
Edinburgh Marathon May 2007



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    hahaha, 6 ft 4!!! i am all of 5 ft, you'll squish me
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    I did have a girlfriend once who was about 5ft 2 or so. It was a bit of a mis-match!
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    Have a great weekend guys, happy running and good luck to those doing races. S.
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    The line up for the Balloch to Clydebank on Sunday

    Running Ranger (Diana) No 80
    DCB (David) No 284 (Target time 1hr 40 min) Now I'm committed and will be motivated to push that bit harder!
    Santababy No 364. Wearing black long sleeved fetch shirt
    Greg No 256. Wearing a red/orange long sleeved top with shorts and if the rain does as its supposed to - a grey/blue jacket over the top.

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    Anyone else running on Sunday?
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    The line up for the Balloch to Clydebank on Sunday

    Running Ranger (Diana) No 80
    DCB (David) No 284 Long sleeved blue shirt and shorts
    Santababy No 364. Wearing black long sleeved fetch shirt
    Greg No 256. Wearing a red/orange long sleeved top with shorts and if the rain does as its supposed to - a grey/blue jacket over the top.

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    Well guys..thanks SO much for the party details..thats really put my mind at rest!! What was i saying earlier about this being a supportive thread...forget it.!!!
    Only joking, love you all really.
    Sausages, bacon and eggs for tea...and wine!!
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    Kids and parties!!!! Molly, put all master plans in place in the event of any 999 calls!!! LOL When we were away for a couple of weekends, all 3 services were called out. 1. the electric box went on fire so the house was teaming with firemen!! Don't know what was worse, that or me missing seeing them! All was well, we just had to stay in a hotel for a couple of days till it got fixed lol. 2. Secret party where one teenager had toooo much to drink and ambulance and police were called!!! My son vowed after that NEVER to host another party as it was too stressful LOL

    Then when those said children leave home and move back you get a surprise phone bill with an extra £80 due to daughter calling south africa to talk to her b/f!!!

    Enjoy your weekend away Molly we are mean to you aren't we!!!!

    Good luck folks for your half on Sunday.
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    lol Bungee, bet Molly cant wait to get away now!
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    Morning peeps! Who's doing the cupar 5 today???? Pretty windy, though! Eeek! Doing about 13 miles tomorrow in prep for Alloa.
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    LoL Bungee!!
    many similar scenarios from my own teenage years- Drunken idiots putting milk in the soda stream,records in the microwave,beer in the fish tank!!Even as far as to thinking painting the chips in my parents white painted skirtings with tipex would not be spotted whilst "cleaningup",putting water in my mum and dads gin bottle and chuckeling when i saw them having a gin and tonic to relax!It was weeks later that my mum wondered what the smell in the living room was -eventually finding there was vomit in her potted plant!
    Obviously i am now praying my kids will not be as bad !!-i mean parties are one thing but watering down my alcohol!!?!?!?-NO WAY-COULDNT COPE!
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    Good luch all those racing this weekend !!! x
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    Amber, you're screwed! All kids water down the alcohol. Don't think my dad could ever understand why he had weak vodka in the house!
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    lol we had that one sussed cos we always put it in the freezer then if it froze we knew it had been tampered with!!!

    Would have been doing Cupar 5 :-( was going along to support my brother but I don't think he is feeling too well either!!

    Jeez I was mega well behaved when I was younger!!!! I bought a motorbike at 17 which didn't go down well but that was about it!!! Hell if my duaghter came home and told me that I would go off the head aswell.. I would rather have the odd party!! ha ha

    You ever noticed how one 'child' is no bother whatsoever and the other one causes all sorts of problems and stress!!!! Does everyone else have that aswell?
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    I did 18 miles this morning at a touch over 8.5 min/mile - I was doing really well until I caught the headwind on the way back. Longest one this training programme so far - no ill effects other than feeling very hungry, now where did I leave the scabby horse.

    Saw a few other runners out today too - I am the only runner in this village!!

    Good luck to the racers and LSRers alike, oh and come on Scotland!! (I think that they will need it).

    Planning for anothe
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    Thats it..no going away..my worries have been confirmed..so i an blame you lot when daughter complains!!
    Steven Mac are you sure your the only runner in the village. lol Myfanwy!! (that how you spell the name)
    Hope all races OK. Scotland match...missed it..was out and not back in time... damn!
    did another 12.5 today. Will total up by weekly mileage for this week tomorow. It'll be stunning!!
    Yes, the eldest (the pierced daughter - 18 is fearsome..like i was!) the other (boy 16) is a gem..doesnt drink, or smoke. loves his mum and dogs. The sooner he leaves home and gets a life the better!!! Ha ha
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    Molly LMAO @ about your son leaving home and getting a life -) bless him..

    My daughter has just finished with her south african b/f today so is all upset and relieved in one!! Yeh my son is 22 and he is so organised and responsible, never a worry in sight with him LOL I hate to admit it but girls are a nightmare!!! ha ha.
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    I did the Dentdale Run (14.3 miles I think) today, I had a surprisingly good time considering I normally try to avoid any race that has hills in it. I was trying not to race it properly and use it more as a long run, but I do have a tendency to get a bit carried away, particularly when I see someone from running club just ahead of me and decide I want to finish in front of them... Anyway, I finished it in 2:03:19, and was very pleased that there weren't any hills that totally defeated me, so that's a bit of a confidence boost.

