
Sub 3



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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    edited January 23

    Brass results for those interested.  Our top 3 club lads were 14th, 15th & 29th.  Another of our fast guys dropped a notch to pace 4 club lads to sub 1.20, all made the cut.

    Overall some spectacular times at the sharp end considering a windy day.
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    Wardi - some good results there (generally, and from your club). Good work still getting out despite the weather.

    OO - good week last week from you.

    TR - nice steady section in there. Hopefully the bike home wasn't too bad!

    rjr - fingers crossed you feel better soon.

    I ended up taking Monday off completely as hurt just to bend down to pick up a pair of shorts. Back at it yesterday with a jog double (7/4). Hopefully easy (rather than jogging) today, and possibly a bit of core work. Should be ok to lift again tomorrow.
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    LS21LS21 ✭✭✭
    edited January 24
    Hello all,

    Not posted for a few days, but I hope everyone is well. Seems training is mostly going ok for folk (certainly for TR, OO and SJ). 

    I was sorry to read that wardi has decided to knock racing on the head for the time being, but possibly a wise decision if you means you can run pain-free.

    Sorry to hear of TT's canine-related woes as well!

    Hello (and welcome back!) to RJR - hope you're over the little illness now.

    And keep at it Jooligan - hopefully you see a bit of progress soon.

    Back to it here. In hindsight I think I might have had a mild dose of food poisoning (or similar) the other week rather than being ill as such. I'd had some chicken on the Monday eve and felt rough from Tue, so I dunno. Anyway, missed a few days but no bother really.

    Since then I've decided to jump in at the relevant week on the 18 week P+D 70-85mpw plan. So I've just done whatever that says to do. Only slight change is I was supposed to do 18 with some at MP (can't remember how many!) on Sunday - and I actually did 18 with a Half Mara in there instead. The Four Villages Half at Helsby. Was a bit windy but not terrible, and I was happy enough with 1'26'50 - that was quicker than I thought, and I had a pleasant surprise when I looked at my watch (I totally ignored it until I hit the 13 mile marker, and it was about 90 secs quicker than I thought it would be). So all good really. Just getting my head down, sticking to the plan and not thinking about it too much. Trust the process etc. Will see where that takes us.
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    TR - Wind behind would be a dream on the bike atm. Very windy again last night. Blew the bins over and scattered our recycling everywhere. Do you just accept that S&C might hurt your running for the next few days? All for the greater good?
    OO - Plymouth v Ipswich, so fantastic game to be at. They were top two at the time and obviously ended up that way. There's probably far more forgettable grounds than really good ones. But Tottenham, Newcastle and Sunderland stand out for me. Tottenham's ground is on another level I think to any other atm. I presume an 11 mile double is 11 miles total and not 22?

    Had some baby free time this afternoon so brought forward the long run. Was meant to be 110 mins with 25 mins @ HMP but with the cold still lingering a bit I didn't fancy the HMP effort. 15 miles @ 7:20 min/mileing. Did not intend to go at that pace but it felt very comfortable early on and I'd actually convinced myself the GPS must have gone funny so just ignored the fact I was clipping along at low 7 min/mileing. Turns out nothing wrong with the GPS and no surprise it did catch up with me for the final few miles. Gym session to come tonight, will probably need to take it a little easy.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    TT - hopefully you are healing up a bit?

    LS - good that you're feeling better, well done on the HM. Fitness is building. If you stick with P and D you'll be in good shape. Stu Leaney, padams and marigold all run sub 2.30 following that to the letter.

    Joe - 25min of HMP in nearly 2 hours sounds a bit tough. How about something like 24min mp/12min hmp?........Monday was lighter weights but more mobility with variations of lunges etc the heavier weights leave me less sore, but they still affect the running. So as you say its all for the greater good.......just need to make sure i race on fresh legs I suppose.......the bike ride yday was into the storm, at one point I thought I might have to get off and walk as i was going so slowly uphill.

