
1000 miles in 2024



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    MrCMrC ✭✭✭
    I know it’s not easy and I’m the worst with wanting to come back to early Donny but patience will your friend in the long run.

    Thats a shame George keep your spirits up you will be back soon.

    Yay to wearing shorts again MrM2 😁

    6 miles this morning with a 4 mile tempo sandwiched in there.

    YTD 106 miles.
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Well it's not such great news for me. I went to the physio on Monday and he diagnosed bursitis (which I suspected) along with a big of gluteal tendinopathy (which I didn't). I've stuck to the elliptical in the gym the last couple of days since it's pain free (ironically, walking seems to be the most uncomfortable activity, since that's usually my go to if I'm injured). I did a run walk today, 4 miles with 2 run/1 walk (although a few of those 2s were actually 3s because it turns out I'm not great at counting). I quite enjoyed the running parts - I tend to run faster when I'm Jeffing. And it wasn't too bad. Still, whether I can keep going is another matter.
    Brighton is looking dodgy and they don't do refunds or deferrals which sucks.

    YTD: 77
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    Good luck Cal

    Great streaking alehouse

    feel I’m getting stronger every day and HR is coming down although still higher than normal, very pleasant 27 degrees today

    22.1 6.76
    23.1 8.22
    24.1 5.18

    YTD 83.33 miles

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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    Donnie... just the mention of 'Sciatica symptoms' brings back bad memories from 3 years ago. You will certainly need to be patient, and also disciplined with the stretches...
    Hope to see you adding some miles very soon.

    MrC... Me too for Thames riverside running. I was born in Brentford, and spent the first 18 years of married life in Chiswick. Although I wasn't running in those days I've since run the Thames Meander Marathon a couple of times. (Uneven paths can be a bit hard on the feet and ankles.)

    Alehouse...Hope you get rid of that chest infection very soon!

    Dubai... Good to see you clocking some miles; 20' in three days is encouraging...?

    JackFW...Your 18km run with hill repeats sounds a bit challenging. Not always easy to find the right size of hill. Some years ago I did quite a bit of my running in Holland where we joked that the man-made ski slope was the biggest hill in the country. I used to use one of the canal bridges for my hill-work.

    Harmander... 18.7 miles over 4 hours for your 'newbies' ? They are making great progress! Are you fuelling them on Samosas?

    Hobie...The storms have hit your part of the world quite hard. Don't know how you managed C25K sessions in that weather.

    dangeroushamster... Another one for parkrun pacing! (Might give my local one a visit next Saturday.) Your long run sounds quite technical. I never fine-tuned my paces down to differences of 20secs/km. You're notching-up some serious miles in January; keep yourself clear of injuries!

    Big George... Sorry that your ankle failed the test. Most years I've had to rest mine for a few days, now and again, and occasionally have used a light, ankle support. 

    Cal... Sorry that the Physio had bad news for you. Guess you knew it wasn't going to be good. Glad that you've got the Gym handy, and that you can also do some Jeffing miles.
    Hope that you'll be able to pick up in time for Brighton!

    Seven miles for me, this morning, and the wind seemed strong and adverse all the way!
    Had toyed with the idea of a double 7 mile run, like last week, but decided to cut my losses... Went out for a 5k run this evening as a small compensation...

    YTD: 0103' .

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    Finally got a wee break in the weather yesterday....perfect timing for the first day of our latest Couch to 5k group. Weather cr@p again today so the hills should be nice and boggy for the weekend run.

    23 new runners came along last night, was lovely friendly, fun night. I joined another run group when we finished to get a couple of extra miles in.

    97 miles YTD
    11,099 ft elevation
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    MrCMrC ✭✭✭
    Beautiful morning for running today.

    12 miles today with the final 2 at tempo pace. Good stretch out for the legs!

    YTD 118 miles.

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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Yeah I've cancelled Brighton - even if I got miraculously better in a couple of weeks, it wouldn't be in time to train. Since they don't do deferrals or transfers, I asked if I could swap to the 10K and they've allowed that, so I'll still have something. I should hopefully be able to manage that by then.
    4 miles run/walk today. Not without discomfort but manageable. I think that's about as good as I can hope for at this time.

    YTD: 81
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    Hobie... '23 new runners'...Where do you find them?

    MrC... Nice to finish with 'Tempo'. (I rarely manage that!)

    Cal... Glad that your legs are still being kept busy, but sorry that you have had to pull out of the Brighton marathon!