    Good luck to everyone racing tomorrow.
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    Hi guys

    I don't want to hijack this thread but I know some of you did the Lasswade 10 last weekend. I have posted this on the events thread but it will probably be buried in the next couple of hours.

    Photos fronm the race can bee seen http://www.lasswade-ac.org.uk//index.php?option=com_expose&Itemid=46.

    Race results , if you haven't already seen them, are here.

    Thank you all very much for coming to our event and for taking the time to rate the event.

    For all who took part, I hope that it helped in your training for the big one. If I can't be a wuus and do the relay I'll try to volunteer as a marshal and cheer you guys along the route. Hope that your training goes well and you achieve your goals.

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    I hd my longest run yet yesterday. 18 miles at exactly 8.30min/ mile pace. Dead pleased with that as it was fairly breezy for most of the time I was out. No ill effects today. I'm starting to feel that I might actually get round the course without stopping, which is my main goal. How are the other marathon first timers feeling?
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    My goodness you guys are miles (excuse the pun!) ahead of me with your training.

    Im following Hal Higdons novice plan so had my long run of 12 miles this weekend.

    Feeling all inadequate now ;-(
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    Bungee Hope daughters heart mends...you live it with them dont you? Sometimes really really glad its finished..but my daughters boyfirends at the moment...wish i was 30 years younger..she can keep this one!!
    YP1 Is that Dentdale yorkshire? if so beautiful area..but hilly course i should think.
    Right..off for 12 miles..then will total this wonderful mileage of mine. Not hung over..only 2 glasses last night.
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    Molly, it's the Yorkshire Dales but technically in Cumbria. It was pretty hilly, but actually not as bad as I'd expected which was a bit of a confidence boost as there weren't any hills I couldn't cope with.

    I'm torn today. My legs feel fine and kind of want to run, but I'm running tomorrow (a pretty hard route with running club) and I know I should take rest days. But I just want to get out there!
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    YP1used to live in Yorkshire..stayed in Sun Inn in Dent for a weekend..flores sloped, ceilings sloped..!! beer fine though!!

    Ok, weeks mileage....including last weekends long run :- 74 miles + 13 mile bike ride. 1 hour pilates class and 1K swim.. Todays run of just under 12 was the 2nd fastest I've ever done. So at least I've not compromised anything by increasing the mileage. Finished fast today as well. Middle bit was fast too as cows being moved along road and 1 of them had been left behind..behind me!!! Feel OK no aches and pains.
    Coming week will be fewer miles but really pleased with how i feel at the end of all those miles.
    Enjoy the rest of your weekends
    molly XX
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    Nise - You are not alone, I'm doing my long run of 12 miles today too.

    You'll get there, an extra 2 miles onto your long run a week. Nae probs.
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    Molly - well done!! That's loads of miles!

    Sounds like everyone else's weekend runs are going well too, fantastic.

    I'm just back from the Balloch to Clydebank half - I had a great race!! Set off way too fast (for me), yet again, and waited to hit the wall....I didn't! Felt a bit pants for the last couple of miles, but came in at 1hr 55 which I was really pleased wit. I'd been hoping to manage just under 2 hours, so am very chuffed now.

    The only downer to the race was the ****** (fill in whatever word you like as long as it's rude) girl in front of me who lobbed an empty water bottle into the bushes about 3 miles from the water station she picked it up. I could very easily go off on a rant of all the fantastic positive things I could be doing at work, like improving paths and building kiddies play areas and taking school groups out....if I didn't have to spend so much time picking up litter. Grrrrr!! (sorry, will stop ranting)

    SB - great to meet you. I wanted to wait for you at the finish and cheer cos you couldn't have been far behind me, but I was absolutely frozen within 30 seconds of stopping, and thought I had better go get warm. Sorry. Did you manage to break 2 hrs? Did you get your hairband?!

    DCB and Greg - how did you get on? I forgot everyone's numbers and what they were wearing so didn't find either of you. Greg - SB and I did look for a giant before the start, but didn't see you in spite of the height!
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    HI RR, fab to meet you too, i came in 4 mins behind you so yes, i got my dream sub2 at last :):) Roger has a good pic of us, i'll mail it over to you, got my hairband at the 1st roundabout, roger was standing there waving it about bless him! lol

    on the champers now woohooooooo

    well done on everyones Mileage this week and Nise, everyone is at thier own level, dont worry, HH is a great schedule to follow, specially for 1st mara, you'll be just fine
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    Afternoon all:)

    I've not been around for a few days, so have a good deal of catching up to do! - Hope you've all been doing well:)

    Well done RR, you had a target to beat and did just that:)) Pop your feet up and enjoy your afternoon, you;ve earn't it:)

    Nothing wrong with 12 miles - I hope so 'cause that was my run this morning too:))

    ooodles and oooooodles of time yet to Edinburgh:))

    Good use of a race event that YP1 - nice to get a paced run done with some competitive company... good time too:))

    Slow motion, wot yer worrying about! 18 miles done at 8:30 mm - sorted, no worries, great stuff:)) You've done that in training, so with the event to carry you then the remaining 8 miles are totally your for the taking:)
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    Missed your post there Santababy - excellent stuff:))) Well done, you sit back and enjoy your champers! :)
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    Afternoon campers. God I'm knackered! That wind is vile! Did the Cupar 5 yesterday in it, and a LSR of 11.5 today. Also had the divine pleasure of being bitten by an Alsatian. The owner was too busy trying to light a fag in the wind to contol her mangy mutt. Thankfully it didn't break my skin, or i'd have to hunt it down and break it's bl**dy neck.
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