    Heavy weight and bike commute this morning, 12m home this evening.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    Good  bike/run TR, the wind was still vicious here this morning. 

    RJR.. that's a fine 15m run at a decent pace, nicely done.  Yeah the wind was vicious here last night.  Hope the gym session went OK.  BTW Rochdale is probably the least spectacular ground I've been to, rustic best describes it!

    LS21.. congrats on a solid HM, hope your favourable weather window was similar to the BM.  Keep with the program!

    4m + 6.5m double today.  The wind had died down by the afternoon so a pleasant run.  Still a lot of flood water about.
    The wind here was so noisy last night that I shut every door and window in the house to try and shut it out.  That and a large glass of wine ensured a good night's sleep!

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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    LS - good to see a positive run at the HM. Looking good.

    TR - getting there slowly, cheers. I'd imagine biking in those winds is as much a s&c workout as a cycle one!

    Wardi - the wind was like that here the night before last. 

    I ended up taking yesterday off as was sore after the jogging on Tuesday. Back out earlier for a very easy 7m, and have booked the chiropractor off the back of that! I'm in a place where I can run but it's not comfortable and I wouldn't want to try anything more than a very easy effort right now.
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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    LS21 - Good to see you back and recovered. A really good 18m and that HM time is on the money. 
    Joe - That's a sharp session, your in good shape.  We missed that match! I've been to the old WHL but not Spurs new stadium.  Off to visit Swanseas' "new" ground for the 1st time next week seeing my first Plymouth away game with my son along with my Swansea supporting brother and nephew.  Anfield best ground for me, especially when they sang "Walk On" in the Kop. 
    Wardi - Impressive (or is that mad) devotion seeing the Toon @ Exeter, that's a very long way! Remember seeing the Toon @ Arsenal in the early 90's when Newcastle won and went top of the league. Good double and a deserved glass of wine.
    TR - Another 12m banked!
    TT- An appointment with the chiro sounds a good decision. Hope it does the trick.

    4m & 11m mainly with the local running club last night, ran a good pace for 6m through rural lanes with the club and 5m wu/cd. Two of the running clubs runners are running a very tough Cornish ultra the aptly named Arc of Attrition this weekend, thankfully the weather looks good.   
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    TT - sounds painful. Probably some impact damage.

    That run group is decent OO, would be good to get some long runs with them, although not too often.

    7m and 7m today, means I can run in tomorrow and then bike home.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    TT.. good luck with the chiropractor.  That sounds a bit like my current state, I can run but it's only about 90-95% comfortable.

    OO.. I was in my 20's back then.  Sadly one of the lads I went to the matches with in those days perished on flight MH17 over Ukraine in 2014.  He had only missed one match in about 30 years.  I often think of him & what he would make of the club's relative success now.
    Nice work on the double, just found out today that one of my club lads is running that Cornish ultra, good to hear the weather looks decent enough for the competitors.

    TR.. good planning on the double to enable the bike ride home.  I remember those sort of logistics well!

    Just a single 5.3m today.  The weather has now calmed down (11 degrees and lighter winds) and thankfully our bridge is back open.

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    LS21LS21 ✭✭✭
    Morning all,

    TT - good luck at the chiro! Hope you get straightened out and you can then kick on a bit.

    TR - good combo of lifting, biking, run commuting and medium long running there! Good work!

    wardi - good stuff re the bridge. The weather is much better here today as well. It's been beyond dreadful. I don't ever remember a winter where it's been as hard going as this. Either seems to be -10 or blowing a gale and banging it down. Just day after day after day after day. Quite hard going at times really.

    OO - nice looking run there with the local club. I seem to have gone the other way where I'm not going to the club at all really. The sessions just aren't compatible with Marathon training. Not this part of Mara training anyway. Maybe the odd shorter, quicker rep type session in about 6 weeks, but not at the mo. So just doing everything solo, which is fine.

