
Very fat unfit beginner needs advice



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    ta ta for now. Going to put on my 'mum and housewife' hat. Off for a plod a bit later too. (that's if my high impact bra has dried...did it rain today?)
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    yes, how to dry them quick enough .. now there's a problem!

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    OTH - I must have missed this post with the classic line

    ""This morning I did my usual run 1min/walk 2mins and marveled at how much easier it is beginning to get (still hard by reps 7/8/9, but not killing anymore) and I can finally hold a conversation whilst doing it too""

    Now that is marvellous and my wife would be over the moon and beyond to be at that point , how lucky you are to have got this far. What it shows is that everyone starts somewhere and everyone is a beginner once. Now if you keep this up regularly and don't try to increase it too much too soon then your on the way to your dreams without a doubt.

    We've been out for 30 mins tonight and she is still delighted not to have back pain but we aren't going faster yet. I've taken an iprobrufen for this leg ache - I must run tommorrow as I need to start training this local route at some point. But I must go out with my wife first !!

    Keep it up - I reckon this could be the definative beginners thread!!
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    Thanks Mike. Yes, the temptation is too push on, but I am beginning to realise that I am improving because I am NOT pushing too much, something I did in week one and was disappointed to find it just holds you back when the pain starts.

    I do hope your leg ache is nothing more serious - you give me plenty of very good advice about not pushing my body when it says it is hurting - I hope you are keeping your own advice too!

    I really think Mrs Mike is so lucky to have you there to support and encourage her. She is doing superbly, and it is very right to give plenty of respect to the back and take time over each phase.

    .. and to everyone else who reads this thread ... please keep reading & writing, it is great to see how others are getting on and to be able to exchange stories, advice and support.

    Shani x
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    OTH and Mrs Mike, may I plant a suggestion seed. When I was at my largest (over 16 stone) i got my flatmate to take a photo of me in my underwear from the side and front. (god bless that girl - she was a brave soul!!)

    This was before digital cameras so I did have to send the film off!! Stay with me people....the thing is, you may or may not loose weight one week or month, but you will tone/loose inches/start looking smaller. It may not be all over, it may not be at once, but it will happen if you carry on the route you have chosen.

    Obviously these are not snaps to go in the family album, but they can go in your race/getting fit/metamorphosis scrap book. You can take them every 3 or 6 months or whatever...

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    I've got my partner to take me in my running gear - lycra shorts and sports bra only ... what an awful sight!! This is my start point and I'll be getting new piccies every month. When I reach a size/tone I feel better with I'll let the world see the old me too :-)
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    good idea Max

    i havent done that for 6 years
    I started running 4 years ago
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    Brilliant idea Max. Look forward to the photos OTH!
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    I can show you a web site you can post them if you like.
    you get all sorts of things on here.
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    pics of me in my undies?????????

    I think not
    How VILE
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    Good point Max. I have lost a little of my 14 st, but definately firming up a few places more than the weight loss would suggest. Can now get into a pair of proper running trousers. Saucony are the only ones I have found that are comfortable on a size 18 girl, they have made big difference to my body temperature when I plod. Trouble is with this shrinkin malarky is that they are now starting to be hipsters...don't want them to slip much lower before I have to have a new pair. I don't think it is the done thing to be in the woods with your trousers 'round your ankles!
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    The photos are a good idea but IO think we'll pass to be honest. Fortunatly my wife sees me run comes to races and fully and wholly realises the mountainous challenge she has set herself. There can be no doubt in her mind though even tonight I was quick to point out that I'll bet when she does her first few walk/run sets she'll feel like she can do more but therein lies the injury risk.

    As to my gammy legs I've been struggling with sciatica since Xmas - piriformis to be precise - it kept me off running from before xmas to march!. Still I can run now and clock up good times - the physio said it may never be right. I have leg shortening and this causes back ill alignment. But I can still run!.
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    You obviously haven't heard the gospel according to hoose. woods? trousers round ankles? except that the poo word isn't actually mentioned it sounds like a hoose post to me.

    Seriously - Don't your trews have a draw string?

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    LOL Hippo - yes, I think I'll be rather discrete over whom gets to see me in my running gear even ... and it'll be a very, very long time before the comparison will be striking enough for me show at all!

