
Moraghan Training - Stevie G



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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited February 3
    Decent sesh last night. Hard to judge pace for a 28min "Pyramid" that starts with a 2min, including a turn around midway.
    Usually you start pyramids with a short one, 1min perhaps, so 2-3-4-5-5-4-3-2 with turnarounds was most unusual.

    Couple of the faster guys weren't there, so me and a 21 year old army lad were at the front. Was happy to have someone to work off, but knew he was working off me really He tailed off a bit in the later rep.

    Quite surreal on the turnaround, at one point you're thinking i'm not sure i'm going to pass anyone on the return and then all of a sudden you're going through everyone.

    Like a lot of these minutes effort jobs on a track it's hard to quantify exactly what you're working at, so I worked to a minimum that it had to be sub 6 pace, remembering that the watch will show say 5.50 as it overreports on a track.
    Made sure I didn't go too hard early, so still finished the final 1min with a big effort borderline 5 pace.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    SG - you've got to be good to race again now.

    Chichester 10k today which is a big race and included the masters champs today. Unspectacular 38.2X for me, defo had no zip today, and I ran twice as far at around that pace in December, but the wind was howling today. Knee was about as good as i could hope for, I'd spent a lot of time trying to free it up this week, it was only the medial damage (from sept) that ached a bit today. Indicator of sub3 capability, time to build up a bit now. Will look for a HM in March.
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    SorequadsSorequads ✭✭✭

    Good effort at Chichester, TR. How did you get on in the AG rankings?

    The maths teacher in me particularly enjoyed your trapezium session, SG 😊.

    2:16 800, SC OMG. Hope the knee is ok.

    TT – I agree that Faster Road Racing is excellent. Even if you never followed the plans, the information in the first half is invaluable.

    That is about as hybrid as it gets, Reg. The new Nick Bare?


    The week before last was progressing very well, with intervals and hills completed. But felt unbelievable sick during Sunday’s long run, and had to bin it off after only 5M. So this left a bit of an unsatisfactory taste in the mouth (quite literally on occasions) with no double digit runs in the week and a paltry 54M for the week.

    It did, however, freshen the legs up enough to be able to do intervals on Monday evening: 8 x 3 minutes, alternating steady and hard. 6:31 average was a nice progression from the previous week, although perhaps 5pm vs 5am made the biggest difference.  

    Heavy rucksack run to the station the next morning. First time in ages doing this and couldn’t believe how hard it was. 10m/m! But an enjoyable second run through St James’ Park and Hyde Park later that day. Impressive wildlife on offer for the middle of a city.

    Thursday progression felt like a breakthrough post-hamstring injury: 20 minutes easy, 10 minutes steady (7:20s) then 15 mins solid (6:32s). Enjoyed that!

    The plan had a race scheduled for the weekend, but with nothing on the cards, I headed out with a (faster) mate. What a difference that makes! 1h easy (7:49s – no way that is easy solo), then 40 mins MPish (6:49s) before ten min cool down. Nigh on 60M for the week, putting me in a good place 😊.

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    SCoombes2SCoombes2 ✭✭✭
    TR - Good toughing that out at a windy Chichester. I had a facebook memory of 2017 when I did it, doing Black Park Parkrun on the way (missing Phil in the process). Windy as hell then too wasn't it - but a good course out in the country and back.

    SQ - Know how hard rucksack running is after not doing it for a while!

    Quiet weekend for me - Bedford Pk parkrun in 17.28 for 2nd place, then jogged to the track as Ollie was doing a track session with the Bedford kids.

    11.5 yesterday, around town then out to the country to watch some training group members in the 3 counties xc.

    Knee ok -slight tweak on the inside now! Bloody hell ;) No training this week as the line up is

    Weds - Mile indoor at Lee Valley
    Sat - Surrey League XC
    Sunday - 3000m indoors Lee Valley.
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    JooliganJooligan ✭✭✭
    No need for training with that schedule Simon.😂
    Decent 10K TR especially in a gale.
    Good to hear you’re finally getting some speed endurance back SQ. Plenty of miles too.
    You seem to be going well SG - must be time for a race.
    After a promising week & a positive run on Tuesday I felt flat the rest of the week. Tried some 400 on/off Thursday but they felt stiff & the pace agreed. Saturday’s parkrun was a disappointing 24:10. Not helped by wrong shoe choice & glasses which steamed up completely. Course was about 800m out on a reasonable path then 2 laps of a slippery uneven grass/mud field with a steep climb or two & some very tight turns but still should’ve been a minute quicker at least, even in my current state.
    Marshalled another fell race afterwards - cold, wet & windy. Jog/walked out to my spot with a backpack full of clothes then jogged back afterwards collecting marker flags. Absolutely done in afterwards.
    Legs still really stiff & sore Sunday so procrastinated til almost 3 before getting out for my LR. Same route as last w/e but started a couple hundred metres back up the track. Ran well after a slow first mile & was about 90s up at halfway. Pushed from about 18K again & gained some more time. Kept the effort up til the end but the last 3K was compromised by the fading light. Still over 2 minutes faster & went very slightly further so average pace was 11s/mile better & HR was one lower. Had to drop my car off after & cycle 7M home in the dark. 
    Shot today but had to bike 13M each way battling the wind. No running til tomorrow.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    SQ - sounds like you're recovering now, good mix there, building nicely........I didn't even male top 200 or top 10 in AG. If I was in good shape is expect to go about a min quicker but would still be way down, although i guess its a target race for some as a British masters champs, I use 10k as a training aid.

