
Radio Worcestershire



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    I have always thought I would look good in a sari

    My wife has a sari that she wore to an Indian Wedding...they're not the most straightforward things to put on (or take off.....).

    half term here, kids are all asleep

    It was half term in Herts last week, Trickster juniors #1 and #2 back to school today (one to Primary school, one to kindergarten).

    Crashie - great effort on Draycote, was Ewok boy there too?

    Likewise to Lurker and Symes...good effort turning up to spectate.

    It's too damn confusing having two (well, three actually now that I think about it) Symes' (as it were) on RW.

    Squishy - nice bike!

    [did you pick up the Nuun?]

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    Yep; as if we'd forget image

    Symes as in SyM.es...you know, Symes.

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    Ant - that's pretty close to my numbers. 2.06! Heck; I'm going to have to put some serious bike time in and try and "save up" minutes for the run.
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    debbodebbo ✭✭✭

    Ant - what are you doing lurking on Shorties?  I can only assume it's to pick up some tips from Squish and I, who are both training machines?!

    Just as well I lurk here too, so I can say 'ahem, Stump, do you not listen to a word I say??!!  If you try to put in a serious bike time to 'save up' minutes for the run you'll end up with an even worse run time because your legs will be shot.

    So, when I, who has a HM pb probably 25 minutes slower than yours, beat you on the Bala run, I won't say I told you so....  ; - )

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    Yeah, I know, but then there's the other two Symes' if you k now what I mean, and every time I read Symes I think of the wrong one
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    Debbo  -It's always worth asking for a second opinion! I wasn't advocating going crazy on the bike. What I was suggesting was some focus on the longest part of the race that I am poor at.

    If you beat me at Bala I'm pretty sure you'll say "I told you so" along with lots of other gloating!

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    debbodebbo ✭✭✭

    of course I won't!  I'm not one to gloat,  but of course if you focus on bike training, which is sensible, and then manage not to do that macho thing of caning the bike leg, you'll do well on the run!

    and the chances of me beating you at Bala are very slim, unless of course you trash your legs completely on the bike and can't run...

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    I've been running - it's lovely out there now.
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    Afternoon all image

     Impressive ultra, Mr Hamster.  Thanks for the bike pics Squish.  We've had a whole weekend of Wickett trying to reorganise the family finances to find the funds to buy himself something equally shiny.  It seems the children won't be getting shoes for some time image

    I ran 18m on Saturday (3hrs 20m), thanks to the inlaws coming for a visit to look after the kids whilst we did our training.  Got back, felt fine, was sociable and chatted for a bit, made cups of tea for all, had some toast, stood next to kettle and felt the world going black from the edges.  Then spent the whole afternoon feeling sick and dizzy.  Husband leads me to believe its exhaustion, which doesn't make me feel like the elite athlete I aspire to be.  Any tips for it not happening after the marathon (or during?).  I had an energy bar as I was going round, 500ml of energy drink and a pint of pink milk when I got home.  Feel fine now.

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    Wotsit - I've spent most of the morning in bed because whenever I get up I feel very dizzy and sick (actually was twice).  I wonder if there is a bug going around?  I eventually only made it to an upright position because I had to let a plumber in to work on the boiler.  Still feel pretty rubbish now.  I've never felt dizziness like it.

    Crashie - yet again, well done for yesterday, outstanding stuff.

    All this Bala talk leads me to think that I shall be calling upon the resident tri gurus for muchos advice after April 13th as I try and work out all this tri malarky over a more serious distance than a sprint.

    Ant - assuming you haven't broken the skin, do you have any arnica cream/gel?  It really is very good stuff.

    Good running HL. *goes off to stalk on Fetch* 

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    Where else am I going to find words of wisdom when you have got Mr '56 miles is a short pootle on the bike' Ewok and Mr '23 mile short training run' Hamster about.

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    debbodebbo ✭✭✭

    true Ant, why don't you just join the shorties - we are the sensible voice of tri training, apart from Stump of course

    you don't even need to chop your legs off - we welcome taller people too

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    Afternoon all,

    Just popping in to say Hi.

    Went past Hamster Mansions on Saturday am during my little 20mile bike ride - just on the off chance you'd be out and about.

    Travelled North with the kids and my mother after that to Chester, visiting my daughter's Godmother & oh. Great weekend allround - my mum's birthday on the Sunday.

    She was treated to a large lunch, but not before helping the kids cheer me on to a new half mara PB of 1:18.06 image Pleased with that image

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    Legs mashed today, although may try and get out tonight.

    The thought of running 35miles though is a bit too much for me.

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    1:18??  What was it, 13-miles straight down????  Amazing time, DoT, well done.



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    None of your ultra nutter malarkey just eye watering speed.



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    It seems the children won't be getting shoes for some time

    We had to spend £60 on kids shoes over the half-term. Well I say we, the wife spent the money as apparently (a) Tricksters #1 and #2 had grown out of theirs and (b) Trickster #3 needs some more proper shoes now she's walking a bit.

    I had an energy bar as I was going round, 500ml of energy drink

    You need to eat and drink more. I probably would have had 2 or 3 gels plus some jelly babies plus about a litre of sports drink (normally SiS GO) on the way round. Milk is a good choice of recovery drink though. You two are v. lucky you can do all that training, our in-laws are too far away to make that an option for us. Wife has started tutoring on Sat morns so I have the kids then. It's OK at the moment as I can go to the gym and put kids in creche / kids activities for free, but we've had to cancel our gym membership as we're too broke, so that's only till the end of May (we have to give 3 months notice). After that I'll have to play 'entertain a 1 year old, 3 year old and 6 year old', preferably outside the house somewhere. As far as I'm aware they haven't built a three kids trailer for a bike yet - maybe I need to get the eldest riding without stablisers......

