
1000 miles in 2024



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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    Hobie...Thanks. Sure your wife will appreciate your running company, and be able to focus on something enjoyable!

    MrC... Thanks...and what Cal says (about gardening).

    Cal... An encouraging 10k!!

    alehouse... Hope you get a sensible way forward, and not just another, 'At your age...!!!'

    Fine weather for a 5k run around the local, 200m, road 'circuit'. (Think of it as an indoor track and it doesn't seem too bad.) Wasn't sure what the body would think of running today, after yesterday's laboured 10 miles, but it was fine! Managed exactly 30 mins for 3 miles (5km in 31:07) .

    YTD: 0303' .
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    JackFWJackFW ✭✭✭
    Congrats on the 300m, MrM2.

    Sorry to hear the news, Alehouse. Hope you have a speedy recovery. 

    Back to back 6 mile runs on Tues and Wed.

    YTD - 250 miles.
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Damn, alehouse...not good. Let's hope the specialist can help you.

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    TTTT ✭✭✭
    Alehouse, not good, not good at all. Hopefully, as Mrmr2 says, not the statement 'at your age'.

    Mrmr2 well done on that 300. 

    Hobie I hope your wife enjoys being back to running, C25K is a great programme. 

    Cal how's that hip???

    Jack well done on the B2B, how many days will you run in a row? 

    Slow TM run, before flying to Vietnam tomorrow, this is, I am amazed to say, the last of the Covid holidays....

    YTD: 135.24

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    DubairunnerDubairunner ✭✭✭
    TT enjoy Vietnam, was there in 2011, if running watch out for the stray dogs 
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    chamolkchamolk ✭✭✭
    I'd love to visit Vietnam some day. Was due to go there in 2008 along with Laos and Cambodia when I was travelling after working in New Zealand but that bit of the trip ended up falling through and only got as far as Thailand.

    Hope he hip is ok today Cal

    Glad your wife found the run helpful Hobie

    7 miles/1 hr easy today after 7 miles with some half mile intervals yesterday

    YTD 302
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    chamolk... Well done on passing 300' !

    TT... Thanks. Enjoy your trip!!

    JackFW... Thanks. You're going well at 250' !

    Rest-day for me!
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    MrCMrC ✭✭✭
    Chamolk well done on passing the 300 mile mark.

    11 miles this morning in a rather brisk easterly, I thought Spring was around the corner 😐.

    YTD 303 miles.
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    Donnie2Donnie2 ✭✭✭
    TT: have a great trip to Vietnam. It's on my list. I'm aware every time someone on the thread goes somewhere exotic, I reply with 'it's on my list' but Vietnam is very near the top.

    Alehouse: sounds serious. Good luck.

    Mr C: I might have missed this but do you have an event this spring?

    I've one treadmill run to add (4.1) and two on the road (5.4 and 5.1). Fitness seems to have held up well given my lay off but still feel I'm nursing myself on each run.

    First park run tomorrow since the Saturday which fell between Christmas and new year. 

    Ytd: 65.7
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    MrC...Well done on passing 300' !  That same E'ly got me this afternoon, otherwise it was great running weather.

    Donnie... Well done for your careful progress! Don't over-do it at parkrun!

    Enjoyed the afternoon sunshine for my 8 mile run, today.

    YTD: 0311' .
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    Hobie 1495Hobie 1495 ✭✭✭
    Couple of nice runs for me....Hill reps last night on the bigger hill out of the village and a 6ish miler this morning...was meant to be a rest day but too nice and probably no running tomorrow with funeral to deal with.
    233 miles YTD 
    24,701 ft elevation 
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    JackFWJackFW ✭✭✭
    Chamolk and MrC, congrats on passing 300 miles. I’m trying to catch you but to no avail. 

    TT, I rarely run on consecutive days for injury management reasons but I think I have overcome my various problems, so have done it twice this week as I’m trying to up my mileage in preparation for a couple of marathons this year. 

    Vietnam is a great country. Beautiful. And wonderful people too. I spent 7 weeks backpacking south to north in 2009.

    Back to back runs Friday (10.5kms) and Sat (11.5kms).

    We have three days of 38 degree weather this long weekend in Melbourne. Way too hot! Early morning runs will be the key.

    YTD - 264 miles. 
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    MrCMrC ✭✭✭
    Donnie - I have a few half marathons this spring starting off with Stafford next week, Stratford in April and Birmingham in May.
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    Decided on a 'double' today. Just 4 miles this morning, and then 7 miles this afternoon.
    Tomorrow looks like wall-to-wall rain, so made the most of today's breezy but fine weather.

    YTD: 0322' . 
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Hip isn't better yet - I have to leave days between runs. I did manage a continuous parkrun yesterday, though. Went to Maidstone which turned out to be really lovely. It starts at a farm museum which has all sorts of lovely animals, then goes along the river and back. It's very congested at the start but since I wasn't trying to be fast, I just went with it.
    Rested today (volunteered at juniors). 

    YTD: 144 (it'll take me ages to get to 200, even...there's a chance I might not make the 1000 this year but I guess we'll see!)