    Went out to the local park tonight and did a little walk/run in my old 'jogging bottoms' with shorts underneath. Had to run the gauntlet of the 'guffaws' from the local skate-boarding frat, but just kept my head down and reminded myself that half of them will have beer-guts bigger than my belly in a few years to come. It was definitely harder running outside ... there are inclines ... how dare they put inclines on paths I want to use - don't they know I've only ever run on the flat!! But at least I got outside :-)
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    OTH, well done misses woman on your run today....keep those jogging bottoms even though they wont fit you in the weeks to come......see:emandbelle comment trousers 'round your ankles.
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    Ink BlotInk Blot ✭✭✭
    Well done OTH! See, it wasn't so bad was it?? You should be sooooo proud of yourself for everything you've achieved over the last few weeks.

    You've all been so busy posting today that it's taken me most of my 5 hour shift to read it all!! I like your idea Max, I wish I had done that when I first started running, I know I haven't really lost any weight but I'm sure I must have 'tighten up' in a few areas (I hope so anyway!)
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    A few more weeks and you won't even notice those inclines - well not on a good day anyway.
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    Cheers peeps, I know without you I would never have gotten outside so please accept this as a really BIG thank you to you all for the encouragement and support ... <<hugs>> to all :-)
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    OTH - that's amazing....well done on the outdoor adventure. It's such a short time since you were determined you'd be on the treadie for months & months...and now you've beaten the skateboard frat crowd! Hooray!
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    Mmm, yes David, my trousers came with drawstring, but I lack talent in the domestic area and it came out in the wash. Whoops, I guess I'll have to get some elastic threaded back through.

    OTH Brill! I am really pleased for you. I said the same as you, and when I was walking my dogs where my husband runs a cicuit I just knew I could NEVER run there. I was so wrong! I'm plodding 'round there like a good'un now. Only, like I said to HH the other day, if I go 'round twice, some swine makes the hill steeper before my second go...not nice!
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    Well Done OTH. I think that's great.

    How are you feeling today? Even if a bit sore I hope you're still elated - I get a great buzz when I achieve something new.
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    OTH -as I wrote before my wife is ages away from running , you'll be entering 5K races before she is ready to run . All the best journeys start with the first step - and you've taken a leap!.

    Oh and the leg feels fine today - so its 30 minute walk tonight then 60 minute run at race speed. Aches tommorrow then making tomorrows walk "fun".
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    Good morning all,
    I'm feeling fine this morning Allien - just the very tiniest twinge in one shin. Thinking I ought to take today as a rest day as I haven't had one for ages, but will probably change my mind as the day wears on!

    Anyone who has seen my other thread will know I've been reading Allen Carr's book on stopping smoking - another thing I have said is way in the future. Well, I have about 2hrs left to read, and, judging by my breathing yesterday going up the 'inclines' I think I need to complete it and do it!

    At this stage in the book it says I should be 'raring to go' and looking forward to giving up. I have to admit I am a little less optamistic than I think I should be. But ... I've given myself the day off today to finish the book and then go do something that will take my mind off it. If I am still smoking by this evening then I have failed .... watch this space!!!!
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    dont use words like "failed"

    you do your best
    aint no-one can ask more of you than that
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    OTH - I've got Allen Carr. I started reading it about a month ago got 10 pages in then put it down. Reading your post has motivated me go and get it off the bookshelf.

    I shall start reading it again today (we can read it together - virtually)

    Thanks for the reminder.
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    Good luck to you both.
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    You're right Hippo - bad use of language and just shows that I have a little trepidation over this, but I do feel more positive than at any other time I've thought about stopping.

    Well done Max - let's go for it. I will have finished the book today though so, unless you are a fast reader I will be a bit ahead. Maybe that will help you to keep reading and make the decision, and knowing you are looking to me to show the book works will keep me on the straight and narrow :-)
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    Loads of my mates have quit using it....I shall follow you OTH.....I'm also trying to quite alcohol too. It's gonna be a bumpy ride in the Max household...it's a good job my son lives with his dad at weekends.
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    Smoking is an unknown area here - I gave up over 20yrs ago because I was poor and 1.50 a pack was too much. I suppose like the running you could build slowly - 15 one day then 14 for a few days then less and less.

    Or I could just be talking though my socks - I don't know.

    Ahh its bucketing it down as well so it'll be a wet walk tonight followed by a wet run.
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    Oh no, people are making rumblings about giving up smoking, I am feel shamed into trying too.

    OTH- see what you have started now, you naughty thing you, I know I said it was great you spurring people on but now its backfiring on me.
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