
Sub 5 hours



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    QUESTION when i get home from work i have look at me e mails and i have up to 50 messages saying there is a message on the 5 sub hour thread, when i click on it i can disable the reply, but is there an way of stopping it all together as its driving me potty

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    TopSecTopSec ✭✭✭
    Diana, that's great! You'll enjoy it - I know you will :))

    {TS, slowly morphing into a mini Hippo and Shades, spider like, drawing people into marafuns .......... tee hee hee}
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    Andy - When I went to Ireland for 3 days I came back to 898 emails, about 850 from RW forum.

    You can disable email notification of this thread.
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    SHADES How do i do disable it
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    Post something in the white box, then at the foot is a little box you tick
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    you asked
    Bloody hell marathon report 2005

    Setting the scene-
    Dreadful week at work-with lots of stress and too much alcohol
    Situation normal then
    Precious little running in the 2 weeks since Abingdon-more to do with the head than the legs.
    Escaped from work at 3pm on Friday-and caught a lift down to Eastbourne with Lurker and Bobbis.
    Soundtrack was Armatrading, Simon and Garfunkel and-The Carpenters
    (any idea how appropriate “We’ve only just begun” is to running?)
    Lurker informed us that she had no inte tion of runni g a maratho ever-oops!
    Arrived at Eastbourne around 8.30pm then out to the pub for a chat and a couple of pints and a fantastic plate of chicken and noodles
    Must have been a large portion-I only managed half!
    Bed by 11pm-and I slept like a baby-waking every two hours for a slurp of isotonic.
    Forced down some cereal followed by usual pre race loo rituals-then it was a taxi to St Bedes for the start.
    You could tell they were going to look after us
    Trays of cake circulating with coffee and tea-pity I had no appetite.
    Spent the hour pre race catching up with old friends.The walkers had already set off-I was allegedly a jogger.

    But there was NO WAY I was running up that first hill.
    A short sharp incline and then a long drag left me breathless and dripping at the summit.I though I was supposed to be fit!!!!
    I was so upset I forgot to start my garmin for 2 minutes.

    I have never started a race with a walk before except for Lyke Wake-and it really didn’t help me at all
    I could not be @rsed to jog!
    Still-SVT, Meldy ,AJH and I started a bit of plodding at the top of the hill-I even touched 10 minute miles at one point
    Now hippos don’t do off road very well and it wasn’t long before I was walking again.
    The others sped off into the distance but unsually there were people walking all around me-Im used to being at the back on my own dammit!
    Ok-right well lets just try to get in under 6.5 hours-I knew I wouldn’t make sub 6 as Id need 14 minute miles and it wasn’t happening.
    Lets see if I can actually enjoy a race

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    Hit 5 miles in 72 minutes-hm this isn’t really very good is it.
    Snoop and Tiger arrived having started late and informed me that they were stopping at pubs at 16 miles and 22 miles
    Ok well I might do that myself.
    They wanted to get to mile16 by 3 hours-so off they went into the distance.
    It got muddy and I struggled
    I was dripping with sweat and already feeling thirsty-although I was walking a lot still.
    Net to catch me was Windsurfing Susie pacing a friend round
    We ran walked together till 8 miles-when I hit my usual bad patch-and Susie disappeared into the distance
    Fisrst checkpoint at 8.8 miles and I gulped a cup of squash
    No time to stop-it was a pitiful time already-so off I went again

    Managed to get into some sort of rhythm and even overtook the odd person with run/walk
    Starting to feel lightheaded and unwell-couldn’t put a finger on it.
    Caught up with Pink and Aiki who were walking-at about mile 11-12
    Had to run past Nicko just after mile 12-he wouldn’t let me walk!
    Through a village on road then up another hill-then back on some nice trail
    Ahead I spotted a Thanet club vest-and accelerated towards them
    The Camelbak of Wine-it must be!
    It wasn’t-SHE was ahead
    Ho hum
    I was never going to catch her
    Settled back into a run walk as started overtaking people again
    Just before 13 miles-I heard a shout behind me
    “Are you going to ignore us then”
    The Camelbak lass!
    Had a slurp of white wine(it was after midday)-and plodded on.
    Half marathon by my Garmin in an embarrassing 3 hours 20 minutes
    There were uphills but they weren’t THAT bad although my feet wept at the underfoot terrain(Using 2 bridges ultra blister shoes as I was going to bin them after the run)
    Revised my time to under 7 hours
    Began to worry about catching my train back home
    The idea was that I walk a lot and try to take I the scenery and actually enjoy myself-but walking felt hard and I really didnt feel

    The purging of evil humours would have made me feel better normallybut it was the first set of Stairs
    I had to stop several times to catch my breath and let my head stop swimming

    Miles 16-18 involved some downhill jogs and the second EVIL set of stairs
    Met two ladies who were veterns of beachy-and what they had to say didn’t bode well

    Thenthere was”the most pointless bit of the course” as I heard one
    Marshal say
    an uphill an a down-to make up the miles
    Tim Rainey phoned me at this point to
    tell me he was in FLM.I was on the uphill bit and couldt speak much
    But we hadn’t even started yet

