
    When’s the track 50K SJ? Hopefully the weather is onside as it’d be miserable in wet &/or windy conditions.
    Sorry to hear your glute is still problematic Wardi. At least you’re getting decent mileage in again. 
    Decent mileage from TR, TT & OO
    Glad to hear you’re going a bit easier on yourself TR: best way to preserve consistency & longevity. 
    I managed 30 last week which was my first time over 20 in 10 weeks! 
    Regular parkruns confirm that I’m struggling. So far in 2024 I’ve managed 21:58, 23:45, 22:51 & 22:47. In spite of over a year of relatively poor running my 541 parkruns still average 20:54 which goes to show how far South things have sunk.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Wardi - can't be much down time between those two runs?

    OO - nice one on the speedy miles. Makes me chuckle that your local team is Plymouth, how far away is that ? Quite a distance? 

    Jools - sorry to hear your still struggling. I feel for you.

    Cold and windy 20m today, first 20 of the year. Means I hit the 70m maximum for the week. None of the intended quality in there though due to all the ice.
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    TR - well done on the 20m in that! I've got some front of knee pain on my left. Chiropractor reckons it's a weakness in my VMO (teardrop muscle), and tbf, it is noticeably less defined than it usually is. Weights will help with all aspects of that too.

    OO - nice 5m in the 10. The surge runs are a great way to 'hurry up' a long run.

    Wardi - flytipping always saddens me. I just don't get it. 

    Jools - sorry to read that you're still struggling. Hopefully you can find a way through it! ~
    Good memory!!! Spedding done a couple of surge runs when training for LA in '84. He was knocking along with some of the guys being coached by Bill Squires, which is where the surge runs come from.

    Moved my planned second run yesterday out to tomorrow as we were busy assembling the treadmill yesterday and I didn't fancy trying to run in the dark on ice. I was out earlier in the day, though too slippery for any kind of session so it ended up as 11m - 5 easy, 6 brisk.

    Today was a very easy 12m which was plenty fast enough as I was a bit stiff because our dufus of a dog got carried away on our walk today and clobbered his 30+ kg into my side, at full speed!
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    TT.. sorry to hear about the collision with Muttley!  Good 12m training run today,  hope the treadie assembly was straightforward.

    TR.. for doubles I usually run 8.30-10am mornings and set off 3-4pm afternoons.  The light is coming back here so light until 4.45pm.  Kudos due for the windy 20m.

    Jooligan.. injuries in later life do take longer to get previous form back, best of luck with the recovery.  I'm a minute slower at Parkrun than late '22.

    5.5m + 4m today, exercises on top.  I'm considering a 5-6m run to the 7m point on the Brass Monkey tomorrow ( and back!).  The forecast has improved to mostly dry and 15-16mph SW winds for the runners.  They should be wind assisted on the return in theory.

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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    TT - ouch, hopefully just a bit of short term stiffness. That VMO muscle probably needs a bit of bringing on then.

    Wardi - thats a short break at 5 to 6 hours. Not sure what the science would say about that short break vs doing both runs as a single.

    Turbo for me today.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    TR.. I know it's not ideal but a case of 'needs must' while I'm managing this niggle.  Two single runs don't irritate it as much as a double digit run.  I did do the above (5.5m each way) with a 45 min break for spectating, managed ok.

    Good day for my clubmates.  The 2.26 guy from Valencia ran 69.27 today,  the young lad who had to drop out of Valencia was 1 second behind him.  First time sub 70 for them both.  3rd counter ran 71 mins but I think we were pipped to the team prize by Leeds City.  The first 3 back ended up in a sprint finish, winner 66.58
    They were very fortunate with a weather window this morning, it is now blowing a hooley and chucking it down.
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    saintjasonsaintjason ✭✭✭
    edited January 21
    Nice faster sections in the 12 miles RJR. I wouldn't worry too much about things not going exactly to plan at this stage. Its the effort that counts. 

    28% is some incline OO. Decent turnout for Mcr then. Good stuff. Typical the year I don't run it. That little bump in Alti never seems to matter much as you know. I have a few nice hills on the edge of Saddleworth that I have to focus on but nowhere near 28%. Nice to be running those paces after a chunk of time away from that sort of speed. Shows your legs still know what to do. Good stuff. Hope you enjoyed the footie. I've been going to a few games this season, mostly northern games. Not a bad time to be a Saints fan ! 