    Simon - always a windy race, apart from when SQ ran and then it was -5.......you are in my world of trying to do all the knee rehab etc without aggravating it more.......kneeling on the floor and sitting back on my heels is helping my knees, feels like it's tearing the knees and quads apart.......
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Good turnout TR, the wind follows you more than a guy who exists on a sole diet of beans.

    My morning tempo was windy enough in 1 direction.
    Was pleased to see the 6miles off in ... 6.15 without monstering the last mile.

    First turnout of the year is Bramley 20 next weekend. Similar MO to last year, have a glorified long run, ease in, then no doubt slightly steadier than top end easy zone.
    Know a few doing it, so will probably share a few miles of chat. Will possibly look to chat less than 17miles worth this year. We'll see though.

    I've a tonneload of gels knocking about and tried one on the run on Sunday's long run without gubbing myself, so i'll probably slot a couple of them about my person.
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    SCoombes2SCoombes2 ✭✭✭
    Jools - It's nice to have a little break from training tbh! Need to do the indoors to get some practice in for Torun.

    TR - Yes the sqauts have definitely helped more - a theme on the ones Reg shared. I just put my arms out infront of me and squat down and back up again, whilst trying not to fall over etc!
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    SG - I'll give you a cheer. I won't be running now (see below), but will still be there for Jr to run. Training is looking good.

    SQ - agreed on the info in the first half. Pfitzinger is great at including the 'whys' in his books. If you liked that you'll probably also like the Hansons' Marathon Method which I'm currently reading through (somebody commented that Hanson's approach was influenced by Lydiard and Squires who are two of my 'go-to' coaches for approach so I figured it was worth a read).
    Looks like you've bounced back really well from that long run issue last week - great to read!

    SC - looks like you're bouncing between moving nicely and falling apart!!! Is there possibly an underlying issue with that knee that needs to be looked at?

    TR - I like a 10km as a tempo replacement in theory, but I tend to get out the door for them few and far between. It's on my list to address this year!

    Bit of a horrible week all around last week so things can only get better.
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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    Sounds like a really good week SQ and 54 miles is far from paltry.

    Nice casual Parkrun SC and a nice looking race line-up.

    TR and wind go together like cheese and wine but a good turnout nevertheless.

    Nice to hear you have a proper nutrition plan for Bramley this time SG ;-)

    Nice LR by the sound of it Jools.

    My week was pretty much a carbon copy of the week before, 6 gym sessions and three runs. I planned 4 runs but I was a bit tired Sunday, so had a rest day, apart from giving my child a piggy back for a mile around the local country park. It did mean I was fresh for this week though so did 10 yesterday and 6 today. Hopefully shift into the 30s this week after a long period of mid 20s. Some signs of improved running economy recently as the HR is starting to drop a bit.
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    SorequadsSorequads ✭✭✭

    Good consistency from Reg – always when you are at your most lethal!

    I will pick up a copy of Hansons’, TT. Thanks for the heads up. I like learning about training theory and always enjoy a new plan. Hope you have a better week.

    Good luck with the 20, SG. I haven’t raced one for years now but do fancy it. Almost time for the annual thread push for you to do a marathon 😊

    That long run was definitely a sign of things trending well, Jools. What a lovely place the FoD is for it.


    Early morning intervals today, in the filthy wind SG describes. There is a bit of a curve and very slight incline/decline on the section of path I use for these, so don’t imagine it made a huge difference on odd vs even reps. Same as last week – 8 x 3 minutes off 90s, alternating hard and harder. Found it tough to get going and the ons average 6:35s. So the first week where this pace hasn’t improved. Can’t have it all though and the bigger picture is trending in the right direction.

    Weights this afternoon then 3M on the treadmill. Just couldn’t be arsed with the wind. Then went rugby coaching and got a battering from all the elements.

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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Sounds good SG, defo worth a couple of gels, recover as you go.

    Nice Reg, that's a lot of hard work in the gym

    SQ - good session there, the wind has been howling here today.

