
Nice Little Runs in Sutton Park



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    PruePrue ✭✭✭

    Caz - I've decided to given tonight a miss, I've woke up with doms???!?!?   With no idea why, the run yesterday was a chatty run and I've not had doms in the whole time I've trained or raced since Jan :-/  Tis all very weird.
    The only think I can put it down to is getting very cold yesterday after watching the 5k just before I finished my run. And by the time I'd got home I was shaky and apparently looked very pale with a blue mouth :-/ 

    Well done mini TR's and Caz's, sounds like a great day dispite the rain -

    Caz  -Ask Des about wrestling with the Lord mayor on Wednesday......   He knows him quite well now too image

    See you Tuesday night. 

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    Good luck for this weekend UM. You'll do fantastic I'm sure, you're so strong physically and mentally. And the mental side is what gets you through these ultra events.

    2 years ago, I did the Old County Tops race for the first time, thinking that I might die or certainly collapse in the process. I had various family out in force at checkpoints to bring vital food and drinks(!). This year, I trotted around it, a permanent smile on my face and never feeling like packing it in onceimage 4 weeks to go to the big oneimage

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    Well Done CB  sub 3:30  image
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    cheers, 3:27. think i've peaked now till next year.
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    Yup, a couple of big well dones there.  ER for finding the OCT easy, and CB for going sub 3-30.  Brilliant!! image

    And really big good luck to UM for the GUCR.  I'll be anticipating your result keenly.  You'll be fine I'm sure, as we know these super-ultra events are 90% mental, and the other 10% is just ........... mental.  image

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    Caz/TR - another bunch of dodgy characters at the top of Pendle Hill - where I'm sure you and TR posed for exactly the same kind of aeroplane pictures.


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    PruePrue ✭✭✭

    Juicer - Looks like ya having fun! 

    ER - Well done, the OCT is a toughie, sounds like you had a good weekend too image  Not long now for you, hoping to get up and support that weekend too.  So lemme know if you need owt?

    Juicer - Must give you a buzz in the next couple of days, to sort out the weekend.  If were around the U.k you still ok to meet up for the weekend?????

    UM - A massive good luck, I can't wait to hear all about it......  The next Pam Reed without all the issues image  Stay strong, you can do it!!! 

    Cb - Fantastic time, rest easy now - Til the next. 

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    First of all, must say, lovely photo Juicer!

    Well done to you CB. It's been waiting to happen,eh? image

    And well done RC at the weekend. Like TR, I'm sure you're on for a good run at Edinburgh.

    Thanks everyone for good luck wishes for the weekend. It will be tough, but I'm really looking forward to the challenge...oh hell, I'm so sad! image

    Of special mention... thanks to ER. You know what it takes to do some of these insane events image  I'll be following your journey with great interest, and I know you'll do just great too!

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    Thanks Prue. I think we cross posted.
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    Prue - yep, would definitely like to still do summit if you're not going away.

    My secret plan would be as follows.  But it's your birthday!!! So it's up to you.

    Sat - Hutton Roof Crags Fell Race and Country Fair.  ER has kindly offered to babysit.  A nice little category B 7 miler, while the kids visit food stalls, watch cumbrian wrestling and do sack races. Then ER would tootle off to the Lakes to do some BG training, and we'd tootle off to the seaside with the kids.  Morecombe would seem sensible from Hutton Roof.  Let me know what you think.

    I'll find a link for the race/fair.  Hang on.......................

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    Caz - by the way, I have your trophy! image
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    Nice pic Juicer up on that hillimage

    Did 41.17 on sunday and got 24th place out of 545 runners so very happy image and me little one did just over 28.40 for the 5k gave RC a run for her money image ended up a nice day shame about all the rain.Was such a shame RC missed out again in the prize list , would be well on her way now to the second shelf if the last couple of races had they produced as they normally do.Nice to see you again MH hape the rest off your day was easy going.

    Not long now UMimage

    Had limited computer yesterday very very slow so could only put a few words but a BIG well done CB you are really turning the screw on that marathon time .Good run mate .

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    A great Sunday morning in the park - pity about the weather, got 7 miles in round the park and twice up the hill back of blackroot, all in fine running weather. Crack on the dot of 10am it rains! got in at 51 mins - great to see TR cracking on up the hill from keepers pool!.

    I was going home after as I had work to do but once dry and changed I stayed to see RC and little TR crack round the 5K in the pouring rain. Great stuff - cracking good running!

    Where were you hiding Prue?
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    PruePrue ✭✭✭

    Mh - I was fitting in viewing around a 16 mile run the park with Des and jason, so kept looping back to people spot. 

