
Asics Blackpool Marathon



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    Bye wont be fit enough still 3 weeks before I can start training again. Ive beenout for 12 weeks now. Wish you all well.
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    Dickie - that kind of talk will never get you
    to the end . . . training!! who needs it??

    116 frisp (3:50ish)
    184 sarahmassey (3:40) :)
    227 vassy (2hrs. 59 mins. 59 secs)
    441 Chrisss (to get round, 5hrs???)
    453 Simon Franklin 2 (3:25)
    479 DRT (3:30)
    510 Brian - I run on insulin (4:29)
    512 Tallbird (3:59)
    517 OB (4:15)
    611 No.8 (3.30)
    646 wrexhamrob aiming dreaming of 3:59:59
    654 Biffa (4:30?)
    658 paul owen 2 (3.50)
    674 natnif (3:59 cool 4:29 hot 5:00 boiling)
    719 Millsy (3.45 optimistically!)
    729 El Capitan (3:59 - 4:14)
    734 Ripped Dap 3hrs. 59 mins. 59 secs
    769 andy from embsay (3:15ish)
    793 sweep
    794 Jakesy
    795 FBS
    ??? Seaweed (pacing OB to 4:15)
    ??? Ultra Hamster-hopefully sub 3:30
    ??? Biastai aiming for Sub 3:15
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    tallbirdtallbird ✭✭✭
    OB (and other list posters) - you seem to be doing a good enough job without me!!

    And I thought the world would always need accountants....

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    Sorry chaps, this going to sound very frustrating. Its my fault because I keep dipping in and out of the forum. But, I assume we are having High 5. I am pleased, cause in my humble opinion, it's the best. Where and when? Every seven? Every five? Or, three times in total, like Cardiff? Water every three miles, is that correct?

    Sorry to be a pain!

    Recovered from FLM now, so really looking forward to this one. Not even going to wear a watch on the day. Just going to enjoy it.

    Wore my Garmin 201 at London. Spent most of the time looking with pride at my virtual partner. Cant remember seeing many land marks!

    Doing Great Welsh run on Monday; can't wait for that either!

    I love running............ :)
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    tb - we were only holding the fort until a professional came along!

    The world will always need tallbirds :)
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    tallbirdtallbird ✭✭✭

    no answer to that is there?

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    always too much to say that natnif!
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    Do you mind OB
    I was answering tb !!

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    hi folks , 2 weeks of around 30 miles each, very busy work week this week so les mileage, but hope to get to the Tywyn 1/2 mara on sunday next then the southcheshire 20, then i'll be well up fo 26 (positive thinking)
    pleased that the thread has reverted to helping/ welcoming us slow folk
    (though inspired you you under 3:30 folk), lets hear it for the plod hippo
    still think the listing should be in predicted time order
    how about a running group of 4hr/4:15 of wrexham rob, tailbird seaweed, OB any other joiners?
    got my chester 1/2 number (206) this week , - if i can get oranised for tywyn 1/2 this sunday , that'll be 3 races as training ..
    off to Buckley runers for a 7miles tonight
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    Well done on the mileage. Keep building!

    I keep thinking about the South Cheshire 20, but can't get Sundays off too often. If you can crack 20, you will make the 26 no probs. At blackpool last year I had only managed 19 before it, but still finished the race.

    If I get to the 20 I will say hi.
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    WR - my pb is 4:26 so 4:15 is at the upper end of my expectations especially if it's hot. Plus, I am by nature a negative split runner so if I went off at a 4:00 to 4:15 pace I would almost certainly blow it.

    natnif - oops, sorry about that :(
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    Id love to be with you all but torn calf muscle refuses to get with the programme and is chewing up loads of dosh at the physios.He who must be obeyed reckons September will be looking good for running with 2 legs.So I will have to make with some heavy R & R pity i had my 1/2 down to 1.35 still all that training to look forward to?
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    These high 5 drinks - are they the gels?
    Just that I think I should try them out before the big day on my long prep runs (when I get round to them). 1st marathon is scary enough, now really scared after reading John H's links on hydration (VERY informative though - ta John). What can I take to prevent hypochondria?
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    Biffa, the best advice I can give on having a happy first marathon is to do nothing out of the ordinary... Sure think 26.2 miles is a LOOOONNNNG way... It's not easy and nor should it be underestimated. There is a WORLD of differnece between a half and a full marathon - a world of differnece... but it isn't an impossible task and it is a task well within the capabillities of most folk. What you must keep in mind is that your performance on the day is reflective of what you've out in in terms of training AND a fair old slice of luck... everything from the weather on the day through to slipping on a banana skin!