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    Wotsit, 500ml energy drink and an energy bar...around 400 calories. running 18 miles, around 1800 calories; cold day out, standing still after prolonged exercise...low blood pressure, low blood sugar...

    <look out, I'm on my hobby-horse> In long (perhaps half Im and up) triathlon, everyone always urges you to eat lots and eat early; you can apparently absorb 300 calories an hour, so try to eat 300 cal/hr. In running, everyone suggests a gel at mile 18 of a marathon if you're too weak-willed to run it on a cup of water. It strikes me that if you're running a decent distance at a steady pace (say 3 hour run upwards) it makes a lot of sense to stuff down lots of calories while your HR is low. I tried it out at Draycote, didn't manage to eat 1800 calories on the run, principally because my HR was too high too quickly, but I got down over 1000, mostly early, and didn't hit the wall at all. I reckon that this is entirely doable over huge distances if you have a run/walk and eat strategy.

    Which is a long-winded way of saying:
    1) eat more while running
    2) wear compression tights ASAP after stopping
    3) keep your legs moving gently, don't stand still when you stop running, your heart has been relying on the contraction of your leg muscles to return blood from your muscles to your heart.

    Or it could be a bug, like Mousers (and Debbo?) have had.

    1:18? 1:18? I'm sure there's a joke in there somewhere...anyway, it's outside my 10 mile PB image Awesome run, Dotters

    And thank you everyone for the congratulations...I've earned my day off today image

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    500ml sounds low

     3 hrs 20 on 500ml?

    I misread that, I thought Wotsit drank the 500ml along with the Milk at the end.

    It does sound like your out of Juice, Wotsit.

    I try and do 500ml of water/electro mix every hour out. I take gels as well.

    What do you take on your maras or is this your first?

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    It might have been 650ml, whatever is in those tall SIS bottles.  TBH I've been doing fine till now on just the energy drink and the odd sport bean.  I guess the whole physiological threshold of 3 hours is a bigger deal than I anticipated!

    So, how to I drink more, given that I can't carry more?  My running partners already think I'm well OTT about drinking as it is.  They both ran with those handheld bottles on Sat.  Mind, we were glad we spotted the BPJ's water stash in a hedge half way round image

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    Just a couple of random events from yesterday's ultra...

     Wickers, Towel lapped me as I finished lap 2 image

    And as I passed 31 miles, a fat bint said, loudly enough for me to hear over the IPlod, 'He's suffering!' Of course I'm suffering, you fat moo, I've just run further than you've driven in the car today. The temptation to tip her over the reservoir wall was almost irresistable, but instead I merely opened my legs and showed her my class image

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    Stash before you go
    Run loops and replenish at the house each lap
    Make someone ride/drive out with supplies
    Buy a water belt as well as the hand-held
    take money and buy water at a garage (carry gels)
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    So, that means my 18 at 9:25min/mile yesterday on six Jelly Babies and 500ml of orange squash was not particularly bright. image

    Ok, I forgot my energy drink. image

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    Not desperately image

    ...but you can get away with it for around 18 miles/3 hours...

    ...then you hit the wall and will surely die image

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    If only somebody in the house had a good sized camelback for running with.....

    She also stole my last Torq bar - did she mention that!!!  image

    Crashie, from what I've read, you're lucky Towel gave you till the second lap.  Did he win it?  (don't worry, we'll cane him at DIUK.  Not through speed or stamina - that's for losers - but via the medium of tripping, sticks through the spokes and chocolate laxative)

    Right homeski.  Tough day.

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    Wotsit - good running on Saturday image, altho' sorry you felt rubbish afterwards - I used to stash drinks on my long runs and pick them up as I looped around on on the way back (never had one go missing).  I think your friends only using a hand-held bottle would be in big trouble when the weather gets warmer.  I'm using one of those on a 7mile run at the mo.  Anyway, hope you manage to find a eating/drinking regime that suits you in readiness for the big day!

    DoT - awesome half-mara time - basically you could get round twice before I finish (almost!)  Well done image

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    Wickers, he was fifth...but then he did it as a training run and ran the 10 miles there and 10 miles back afterwards image
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    I've been sick three times now.


    Happy to share.

    I think Shaw was 5th, he was at Brum Social.   

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    Eeek Mouse hope you're feeling better soon.
    Wotsit good running, shame you felt crabby afterwards. I stuff my face all the time image
    Wickett you'll never be able to have a bike like mine so forget it! image
    HL glad you enjoyed the party
    Debbo, it's amazing how many people lurk on the shorties thread.
    Ant LOL at the clipping incident, hope the bruises heal soon.
    DoT sorry we were out, we were at the bike shop. Did I mention I've bought a new bike image

    I managed to do about 13 ish miles of Draycote mara yesterday before throwing in the towel.... when I say throwing in the towel, I don't mean THAT Towel, you understand, although if I'd have thrown him in the lake Crashie might have beaten him! I was pleased as it's my longest run since IMA and no ill effects. Just got to get the mileage up for Gloucester 20 and Rhayader now! image

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