    Having trouble with my Garmin cable, so a late entry of yesterday's 9 mile run. A mixed pace run but rather random times. Nowhere near where I want to be with consistency. Hopefully some warmer, less windy weather (when???) will help.

    YTD: 0112'
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    JackFWJackFW ✭✭✭
    Cal - Sorry to hear you’ve had to pull out of Brighton. Get yourself right and recalibrate mate.

    A 16km coastal trail run for me this morning. It was a very undulating course, total elevation gain 536 meters, which I found very challenging. Loads of up and down, not many flat spots to relax. I did this course 5 years ago, but had forgotten how tough it is. Having said that, it was a nice way to bring up the 100 miles for the month and I somehow avoided doing some damage to the wallet with the nearby lobster festival on. 

    YTD - 104 miles.
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    Cal, hope you're feeling good again soon...10k will still be good.
    Jack, looks stunning, great run and pics.
    MrM2....I've no idea where they all come from, bit scary to be honest.
    Good couple of runs for me this weekend....Silver Trail Half recce yesterday and a trail 7 and a bit run today.
    118 miles YTD 
    13,989 ft elevation 

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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Great place to run, Jack! Thought it was the UK initially!

    Looks tough, Hobie!

    First run in new age group at parkrun so pleased to manage 73% age grading on a toughish course (the one with the steps and rugby club, Cal!). Took me over 100 miles for Jan, plus a recovery run today.

    YTD 105

    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    JackFW... I'm not a keen trail-runner (my ankles are not very understanding!) but the pics make it look irresistible! Well done.

    Hobie... Looks almost inviting, especially with good company...but not too keen on the DIY footpaths!

    alehouse... Well done on the 73%! (My challenge is usually to achieve around 70; anything over is to be celebrated! And well done on comfortably passing 100' this month!

    Pleased to get out for an 8 mile run this afternoon, bringing my average weekly distance up to 30miles for this year. (Probably a safe quota....?)

    YTD: 0120' .
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    TTTT ✭✭✭
    edited January 29
    Wow amazing running going on, fabulous. People run in wonderful places.

    Cal so sorry about Brighton, I seem to find races rarely do deferrals or refunds now, even those which did.

    DR hopefully you are feeling a little better?

    Donnie I empathise, it's tough being injured, I can only reiterate what others have said, stick with the exercises! 

    Harmander your runners are doing really well. 

    I have not been around as I have just spent an incredible two weeks in Sri Lanka, a little running, not much! But amazing trekking.

    And the view from the TM on day five was good....

    I will say knowing you were all running did motivate me to do some so thank you!

    YTD: 55.97
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    I've been massively out photographed....looks amazing TT, quality elevation.
    Well done on 73% alehouse, when I tried our own parkru, best I could do was 63%....my best age grade is 71%
    Nice weekly average MrM2....work is severely getting in the way of regular miles for me, so I end up cramming them in when I can....got a nice night race this weekend & it looks like it's going to rain a bit this week to add to the already interesting route.
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    Incredible photos but shout out to TTs ! You don't need a TV with that view for a TM run... Surely you should be out running the hills though ?!

    To the fallen injured remember no progress of path is linear ! Stick with it, strength exercises and you'll be back before you know it...

    Had a few sessions last week, tuesday track, easy wednesday, shorter mp effort thursday but went to Cardiff parkrun Saturday and managed to bag myself a PB. 2 years that's taken me to break ! 

    Also had my long slow run yesterday for 2hrs with a change of scenery at a different section of the local canal

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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Getting some serious route envy from these photos!
    Well done on the grade, alehouse. Been a few years since I managed a 70.  
    I did a 3 mile track run yesterday - 300m run/100m walk. Then half an hour on the spin bike. Today was elliptical. Hip is neither better or worse.

    YTD: 84
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    Great pics everyone, although Hobie that just looks cold.
     TT have wanted to go to Sri Lanka for a while, wife was there with friends for a girly holiday in Feb 2020, was lucky to get out on one of the last flights before lock down. Although I’d have to be outside running in that scenery.

    Bit time pressed and then working nights over the weekend, never get many miles in after nights.

    YTD 95.05 miles

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    chamolkchamolk ✭✭✭
    Busy week at work so missed posting for a bit - enjoying the photos.

    Glad you're feeling better DR but sorry to hear about Cal's problems.