    I guess I cop loads of windy races as i  live on the coast. Main thing is Sunday was a good knee test, and I seem to be improving a bit more, with the mix of rehab work. I was worried I might have to cut back inc racing.
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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    Sounds like you were well and truly windswept yesterday SQ. I almost forgot the Nick Bare reference, I really can't stand that guy. Just put a bloody shirt on.

    Calling yourself a hybrid athlete sounds really wanky!
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    SCoombes2SCoombes2 ✭✭✭
    TT-  Hope week gets better. Knee has been fine really, I'll see what it's like today.

    TR - Where do you live exactly? Pompey way?
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    SC, surely the town is enough, exactly is a bit familiar :D 

    Good soaking up SQ.
    With wind, it's always a toss up of whether it's better to be an obvious windy one way, fine the other, or the dreaded cross wind that rucks all directions.

    When I've done reps or races at Dorney Lake it's typically one direction, but there has been the occasional cross wind.
    Typically the one time ever it was utterly windless was on one of those scorcher days where you can feel that tang of dehydration pre event.

    Reggie, expecting some henchness when I see you next.

    8.5 today, for 30.5 Mon to Wed.

    Driving to Nottingham for a team meet up, so it's unclear if i'll be able to steal an evening short run. Similar scenario Fri morn, but should be able to make the track sesh.

    But either way, with a 20miler on Sunday the mileage will no doubt still be a minimum of mid 50s either way.

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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    Stevie G said:
    SC, surely the town is enough, exactly is a bit familiar :D 

    Good soaking up SQ.
    With wind, it's always a toss up of whether it's better to be an obvious windy one way, fine the other, or the dreaded cross wind that rucks all directions.

    When I've done reps or races at Dorney Lake it's typically one direction, but there has been the occasional cross wind.
    Typically the one time ever it was utterly windless was on one of those scorcher days where you can feel that tang of dehydration pre event.

    Reggie, expecting some henchness when I see you next.

    You might will be disappointed :D
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Reg - I've reinflated some dormant muscle and gained some poundage.

    Simon - yes, I'm Portsmouth, just off the island at the bottom of the big hill out of the city.
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    SCoombes2SCoombes2 ✭✭✭
    edited February 8
    Cheers TR - Got an idea of where. Can start stalking him now SG ;)

    Last night was ok - Ayo Falola Dream miles at Lee Valley. Was in the 2nd heat, got a bit trapped up in the first few laps although the pace was OK - managed to get to the front with 4 laps to go and tried to get under 4.40 -but saw it was 4.06 at the bell, so knew it would be tricky. Ended up with 4.43. 4.39 last year, so slightly disappointing but not too bad. Had a nice chat with SG's Dachet mukka Rob McHarg.

    4 mile warm down back to Sweden (sorry Seven) Sisters with Mike C my HHH team mate.

    Wet commute to work this morning, then the 4mile Cally Rd loop. Bumped into the Insta queen Gen Huss along the canal.
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    Reg - sounds like you're getting a good routine going! Hybrid athlete sounds like you've got flippers or gills or something random on the go!

    SQ - snap on the training theory. Including kindle/pdf versions of running/training books I've probably got over 80 now! Sounds like you're coming along well.

    SG - good start to the week.

    SC - glad to hear the knee is pretty much there, and good mile time too.

    Peak flow readings are back over 75% now, so going in the right direction, but still a long way from normal - I picked up the pace crossing the road on Tuesday and it took half a mile for my breathing to settle back down. 10m easy yesterday - first 8m with Jr saw some breathlessness issues at times again, so probably a good thing I can't race this weekend really.

    Will be interesting to see how Jr does over 10m though as he's running well - came home 2nd for Berkshire in the schools intercounties at the weekend so he's off to the nationals next month, and is generally looking strong and smooth.
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    SCoombes2SCoombes2 ✭✭✭
    Great work by your boy TT - Ollie was 8th in his race (Inter boys) and got in English schools too. Happy fr him as he's in the lower year of the age group.

    Oh and I found coverage of the race from last night. I wish I looked a smooth as I think I am ;)

    Ayo Falola Dream Mile 2024 Meeting (youtube.com)

    Start at 2:20.
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    parkrun has now removed all records from their websites so I now have as many V50 course records as SC :)
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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    x-post there. As someone that fancied breaking some age-group records, I now feel excluded.
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    JooliganJooligan ✭✭✭
    Ffs. 🤦🏻 
    It’s moving further & further away from its roots as a TT for runners.
    Will the data still be scrapable for others to maintain lists? 
    I’m sure I’ve not seen you looking so wooden before Simon: get that back looked at. Speedy time nevertheless & a great example of how to pace a mile. Interesting to see the chap who went out so strong, & looked to be bouncing along smoothly, ended up dead last.
    TT glad to hear you’re still getting out the door & the breathing’s improving. Best of luck to jr. I hope he pays heed to your wisdom.
    Interesting (in parts) discussion about the causes of Long Covid on Inside Health this week. Apparently blood oxygen levels can be fine but it’s not being delivered to the muscles efficiently hence the insane DOMs from seemingly innocuous runs, constant fatigue & brain fog. Made a lot of sense to me. Dunno if I’ve actually got LC or just not got over one infection before getting it again: 6 times in 18 months!!
    0, 4, 10, 4 so far this week. Both fours were on the track & run progressively. Much easier today without the howling headwind on the back straight 😂
    The 10 was a slow plod on undulating forest trails but still had horribly painful legs afterwards.

