
Rotary Shakespeare MARATHON



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    Working today will try to fit my normal lunchtime run in.
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    A great time to carb reload - I feel ok today have stuffed all day yesterday. I wonder how I will be on Wednesday for a run? Probably too hungover and I'm working Thursday!!
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    Well thats it for another year only managed to fit in 3 short runs so far this week didnt bother with Christmas day.

    been out as usual lunchtime today around the IOD as back at work now.

    only another week and my RW schedule starts quite looking forward to it.

    and waiting for my Garmin to arrive wife got it off of Ebay for me last week.

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    Managed a good 2:07 run earlier - the same route as last sunday but in the other direction, much tougher and suprisingly hilly . I popped another 5 mins on as well to get myself used to running on very tired legs.

    After lunch i went out and did 5 hours work amd now I have a tickly dry cough and feel exhausted. Hopefully after a good nights sleep I'll feel better. I was hoping to do my 16 mile route Sunday - a psyhcological lift if nothing else.
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    I'm officially out of this one (and the other 4 races I've entered before). My knee is just horrendously painful.

    2 GPs can't find anything wrong so I've been given a (permanently engaged) number of the NHS physio clinic for a phone consultation. After the phone consultation I'll get some exercises through the post. What a load of crap.

    I wish everyone the very best of luck. I'd like to come and support you all but I'm very upset about having to withdraw so I'll have to see how I feel closer to the time.

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    Forget the NHS Lou Lou - go to a private clinis , one for especially sports injury. They'll get you sorted in a few weeks easily , you'll be able to gently staret and peak in April . Don't give up - go to a proper specialist , the NHS is for grannies with bad hips and folk after traumatic injury.

    Me I've been coughing all night , I've a streaming cold and chest hacking cough. So no 16 miler on Sunday for me then!!
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    A little run for me today then will try a longer run on sunday - 10 miles ish I hope.
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    I'm getting worse , it's funny how these coughs and colds creep up . I ache all over and have used several big hankies in the last three hours. I use Contac400 but I had to go and get some first - whilst I went out and collected some of my catalogues in. I ought to be out pounding the streets but I just want to flop!!
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    Lou-Lou, i agree with Mike go to a private sports injury specialist, and dont give up.

    As for all the bugs going around i hope they continue to avoid me, i paid the £15 to boots earlier this year for the Flu bug jab seems to have worked so far may just be coincidence though.

    going to try to get out for my long long run on Sunday at least 10.the RW sub 4 schedule starts on the 7th of Jan for me.

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    Hi all, I did the Wheaton Aston 10K yesterday. Ran quite hard all the way round and came in with a time of 45.18, very pleased with that. I've pulled a muscle in my leg though, and my left foot feels like it's bruised just underneath my toes, has anyone else suffered with this? I think it might be time for new shoes! Good job the sales are on........

    Lou Lou: don't give up with your knee, go and see a specialist as you may be able to run yet.....

    Mike: Hope you're feeling better soon.......

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    Good Time Dicci id be well pleased with that.
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    Well done Dicci , Wheaton Aston is a 10K I've always fancied but never been in a position to enter . Often at Xmas we stay with relatives or have others over for the day , I don't know the arrangements till the week before and by that time wheaton is full.

    This year I suppose I could have done it but I would still have had to work in the afternoon. I was delighted with my run yesterday but as the cold took hold in the evening I was wondering if I had made it worse.

    Still it'll give me a few days rest thats for sure. There is a 15 mile Trig point race in Cannock Chase on Jan 13th , I'll try for that I think.
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    5k on the treddy tonight. Sweating very heavily by the end. Whats going on?
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    I'm going to try the FIRST schedule off RW - 3 runs a week.

    Will see how it goes!


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    Can you do 10 miles Johnny as is required in the first week? it seems a tough schedule .

    I couldn't run 10 mins today , I've been up all night with chills then sweats and now I have a painful hacking cough . I was hoping this would be a 4 day cold and be done with it . I was looking to get back to 13 -15 miles by Thursday.

    We'll see!!

    been shopping early and noticed a lot of folk out running , lot of beginners in new gear and shiney trainers - good luck to them it's a lovely day.
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    Yes, Mike, the LSR's seem a bit brutal to me, but then they do on all the schedules I've seen!