    Few bits and pieces last week, missed the long run so got it done today instead - 2 hours/14.2 miles with 30mins tempo. Took me to 200km for the month and over 2000m for the Strava challenges (think someone asked a while back if I was on Strava - yes I am).

    YTD 124 miles
    Elevation 7142 feet
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    JackFWJackFW ✭✭✭
    Some amazing photos being posted. Keep them coming.

    Alehouse, it has been a mild summer to date and record rainfalls in January so it’s greener than you would expect which is a nice change of pace from the usual yellow and browns in summer! 

    DHamster, where is that canal run? Looks very nice. 

    I’m done for the month after a 7 mile run this morning to work.

    YTD - 111 miles (Elevation 8,490ft).
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    MrM2, I should have clarified that the 18.7 miles was with the regular SITC team - not the newbies (they did not take part).

    Good to hear of some recoveries from niggles from some and really feel for those picking up re-occurring twinges.  My back seems to be getting less troublesome.

    My youngest posted his best time for 1km - 3:50, together with our other daughter who has never run before are secretly (from the missus) training for the London. Daughter has gone from 49:25 to 44:00 at parkrun in four weeks.

    23/01 - 7.34
    25/01 - 7.33
    27/01 - 8.33 (including parkrun - pacing for 32:30, did 32:29)
    28/01 - 16.67 (LSR with newbies)
    30/01 - 7.34


    YTD = 145.35 miles.
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Hip feels a little less grumpy today so I did a 5 mile run/walk (again 4 mins run/1 walk). Feeling more positive despite the cancelled races.

    YTD: 89
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    TTTT ✭✭✭
    Cal I am so pleased your hip is less grumpy.

    Harmander I am very impressed about hiding marathon training!

    DR and DM it was 33 degrees, I left home at minus 3 so it was a little hot for me outside. Never really thought about Sri Lanka till I went, but it is fantastic. Hobie at 3060 metres!

    Chamolk good start to the year.

    Out in the dark, cold and wet......

    YTD: 61.97
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    TT, the kids don't live with us.  The boy is 10 miles away, the girl about 35 miles away.
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    Finishing the month with 5.02 this morning.

    MrM2 think you said before you’d spent time in Ras Al Khamaih, that’s were I’m off to now for an afternoon with friends and too much Guinness!

    YTD 100.07 miles 
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    MrCMrC ✭✭✭
    Cal and Harmander good to hear you are both progressing through the niggles, although it’s a never ending cycle faith running!

    7 miles today including 5x1 mile repeats with a 90s float on the track just below 1/2 marathon pace. 
    Legs felt a bit tired so didn’t want to pound the pavements.

    YTD 139 miles.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    End of month one, and happy with progress: 

    YTD 119.75 miles
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    Wow! Worth popping in just to view the picture gallery!

    TT... Glad you enjoyed Sri Lanka. I have many, happy memories of people, places and running there. (Loved running in Galle, Colombo and Trincomalee! but didn't get too far inland.)

    dangeroushamster... Well done on your parkrun PB!

    Cal... Good to see you working through your niggles. (Track can be very helpful.)

    Dubai ... Well done on reaching your first hundred this year. (Yes, really enjoyed RAK)

    chamolk... Nice long run; sounds quality!

    Harmander...Thanks for explaining! Glad the back is 'less troublesome'.

    MrC... Used to love track-efforts but nothing available near me, now.

    Managed 10 miles, yesterday but without the 'quality' of the run just two days earlier.

    YTD: 0130' .
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    100 for the month DR nice work.
    Great work by the kids Harmander, my boy posted a 22 min parkrun the other day in Coventry, I've given up trying to compete with him.
    Finished the month with a bit of couch to 5k coaching in the rain last night....still had over 20 of the group there so haven't scared them off yet.
    127 miles YTD
    14,849 ft elevation
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    TTTT ✭✭✭
    Harmander, all makes sense now!

    Mrmr2 I went for a walk at 0600 in Galle and found the local running group doing their S&C on the top of the Fort, I nearly joined in.

    Hobie brilliant retention rate.

    Two TM runs, too icy for outside....

    YTD: 66.88
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    6 miles today (6 mins run/1 walk intervals). Achier than Tuesday but so was yesterday when I just did elliptical and the gym. I think how I sleep affects it quite a lot. Right now I'm trying not to lie on my side but that means sleeping on my front since I can't sleep on my back. My neck's extra crunchy for that.

    YTD: 95
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