    Still just taking it day to day here on the P+D plan. Tuesday was 10 with strides, Wed was 13, yesterday a very sedate 7 recovery and then 10 this morning. All good. Next week things really ramp up though, but I'll worry about that next week!
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Wardi - don't suppose the calm will last long, I've a race next weekend so that'll brew some weather up.

    LS - that sounds like P and D. The P and D long runs where you do long blocks of mp +10% are marathon gold.

    5m easy this morning (Av HR was super low), bike home and weights this evening.

    Long dong tomorrow.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    TR.. good luck with the long run tomorrow.  Forecast here for next weekend is windy Thurs/Fri/Sat but calming down on Sunday- we shall see!

    LS21.. yes roll on spring!  On Wednesday's run I crossed a bridge over the river Ouse near Naburn this week, I haven't seen that much flooding in the surrounding fields before.  This relatively dry spell is very welcome.
    A few of my club's fast crew meet up in a group for marathon specific stuff and attend the club when it suits.  Seems to work, some of them have knocked decent chunks off their marathon times.

    A steady 10m this afternoon, nice day here though quite windy early on.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Wardi - marigold set up marathon sessions on Tuesdays doing the BAC sessions, which built towards 20m.......one of the biggest marathon mistakes is folks still doing the Tues and Thurs club sessions instead of the medium long run and a marsthon specific session.

    20m today, 66m for the week, no quality again but there was lots of running on achey legs from weights including today. After next week's 10k I need to get some structure into the week, so i can get some sessions in on better legs at times, especially when the long runs get a bit structured........but at the mo it's all for the greater good.
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    LS21LS21 ✭✭✭
    edited January 27
    Good work TR!

    wardi - 
    yes, good idea re the group thing. I was part of a similar set up before I moved to the Lakes. Had a nice group of 2’45-3’05ish runners all working together. No such luck up here. It’s a weird place. Very insular. No one will ever go anywhere or do any of the bigger races. There’s only 2 of us doing London from my club, and the only other lad I know doing it from another local club is a 2’30 man - so way too quick for me. I don’t know anyone up here doing Manchester even. I find it frustrating at times but there we are. I tried to introduce a set of ‘Club Standards’ last year, in line with loads of other clubs. Went down like a lead balloon. Too hard apparently. That’s mostly cos folk aren’t as good as they think they are. They also queried why I’d put 20 miles in there when ‘there aren’t any 20 mile races’. Trimpell is in March and Sept. It’s about a 70 minute drive away. Only me ever does it. Waste of f*cking time. Anyway, I’ll just do my own thing. At least that means I’m not compromising what the plan says to fit in with other folk. 

    A plodtastic 7 at about 9’00 pace this morn. All good. Just the 16 miles for my long run tomorrow, but blowing a gale again so heading to Keswick to run on the railway line. 
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    LS21LS21 ✭✭✭
    I’ve actually strongly considered going ‘Unattached Harriers’ as per TR. Slight issue I’ve got is my name (I’m a Smith). With my EA number and club affiliation it’s dead easy to prove I’ve ran the time needed to qualify for London. Unattached possibly less so. I think there were 4 or 5 ‘Lee Smiths’ at London last year alone. So I just stick with it. Only £25 a year so all good really. Plus it gives me something to moan about. 
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    LS - your £25 a year is saving you more than that in entry fees........I've considered joining Southern vets so i become a registered athlete, which would save entry fees and enable me to qualify for masters, need to see how my knee goes first rhough.......my ttaining sessions all start from home or work and there's no club sessions from either of those locations.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    TR.. 66m is a good week and congrats on grinding out the 20m.  Yes I remember the BAC sessions, are they still done by the marathon crew down there?

    LS21.. our fast crew have joined the club slowly but surely over the last 3 years or so.  There's a lot of camaraderie and socialising between them, plus a Whatsapp group to arrange training runs.  Their times have improved massively.  There are often organised Sat or Sun long runs, pace is agreed or maybe split into 2 groups.  Good luck with the longer run tomorrow.

