
Sub 5 hours



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    just realised we cross posted earlier, bootsie - i'm always getting distracted as i'm typing so it can take ages. hope your run went well.
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    Evening All

    Tracey - Saw the mileage you ran and said out loud "Blimey".
    What sort of pace were you going........not too fast to knacker your legs i hope.....lol

    Bootsie - Let us know how you get on, hope the leg doesnt play up

    Rubber Duck - That schedule seems a bit confusing, im following the one of SHADES schedules, is much simpler, and has worked really well, for quite a few people.
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    Rubber Duck, I only managed to get one run done this week but will go out twice over  the weekend.  Hope to do better next week. 

    Well done on 14 miles Tracey. 

    LTJ has got a log fire going, the cava is in the fridge and an M & S Chinese in the oven.  Don't you just love Fridays? 

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    Steve - My average pace for todays run was 11:46. 

    I am going to try and fit in 3 miles on Sunday. That will make my mileage for the week 24 miles. I decided to do my LSR today as it was not a windy day and does not get in the way of family life.

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    LTS - I should come round your house. All I have had is a jacket potatoe with cheese. Have to lose some weight before Christmas.
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    Tracey - Thats good going, my 8 mile may have to wait till tuesday, which is my usual day off for the week, lots going on at the moment.
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    Sounds yum LTS. 

    Tracey, I think I have to wait till after Xmas to lose some weight image

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    Steve - Hope you have got Lizzie present. Did you see the news this morning, about men buying there wife bras etc?
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    Cinder - I bet you lose it quicker than me. It took me 3 years and then I got pregnant again.
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    you should lose at least half a stone in one day, cinders! image

    steve, it's not complicated once you've got your head round it, i just worry about pushing myself too hard and getting an injury.

    i'm also training to be a personal trainer so i'm trying to get my all round fitness as high as possible ready for when i'm training clients.  wouldn't look good to collapse on them image

    meant to say, did i see the other day you have 5 boys?! are they all yours or were some visiting?! 

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    RD, how long does it take to train to become a personal trainer?

    And great, means I've only got another half stone to lose after that......at the moment!!!

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    Rubber Duck - All our boys, 3 older ones (22,19,17) are from wife's first marriage, but they have lived with us for 14 years (on and off), and 2 youngest (kristian 13, Asa (nearly 11)) are mine.
    17 year old lives with his dad, but he prefers coming over to us, as we treat him like an adult.

    Tracey - I certainly wouldnt get away with calling her lizzie !!,lol.........and i did see the lingerie academy thingie on tv, i wouldnt risk it, unless she had purposely picked it out previously.
    Just ordered her pressies online, i should be safe now !!
    And if you keep doing that sort of mileage, you will certainly lose weight !!

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    pretty busy in the steady household then - the food bills must be HUGE!! a friend has two teenage girls and one had her boyfriend to stay. my friend could not believe how much he ate - welcome to the world of boys i said!

    that's an impressive time for 14miles!!

    cinders, if you have the money you can actually do it quite quickly, but i'm saving and paying as i go along which is a bit slower. but i wanted to be able to concentrate on getting fitter as well as i went along. it's going to take me 2 years to do all my modules which will make me an advanced personal trainer as it has some extra modules for training people with illness (bp etc) and psychology of behaviour change and nutrition etc.

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    RD - Yes, food bill is expensive, and the freezer dying yesterday didnt help on the money side.
    Luckily we both have reasonable jobs, so that helps.
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    In fact, i should have said that we both have STEADY jobs, but brain is slow tonight,lol
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    Really good mileage, Tracey.

    Have been out for a run with the club - just over 8 miles, which I found HARD - surprising what a difference just 2 1/2 weeks off makes.

    Have to dash in to towm early tomorrow, to try and get some Christmas shopping done - have hardly done any! Then will be looking after grandson in the afternoon, so it will be a tiring day.

    Duck - perhaps just be prepared to lower your pace as you increase the mileage.

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    hiya, well i did a 4 mile run.. took it really slow so was averaging about 12 min mile.. it felt quite tight but not really that painful so not too sure what to make of that!
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    Hey Bootsie!

    Nice meal the other night?

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    Bootsie - Well done on run, glad you took it easy.

    Night Night all
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    Morning all,

    Finding thngs a bit hectic at the moment. Partly because of the time of year but also cos MS is putting time in at the house and not doing so much stuff here.

    Have got most of my 'proper' pressies wrapped but still have 3 carrier bags full of stocking stuff. Am also trying to keep on top of race entries so that MS doesn't have to bother with them. Today I must clear the lounge ready for the tree tomorrow.

    Am going to a carol concert tonight, so hoping that I will be able to relax and enjoy.

    Have a good one.

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    Duck - it doesn't really matter if you were a bit fast for your tempo run.   But it's crucial that you don't go too fast for your LSR's.
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    One more cup of tea, then I have to go down town to do some shopping...eek  Elbow and hard hat at the ready
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    that's really good to know, shades, thank you image.

    doing hill repeats today but drank too much red wine last night so feeling a little jaded! image. and it's the running club christmas do tonight imageimage

    good luck in town, shades. i have to brave marlborough this afternoon, aaaargh! 

    still writing cards... 

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    hi sweetest thing!! went to alexanders!! it was fab except there was kareokee on in there!! poor phil got attacked by alot of older women who wanted to sit on his knee! the joys of being the only man in the room!!!! going to head swimming now.. thinking that might just ease out this piriformis thing!! fingers crossed!
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    Evening All

    Did 8 mile LSR this evening in 1:36 which is 12 min/mile pace, which is just what i wanted to run, quite pleased i managed to get run done, especially as it is -2 out !!
    Legs feel tired but not too achy, contemplating going out, as friends have texted us from the pub !!
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    Well done Steve. Next time 10 miles image
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    Evening all!

    Busy day today and I didn't get my run inimage I was too tired this morning and went back to bed for an hour after I let the cleaner in. Then I got ready and went to lunch with the girlies, went Xmas shopping, took Sox for a walk, put the xmas tree up and now I'm vegging.

    I need to get up early in the morning for a run though.

    Well done Steve!

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    Going to bed soon, work tomorrow, we didnt go out in the end, liz was tired !! (what about me !!, lol).

    Thanks tracey and roobs

    Night Night....sleep well everyone
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    Morning all,

    MS has just headed off to the house, to continue the electrics. I really ought to do the washing up, washing, ironing and clean the kitchen floor before he gets back...

    Have a good one.

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    sluggie, i am confused

    do you have two houses?????

    Morning all

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