
1000 miles in 2024



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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    A very cold 4 miles today. Left hip wasn't happy - I might've overdone it on Sunday. I think everything's just over tight so I need to let it settle a bit.

    YTD: 66
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    A couple of inches of snow here which made today's 5k seem much longer! Wasn't cold as I had so many layers on!

    YTD: 61
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    So much happening on here! (About 14 of us contributing...Great!)

    Alehouse...Snow!?  Well done on the streak! My next age band will start in 15 wks time.

    Hobie...You need to spend a bit of time with Harmander to refine your pacing! But great what you are both doing with new runners!

    Harmander...Impressive progress with your 'newbies'. How did they do on their 2 hrs.?

    Dubai... Sorry about the Covid. Hope it doesn't hit too hard!

    Chamolk/Wabo... Hills/tempo/strides.....adding a bit of extra quality to the thread!

    JackFW...That sounds like a great Trail event!

    dangeroushamster... Glad that your 'pace goes up' in the cold. Not happening here!

    Big George... I did the 4x4x48 challenge in Dec.2020. Thought that I'd try a few, starting at 8am, but then kept going! (So, the final run was at 4am, two days later...
    Not the best 'plan', and it wouldn't take a lot of thinking to improve on that)

    Cal... Couple of good parkrun times, and 250 tally! Well done on your 14 miles!

    Not getting any easier to fit in the running these days, but I managed 21 miles last week and today I got out for 10 miles.
    YTD: 0063'

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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    For MrM2. Less in the woods than on the river banks. That was yesterday. Largely gone today but replaced by crunchy ice which needed a lot of concentration. Five miles or so brought me to 66.3, YTD. Or 0066.3.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    MrCMrC ✭✭✭
    Luckily no snow here just cold but bright at least. 😁

    A slightly quicker paced 7 miler this morning than the usual plod.
    Also thought I have neglected doing any strides for a while so half a dozen of those. 

    YTD 76 miles.
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    Oh I like the look of that alehouse.
    MrM2, I know....Harmander is way better than I'll ever be at pacing...I work on the "let's see what you can do?" method...she was very happy though and didn't spew so could probably go quicker 😀.
    Hilly loops for me last night 7 miles 1,300 ft and another 7 miles just killing some time while Father in Law had a hospital appointment in Llanelli. 
    72 miles YTD 
    7,378 ft elevation 
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    Wow loads of chatting and updates here, great progress everyone... Loving the pictures but a big special 👏 to Cal on the 250 !

    No snow here either but it's bloody cold ! Generally don't suffer badly but the old Raynaud's is kicking in recently, need to invest in a few more pairs of gloves I think...

    Few more long easy runs but another marathon paced session yesterday. 6x (3k@MP,1k@Rec) for 24k worth. She was a hard one but feeling strong at the minute. Might have to retire the high stacked PrimeX shoes for a while as aggravating Achilles a little...

    YTD 110miles / 176km
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    Thanks, Alehouse. Lovely picture, but wouldn't be my choice for running.

    Hobie...Glad you are still friends...but will she trust you again?!

    MrC...Me too for 'slightly faster 7 miles' and still no snow. Even the ice-covered potholes were clear today.

    dangeroushamster... You're doing some great training sessions. Hope you can stay injury-free!

    Happy to get out for an ice/snow-free 7 miles today, in glorious sunshine.

    YTD: 0070' .
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    They ranged from 11 laps to 17 laps.

    They all survived and are looking forward to increasing the time to 2 and a half hours and 3 hours by end of February.
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    JackFWJackFW ✭✭✭
    Great photo, Alehouse.

    Harmander, glad they survived! 

    6 mile run to work this morning. Ran fast and felt great. 

    YTD - 62 miles
    Elevation - 1788 feet (inspired by Hobie, trying to improve in this area)

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    Welcome to the elevation club JackFW....Happy hill hunting. 
    We've had a bit of snow out here in the wild west....be rude not to get out and enjoy it before windy, wet & warm stuff arrives tomorrow. 
    Coast path half today on a gorgeous Winter day...very icy out but worth it.
    89 miles YTD 
    10,600 ft elevation 
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    Few slow runs for me, not coughing as badly now.

    YTD 55.31 miles

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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Keep it slow, DR!And I'm having to do the same as I have picked up a chest infection (anitbiotics, steroids). Hopefully caught it before it causes too much of a problem. Short and easy for the next few days at least, on top of just a couple of miles yesterday due to ice where I have never seen ice in my 40+ years of living here. 

    YTD: 71
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Some good photos here.
    I've had a few days off - hip (hard to quantify what, exactly, as it moves from the outside to the inside then down to the knee a bit) has been tetchy. I tried a little test run today and it grumbled at first so I walked a little until it stopped then managed three miles, so I should be OK for parkrun. Fingers crossed. 
    alehouse, hope you feel better soon. Not worth pushing it with that and the ice.

    YTD: 69
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    chamolkchamolk ✭✭✭

    Missed a few days due to snow/ice and being busy, but got an hour yesterday then 8.5 miles today with 2x3 mile tempo sections. Still pretty slippy in parts

    YTD 75
    Elevation 3707 ft (usually would be a bit more but too icy to get near the hills recently)
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    MrCMrC ✭✭✭
    edited January 19
    That’s fantastic views Hobie you are lucky to be able to run in that so close to you.

    Chamolk 2x3 mile tempo sounds like a very honest workout.

    Down in the Big Smoke for the weekend to see the Boy so did a 10 miler out and back along the Thames pathway.
    Finished the run and thought that was easier than normal, looked at my stats and realised virtually no elevation 😁.

    YTD 87 miles.
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    JackFWJackFW ✭✭✭
    Running the Thames Path is a favourite of mine. Love it. Both east and west. Enjoy, MrC.

