
New Mature Runners Thread



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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭
    Aquarius - the joys of living 'oop north .. we have just had rain here. I hope the physio exercises help Steve counter the effects of the knee problem until he gets a scan appointment to determine what's going on.

    The aching shoulders (from wielding the pickaxe) have gone away but we bought some 'weed and feed' stuff for the back lawn, which is currently full of moss. The lawn will need 'scarifying' with a lawn rake before spreading the stuff, which will no doubt give my shoulders another workout! ;)
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    hillstriderhillstrider ✭✭✭
    WtnMel, well done for hacking away with a pickaxe at the roots! I'm not surprised that your shoulders are aching.

    Aquarius, thanks for your comments re my running. I didn't know either that they were still doing Covid jabs. I think that it is just the over 75's at present, but will probably start taking the younger age groups soon.

    Well done for Tuesday's 7 mile cold run and yesterdays intervals, contending with hailstones and snow. Best of luck with Saturdays 200th parkrun, is there a t- shirt commemorating that?

    I hope that Steve doesn't have a meniscus tear in his knee. I had meniscus tears in mine in 2017, and apparently there are two. I didn't have an operation, which was probably a good thing, as there are several runners on the Over 70's runners Facebook forum who had an operation and regretted it. It did take me quite a long time though before I was able to do more than jog/walk. I did spin work outs twice a week for 2 years, and only stopped when the Leisure Centre was closed due to Covid, and I never renewed my membership when it reopened.

    The gas engineer arrived this morning to service my boiler, and it passed all the tests.
    As I've mentioned previously, I've got my Covid jab tomorrow afternoon, and Hygienist appointment Monday afternoon. 
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    AquariusAquarius ✭✭✭
    WtnMel We’ve been using weed and feed too, there’s been loads of moss this year, probably due to all the rain. I hope your shoulders don’t complain too much when you scarify the lawn. 
    I forgot to ask - how’s your mum?

    HS I remember your meniscus tear, and I’m hoping Steve’s injury isn’t as severe. No T-shirt for 200 parkruns, but there is one for 250. I imagine you’ll have had your Covid booster by the time you read this, so fingers crossed you’ve no ill effects.

    A frosty and rather chilly start to parkrun today (Chopwell Woods) but nice and sunny too. I got fairly close to my PB for this hilly off-road course although not sure exactly what my time was as my finish token said 57 and I’m showing in the results as 56. Only few seconds between the two so it’s no big deal. I’ve notified parkrun in case they want to check their data. 
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    AquariusAquarius ✭✭✭
    Parkrun have amended their results, following receipt of my email. However on checking I realise I was a lot further off my PB for this course than I thought. I'd forgotten I'd run it quicker in 2022, I thought 2023 was my fastest time. More hill practice required it seems in order to tackle those hills! Perhaps Wednesday's 5k at Gibside will help.
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    hillstriderhillstrider ✭✭✭
    Aquarius,  I've got my fingers crossed that Steve's meniscus isn't as severe as mine. I'm surprised that there isn't a 200 parkrun t shirt. I haven't bothered to purchase my 100 one. I've only worn my  50 once.

    The jab went really well, no queue and straight in. Last time, I queued for about an hour. That was apparently because they were also doing flu jabs. I walked  the 1k to the car with no after effects. This morning though, my arm was aching,  so I didn't run, but walked briskly to the supermarket for a paper and back. I saw some of the triathlon runners running towards the finish. 

    Well done for Saturday's parkrun, but a shame that your time wasn't as near to your pb as you had thought. Good luck for wednesdays 5k.

    I'm hoping to run in the morning, the first since Wednesday, and have an appointment with the Hygienist in the afternoon.
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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭
    HS - luckily those tree roots weren't too big or I'd have still been there, hacking away at them. Re your comment to Aquarius, it is just over-75's being offered covid jabs at the moment. So I don't qualify yet, but I have been offered a shingles jab which I've booked for Tue 7th May. Glad to hear your boiler was okay and passed all the tests. Margaret had her covid jab a few days ago and said her arm ached a bit for a day or two.

    Aquarius - having scarified the lawn (my shoulders did ache a bit - and I slept well that night), it's been raining. So I'm waiting for a dry(ish) day to apply the weed and feed mixture. Thanks for asking - my Mum seems to be okay lately and I'm seeing her again this Wed. I was going to say well done for getting close to your PB at parkrun - but then I saw your later post. You're correct, more practise on the hills needed.

