
Female runners -advice needed!



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    I will take voluntary leave image
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    I just thought id post so we can see more ploddings here


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    Whatever you do - don't go anywhere NEAR the bloody depo injection. I had hardly any problems at all, gynae-wise until I started with that. Then I bled every day for 6 MONTHS. It does NOT stop everybody's periods and some people have a permanent one! image When I finally visited the GP and told him I had been bleeding for 6 months he said "what do you expect? It's a side effect of the depo" image

    I said "well I have a very understanding husband, but bloody hell - six MONTHS"??

    I have not had a day's peace since and that was 6 years ago. Now I won't bore you with the rest, but it has been suggested that a hysterectomy is my best option.

    I'm 35, and although I've had my kids, I'm not mighty keen on being sliced up and put through a medical menopause.

    Who knows, maybe all this would've happened anyway, but I was fine before. Just my experience......

    (Gosh, us women do share pretty intimate stuff, don't we - all the men are horrified)!!!image

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    Thanks Plodding Hippo

    I will remember that when I go out on Thursday having finished this week of my cycle!! Hopefully it will stop the poopy mood.

    In my madness I booked a 10k but not till the middle of July... 

    Keep on the Ploddings!!     image

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    ..........LB yet another reason that I will never have that done.

    They suggested it and I laughed at them. I don't care how bad I suffer, but injecting 3 months of hormones into your body without actually knowing how you will react.... Not for me thanks.

    Sorry Liverbird - about your experiences.

    The pill pretty does that to me but I have training needs... image

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    a hysterectomy wouldnt create a "medical menopause"-not unless they took your ovaries too

    and if you havent got fibroids, you could have  a vaginal hysterectomy-not cutting of belly involved thereof

    great Stuff Am So


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    Ouch! (Hold's girl's bits defensively)

    They don't need to take the ovaries, so I guess you're right! I have polyps and a "double endometrium" which means I have two linings of the womb, apparently. ..image

    I've also just had a very nasty uterine infection, which landed me in A&E.

    Aren't I the lucky one?

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    Sounds like you've had a mare LB!

    I hope you feel better soon and find the best course of action for you.

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    Ouch LB image

    TOTM screws up breathing too - in a surprisingly large number of women - hence another reason training goes south

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     I am surprised you havent gone down the hystererctomy route yet


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    I'm not particularly "keen" on the knife, PH! My support network is not great and I can't really even afford the convalescence, time wise! I know that sounds awful, but it's true. Two kids and a OH who runs a business - if he doesn't work we don't get paid and grandparents not an option.

    Plus, I have running to do! image

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    Yeah, i know liverbird, but how much time are you losing with being ill form the periods/infections

    i hope you get it sorted


    have they suggested taking away some of the womb lining-thst day surgery, and may help

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    Yeah, I've had that done twice. It does help, for a bit and then a few months later, back to square one!

    I'm kind of hoping for early hot flushes and a large dose of HRT but my mum was 55 before she got there, so I've just got the 20 years to wait!

    At the moment everything is "ok". It could be worse - I have had more smear tests / colposcopies than most people will have in a lifetime and they've never found anything sinister - just bloody inconvenient!

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    bloody hell

    i wouldnt put up with that for 20 years love

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    Oh LB that all sounds horrific - poor you!

    I also wouldn't want to try the injection - hormones do the strangest things to me and once an injection is in, you can't take it out again! I had the mirena coil for a year - god that was awful - ruled out progesterone-based contraception! And my GP won't give me any sort of oestrogen-based pill because of the migraines I got.

    So far then I have got suggestions of: Agnus castus, Evening Primrose, Magnesium and Star-something - lots to google - any other ideas?? I', 31 - there's a lot of years of this to deal with yet. Gah.
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