
1000 miles in 2024



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    JackFWJackFW ✭✭✭
    Beautiful morning. 7km run with a 5 minutes of running on the beach in the middle of it. 

    YTD - 289 miles.
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    Hobie 1495Hobie 1495 ✭✭✭
    Nice, stress free parkrun this morning with daughter before she heads home. Enjoyed not having to push too hard so pretty much sticking to the ultra plan.
    263 miles YTD 
    27,450 ft elevation 
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    Donnie2Donnie2 ✭✭✭
    Mr MM: your situation is obviously a difficult one. Hope you can find time to keep running. It might seem selfish at times, but it's necessary in the long term. 

    I know we have Hobie as a park run race director, Cal and Harmander as parkrun stalwarts and others who are regular participants, I've a couple of very positive park run stories to tell, however they'll have to wait for another day. I'm pushed for time at the mo. 

    I've had 5 consecutive running days, 

    4.2 (treadmill) 
    4.2 (treadmill) 
    3.1 (parkrun) and 5.0

    Ytd: 104.6
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    Donnie... Thanks...Yes, it's a balancing act, but so good to get out!

    Fine weather this afternoon for a 7 mile run. Not as steady as I would have liked, but I'm working on that!

    YTD: 0353' .

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    JackFWJackFW ✭✭✭
    MrM2, those fish and chips would have tasted a lot better after the run. It’s like having a cold beer after gardening in the sun! It always tastes better. 

    A half this morning in 2hrs, which felt good with a negative split. 

    YTD - 302 miles

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    JackFWJackFW ✭✭✭
    Great to see you put in 5 consecutive days of running, Donnie. That’s fantastic. You must be happy with that. 
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    MrCMrC ✭✭✭
    Jack well done on the half esp inc a negative split.

    Donnie looks like you are well on the road to recovery which is good to see.

    Stafford Half this morning and luckily the rain stopped 30 mins before the start.
    Came In 1:39:50 which I’m well chuffed with a 4 min improvement on the same course last year. 😁

    YTD 334 miles.

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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    edited March 17
    Well done MrC.
    So I went out for what I thought was a safe little 2 mile jog on Friday, but my groin got all stabby in the last stretch. Just walked my local parkrun yesterday (or rather paddled, yuck) then took ibuprofen throughout the day in the hope that everything would be a bit better for today's 8 mile race.
    It was tempting to blow it off due to the early start and weather on top of the injury but I went and I did it. Took a couple of very short (15 second) strategic walks during the second half just to stop things tightening up, but otherwise managed to run OK. Only slowly. Couldn't even manage 10 minute miles. I have lost a lot of fitness, it seems. Still, happy to have finished without making anything worse. More to the point, I was rather glad, thanks to the weather, that I only had the one (8 mile) lap rather than two like last year when I did the 16.

    YTD: 158
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    Hobie 1495Hobie 1495 ✭✭✭
    Well done for getting that done Cal.
    Looking forward to parkrun stories Donnie, run director is possibly the least stressful job at parkrun...just a bit of organising. 
    Nice coast path social run today...11 miles with a couple of thousand ft of climb....ended in the pub in the sun, tough life.
    274 miles YTD 
    29,872 ft elevation (1 Everest)
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    DubairunnerDubairunner ✭✭✭
    Well done Cal

    Am I the only one still to have never done parkrun?

    16.3 5.05
    17.3 4.03
    18.3 5.46

    YTD 321.73 miles

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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    edited March 18
    JackFW... Well done on passing 300' with your neg-split Half! 

    MrC... Well done on the Stafford Half! (Managed 1:40s a couple of times. e.g. Taunton in 1:40:19 [1998] but never got under.)

    Cal... Well done on negotiating your way to a respectable finish in your 8' run!  (Me too for that 10 min/mile pace!)

    Hobie...Well done on your 'Everest'. Have to say that you always seem to have a happy bunch of runners! Thanks for pics..

    Dubai... Your comment on chamolk's 10 mile pace got me thinking. And No, my records show that I've only done a handful of runs at that distance, and my best was at the Oostende-Brugge event in 2001 where I clocked 73:14.

    Happy to get out yesterday for another 7' run. Must rest today!!

    YTD: 0360' .