    Juicer - Was good to chat, hope we can sort something... tis a shame we're on opposite sides of the U.K.  I wanna watch the Cumbrain wrestling image

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    Prue - I might have passed you before the race! - I was glad I did a slow run first then the race, the training value seemd much better than if I had just doe 13 + from home. I was really knackered in the afternoon - as it was chucking it down I fell asleep for an hour before I went out delivering! I felt really done in, I run much faster with other people around me!

    20+ in the New Forest on Sunday , Sutton Fun run next week then it's the Ultra!
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    running cazrunning caz ✭✭✭

    Was a lovely morning to run to work .... no rain for a change!!

    Prue - cheers for company on run yesterday.

    MH - good luck on Sunday ... enjoy.

    Personally I'm looking forward to a mere 10-13M this weekend ... seems like ages since I've ran such a short distance at the weekend image Might pop down and do the Dymock Half Marathon (not race it though!) or am considering the Burton 10M!?!?! Am also tempted by a very flat and fast 5M in Manchester on Mon just to see what I can get (although it's a little close to Edinburgh to start messing around perhaps).

    Huge Well Done and Congrats to V'rap and eLBee! on their amazing achievement .... glad to say I know a bonified World Record holder image Amazing!!

    UM - talking of amazing feats ..... a massive good luck for the weekend. Hope you have a comfortable run and achieve all you want to. What time and where does it start? I'm out partying Fri night so if it's an unGodly hour Sat a.m I may come and cheer you off whilst under the influence .... lucky you!! image

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    6am from the Gas Street Basin  saturday morning   good Luck UM
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    caz - are you serious????


     if so i will see you there, and you can give me your JW entry form


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    running cazrunning caz ✭✭✭

    Lurker - yes, very serious .... but I'm too old for an all-nighter now ..... 6am will be far too late for me to stay out! Usually a 4am girl these days image Need to go money collecting regards JW ... everything else is ready to go image

    Yuk, got to run home now I've made the commitment of running to work. Ah well, at least it makes me do it!! And at least it's not raining.

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    RC - if you need the money off me for the JW Relay, let me know and we can meet up.

    Did an even-paced 4M yesterday (32.41) and a good-paced 6M this morning (46.49). So things are slowly coming back to normal! Might try to do 8-10M tomorrow and a run of ,as yet, undecided mileage on Saturday morning.

    Some incredible running on here lately. Huge congrats to CB.

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    Only two more sleeps image
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    PruePrue ✭✭✭

    Ohhhh    UM - Tis not long now!   I'm off on my hols today, so last chance to wish you well for Saturday.  Will be thinking of you, really wish I could have come to help support a bit.  Run, run eat, eat, run, run, eat, run,run, run and Don't sleep!!! 

    Hope you've gotta good support crew, as mentally you've got it, you've done some great training runs.  You can do it!!!  x

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    Best of luck UM - you're going to have a great run!
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    Good luck UM, I just don't know how you do it!
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    What do you mean "two sleeps" UM? Surely you're not relaxed enough to actually sleep are you? Don't you mean "only two more nights tossing and turning and worrying"?image

    Good luck, you'll be fine. 

    (although goodness knows how you find the mental strength to run on flat stuff like canals for more than 20mins let alone hours!image)

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    Thanks for the good lucks everyone.

    ER - I've had more pressing issues to deal with lately, so worrying about the GUCR has taken a back seat.  I've been trying to sort out my secondment to a different service at BCC, but the people I work with have been far from helpful (that's being polite because we're on a public forum).  However, I'm not back at work until next Thursday, so I can forget about that for now and start fretting about the GUCR  image 

    I'll try to get as much rest/sleep as possible tonight, as I'm sure I will be tossing and turning and worrying Friday. 

    I know I'm a bit anxious because my tongue is sore - I think I sort of bite it sub-consciously! (that may have something to do with work though)

    Please just spare me a thought in the middle of the night while you're all tucked up in bed and I'm out there alone on the dark towpath of the Grand Union Canal. Thank you imageimage    

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    running cazrunning caz ✭✭✭
    Have a good one UM .... can't wait to hear all about it image
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    Best of luck UM, one tip for you don't get lost and do an extra lap!! (remember Ceasars)

    RC, TR, Prue and anybody else doing Edinburgh have a great run you've certainly trained hard for it.

    I'm off on hols for a week so no pc.

    happy running

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    Thanks CB - I'll definitely try not to get lost on this one! Have a nice hol image
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