    Rounded the Parkrun up to 10.5m with add ons.  Lovely morning for a run here. Looks like my mate finished the Cornish SW trail,  chapeau.
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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭
    Morning all.

    Belated congratulations on the HM time, LS21.  As long as you're happy with your training, that's all that really matters.  

    I hope that TT's back has improved.  I'm sure the dog is cute as a button, but dammit, what a pain!

    It's good to hear things have dried out a bit, Wardi.  I think the weather was worse up near you than down in the mild, mild West.

    An exciting day for me: 9 miles!  My longest since the meniscal tear.  It did mean I could do a route I hadn't done since the injury because it involves going too far from home, and it was really lovely to get back out there.  My legs are a bit knackered as yesterday's barre class was quite tough (triceps are also feeling it...).  But the aim of the barre classes is to get stronger and reduce the likelihood of future injuries, so hopefully the DOMS means they're doing the trick :)
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Good progress Jools, I hear you on running with sore legs.

    Wardi - back to parkrun! Things are on the up again?.......there's more of an elite group training there now (twemlow track club), marigold is involved in the coaching of some i think.

    Day off today, gives my legs a break as next run will be Monday evening.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    TR.. it was a trial run really but merely served to confirm that running anything faster than steady isn't comfortable.  I have been chewing over my options to find a solution and might go the injection route as this has been niggling me on & off since last March/April.  I have tried 2 x rest periods of 7-8 weeks, exercises & strength stuff, physio visits, massage (& spent a fair bit of money!) but still no end in sight.  I'm quite happy to run to keep fit in the meantime, keeps my spirits up!  10k today, nice day up here.

    Jools.. excellent news, 9m is a confidence boosting distance.  Almost into double digits. 

    I hear on the grapevine it's many happy returns to TT today! 
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited January 28
    Wardi - defo a pisser. Took me ages to get over hammy/bum cake issue this time last yr, although a week off for CV in February didnt help. I remember that i still couldn't even do strides at mp a few dsys before Brighton mara in April..........I think the faster running and heavier weights helped me........how do you know it's something that an injection can fix?
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    JooliganJooligan ✭✭✭
    edited January 28
    Good one Joolska.
    Solid training there LS21. That HM time bodes well for a positive Spring performance. Hope the railway line kept you sheltered ok. I ran the parkrun there in July 2018: cycled 28M from Lowther Deer Park as I was working at the festival. Got lost so arrived late & started about 8 minutes after everyone else 😂 Managed to overtake 40 or so but still my highest finish position.
    Sorry to hear racing parkrun is not making a regular return for you yet Wardi.
    Bit better week for me with 0, 7K, 13K, 7K, 5K w 6x100m Strides + an hour’s cycle commute every day. 10K yesterday as 2K wu, parkrun, 3K cd. It wasn’t looking promising on the warm-up as my back was painful & arriving at the start a clubmate said I was ‘crabbing’ badly, however a few more stretches & leg swings during the briefing must’ve shifted something as I was able to race ok albeit far slower than pre-injury. However I got to the halfway point 15-20s sooner than my other 2 visits since though. I was able to maintain the effort through to the end & finished with 22:10. Marshalled a little fell race from Abertillery after too.
    Today I set out aiming to do 14 miles to get me up to 40 for the first time in 3 months. Felt ok at 12 even though I was halfway up a 2K climb which was lucky as I realised it was going to be further. Told myself I’d get to 15 & walk it in then talked myself into 25K & by that time I was almost back at the car so carried on. Even ran a few hundred feet past the car to get to 16M@8:53 average. Hopefully I can get going a bit now as Newport is just 3 months away.
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    Wardi - thank you. A year closer to the next age category! Sorry to read that things don't seem to be improving for you. It sounds like an injection is a sensible next step if nothing else is helping.

    OO - sounds like a good run out with the local club.

    TR - you're managing your niggles well and still getting good training in; well done!

    LS - good work on the plan. I can get that with the club scene. I've joined in group sessions occasionally but invariably end up doing my own thing - it seems to be a peculiarily British group thing to do anaerobic work all year round, sometimes even twice a week.