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    chamolkchamolk ✭✭✭

    Sounds like a nice Parkrun Cal

    Did the rain come today MrM2? Fairly wet here all day though luckily eased off for my run this evening

    JackFW - my sister in law lives in Melbourne now and I was hearing about a bit of a heatwave currently. Sounds like fairly difficult running conditions

    Hope yesterday went ok Hobie

    Well done on 300 MrC and MrM2

    Had a 10 mile road race year yesterday and was very happy with 1:12:42. Plus the biggest race medal I've ever seen. Junior parkrun this morning with the 9 year old, then an hour this evening with 4 miles at (hopeful) marathon pace 

    YTD 322
    Elevation 16,906 ft
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    Hobie 1495Hobie 1495 ✭✭✭
    chamolk, yeah all went well yesterday, sun came out when we left the church for internment, that was nice.
    Social trail run today down in Preseli Hills
    239 miles YTD 
    26,240ft elevation 
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    JackFWJackFW ✭✭✭
    Stunning photos, Hobie.

    Chamolk, fantastic time. It’s always interesting to see the different type of medals you get for completing races. I don’t believe in placing much value on material things in life, but I do cherish my medals. 

    Rose early for a 7am run (12km) this morning (22 degrees and quite steamy) to beat the heat coming later in the day. It should cool down tomorrow, I hope.

    YTD - 271 miles. 
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    Donnie2Donnie2 ✭✭✭
    TT - you mentioned the Walkington 10K, its a possibility. Done it once before, enjoyed it but definitely undulating - have to say 7:30pm Friday night isn't the best time for me. 

    3.5 on the treadmill, Parkrun and then 5.1 on Sunday after the City Liverpool game. 

    Ytd: 77.4

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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    chamolk... Thanks. Yes, it was a very wet day!

    Donnie... All seems to be going well; with a variety of runs adding up nicely!

    JackFW... Have to smile as I think of you getting out early to avoid the heat of the day!
    Single figures here!

    But good running weather! A very familiar 8 mile run this afternoon.

    YTD: 0330' .
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    A 'heavy' day of caring, including an hour with a palliative care nurse and an hour with the O.T.. So got out for a run. Just 4 miles (as I noted on Strava; nothing to prove and very little to achieve, but on a day when our national news majors on an edited photo and the cost of pet insurance, running makes a lot of sense!)

    YTD: 0334' .
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    JackFWJackFW ✭✭✭
    MrM2, that’s tough mate. Hope you found some peace and solace on the run. 
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    JackFW... Thanks. Absolutely; always works its magic. Amazing really; 'one foot in front of the other'! Can't go wrong...at least I hope not; we all have tough times to come...at some point.  Looking forward to a longer run later today.
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Sorry you're having a hard go of it, MrM2. Glad you are able to get out, though. 

    I was going to run yesterday but it was raining. The silver lining of not being able to run too often is being able to sack it off when it's less than optimal outdoors with no guilt whatsoever. I went out today instead. It was grey and rather windy but not cold. I did 4 miles continuously without too much discomfort but, as I've found from the last two runs, the discomfort usually shows up later in the day. We'll see, I suppose. 
    I do have the 8 miler this weekend - I've not run that far since January but as I've done 6 I have no doubt I'll be OK.

    YTD: 148
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    MrCMrC ✭✭✭
    MrM2 I feel for you that’s tough.

    5 miles this morning including a speed session of 1 min on and off x 12 times quicker than 5K pace. Don’t do much speed work as I tend to pick up niggles so found that tough going.

    YTD 317 miles.
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    Thanks Cal... Hope you are fit for your 8 miler at the week-end!

    Thanks MrC... Well done with the speed work; I cant remember my last speed session!

    Dry weather today but the wind was a bit unhelpful. Glad to get out for 9 miles.

    YTD: 0343' .
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    Hobie 1495Hobie 1495 ✭✭✭
    MrM2, thinking of you mate...tough times...a little bit of "you time" on a run really helps.
    Great running everyone, sounds like we're all needing a bit of support & love, so sending best wishes to all.

    Daughter was home for funeral last weekend & planning to go home Tuesday, but her battery has packed up....so hero dad offered to drive her to her meeting on a very nice golf course just north of Bristol...so I had a lovely day yesterday driving her to that & going for a nice (no time worries) 11 mile run around some pretty little villages...followed by tea & cake.....big Brownie Points I believe.
    255 miles YTD
    27,021 ft elevation
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    DubairunnerDubairunner ✭✭✭
    edited March 14
    MrM2 running always helps!

    Cal sending healing vibes your way

    TT, how’s Nam?

    Hobie def brownie points, got my eldest son home from uni next week for Easter, he can’t drink here till 21 so he’s designated driver 

    Chamolk great pace for the 10 miler, can faintly remember that pace

    11.3 10.1
    12.3 10.31
    13.3 7.23
    14.3 3.04 - it was 31 degrees 

    YTD 307.19 miles

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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    Hobie... Thanks, and well expressed. I've always appreciated the running community for its support, encouragement and understanding, and this little group is certainly no exception.

    Dubai... Agree. Well done for some steady running in those temperatures!

    Rest day for me.
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    Thought today was going to be another rest day, but with a request for 'fish and chips' decided that I'd burn a few calories, in advance!? So, a simple 5km run. Still breezy, with some April (?) showers.

    YTD: 0346' .
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