    Afer me experiences in London this time - having prepared so diligently, so thoroughly, so ultimately profesionally, what I learned is this... you can go too far!

    If you've run 20 or so miles in training - replicate pretty much what you did as preparation for those runs and you wont go far wrong.. that was how I approached my first marathon (3hrs 22min) - a rather hit an miss trg schedule, boozing excessivley, no pre-rce routine... I just lined up on the day and went for it...

    Please don't be overawed by the marathon and all the technical ins and outs... approach it no different to you long runs and i am sure you will be absolutely fine.
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    Banana skins?

    Biffa-dont worry---as john says if youve done the training theres no need to worry
    (hippo panics)
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    <boinged for new girl on the blocks>

    which supermarkets, if any, do high 5 drinks?
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    tallbirdtallbird ✭✭✭
    You guys - you're so funny :)

    Was thinking about the High 5 drinks - looking on their website, the only ready made drink they have (in bottles) is 'energy kick' which isn't recommended for races - so I guess it's not going to be that.

    Will it be mixed from powder and in cups then I was wondering?

    I currently use PSP22, so either I need to change and give High 5 a go, or I need to do what I usually do and carry my energy drink in my Flashflo and just get water from the drink's stations.


    thinking about energy drinks, and I'm still on the injury bench! S'pose I've got to do something to take my mind off it.....
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    Don't know why I'm posting a time on here. My training has gone seriously pear-shaped due to work and other committments. I have gained a stone and a half since my last marathon (New York) and I am dying with the most horrible cold and chest infection so haven't been running for over a week.

    Actually have half a mind to drop out all together and save energies for Berlin in September...........am I being wise or is it just the snot monster, who has taken up residence in me, talking????

    116 frisp (3:50ish)
    184 sarahmassey (3:40) :)
    227 vassy (2hrs. 59 mins. 59 secs)
    441 Chrisss (to get round, 5hrs???)
    453 Simon Franklin 2 (3:25)
    479 DRT (3:30)
    510 Brian - I run on insulin (4:29)
    512 Tallbird (3:59)
    517 OB (4:15)
    564 Charlie Chuckles (4:45 - oh please,god!)
    611 No.8 (3.30)
    646 wrexhamrob aiming dreaming of 3:59:59
    654 Biffa (4:30?)
    658 paul owen 2 (3.50)
    674 natnif (3:59 cool 4:29 hot 5:00 boiling)
    719 Millsy (3.45 optimistically!)
    729 El Capitan (3:59 - 4:14)
    734 Ripped Dap 3hrs. 59 mins. 59 secs
    769 andy from embsay (3:15ish)
    793 sweep
    794 Jakesy
    795 FBS
    ??? Seaweed (pacing OB to 4:15)
    ??? Ultra Hamster-hopefully sub 3:30
    ??? Biastai aiming for Sub 3:15

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    Job change means enforced lay off from posting.

    Good luck to all, see you all in June.

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    CC - probably the snot monster. Give it a while and see how you feel.
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    Think you might be right OB......joining weight watchers again tomorrow so will probably be dead fired up after I weigh in and nearly break the scales.

    Going to take it easy this weekend and then get back into it gently from Tuesday.

    Have a good bank holiday weekend everyone!
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    just managed to book oned nights accom after trying for ages might be worth booking early
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    MillsterMillster ✭✭✭
    OB - I managed to find High5 drinks in Millets the camping and outdoor shop. They also do both High5 and SIS energy bars. The drinks were in powder form but mix well enough with water.

    Norry - Were you booking accommodation actually in Blackpool? I was planning to try the Lytham area.
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    thanks for that Millsy - I'll get some to taste.
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    Taff BoyTaff Boy ✭✭✭
    Darn it - been a bad boy ! Missed training tuesday cos work and didnt do thursday as I went out too quick on wednesday and still feeling it . Should have gone today but .... stayed in and had BEER ...I'm so ashamed , particularly as I'm going out on the morrow and likely to have a shedful ... hic .. I'm so sorry , can you lot ever forgive me ...hic...
    ...I dont know these first time ametuars ..anyone seen the bottle opener..??
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    oh bloody hell you have to live mate

    knowing my luk-they will arrange for me to be on call the weekend of blackpool
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    thats what their attitude is--sods

    well i would like to know i can do it
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    and we'd like to know you can do it too hipps :)
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