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    chamolkchamolk ✭✭✭
    Evening everyone

    Hope you all had a nice St Patrick's Day yesterday 

    Some nice pictures recently and good runs all round

    Well done on the Everest Hobie, I'm still working towards mine - have eased off on the hilly routes for a while until after the marathon 

    Good work on the streak Donnie

    Enjoy the rest day today MrM2. I think I might be joining you with a day off today, had planned doing something but running out of time before work

    Well done Cal, hope nothing was too sore today

    Possibly Dubai - are there any parkruns over there?

    18.4 miles on Saturday with the local Parkrun at around mile 13 to add in some faster miles. Then 8 miles yesterday with 10k at hopefully what will be my marathon pace in London to practice running that speed when the legs were fatigued from the day before - went better than planned.

    My 9 year old got a new pb at junior parkrun yesterday which he was very happy about

    YTD 365
    Elevation 18,645
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    DubairunnerDubairunner ✭✭✭
    Congrats to Chamolk Jr

    No park run here, actually very few races, Dubai marathon in January and Abu Dhabi in December, a few half and thats it. Already 35 degrees during the day so not racing weather and will only get hotter until October.

    MrM2, threw all my records from 1988-2012 out a few years ago, regret it now!

    Night shift last night so no running today.
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    WaboWabo ✭✭✭
    Hi all! 
    Not a great March due to a virus that came on after a really good half marathon.
    Anyway I will do this challenge, I am at 234/1000 so far.
    possunt quia posse videntur - we can because we know we can 
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    Hobie 1495Hobie 1495 ✭✭✭
    234 is great going Wabo, hopefully feeling better.
    Birthday week away surprise from Mrs Hobie to a railway carriage on Offas Dyke....gorgeous run this morning. 
    279 miles
    30,849 ft elevation 
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    DubairunnerDubairunner ✭✭✭
    Enjoy Hobie and Happy Birthday!

    Picked eldest son up from airport this morning and then headed out for a run, 32 degrees and a dust storm, wrapped up to stop sand in eyes and mouth. 
    4.62 miles and then some gym work, don’t do enough of this and our community gym is only 300m away.

    Hope it clears up for sundowners at the Polo club

    YTD 326.35 miles

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    MrCMrC ✭✭✭
    Happy Birthday Hobie.

    Legs still feel a bit battered after Sunday so just recovery runs of 5 and 3 miles yesterday.

    YTD 341 miles.
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    chamolk... Nice work over the week-end! (18' + 8') and including a parkrun! Always got a sense of satisfaction after a 'marathon in two' as part of my mara. prep! Well done to jnr..

    Wabo...sorry that March has not been too good, but you are still in a good place to make the thousand!

    Hobie... Nice change of scenery for you. Enjoy your birthday week!

    Worked out well for me to get out for a longer run, yesterday. Ran a 7' route, twice, with about a 3min. pause in between while I checked that all was well at home, and grabbed my drink bottle for the second half.
    Happy to have kept it even-paced. (Lap times 73:27 & 73:56). The extra half minute that I took on the 2nd lap was all in the final mile, and largely accounted for just short of home when I did a 'Bambi' (on mud). Not sure how I landed on my feet.....?    Rest day today!

    YTD: 0374' .

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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    Correction to previous post...Today was a rest day, until about 5 o'clock, when I couldn't resist a little outing, in the sun! Just 5k...easy.

    YTD: 0377' . 
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    Hobie 1495Hobie 1495 ✭✭✭
    Thanks for birthday wishes, appreciated. 
    Loving the hills and trails around here....out last night for a remembrance run for a friend from trail run group back home who we lost last week...found some great boggy route, he'd have loved them...a beer en route in his honour.
    284 miles YTD 
    31,489 ft elevation 
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Surgeon's opinion: in brief, no op, but that would be needed if tendon hasn't healed itself in 5 -6 months. Better than I had feared. If I were a young international athlete or footballer he would operate tomorrow! Hopes that I will be tentatively running in three months.  Always look on the bright side of life etc!! 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    alehouse... Could be worse, but hardly 'good news'. Hope you can stay sane for three months.

    A seven mile slog this afternoon. Slightly breezy, otherwise good conditions.

    YTD: 0384' .
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    JackFWJackFW ✭✭✭
    Alehouse, I’m sorry to hear this but it’s good news that no surgery is required and you now know what you are up against. Stay in touch and keep us updated on your recovery. 
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    MrCMrC ✭✭✭
    Alehouse that’s probably not the worst prognosis. Just think 3 months of strength and conditioning and you will be raring to go. 😊

    10 miles along the disused railway path dodging the puddles and mud this morning.