    I'm fairly certain i will end up skipping one or two because of work commitments but I'll give it a go and see how it goes.

    I'm up to 10 miles at the moment - the big step for me is going beyond 13 miles and doing it consistently without picking up an injury.

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    I had the same thing , for years - I tried to push beyond the ten but my leg kept packing in . I found that when I slowed right down - to 9/min/mile I was able to comfortable train the distance and then get 1:47 etc out of the bag for Halfs under race conditions . I used to train fast and managed 1:44 , 44 10K and 1;16 10mile but now I see that to broach the 15 - 20 mile I need to slow right down.

    I worked and worked and now can do 13 + easily with no ill effect ( supposedly , after that 15mile XC I was nearly crippled!)

    Build slow thats the thing.
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    Good advice - I think that will work for me too. 10 miler tomorrow!
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    Thanks for the support guys. I really can't afford to see a private knee specialist (poor student in a mountain of debt) but I am booked in to see an NHS physio on the 16th.

    Its only 3 weeks away, so I'll see what she says and take it from there. In the meantime I'll  dust off my bike and re-aquaint myself with the local swimming pool.

    I've resigned myself to having to pull out so anything different will be a pleasant surprise.

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    Hi all did this race last year and have just entered............... am back for more. Love this course and good atmosphere all round...........................Happy daze

    Cheers ro

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    Happy new year every one,

    Welcome Jumping.

    iam at work at the moment hoping to leave in a minute, just did a 4 mile run around the Isle of Dogs in 33 minutes.

    my RW schedule starts on Monday cant wait really enjoying my running at the moment getting out 6 days a week and fealling good with it. 

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    Welcome jumping , I entered as it's not far from home here in the west midlands.

    Eastham - you appear to be the only one without the lurgy at the momnet. I'm cough and my nose is streaming - it's like a consumptive ward here!!
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    Mike - I'm joining you yet again - after going down with the lurgy the Friday before Christmas, I have yet another stinker of a cold - ten days later.  Bleeuuuurrrgh!

    Best wishes to all for a happy healthy and fulfilling running 2008 image

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    It's the hacking cough and the congested head thats doing me in - I was in bed at 10;30 last night and frankly had a good nights sleep having dosed myself up to the eyballs with tablets.

    Did a bit of work this morning, on my bike though it left me worn out. I was hoping to do a 15 mile trig point race on Jan 13th but if I don't do at least 13 miles on Sunday I won't bother or I'll get injured.

    One way of looking at it , perhaps it the rest my legs will need before the big push over the spring.
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    Did an 11 miler sunday and 4 1/2 today. feel a bit leaden so no more plods till friday I think.

    Happy New Year ever body! 

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    i've signed up for this. it's my first marathon - eek!

    i'm following the furman first schedule too johnny. am on week 4 as i'm doubling up the next few weeks as i knew training would go to pot over christmas and new year - and it did!

    i'm doing tempo run tomorrow, speed on friday and the gloucester 10mile on sunday. it's supposed to be 11 but as the race is hilly (i think) and off road i thought it would count! 

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    I have 99% decided to do this one. I would also follow the FIRST programme, I've been going between their 10k and half programmes since April and have knocked 13 minutes off my half pb. I'll folow the one off their website at http://www.furman.edu/first/fmtp.htm
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    Hi all and thanks for the greatings.............

    Did this race for the first time last year and really enjoyed it. Looking to improve my time by at least half an hour, my hamstring on the left leg went at 21 miles. Was on for a sub 4.00 hr and ended up run/walking to a 4.27, not bad considering, though the pain when I finally finished was agony.  A word of advice if it is a sunny day make sure you have sunglasses at hand, the glare was a nightmare on the Greenway.  

    Happy training/recovering ro 

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    top tip, jg.

    i'm a speccy four eyes so i don't know what to do about that. i don't know if you can get prescription running glasses cos of the curve on them. what do people do?

    just squinted this summer adding to my wrinkle count. visors are too hot.

    ho hum, another quandary image

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    Me too RD. My lenses are so thick my prescription shades weigh about 4 pounds.
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