
plantar facilitis what now



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    Purely as an aside and not scientific at all when I was in Dougie Tobutt's shop in Bolton we started discussing shoes. He said that after 94 marathons and thousands of miles he now always wears Brooks shoes (best seller the Adrenalin) and they are by no means the most expensive pair in the shop. (Summer Kayano X are 88 quid by the way as well).
    Anyway very tenous link to this thread but when the next time to buy comes along it's made me think.
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    Rhino - hope the physio wasn't too bad. Sounds like you're really suffering at the moment. Looked in my Superdrug Xmas brochure and they do 2 foot spa's. One is £9.99 and is like mine but a bit posher. The other is £29.99 and is dead flash with built in infra red. However, personally I'd but the cheaper one and a separate lamp as you could then use the lamp on other parts of your body. Neither of them say if they can be used without water - mine states it on the box so you'd need to check.

    Doc - the knee pain could be due to your biomechanics changing with the Orthaheels. After I'd worn them for about a month, I got pain in both big toe joints. The physio said that was the reason and it did settle down.
    I'm a forefoot striker and my physio said that wasn't helping. As you point out, it puts more strain on the PF. I did try to change the way I run but it felt so odd and uncomfortable that I gave up.

    LDR - thanks for the website address, just been for a quick look and it certainly seems worth a try. Are you cured then or do you still have a niggle?
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    hi everyone. i see there's loads for me to catch up on but am a bit tired now so will do tomorrow.

    Physio - STOP plodding, STOP eliptical cross trainer, STOP everything that hurts (wish that included work), STRETCH and STRETCH some more. Reckons this is going to be real problem for me cos has gone on so long. Am going to have to work V hard at getting rid of it if i ever want to train again. Oh joy.

    Will catch up properly tomorrow but hope all ok
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    I think you could be right about that Debbie -anyway I'll press on. I've been doing a few more leg strengthening exercises in the gym so hopefully the thing will settle down in due course.
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    Debbie - I'm still resting so I'll reserve judgement on how well the recovery is going, but the stretching exercises certainly seem to have helped with the background discomfort and I can't see that they'll do any harm. Nothing ventured...
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    tennis last night -heel a bit sore this morning and knees aching so decided to run 56 mins on/off road in a new pair of Kayanos. Big difference to the old pair on the road -felt like running on a carpet.11 months is clearly too long to keep a shoe for me especially as I'm not the lightest runner around. 8 months max now I think. Perhaps I underestimated the importance of shoe change. Knees aching now so going to take a few days off -enforced I'm on nights till Monday- and run again on the track Tues. Orthaheels defo help with tennis though
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    Hi all. Just been to the podiatrists for an assessment. He said that although iv been out for 3 months my form of PF is onr of the better forms. He strapped sum cushion support to my feet and told me to keep it on for 10 days. Im gonna smell like Ghandi's flip flop.

    He said i can pay the full wack of £270 and get full assessment then casts made or i can get some universal orthotics and customize. I could do with 270 quid for other stuff to be honest.
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    Stifler - didn't know there was different forms????
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    When I first got diagnosed at the doctor's he said mine was a relatively mild form because I didn't shoot through the roof when he pressed my sore spot!
    Mild maybe, but still lasting forever :o(

    Stifler - I once had my foot taped and kept the same tape on for a week (on the advice of the physio, not by choice) Never noticed the smell until I took it off - knockout!