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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    SC - excellent performance by Ollie qualifying from the lower year. And you looked pretty smooth to me in the mile.

    Jooligan - that's quite interesting on LC. My wife and I have noticed a significant overlap in symptoms/presentation between LC and fibro, so I wonder if that blood oxygen bit applies to fibro too.....
    Have you tried magnesium spray to see if that makes a difference to your leg pain?

    4 + 8 easy double yesterday. Felt awful on the 4 and then pretty bloody good on the 8 - had a nice rhythm going, no breathing issues, etc. The best I've felt on a run in weeks so fingers crossed I'm turning a corner.
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    SCoombes2SCoombes2 ✭✭✭
    Haha Jools - Thats generally what I look like ;) Back is easing quite well so we'll see how it goes. Yes the guy who went out fast had a weird one.

    TT - Sounds promising.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Maybe you need to blast it so hard it actually cricks you back into shape SC :)
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Busy couple of days for me with a slightly awkward trip to Nottingham staggered over 2 days.
    Albeit half days, so not as bas as it could have been.

    Allowed me to sneak an evening 5.5m in last night and a morning 4 today up there.
    Both purely functional jobs, nothing too pleasurable.

    There's a decent hill, but then all directions go down again, so you have some trudging to mess with. All in the dark, but not sure my headtorch did much as there were street lights. Did worry a few locals at least.

    Then today a slow 4, not helped by squelching through a muddy park, and a late (by my standards) team meal in between and classic crap hotel night sleep.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Usually don't eat 3hours before an hard sesh/race. But today I only got back at 3pm, so with track at 6, had to wolf some potato and beans down and hope it wouldn't be a mistake :)

    Luckily the sesh was short and sharp.

    800m, pairs 10x400m, then 800m.

    800m 2.43, then the 10 came out decently, as a foolish 1.13, 1.14, then 5x1.16, 3 x1.17, once actually properly rounding them *A few showed as 1.15xx on the watch at the time).

    But anyway, 1.16 average will do.  800m a bit more steady than monstered as the cd.

    Rest Sat, and Bramley 20 for an extended long run was the plan.

    BUT... there seems some doubt whether Bramley is actually going to be on from the organisers, weather wise, with a few options being considered apparently.

    Hopefully there's something on to get over there for....
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    SorequadsSorequads ✭✭✭
    edited February 10

    Good level of excuses for the average pace, SG 😉. Hope you get a run out at Bramley. PB on the cards!

    Hope that corner is turned, TT 🤞. 80 is an impressive number of training books!

    I’m all for parkrun being all things to all people and have genuinely seen lives changed and saved as a result. But it seems madness on the latest front. Surely no beginner digs that deep into the stats, nor cares, nor can actually relate. 

    Sorry the illness of whatever kind has lingered so much, Jools. You do at least seem to be building a bit now so onwards and upwards I hope. 

    Solid mile, SC. Good luck with the rest of the action this weekend. 

    Got out after work on Thursday for a planned 75 minutes: 45 easy, 30 MP. First non-race I’m the Adios Pro 3 as they graduate to B races and sessions (although yet to actually be replaced). Always an absolute please to unleash in this way! Quite keen for some MB Supercomp Elite 4, but sure they’re all much of a muchness these days. 

    Easy felt very easy for 7:41s, then onto the industrial estate loop for the MP. Got rolling with 6:38s, feeling good until another runner blasted past! So quicker than MP but never mind. Great session. Serious danger of getting fit.

    Ruined the next day so a minimal 4M at 9m/m. 

    I am enjoying the Mission Marathon plan, but finding the early phase routine of Tues intervals, Thurs tempo, Sat hills, Sun long to be too much. So combined hills into today’s 2h long run. Two punchy climbs early on, carefully timed to then make the 4M to parkrun. Steady effort with no real plan, coming in at 21:53 before 4M home to round things off. 2h (9 mins faffing at parkrun), 312m elevation, 15.2M at 7:53 average. 

    Gives an extra day recovery tomorrow. Loosely planning long run for Wednesday next week to allow for XC on Sat afternoon before a rare social night at a friend’s. 

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