    Re your talk of parkrun t-shirts .. not quite the same thing, but having gone through my (non-running) t-shirts, I decided some were a bit past it. They are destined for the clothes recycling bins and I've ordered myself some new ones from Lands End.

    Although I've been for a walk at Croome with Margaret and played golf, I've not been out for a fast walk since Thu 18th. So I'm planning to get out early tomorrow morning. It's coffee and chat mid-morning tomorrow, but as that's just an amble in the park, going out earlier won't affect anything :)
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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭
    Congrats on th 200th parkrun Aquarius that's a great achievement. I've not done Chopwell woods. We did keswick with friends. I introduced an old friend to his first parkrun and he loved it.
    Our back lawn is also overrun with moss this year so the scarifier will be out soon, although there isn't much grass left. The charger for my electric mower has also broken although only a year old- very annoying.
    The new kitchen in Keswick looks fab. We are very pleased and I can recommend Wren Kitchens who did the work.
    Hope there is no reaction to your jab hillstrider.
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    hillstriderhillstrider ✭✭✭
    WtnMel, I saw that your mum seems to be ok lately, and that you will be seeing her again on Wednesday,

    With reference to t-shirts, I'm giving many of mine, as I've got so many, to Sarah F, who will use them to help in the making of a quilt.

    I hope that you enjoyed yesterdays early morning walk, and the coffee and mid-morning chat later?

    00, I'm glad to hear that the new kitchen in Keswick looks fab.

    My arm did ache a bit the day after the jab, but I was fine this morning and went for a hilly 7 mile road run with a running friend.
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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭
    edited April 29
    OO54 - having scarified the lawn, and cut it earlier on today, there are now some patchy bits where I raked up the moss. Unfortunately, it's a bit too windy at the moment to apply the weed and feed stuff. Annoying to hear your charger for your mower packed up - I'm guessing, if sod's law has any part in the process, it is just out of warranty? Thanks for the recommendation re Wren Kitchens - my house (where my son lives) needs a 'refresh' and a new kitchen is on the radar (it will make it more saleable when I come to sell it).

    HS - I've probably got enough running shirts to make a quilt, even though I'm no longer a runner ;) But I do use mine for my fast walks and when out on rambles. Glad to hear the post-jab soreness has gone away. Well done re the 7ml road run.

    I did a fast walk this morning (3.5ml) and it was noticeable that with the better weather, a few more runners have crawled out of the woodwork :)  I did a mid-morning stroll with the coffee and chat ladies, including doubling-back to 'collect' Monica who I saw on the other side of the lake. Turned out she had been walking slowly with another of the ladies called Pat, who was struggling a bit today and had turned around and headed straight for the cafe. So an extra bit of walking for me today. Then, as mentioned above to OO54, I decided to cut the lawns as I don't think I'll get a chance later this week. 

    The Lands End t-shirts from a couple of days ago fitted perfectly. So I decided to have a 'refresh' of some more of my non-running t-shirts and as they were on offer and even cheaper than last time, I've ordered three more. In brighter colours - because most of my t-shirts seem to be boring blacks and blues and I need to release my inner peacock :)
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    hillstriderhillstrider ✭✭✭
    Good afternoon everyone, 

    WtnMel, Another good use for old t-shirts is for rags or dusters. Any purpose really that necessitates them being disposed off after.

    Well done for yesterdays fast 3.5 mile walk. The mid morning stroll with the coffee and chat  ladies, including the walk back to collect Monica sounded good. Cutting the lawns when you got home sounds like the completion of a very energetic day.

    A good idea to order more Lands End t-shirts whilst they were on offer, and cheaper than last time. My running t-shirts are a variety of colours, and I try to rotate them so that I'm wearing a different colour each time I run. 

    Much milder this morning and I did the usual Tuesday Farmers Walk.
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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭
    HS - I have my t-shirts (walking and non-running) lined up in my chest of draws. I try and make a point of grabbing the one at the front each time, so that I don't end up wearing my 'favourite' colours all the time :) 

    I'm up in Tring today and have been to see my Mum. Staying in the Premier Inn and Margaret is with me this time. So I haven't been for a fast walk this evening. But after driving here and sitting around at my Mum's, we did go for a short walk to stretch our legs and get some fresh air.
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    hillstriderhillstrider ✭✭✭
    WtnMel, It's many years since I last visited Tring, but before I moved away from Aylesbury, I used to go there with my daughter occasionally. Well done for your short walk with Margaret to stretch your legs and get some fresh air.