    Right heel really sore today following a 10 minute run last night. Now almost back to pre-cortisone pain levels. Think I'll have to settle for 9 minute runs for the rest of my life. Will rest for a few days I think - you listening Rhino? ;o)
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    ((((Debs)))) how awful :(
    I've rested from plodding now for about 5 days
    Going out in morning - not supposed to go at all or eliptical trainer for at least 2 weeks but can't help it (and been on eliptical trainer 90 mins everyday since he said that!)
    But don't want to get fatter :(
    Hopefully going back to see my original physio on 15th - can't wait to see how much she thinks I've progressed as haven't seen her for prob about 5 months
    Been brave last 2 days and managed about 5-10 mins self massage - ouch
    Not my heel so much now but all along bottom of my foot - pod said this means my fascia is starting to stretch - at last - yipeeeee! (although when I asked physio he didn't say same thing - but what would he know - I'm going to believe pod cos his news was good!)
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    9 minutes ? -you will have to become a sprinter then Debbie ! If my knees feel Ok by Tuesday then I'll do some track stuff -if not I'll wait a bit longer. Need the pain to go.Then I'm going to run without the Orthaheels and see what happens. I'd sick of aching knees. There's so many possible factors (like wearing my old shoes too long like an idiot) that you don't know what to do for the best.
    Anyway one Christmas present is sorted -a new pair of shoes for standby/next pair.
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    I'm too old to sprint Doc! Since I gave up playing footy, I don't need to sprint any more so I'm out of practice.
    Sounds like your knees are quite bad. Don't you think it's worth going to a physio? I know a good one in Horwich. He couldn't cure my PF but he was great with torn ankle ligaments! Mind you, he's not a fan of orthotics (but he does support Bolton)

    Rhino - you are so crazy! I thought I was a b*gger for not doing what I'm told but you're worse ;o) I stick to 15 mins on cross trainer cos it once made my PF loads worse after a session.
    Interesting what you say about stretching the fascia being a good thing. One of the physio's I went to said that PF was OVER stretching of the fascia and that once it was stretched, it never shortened again, which is why we usually need orthotics forever. Does anyone out there know the truth???

    Been hammering the golf ball this weekend cos despite the agony last time, it did improve quite drastically a couple of days afterwards. Tried a tennis ball but too much interest from the dog. Still, it distracts him from the fireworks...

    Been out for a meal today with the relatives. One of them was asking how my feet were and she wondered why I won't give up running. Why don't they get it? When I was first diagnosed, my Dad said "just stop running" I had to explain to him that was equivalent to him "just stopping drinking alcohol". He's never suggested it since!
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    Debs - The conflicting advice just never stops. I'm going to quiz the physio abou that one on wednesday. My relatives are exactly the same - they just don't understand. Hope you feet are feeling good after all the golf balling.
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    Knees feeling better after the weekend, only the left one a little bit troublesome,it all seems to stem from when I jarred in with what seemed to an inconspicuous movement on the tennis court. Having said that it's not that bad now if it feels Ok tomorrow it's the running club. Going to run without the orthotic. Who is the physio Debbie in Horwich? The nearest I get to sprinting is the speed stuff on the track but being 46 (and by no means the oldest) I'm usually at the back. I think I'm just going have to accept that my knees are old too. But might try the physio -you never know.
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    Woo-hoo... 20 minutes on the tready today!

    It's so sad that such a thing can feel like an achievement :-{

    Hard work though! Any idea whether treadmill running is supposed to be harder or easier than real running, assuming the speed is the same? I'm clutching at straws, but if 20 minutes at 7mph is this hard, I must be a lot less fit than I had hoped!

    Rhino and Debbie... stop being naughty! Follow your physio's advise (reasonably closely, at least ;-} ) or you'll just make things worse! I know it's frustrating (believe me, I know!!!) but surely it's not worth putting your recovery back 3 months just to have a go on the evil cross-trainer? Is it really worth the risk?

    Oh, you kids today... I despair! ;-}
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    Rhino - spotted a foot/back infra red massager in Superdrug for £16.66. It's not like a foot spa, just a big square solid pad thing.
    Both feet a bit better today thanks. You?

    Doc - glad the knees are improving, however little. Physio is Bolton Physiotherapy Clinic on Chorley Old Road, just up the hill from Horwich Leisure Centre. 01204 691691. Not cheap - £40 for first session (about an hour), then £28 afterwards (40 mins). Best physio I've seen even though he ran out of ideas for my PF. Best at taping my foot too. Only went elsewhere cos he didn't like orthotics and I wanted to give them a try.