    Jools - great news on the 9m! :) And yeah, he's as cute as a button, but also thick as two short planks!

    Jooligan - that's all really positive! Fingers crossed for you that you're good to go now!

    The chiropractor has a new bench mark for how badly I can get my back/hip messed up apparently! Lol.
    I was told no running for a few days. I did actually take Friday off, but by Saturday was at the point where I felt a a jog might help, so had a very gentle 4m outing. 6m yesterday afternoon as a birthday run with Jr was a little quicker, but still very relaxed.

    Only 27m for the week, but, anaemia issues aside, I feel ok to go again this week.
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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    edited January 29
    Good Progress Joolska
    Get in Jools, a faster PR, 40m+, a decent long run d&d, see you in Newport. Good mind-games to get those extra few miles.
    Wardi - Congrats to your clubmate doing the Arc, a long day out for him and a decent journey too.  My team mate came 2nd in the 50m, 8.5 hours, some run!. Good conditions this year as January can be a right basta*d on the coast. Its a shame your injury is holding you back, but a good attitude that you can enjoy running whilst you get treatment to hopefully clear it up.
    TR - Good work, getting another 20m ticked off.  66m light for you but still a good week.  I am with you on the need to add some faster running but you are coming from a good base. Also thinking of joining  vets club and my bum-cakes still ache.
    LS21 - The club I ran with is free / non-affiliated, less than a year old and growing, it had nearly 60 out running last Wednesday evening for its social run.
    TT - Hope the advice and rest works and your back to normal/ new-normal? soon.

    A 73m week & 1200m+ of climbing through the week finished off with a 20m steady long run yesterday on the flat local trail, just under 8 mm.  Faffed about all day and finally out of the door at 3 pm,  so finished in the dark.  Over-dressed as warmer than thought so very sweaty at the end. Managed with just a bottle of water.
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    Wardi - crikey, wasn't it 2 Newcastle fans died in MH17. Remember them doing the minutes silence. Rochdale was around 2009 for me for a pretty dull 0-0 draw if my memory serves against Hartlepool. Forgettable all round. Lighter winds but still windy our way. Nice work on the 5.3.
    OO - It was tough to get tickets for Liverpool and ended up going in the away end with Wolves last season. I was excited to hear YNWA but I heard nothing because the 6,000 or so Wolves fans just booed the whole way through it. Impressive ground of course. Swansea was the usual out of town, won't live long in the memory type. But I will remember the game. 4-3 away win for Birmingham and I was in the away end as my wife supports the blues. Proper scenes with the winner coming in something like the 97th minute. That's a big ol' week you've put in there.
    TT - Ouch! Sounds like you've had a tough few weeks. Well done on the birthday run.
    Jooligan - Well done on the long run. I've recently experienced the difficulty getting into the teens and I haven't had 2k climbs in my runs. Really good effort.
    Joolska - So much more strength work going on in here these days. Nice work. Sure to pay dividends. Hope the return from injury continues well.
    LS21 - That does sound a bit odd the reluctance to travel to race. Sounds more like a social club than a running club. I do find it a little annoying that there's the £2 discount on race fees for being a member of a running club. Kind of tricks you into it even if there's unlikely to be any benefit. I'm currently thinking of re-joining my local running club just for that and the chance to run at the 12 stage relays / national XC.

    Since last post i've been mostly easy running with a couple of buggy runs. 41 miles in total last week so a nice recovery from my cold. Was up in the north-east at the weekend visiting family and so I did Hartlepool parkrun on Saturday. Took the first finish in 17:13. It's 3k out in one direction and 2k back the other. The 3k had good wind behind and so I was through 3k in 10:02 and it was then a little struggle back but I was really happy it didn't go completely off a cliff. It was my first first finish at a parkrun since October 2008 which I believe is 5,586 days. I've checked that out and that's actually a parkrun record of time between wins (at least amongst male finishers). Not sure if that's something to be "proud" of but a small claim to fame nonetheless.