    Equally nippy surges during that 11 miles TT. I know what you mean re clothing. Last week I was mostly indoors but today felt overdressed with base layer, tshirt and rain jacket. I had to take my gloves off too. Funny as I always moan about Premier League footballers for wearing gloves. Hope the stiffness from being hit by the pooch isn't too bad.

    Good going out in the sub zero temps TR. More hardy than me for sure. Nice on the first 20 of the year too and hitting that volume target. Pain the butt all this weather. This winter seems far more unsettled than in recent years which have been quite tame I think.

    Sorry to read you have been struggling Jooligan. The low miles will account for some of the regression I suppose. Hopefully as you manage to increase things slowly you should get back going again. That's an impressive average at parkrun nonetheless. Birthday track run is 31st Jan. Hoping for fair weather as you say. I really don't fancy doing it on the treadmill. 

    Sharp running by your clubmates Wardi. Always interesting seeing the early marker half marathons and how they translate in the spring. Good going keeping on training and more importantly the exercises. 

    Another week banked at this end without too much drama. I decided that I would run indoors whilst the ice hung around annoyingly. I ran easy until track yesterday which I didn;t get out to until the afternoon due to errand in the morning. Session was 1k, 2 x 800m, 3 x 600m, 4 x 400m and 5 x 200m all off 60 secs jog. Fortunately I had the track to myself and the wind wasn't too bad. Reps started off with the 1k in 3:42, 800s 2:55, 2:53, 600s 2:08, :07, 07, 400s 1:23, :24, :23, 24, 200s 39s, 40, 38, 38, 38. The idea was to start out at 10k pace and work down to 5k pace. I don't think there is much correlation between these two paces anymore. The speed is sort of still there but I don't think there is another gear. 

    Ran my hilly 20 mile route today in blustery conditions but dry. Left the run as late as I dared with the track still in my legs. Quite tired in the last 5 miles but managed to raise the pace a little to finish strong into the ever strengthening wind. 53 miles for the week.

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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Wardi - in that case, 2 shorter runs is a good idea at the mo then.

    SJ - good going on the track and 20m combo weekend, good paces.......it's been tough so far this winter. There were storms in November when i did Hayling 10m and Gosport, it got cold just before my HM in December, and it's either been pissing down, a named storm or icey since.........as ever less than ideal prep for a warm spring day in the city centre..........I have to suck it up as i train in my commute and got rid of my own car a few years ago (I have access to the SPOs and my lads when they arnt using them though).
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    sj - sounds positive with the 20m! Well done. And good paces on the track workout too!
    I end up going out layered up and then, as soon as I pick up the pace even a little get too hot and end up tucking buffs, hat, and gloves into wherever they'll fit.

    TR - I use my car so infrequently I could almost do away with mine too.

    Wardi - nice results from your clubmates! Sounds like they're in good shape! Good on you for getting out there and supporting them.

    The dog collision left me feeling very painful yesterday so I just jogged enough to bring up 80m for the week (plus a longer dog walk earlier in the day). No weights for a couple of days unfortunately, but I'd probably pop something. Will gauge today's run based on how I feel when I start.
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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    Jools - Give it time, it will get better and some of those recent PR times are pretty decent. 
    TT - Excellent mileage, considering the best efforts of your hound! Great to see consistent big mileage weeks. 
    SJ - I had a metamorphisis at the footie as though a lifelong Cardiff fan, I was cheering the Plymouth goals (as I normally do when I see them play other teams). Just a far better run club, who play good football, score loads of goals with players that care. Yes, a great time to be a Saints fan - going to be tight for that second automatic promotion spot. Your marathon training is hitting all the buttons, well done. 
    TR - Well done for ticking off the first of many 20m and the 70m week.  Yes, a very tough couple of months with the weather, when you have no choice but to run in it. 
    Wardi - Gosh, those times are sharp.  January is the "needs must" month, just get through in one piece.