    Yesterday was an interval session with the Wednesday Group. Total mileage was 4.31 which included 5 sets of 100 metres, 5 sets of 200 metres with 30 second recoveries, and 4 x 400metres with 60 seconds recoveries on grass.

    No running today, but I walked to the polling station to vote for the Police Commissioner, and then to the supermarket and back, total 1.69 miles.
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    AquariusAquarius ✭✭✭
    HS Good to hear no after effects from your Covid booster (apart from the sore arm) and you were able to run a hilly 7 mile a couple of days later. I see you also did a good interval session yesterday. 

    WtnMel It must have been nice to have some company on your visit to see your Mum, hope things are going as well as can be for her. On the subject of running shirts, I don’t keep many of the ones given out at races mainly because they are always too big for me. So instead I have a clear out every now and then and put them in a charity bag for collection. With everyday t shirts I’m guilty of generally taking the top one on the pile, so tend to wear the same ones over and over. Well done for “collecting” Monica during your coffee and chat walk, I’m sure she appreciated the thought.

    0054 Thanks for the kitchen recommendation, and good to hear your Keswick installation went well. I hope the friend you introduced to parkrun intends to make it a regular thing? I’m not surprised they loved the Keswick course, it’s a really nice one.

    My 5k trail run last night at Gibside was brutal. When I did it last year I was in two minds about doing it again because it was a very hilly course, but you know how it is, you soon forget the pain and can’t wait for the following year’s event. What I hadn’t realised though (and my fault for not reading my emails properly) was that it was a different course this year, and even hillier. Last year had a total ascent of around 100m, this year it was 120m. That might not sound a lot, but over 5k we had a lot of steep uphills and, even more demanding on the legs, some very steep downhills (think windmilling arms for balance) and all on loose gravel and stones. There was a 10k on at the same time and I’m so thankful I resisted the temptation to give that one a go. I finished 47th in a fairly small field of 73, but as the oldest female I was happy with that. Nice selection of goodies at the end - medal and water, plus a choice of snacks, also a choice of socks, buff, beanie hat or coffee cup, and finally a choice of soft drinks or beer. I chose the hat and donated a mars bar and can of Corona to Steve for taking me there. Everyone a winner  o:)

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    hillstriderhillstrider ✭✭✭
    Aquarius, thanks, I was pleased to only have minor effects from my jab.

    Well done for your 5k trail run which sounded very tough. Definitely a good decision not to do the 10k. Congratulations for being the oldest female and finishing 47th out of 73 finishers. That was a  very impressive selection of goodies at the finish.

    This morning was the usual Friday Farmers Walk, and tomorrow we will be doing the Salisbury parkrun. 
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    AquariusAquarius ✭✭✭
    HS Yes, Wild Deer Events always have a generous selection to choose from at their races. The only downside to their events is that they are advertised as Canicross Friendly, so a number of people turn up with their dogs, not all of which have been trained to run to command in races. At the start of our 5k on Wednesday it was quite narrow and twisty so when dogs on waist harnesses were pushing their way through a couple of runners were nearly tripped up. I tend to hang back until all the dog owners have gone past.
    How did your parkrun go today?
    I gave parkrun a miss because I was doing a mile run last night. It was part of a series that started last month but we were away so I missed the first one. It's not a distance I've done before and I knew I would probably be the slowest runner, but since it was something different I thought I would give it a go. My legs were still a bit tired from Wednesday's trail run, but I managed 9.15, which although not great has given me a baseline to try to improve on. In case you're wondering I wasn't quite the slowest, there was one other person who finished after me - but he had a good excuse because he was obviously injured as he had to keep walking! 
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    hillstriderhillstrider ✭✭✭
    Aquarius, we have the same problems at our parkruns with dogs, and also runners with buggies. The parkrun went well, see below. 

    A 9.15 mile is a good pace, especially after Wednesday's train run. 