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    The Seven B!tches loomed
    My companion told me there were actually 8 not 7 hills
    Oh great
    By now I had very little left ad could hardly walk
    Still I managed the first long uphill
    pull and walked the very steep
    downhill too as I couldn’t trust my buckling legs-they just didn’t seem to want to work
    By the third hill id lost it

    I was able to walk a few steps uphill then I was dizzy and gasping
    Normally im ok onhills walking at least
    But I just couldt manage it without stopping every minute hands on thighs.I ony pretended to stretch once-then all dignity was gone and I walked bent hyperventilated and got up the hills that way

    I don’t thik the hills were THAT bad-but my body couldn’t take any more and I didn’t know why
    An elderly couple out for a stroll o the b!tches(????) tried to engage me in conversation-er leave me alone!

    Mile21-and what I thought was the last checkpoint(5 hours 46 minutes-Ive finished by now usually)
    No squash

    Gulped down 2 cups of water in some disappointment
    There was chocolate too-but I couldn’t face it
    The hills seemed less bad now andI jogged a
    lttle again and overtook the elderly couple

    I could see buildings up ahead and wondered if there was a shop
    All I could thik about was a can of full fat Coke
    My 3300ml Isotonic was long gone
    Checkpoint 4
    More lovely tea, and squash
    Had left the checkpoint when it hit me
    About turn to pick up a fun sized mars bar
    Nearly vomitedbut forced it down

    And in 10 miutes I was back to 16 –17 miute miling
    Even overtakig again
    Beachy head was fine
    Sure it was a hill but I was strong again
    What FOOL I had been-I have done so many marathons and I didn’t realise id hita wall
    But now its about finishing
    I don’t care about the time-
    Almost went the wrong way followig an outward marker
    But then
    it was down the steep hill
    Walking—no im not going to trust my legs
    And a sprint finish on the road
    Around 7.20

    Post mortem
    This is a GREAT race-inclusive of all abilities
    Fantastic organisation and yes fantastic views even if I couldn’t appreciate them
    As for my performance-well I don’t kow why I even bother training
    Back to the drawing board

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    whoops, missed a bit
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    Not sure I'll do that one just yet...
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    put you off did I?
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    Yep. I need time to get used to the idea of hills. One or two more flat marathons. Wait until I get cocky and arrogant and still on a high from the last marathon. Then sign up for a hilly marathon in a weak moment. Forget that it's hilly until it's too late.

    Isn't that how it's done?
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    you sussed us
    speak to you in a fortnight
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    TopSecTopSec ✭✭✭

    You will do it - it's luvverly :))

    There's tea and sausages and beans at the end! And pudding :o
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    TopSecTopSec ✭✭✭
    Seren, it's pretty much expected though that you won't run all of it, there are only a few deranged individuals who do.
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    Oh dear, just read Hippo's account and it's TOO LATE!!

    My name is Diana. It's been 11 months and three weeks since my last (first) marathon and is now just over 6 months to my next. I have signed up for Beachy Head. Mad fool, what have I done?
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    Its great everyone is signing up for marathons.

    Diana Beachy Head does sound tough.

    I am not that good with off-road, muddy and hilly marathons so will give this one a miss.
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    Hippo - great report, I've not seen that one before

    Jane - Beachy isn't horrendously hard, but can be very windy. I've done it 3 times and hate it more each time I do it.
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    Thanks Shades - NOW you tell me! I'm planning to do it on your 3 runs a week plan, but include off-road hilly bits.
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    Where on earth do you lot find the time to train for all these marathons, my other half would have a fit if i did another one

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    TopSecTopSec ✭✭✭
    Shades, bet you don't hate it as much as L***n??

    Diana, you will be fine for BH, it's not off road as in really slippy and muddy (unless it rains of course), a lot of it is on the South Downs walk bit. It can get a bit windy on the hill tops and across the Seven Sisters - I have some pictures if you want I can email them to you.

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    My whole family are involved in sport Andy...its just part of our lives.
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    Diana - lots of peeps love Beachy.

    Andy - if you do enough of them it minimizes the training.
    I won't do any long runs now until late June as I'm racing every week or every other week.
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    TopSecTopSec ✭✭✭
    Andy, once you have got up to Marathon fitness you can keep it up by doing a 10 or 12 mile run a couple of weeks after and then another marathon a couple of weeks after that and so on and so on ......

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    TopSecTopSec ✭✭✭
    Andy, Mr TS never used to run and look at him now 6 months later! I did tell him this morning that I had entered another 2 marathons and he said he won't do another, he will do halves and such though. I didn't actually tell him that the 2 were only a day apart - he thinks I'm daft enough as it is!!
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    I think after this one i am going to concentrate on half marathons. i want to get under 2 hours for a half as my PB is 2.03.11

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    TopSec, would love to see some piccies - you have my email address.

    Andy - sensible plan - can't think why I didn't stick to it myself!
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    Have just entered New forest & Abingdon marathons - well I had a couple of spare minutes on a Tuesday afternoon
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    Anyone thinking of doing Cardiff?
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