    IG - Well done on the 20 mins (green with envy and fully understanding your excitement). I hardly ever use a treadmill but when I have, I've found it much harder if I set it to my normal outdoor speed. Feels so fast. I used to run outdoors at 8.5 mph but could barely manage 6 mph on a tready. So you're not really that unfit - treadmills are just evil, far more so than the lovely cross-trainer!
    Of course you're quite right with your advice, and I consider my knuckles well and truly rapped, but what runner EVER takes any notice when advised to rest? ;o)
    I think I can safely say I'm not as bad as Rhino! 90 mins???? Couldn't manage that when I was fit!
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    Debs - 8.5 mph, i'm soooooo jealous!
    just been for little plod - everything seems ok except different pains on different parts of my left foot which i'll ask physio about tomorrow (even tho i wasn't supposed to plod). even tightness in my achilles and calves seems to be much better today. will look in superdrug when go shopping on friday - cheers. you got much r*nning in lately?

    IG - s*d physio's advice - i completely rested for SEVEN MONTHS - i aint resting any longer especially when i don't feel worse for it. what do physios know anyway?!
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    If I use Orthaheels in my shoes do I remove any inserts in there or put it over the top?
    Obviously the full length inserts are instead of the inserts there. Also if you use the sports orthaheel should you use neutral shoes instead of motion control shoes?
    I know this has probably been answered within the preceeding 200 or so posts but I'd appreciate an answer. Many thanks fellow pf sufferers.
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    Iain - the 3/4 length ones for the shoes are supposed to just fit without removing the insole. That's what one of my many physio's told me. The full length ones for trainers replace the insole already there. However, for some good tips from the experienced Inspector Gadget, look at page 9 of this thread, 5th comment down. (Don't blame you for not ploughing through!)
    I've tried my sports Orthaheels with both stability shoes (Saucony Grid Hurricanes) and neutral shoes (NB753) and haven't found any difference. Feet still hurt afterwards in both! I saw a podiatrist recently and she said it doesn't make any difference either.

    Rhino - not been out since the 10 min run last Thursday. Feet just about settling down from that. Golf balling makes them hurt lots anyway so have rested. (How good am I?)
    Don't think I'll ever be a seven minute miler again. I suffer more when I run faster! Only 2 months ago I did 4 miles on holiday in Scarborough. Thought it was supposed to get better with time? Can't even manage a mile and half without hobbling for 2 days afterwards. I wonder if it would be any worse if I did go out for a longer run? It doesn't actually hurt when running but I'm too scared to try longer distances in case I suffer even more after.

    PS - I got post 200 !!!
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    Debs - stop shouting off all over the forum about post 200!!!
    I'm sure you've said but i can't be bothered to look through the thread either - do you have custom orthotics now? Your feet sound so much worse than mine now. but then i think you said you got yours in april so mines 3 months older. all the massage and stretching seems to be helping me - its certainly helping my tight calf. but also i've not been at work for nearly 2 weeks so maybe thats the only reason they feel better. who knows but i'm keeping my fingers crossed that its finally going away.
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    You're just jealous ;o)

    Ordered my orthotics and should have them within the next fortnight. I'm so excited but I'm probably pinning too much hope on them. I know I'm setting myself up for a big disappointment.
    Both feet did take a turn for the worse last week but the golf ball seems to be helping. Just done it whilst watching telly earlier and it isn't quite as agonising today. Feel lots better right now too but I know my next run will aggravate it again. Might just try a 30 min run (if my lungs let me) and see if it's any worse than a 10 min one. Purely a scientific experiment, you understand ;o)
    I've put a piece of carpet down where I work. Probably not supposed to but I'm sure they'd rather have me with my carpet than pay me to be off sick! I've found it helps loads. Tempted to stick a piece under each shoe!
    I hope you've turned the corner at last - it's only a couple of weeks since you were really struggling. Do you think the massage is a big factor? It's about the only thing I've not persisted with previously.
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    well i've had my orthotics since march and still have bad feet.