    Hobie, inner Melbourne is a vertically challenged city. But I will do my best. You would laugh if you saw the “hill” I do my hill repeats on. I have a coastal trail run planned for next weekend a few hours south east of the city. That will provide some proper elevation. 

    As DR improves, Alehouse is struck down! How’s Donnie going?

    18km run completed today. Flat pavement on the local promenade with some hill repeats thrown in for good measure. 

    YTD - 73 miles
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Nice one, MrC. I've done a lot of runs along the Thames. 
    Decent distance, Jack.
    chamolk, I must admit I'd be hesitant to try any speedwork when it's slippy, but I'm of an age where falling over won't end well. 
    I got a bit of parkrun tourism done today courtesy of a friend with a car - Sittingbourne in Kent (plus mile warm-up). Mostly flat gravel/sand trail with one stretch of mud that was thankfully frozen hard. I ran conservatively given my dicky hip, which is still not fantastic, but least I got it done.

    YTD: 73
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    A couple of 'rest' days, so pleased to get out this afternoon, for a long run.
    A very familiar 7' loop, twice, with a quick check indoors between the loops.
    I decided to run the first lap with alternating paces (slowish and less slow) and it worked out quite well. The second lap was two and a half minutes slower than the first. (Couldn't believe that it was almost three months since I ran 14 miles!)
    Glad that I read that article, last night, about the benefits of slow running! Don't feel so bad that my average pace, today, was only just inside 11min/mile (10:58).

    YTD: 0084' .
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    Perfect running weather this morning, only 23 degrees clear and sunny. Only managed 4.52 miles, heart rate still through the roof and coughing. Had to slow down to get HR down. 

    YTD 59.83 miles

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    And 3.34 miles with my wife at Jumeirah beach, slow and feeling very unfit

    YTD 63.17 miles

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    chamolkchamolk ✭✭✭
    Unfortunately no 23 degrees and sunny here - ended up going out during an amber wind warning this evening. It was fierce and branches/trees starting to come down, but got 12 miles done. Definitely a change from the ice and snow a few days ago.

    At least you're getting out DR, it'll get easier again soon 

    MrC - it was just the right level for where I'm at currently I think, was comfortable until the last tempo mile when I had to push a bit to keep the pace up.

    Never run along the Thames, but I've heard it's nice - maybe one day when I visit London again

    YTD 90
    Elevation 5246ft
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    Was getting stuffed/groggy after the flu jab but managed a laboured 6.34 miles on Tuesday.

    Just the parkrun yesterday but the group went out for a LSR today before Isha and did 18.7 miles in the 4 hours we agreed.

    YTD = 98.34 miles
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    Where about are you running chamolk? Are you on Strava?
    Weekend working for me, so not much chance to get out, but did manage a very short one after work yesterday in Storm Isha....was scary and rain in the face was painful.
    93 miles YTD
    10,768 ft elevation
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    Cracking pictures Hobie !

    Cal how's the hip today ?

    How's everyone else feeling now it's not so cold ?

    Managed a few sessions, had a shocker Thursday but that was after a long day away with work and only eaten a banana some 8hrs earlier... Note, don't run with zero fuel on board !

    Long run yesterday broke into 3x45m sections with each being 20s/km quicker through each. Decent session on stats but struggled in final 30mins...

    Kingsway parkrun Saturday on the way to the National Running Show. Paced a mate to his PB on what's a decent course to go quick if you wanted too ! Good day overall...

    YTD 228km / 142m
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Take it very easy, DR! Definitely watch the HR. 

    Not been well and on abx and steroids: these seem to have been working their magic and have prevented anything too bad. A few days of short runs to maintain the streak, then around 70 minutes today with my M78 neighbour. Very slow; the good news is that I felt as bad at the end as I did at the start!

    YTD: 82.1
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Donnie2Donnie2 ✭✭✭
    Just checking in - great to see everyone progressing well although have to admit to some frustration that I'm still on 0.

    I might have mentioned my osteopath diagnosed piriformis syndrome - this is week 4. I keep thinking I'm almost there, thinking I'll try a gentle couple of miles in a few days time and then the sciatica symptoms kick in again. Drove for a couple of hours yesterday which didn't help and might have overstretched when doing the prescribed exercises. 

    Have really enjoyed volunteering at parkrun - handed out tokens again this week , it really is uplifting. 

    Reading back - special mention to Hobie for use of the word 'spew', once in very common useage, it seems to have dropped out of fashion. Not sure why, but it made my smile. 
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    Hope you're not feeling too left out Donnie2 great to keep in the scene using the magic of parkrun, we're with you all the way & if I have any spare miles at the end of the year, I'm happy to donate you some....I do my best to reintroduce the word spew in running circles.
    Probably a quiet week mostly for me....we're starting a new Couch to 5k group on Wednesday so a few there before club run and I've got a trail half route recce on Saturday which will be lovely to do without any pressure of it being a race.
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    Lots of good running going on. I really enjoy reading what you’ve all been up to. Sympathies to the ill and injured, I hope you recover quickly. 

    The morning after my last little 3 mile ankle-tester, it was clear it had failed the test. I’m stuck on 14 miles for the year and I don’t think I’ll be doing any running for a few weeks. I’m trying to keep up my fitness on the indoor bike but it’s not the same. Also, sadly, I’ve deferred my place at the Wokingham Half in Feb until next year. At least that gives me something long-term to aim at. 
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    Decided to log my jog home from the garage (Car in for MOT) and my mile back, to pick up the car. Fortunately I was able to get out for a 7 mile run in the afternoon. Very windy but dry..and getting warmer! (Back in shorts after a couple of weeks in 'legs'.)

    YTD: 0093' . 
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