    We did the Salisbury parkrun this morning, which is another 4 lapper. My time was 28.38, 10 seconds slower than Brockenhurst a couple of weeks ago. On studying the stats, I was confused at first as each of the 3 miles was quicker than at Brockenhurst. It was obvious really as Brockenhurst was under distance, and Salisbury over distance, nearly 3.2 miles. I was 210th out of 409 runners, with a WAVA of 70.14%
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    AquariusAquarius ✭✭✭
    Well done HS, another great parkrun time and WAVA. I know parkrun isn’t a race as such, but it’s a bit annoying when they seem to differ in length. I think sometimes though Garmin is to blame, at least I’ve found that on some courses I’ve done. Same course but different distance measured from one week to the next.
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    hillstriderhillstrider ✭✭✭
    Thanks Aquarius,  I think the distance measurement is distorted by the bends and u turns. The courses are accurately measured with a wheel, but Garmins only measure in straight lines, hence the more twists and turns,  the shorter the distance measured. That's the main reason why times on the running tracks aren't timed with Garmins.
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    AquariusAquarius ✭✭✭
    HS thanks for that explanation, I hadn't realised that Garmin only measures in straight lines.
    Another hilly 7 mile run today, and no wind or rain for a change - summer must have arrived! Just need some actual sunshine now. I noticed my right knee was a bit painful today for the first mile, I think this is from the trail run on Wednesday as I was aware of my knees getting jarred on those steep downhills sections. We're off to Windermere on Wednesday for a few days, so I hope it settles down before then as there's bound to be more hilly running while we are there.
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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭
    edited May 5
    Well done in the hilly race Aquarius. I guess that's the Blyth Mile race you did too. I'm entered also but have to miss the first two. It's great to do this short stuff to keep your pace up. Are you doing the Cookson 10k too?
    Talking of dogs and buggies, we had an issue with a wheelchair yesterday. I'd normally be extremely sympathetic but this lad was fast and went bombing down the early downhill section shouting for people to get out of his way, almost hit me.
    Hope your mum is well Wtnmel. A good idea to clear out those T shirts. I keep the marathon ones and a few that I treasure, the rest go out. I also got stuck into my lawns with the scarifier and mower. And the battery charger miraculously sorted itself out. 
    Hillstrider the issue I have with my garmin is when there are trees on the course, which seems to cause havoc with my signal.
    This weekend I've been in Birmingham. We did Cannon Hill parkrun in a lovely park near the centre. Then today I did the Birmingham 10k, which was a Masters race. I only managed mid pack in my age group. The legs are still a bit creaky after the marathons so Im not surprised. But it was good to be there, and great to run in an England vest with all the qualifiers.
    I'll be doing the same in 3 weeks at the Manchester Half M. 
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    hillstriderhillstrider ✭✭✭
    Aquarius, well done for this mornings hilly 7 miles, but sorry to hear that your right knee was a bit painful for the first mile. Steep down hill running does tend to jar the knees. I hope that it clears up before Wednesday, when you travel to Windermere. 

    00, that runner running with a wheel chair sounded very dangerous. There are often several very speedy runners pushing buggies in the park runs that we do. There is usually no warning, so it is a miracle that nobody to my knowledge has been hit by one  

    I've also noticed problems with the Garmin's readings in the forest amongst the trees. 

    Well done for yesterday's parkrun and today's Birmingham 10k. I'm not surprised that your legs were still a bit creaky after the marathons. Very impressive running in an England vest. Good luck with the Manchester Half Marathon in 3 weeks time. 

    I was feeling surprisingly good this morning after yesterday's parkrun, and ran a solo 7.62 miles in the forest.
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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭
    Apologies I've not been around for a few days ..

    HS - well done for your recent interval training session and for that parkrun WAVA and position. Re the comments about the Garmin distances not being accurate, I remember that gps signals aren't that accurate and trees will often mean the signal is lost momentarily. It may be worth plotting the various routes on Fetch or some other website to get a more accurate measurement? Well done re the forest run and thanks for posting the photos of the surroundings.

    Aquarius - it WAS nice to have Margaret with me for a change and my Mum was pleased to see her again (my Mum seems to be doing okay at the moment). I've kept one or two running t-shirts from the past - one from the Tring Ridgeway Run that I used to enjoy dong each October - and one from the Bath Half). That Gibside 5k trail run does sound like 'character building' stuff. Well done for donating some of the goodie bag to the chauffeur who transported you to the race. My old running club used to do a mile race on a local airport runway - so no narrow, twisty bits there. Anyway, well done re that finish time. And well done re the recent 7ml run which for a change, included good weather for you! Enjoy your time away in Windemere.