    oh and think i was being a bit positive before. just been massaging feet and plod this morning seems to have done something nasty to my left foot. massively sticking out bit on the bottom and really hurting now too. lots of pain killers and anti inflammitorys before bed i think and see what tomorrow brings. maybe i do need to rest AGAIN -dont think i can handle stopping all together again. there's just no end to this damn thing

    rant rant rant :(
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    well i did the liverpool half and since then have been in extreme discomfort wearing orthoheels dont help tried a 3 mile easy jog yesterday and my heel has come up like a ballon can hardly walk ive stretyched iced stretched and iced some more still no joy perhaps cortisone is the only answer any ideas debs
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    Ideas .............hmm yes - rest and don't do another half????!!!!

    Did you enjoy it?
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    Thanks for the physio details Debbie. Went out on my 45 (ish) min run this morning.My house in Bromley Cross down to Jumbles Reservoir, round it and back if u know North Bolton at all. Left knee still a bit dodgy and heel so far no worse than usual. Ditched the orthaheel sports and put in the original kayano insoles (3rd time out for the shoes) and felt OK. Played some tennis last night in the orthaheels so they can stay in my tennis shoes for now.
    I sometimes wish I'd not got into all this business of buying all these "remedies."
    Still must keep going with the Leeds 10K to do at the month-end.
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    you doing leeds abbey dash doc??
    good luck with it - i didn't manage to get in :(
    missed it by seconds, they had places left when they e-mailed me the form and i sent it straight off but was tooooo late.
    probably just as well i suppose
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    Well I sent a form in a couple of months ago and assume I'm in. I was given the form by a colleague who did it last year -it's a good run apparently but obviously will be a bit busy with 3,300 in it! I'm told it's fairly flat so my modest pb of 52.16 may be under threat.
    I'm considering doing the Ribble Valley 10K on 27/12 as well, and probably the Preston "Chernobyl" 10K and Lostock 6 in the New Year. Leeds won't be a "dash" with me, the fact that it's organised by Help the Aged is more appropariate these days!
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    Colin - good to hear from you but sad you don't have good news to share. Must say my heels have never swelled up - sounds nasty.
    Personally, I wouldn't hesitate to try cortisone, simply because it MIGHT work. Without trying you'll never know. It's free and just means a few days of pain afterwards. A small price to pay if it works. Mine didn't in the end (after initial optimism) but I don't regret trying.

    Rhino - you're a fine one to preach about not running another half ;o) Sorry to hear you've had a setback. It's all ups and downs isn't it?
    Oh, nice to see you've got such a good GP too.

    Doc - don't know that side of Bolton too well. Going shopping to the market tomorrow.
    Good luck with the insole experiments.
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    25 minutes today - and just about 3 miles. PF a little sore now, but less effect than a game of tennis and that's been clearing after a day - so another step in the right direction.

    I can't wait to get out onto real roads... the gym is driving me MAD!!! So boring, and I feel much more self conscious in there(too fat, too sweaty in the 120 degree heat - or something like that) as opposed to the freedom and anonymity of the great outdoors!

    Still... 25 minutes, and I felt I could have carried on (but didn't want to take undue risks - 30 minutes will wait for Friday or next week) - and still enough energy for 40 minutes on the weights and 4k or so of intervals on the rower.

    What other stuff does everyone do to maintain fitness when running is restricted? I find the cross trainer is torture - kills my PF in fact - but the rower is fine (fine on the injury, that is... when I get my HR over 180 it's pure pain - but exercise pain, so I have the traditional love/hate relationship with it!)
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    Well, foot's OK this morning after yesterday's run without the Orthaheels.So they can stay in the tennis shoes where I think they have most effect. Haven't had the same reaction from my left knee either so I'm going to persist with the bog standard shoes and see what happens.
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