
Early Morning Runs!



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    For those that run first thing do you run on empty or have brekkie first? whats the best approach brekkie then train or vice versa?
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    BeansBeans ✭✭✭
    Hi waddle.

    It depends on how far you are going and if you are comfortable running with food in your stomach.

    For me personally I find I can't run until at least two hours have passed since eating a meal and I find that I am fine running for up to about 3.5 miles on empty, just a cup of coffee when I get up. My running is very slow though.

    If I have planned anything over that distance I will eat a banana about an hour before I go out and take a sports drink with me to sip on.
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    Sazz - do u want a wake-up call in the morning. Good luck and tell us how u get on.

    FGS - got up to doing between 4 and 6 miles and long slow one at weekend - usually 9 o'clock.

    Waddle - can't run on full stomach so nothing till i get back - water or juice before i go
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    i am thinking of training before i commute (which is more than 30 miles so not going to run that each day...) but as i am up at 530 anyway not sure how likely it is that i can get up at 430 for a run. Or am i just being a wet lettuce :-)
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    Waddle - have been wondering that as well. I was told that one should not run on an empty stomach because of some energy conversion reason (Sorry, no clue about nutrition/biology things.). Something about exercise not contributing to speeding up one's metabolism, but draining your body instead.

    Apart from not being able to run on a full stomach myself though, I also need some time before my body feels ready to take in any food in the mornings. That's why I quite liked to go running first thing in the morning, but am not too sure about it anymore after having been given the above advice.

    Can you shed some light on this? Thanks.
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    I am off to bed to set the alarm for 6 to see when I wake up if its even possible that I could get up without snoozing....

    come on....you've had a baby...how hard can it be...your used to it....

    Keep posting.

    I keep lurking and you are my inspiration!!
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    Hi everyone!!

    great news... was out at 6am this morning.. snoozed once then just got up!!

    ran 4.35k in bout 32 mins so its a bit slow but i felt great.. prob coulda gone longer but was worried about being late home!

    3 times a week i think then a LSR at weekend and ill be golden for my 10k in sept!!

    i just hope i can do it again - wordbear ill 'bear' you in mind as i might still need a wake up call! (sorry bout the pun!!)

    anyone else run this morning??
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    Hi there Sazz.
    Congratulations, feel free to be very pleased with yourself all day.
    I too managed to haul myself out of bed too this morning and ran about 2 miles before 7.30, my first ever early morning run before work. It helped that it was sunny, but it was surprisingly OK, it did take a little while to get with it and get up, but managed it. Am feeling pretty smug and will try v hard to make this not just a one-off. I've got the great south run in October to make, so much more needed..
    I reckon Thursday or Friday for the next one..
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    After promising to myself yesterday that I would get out this morning I didn't! But have a genuine excuse in that I'm playing 5 a-side tonight...

    Well done Sazz for making it out though! I also have a 10k in Sept so that is my motivation (it just hasn't quite worked yet)...
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    Very impressive Sazz!

    Had a bit of a lie-in myself this morning, so didn't get out of the house until 6.30. Did a very gentle 4 miles. Got 5 miles with a 3 mile tempo run to look forward to tomorrow.

    Who else was out this morning?
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    It was so nice being back to doing early runs, I'm going to try and do it every weekday morning. But I know it's going to be hard to keep it up when the mornings start to get darker.
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    Congrats Sazz, hope you too feel good for the rest of the day!

    I was out at 8am this morning, which is extremely late for me (I blame the jet lag) but for a while now I've been thinking of getting out there at 2/3am and just running as far as I can for as long as I want (I live beside some really nice scenic running routes)

    Has anyone else ever done this, a middle-of-night run?
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    hey thanks everyone! i do feel rather smug.. and yes the shower after was amazing man of steel, i totally agree thats makes it worth it!

    Clare well done! this was my very first early morning run too, i just hope i can keep it up - GSR in sept so need to find the time to get out as much as poss!!

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    Well done Sazz!, I really need to get myself up early and do my running then, I'd have to be in by 6am though the mornings hubbys at work so that would mean a really early start for me!

    may try it later in the week
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    BeansBeans ✭✭✭
    Well Sazz and done all you morning runners.

    Keep it up!
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    In my view, it is as hard to get up at 5:00 am than to get up at 7:00 am. The only difficult bit is actually to get up. The difference is that at 5:00 you tell yourself that you can hit the snooze button but at 7:00 you HAVE TO get up, so you do.
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    You're absolutely right. But how do you stop yourself from hitting that damn snooze button every 10 minutes for the next hour after the alarm goes off?!
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    I have been trying for around three months to go for a run early doors. So far managed a big fat zero! Even if i get out of bed my legs seem to have a mind of their own for a while. I just bumble around bumping into things! At some point i am going to have to bit the bullet and just do it. Maybe tomorrow?
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    waycatwaycat ✭✭✭
    I get up between 4.30 and 5.00 every morning, and by 6.00 or thereabouts I'm ready for a run.
    My gym opens at 6.30am so during the school holidays (when my two boys are still in bed at that time) I'm there as soon as the doors open.
    At the moment, I'm in the process of building a gym at home, so will be able to run whenever I feel like it - even at 4.30 in the morning if I feel the need!
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    I was running my 10 mile run at around 6am on a Sunday morning and loved getting up when no one else was around (apart from other runners :) ) The peace and quiet is fantastic and I really enjoyed it. Nowhere near capable of that sort of distance at the moment but still get a lot out of early morning runs. It does take a lot of drive to get out of bed some mornings but I always feel great for it afterwards :)
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    the secret to getting up early is getting to bed earlier than you normally would
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    Just do it, get up get up get up. Thats what i say! Once you have done it that feeling is the best, and it stays with you all day.BRILLIANT!!!
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    think i may try in the morn. alarm is set!
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    Hey everyone. i am just getting into jogging after a long lay off with injury (acl reconstruction) and am finding it quite inspiring knowing everyone is having the same problem.

    is it possible to do 2 runs a day (when i can get up) of say 2 miles each one in the morning and one in the evening or will i be over training?
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    I have to say i agree! just shout at yourself to get up!

    feels amazing if youve never done it before and ur so chuffed with yourself all day!!

    i was out last night, and going out tonight but a few early mornings planned next week!

    green man how did u get on??
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    chrisg9chrisg9 ✭✭✭
    Have just read this thread this morning and you have inspired me.

    Have been thinking of running early mornings before work for a few months now and all my good intentions go to waste when instead of getting up, I turn over and snooze for a fruther hour.

    However on Monday i am determined to get up at 5.45 to run before work. I do not seem to have any trouble getting up at 7 at the weekends to go for run so not sure how much of not wanting to get up is in the mind
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    I agree Chris. on the weekend i get up no problem, but work days are a different matter. It is all in the mind. Mind over matter, done mine today and i feel super dooper HORAAH!
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    Congrats to those doing these early runs. After being a grumpy, horrible person in the mornings, who would snooze for about 30 mins, I have shouted at myself and I went out again this morning and did 3.5 miles, it was such a lovely morning, it was lovely to see others running too. I am set up for the day, but worrying wanting lunch already and it's only 10.30!
    Good luck and keep up the good work!
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    That is the one drawback of early runs CP. I recommend a hearty breakfast of porridge after your run.
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