    An easy 16m into the wind/ storm to bring up a 69m run week. Hopefully a similar week this week.  A rest day today, though keen on active rest so went swimming (for the first time in yonks) this morning. . 
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    TT - thats still big miles despite the dog crash.

    OO - another good week, good idea on the swim. I was proper fit when i was swimming as well as bike and run. I think the forced breathing patterns are good for fitness.

    Morning s and c, evening 5m easy. Hopefully something half decent in the morning (with no ice to dodge).
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    TR - Good work on the 20. Plenty more to come no doubt. Ice is probably my biggest running fear. Worst way psychologically to do yourself some damage even if you might recover quicker than a lot of other niggles.
    TT - 30 kgs is some size of dog! No surprise it caused some damage. Sensible to drop the weights.
    Wardi - Thought the conditions at BM must have been favourable because the times were fantastic. Shame it's so hard to get in now because it's definitely a quick course and lots of people to push you around as a decent club runner.
    Jools - sorry to hear that you're struggling but you seem to be going about things the right way. Parkruns have been great for me getting back into things but I am fortunate that times are going the right way. I'm sure it will come and you'll be back to being a mountain goat!
    SJ - Consistent reps on the track. Initially thought the paces were a little on the slow side (for you anyway) but off 60 sec jog I think that's pretty tough going. Nice one. And on the 20 miler as well. The idea of doing a 20 miler again let alone a marathon is filling me with a bit of fear.
    OO - Good win for Plymouth (not so good for you). Made my first trip there last year as I completed the 92 last season. Thought they had a really nice setup. Nice work on the swim. Jealous of anyone who can and is willing to use swimming for recovery. I don't think it'll ever be for me.

    Not a good week running wise for me. I was winding down for Box Hill but had a cold lingering (the sore throat had started last Sunday). On Friday it hit hard and laid me out for the weekend so no Box Hill and a week off training. These things used to bother me but now I just see it as a bonus i've been forced to rest my legs. Besides all I really missed out on, aside from possible bragging rights with a decent time, was beating my legs up on a tough course and a little bit of extra fitness. Down in London for work tomorrow so i'll try to get an hour in on the south bank tomorrow morning to kick things off again. Not a whole lot more I can do for Wrexham now but will try to get in a couple of longer runs and HMP pace sessions.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    OO.. kudos due for getting 16m done in the storm, 69m is a decent week.

    TT.. you did well to salvage an 80m week after the dog bruising!  Hope the discomfort eases away soonest.

    SJ.. interesting doubling a weekend brisk session with a long run the day after; are your legs usually ok for both?  Nicely done anyway.

    TR.. good luck with the run tomorrow 13 degrees forecast here in the afternoon though very windy.  BTW I had a Madras with egg pilau rice last night, a very tasty combo!

    5.2m late afternoon.  Our town bridge is shut again, I think it must be the wind causing the levels to rise as we've not had much rain lately.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Joe- goid job you didn't run Box Hill then, that wouldn't have done you any favours.

    Wardi - wind is howling here.

    Very wet 10m this morning, but it was mild and the wind was ok, so 3m easy then 7m steady (Av 7.03), good to be doing something that will build fitness. Legs were ruined from ydays S and C, probably good that sore muscles hurt more than an achey knee.......bike commute home this evening into a gale (and more rain).
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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    Joe - Unlucky with the illness but a great attitude to treat it as rest/ recovery. Impressed by the 92, given the relegation/promotions and ground changes. Do you remember which Plymouth game? We went to a lot last season. What ground(s) impressed you most?  Hope you got a run in.
    TR - Bit of a shock the warmer temperatures. A good 7m stretch at a decent lick, and all banked. Well done.    

    Easy 11m double for me today in yet another storm, thankfully wind not rain here.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    I got out early today (8.30) as the forecast worsened during the day.  10.6m done, a bit wet but not too windy at that time.

    RJR.. bad luck catching the bug before a race.  Still, as you say a chance to recover and press on in better health.

    OO.. I remember going to an evening cup replay at Exeter many years ago to watch the Toon.  I went by train and didn't get home until about 9am the next morning!  Good effort getting out twice in the wind.

    Wind and rain is never much fun on a bike, I'd rather be running.  Good work on the soggy 10m.
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