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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    Joe.. yes two Toon lads perished on MH17.  They were on their way to a pre-season friendly in NZ.  I instinctively new my old mate would be one of them, not many would fly long distance to a friendly!  Congrats on the Parkrun win, cracking time.  One of the girls ran 17.41 at York.

    OO.. great podium place for your clubmate.  Our lad took around 32 hours for the 100m, he has a sub 3 marathon to his name but loves ultras  He's only about 23 so plenty of time on the learning curve.  73m is a good week for you, capped off nicely with that 20m.

    Jooligan.. good to see you getting back to it, and nice work stretching that MLR out to 16m.

    TT.. best of luck getting back in the groove this week, sounds like the chiro did a good job!

    TR.. I've had 2 or 3 cortisone jabs in the last 10-12 years when I've had a prolonged glute/hamstring pain.  Also fixed a clicky stiff knee after a fall.  It has fixed me in the past so willing to try again.  The chap who gave the injections has retired but still owns the HQ in Wetherby which has about 15-20 practitioners I have no idea what an aesthetics nurse does! :| ).  A lady doctor there does injections for pain relief so I'll have chat with her to see if it's a possibility.

    5.2m on the treadie today.  It was absolutely pithing it down this morning so I wussed out of the outdoor option!
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    OO - well done on still getting the long one done despite the faffing - those are the ones I end up binning. Good week too.

    rjr - good parkrun and big gap between firsts! That is impressive in a niche way! 

    Wardi - you got unlucky with the weather yesterday; it was shorts and t-shirt weather down here!

    7m 'strong' yesterday (basically brisk to steady) averaging 6:54, plus another 3m easy with the dog later (he's getting quicker - 7:54). Had planned more for the evening run but stuff came up. Will look for some time on feet later.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Jools - hopefully you've finally turned a corner then, that's a big jump up to a longish run. Fingers crossed.

    TT - hopefully you're on the up again too. Sounds like you were pretty beat up.

    Wardi - fair enough, do you need to be referred or can you go private?

    Joe - good away win there.

    S and C yday morning the 10m home, 11m as 3 easy, 7 progressive steady, 1 easy this morning. Ended up with 7 av 6.56 as went from 7.0X to 6.4X, but knee has been moaning a bit more.......That rest day Sunday might have been better spent on the turbo.
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    LS21LS21 ✭✭✭
    Evening all.

    joolska - great stuff re the 9 mile run. Must be great to be back doing some of your old routes!!

    wardi - good luck re the injection. I remember that's worked for you a few times before, so fingers crossed you can get sorted.

    jooligan - looking good there, and nicely done on the parkrun. Things definitely moving in the right direction again. And yes, the Keswick railway line is reasonably sheltered. It's my 'go to' route when it's windy (assuming I've got time as it involves driving there and back as well).

    TT - belated happy birthday! I always remember yours actually, cos it's the same day as my brother's. You prob already know this, but the space shuttle blew up on your birthday in 1986! That was my brother's 18th! Hope the back is settling down too.

    OO - nicely done on the 20 at the weekend. I remember running from Wadebridge to Bodmin and back quite a few times when on holiday down there. Always a nice run. Good stuff re the club as well - sounds great! 

    rjr - cracking time at the parkrun, and well done on the win!! Hopefully not another 15 years+ til the next one!!

    All ok here. Easy 7 yesterday, and then the P+D lactate threshold run today. 11 miles with the middle 5 at circa 10 mile race pace. Went ok really, so all good. Not overly looking forward to tomorrow's 15 miler before work. Partly cos it's 15 miles with a 6:15am kick off, but also cos of the weather. Again. Having had a weather warning for rain yesterday and today, we've now got a weather warning for wind tomorrow. 30+mph all day again. Magic that. I'm seriously considering doing the 15 on the treddy at the gym, cos I'm so fed up of doing every bloody run in woeful conditions. Will decide later.
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