    YTD 351 miles.
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    Donnie2Donnie2 ✭✭✭
    edited March 22
    Lot going on. Highlights appear to be;

    Hobie - happy birthday
    Alehouse - good luck with the recovery 

    I mentioned a couple of positive park run experiences which I think are worth sharing. 

    The facebook page for my local run put up a request from a Uni student asking for volunteers to take part in a zoom discussion, subject; what motivates you to run and more specifically attend 'parkrun'. Respondents to be aged 50+. It was emotional as people talked about the mental health side, friendships made, tackling depression with a better structure to your day, being part of your community and all the wonderful benefits of exercise. The group was about 12 ranging from recent 'couch to 5k' participants and life time runners.

    I've been to parkrun pretty much every available Saturday for the last 8 years. Love it. OH has never been, doesn't get it and is baffled every week when I'm up and about early on Saturday morning. Major development last week when she did her first every park run, well, 'park walk' (which is an official thing). Bit of context. My cousin runs at the same event, friend she runs with has recently had a knee replacement but the previous week together they walked 'parkrun' accompanied by cousins husband who has recently been diagnosed with Parkinson's' disease. Last weekend, cousin wanted to return to running, friend with knee replacement was unsure if she could attend and husband with Parkinsons didn't want to walk on his own. Step up my OH, it was the right thing to do, and she knew it, although there was some feet dragging. Unexpected outcome OH, sort of got, what I love about parkrun.

    Two runs to add 7.1 (road) and 4.2 (treadmill)

    Ytd: 115.9

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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    Donnie... Thanks for sharing your stories, and obvious passion for parkrun. For so many people it seems that it is nothing to do with the running, and certainly not about 'racing'. 
    I could, possibly, be more attracted to our local parkrun if it was 'safer'.
    I think it has been called off three times in recent weeks as it has been 'waterlogged'. It is quite uneven, and even when it is relatively dry it can be slippery. So, for me (and my ankles) it is an unnecessary risk. 

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    JackFWJackFW ✭✭✭
    Hobie, Happy Birthday. I was thinking about that beer on a long run today. 

    Donnie, thanks for sharing those stories. I have only attended my local park run once, but it was a great experience and I do intend to return. There is a beautiful thing that happens when you get so many people together who have something in common. 

    As it happens, I don’t believe the local park run went ahead today as the track is around Albert Park which hosts the Grand Prix this weekend. 

    I logged two 10km runs during the week and 25km today.

    YTD - 331 miles
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Happy belated birthday, Hobie. And alehouse - glad you can avoid surgery. Fingers crossed for a good recovery.
    Donnie - I originally didn't see the point of parkrun (why pay to go on public transport to do something I can do in my own area for free..) until one started up the road from me. Now I'm at the other end of the spectrum, with parkrun tourism.
    MrM2, which is your local?

    I took the week off after the 8 miler last Sunday and oddly wasn't too bad until I did a longer walk and more rehab stuff at the gym. But I did do a parkrun today. I returned to Southall with a friend who'd not done it and a couple from my club were also there, so it was nice. It's a friendly, flat tarmac one. I ran faster last time I was there, but this was my fastest parkrun with the current injury (under 30 mins...still managed 7th lady and 1st in age group as it's a rather small parkrun). Of course I paid for that later.

    YTD: 161
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    Cal...Well done on your parkrun yesterday. My local one is Chipping Norton School. It starts on the school playingfield and then goes down a rutted/potholed stony driveway before going down a muddy 'pathway', through a little wooded area and then returning to the driveway, and the playingfield/repeat!

    Decided to round-off my distance this week, so ran 8 miles yesterday, and again today. Took it steadily, without too much effort. Pace yesterday was 10:38/mile and today 10:27/mile. Planning to take a rest day tomorrow after a 40 mile week.

    YTD: 0400' .
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    Hobie 1495Hobie 1495 ✭✭✭
    Thanks for Birthday wishes, back home now.
    Alehouse, keep up the weights and strength work and I'm sure you'll be back soon.
    Race day yesterday up in the hills, Nant Yr Arian Silver Trail, half marathon....bit breezy but managed to avoid the sleet and hail.
    Sort of recovery 10k today with club doing a recce for a race some of them are doing next weekend. 
    306 miles YTD 
    35,734 ft elevation 
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