    OO54 - I'd have been inclined to tell that entitled idiot in a wheelchair to **** off, if I'd been there. Challenge yourself to go fast by all means - but not if it means you end up shouting at others to get out of the way and run the risk of colliding with them. Glad to hear the battery problem sorted itself out. I spread the lawn feed a couple of days ago and was pleased it rained yesterday as that saved me the job of watering it in. Well done re the parkrun and Birmingham 10k - I can imagine it felt good to run in an England vest. Does the vest have a target printed on the back? ;):)

    I hadn't been out for an early fast walk for around a week, but got out this morning and did just over 4mls. I'm hoping to manage to do the same again tomorrow morning.

    I also got back into doing my stretching yesterday after a few day's break.

    It amused me that on a pack of eggs that Margaret bought recently, I could see the location of the HF walking holiday I'll be doing in Shropshire next month ..

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    hillstriderhillstrider ✭✭✭
    WtnMel, thanks, we're not too bothered about the accuracy of our training runs.

    Well done for this mornings brisk 4 miles walk, with the hope of doing the same tomorrow, and getting back into stretching again. 

    That's a coincidence that the pack of eggs 🥚 that Margaret bought recently, had a picture of the location of next months walking holiday. 

    I had a lovely forest run this morning with Sarah F. We ran 8.92 miles at a good pace. There were some wet and muddy areas, but the forest is slowly drying out.  The forecast is warmer, so should dry up even quicker. 

    A rep from Saturday's Salisbury parkrun took a photo of our club runners before the start, which I am posting now. 
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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭
    HS - I forgot that I needed to keep Wed free to take Margaret to Croome. So my proposed trip into town I had planned for Wed, will happen tomorrow instead. As I shall be walking into town from Pittville Park, I won't bother with an early walk. Well done re your 9ml forest run with Sarah F - and how nice to have a photo from the parkrun at Salisbury.

    I forgot to mention earlier on, that for this morning's fast walk, I wore my shorts instead of my tracksters for the first time this year.
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    hillstriderhillstrider ✭✭✭
    WtnMel, I see that your trip to Croome has been changed to today. 

    Well done for wearing shorts for yesterday's fast walk for the first time this year. 

    Just the usual Tuesday Farmers Walk this morning. 
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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭
    HS - I had a successful trip into town this morning. I got some new running socks, for my early-morning fast walks. And some new walking socks for my upcoming holiday. I shall give the new walking socks a short 'test drive' tomorrow at Croome. While I was in town, I stocked up on new toe protectors for the aforesaid walking holiday. And I found some new shoes at the local Clarks shop which I've ordered .. I will just need to wait for them to be delivered and look out for the text/email.

    I've just finished doing my stretching exercises. That was the third day on the trot and it's nice to see some ticks on my daily exercise checklist rather than lots of blanks.
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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭
    Oh dear .. I think I was possibly a tad too enthusiastic with some of my stretching yesterday. Had problems last night and been shuffling around like a proper old man today because my lower back/glute on the right-hand side is sore. So been doing lots of g-e-n-t-l-e stretching today and have been for a little toddle around the village (26mm pace rather than my usual 16mm). So we didnt go to Croome today after all. I've cancelled golf on Fri - and if my back is better by then, Margaret and I will go for a gentle walk around Croome on Fri instead.
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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭
    Thankfully, the gentle stretching yesterday helped and I had a better night's sleep. I think the ibuprofen also helped. I had some more ibuprofen at breakfast time but I don't think I'll need any more today. I'll do some more gentle stretching today and take it easy. And should be okay to drive to Croome tomorrow for a gentle stroll around the grounds.
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    hillstriderhillstrider ✭✭✭
    WtnMel, I note that you are getting kitted up for your walking holiday!

    Sorry to hear that you are now suffering from your over zealous stretches. 

    I see that you are now feeling better after some gentle stretching. Keep it up, so that hopefully, you will be able to have a gentle stroll tomorrow in Croome.

    I ran 6.22 miles yesterday with Mike, which included 5 hill reps up a gravel path. This morning was a solo hilly road run of 4.12 miles.

    1 ordered another pair of Asics 1000 V11 on Tuesday, and still awaiting delivery. 
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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭
    edited May 9
    Wtnmel, I know many folks swear by stretching and strength work, but it's noticeable how many can get injured in the process. Always a balance I guess but hopefully your back pain has passed now. Take care old bean. 
    Nice miles hillstrider. Are the new shoes for something special or just wear and tear on the old ones?
    Steady week here. We are off to Keswick tomorrow. A few jobs on the new kitchen and round the house. Hopefully a couple of sunny walks and runs too 🌞
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