
Shades Marathon Training



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    It's raining here too LMH. Quite a shock to be in the coldest place in Britain after being in the hottest place in Europe 24 hours ago! We've lost over 20 degrees and my goodness I'm feeling it!image

    Managed to stay up till 10 last night (I'd only had three hours sleep the night before) and my bed felt like heaven. Been sleeping for two weeks on a bed that felt like a prison bench in comparison! I have a memory foam leather bed and a snuggly duvet and it was as if someone had wrapped my shoulders in a warm towel after coming in from the snow! image

    Up earlyish because I am ITCHING to get in the gym. Weighed myself again and it looks like the reading might have been a little skewed by clothes and time of day because it's actually only 4 pounds weight gain, which I can take on the chin. I found it very easy to cater for my freaky eating in Portugal because they have MASSIVE "health food" sections the size of a mini supermarket over there and they put us to shame. The choice is astonishing. They do dairy, gluten and nut free varieties of everything! You pay for the privilege though - Portugal is, without doubt, the most expensive place we've ever been to (including Monaco)image No wonder they're all so thin! They can't afford to eat! Then again - as it is enshrined in law that everyone over the age of four months must chain smoke - they probably suppress their appetites quite wellimage

    Their attitude to smoking is amazing. It's technically banned, but everyone flouts it and when you ask for a table inside a restaurant because you can't stand the thick fog of Marlboro lights outside they look at you in astonishment! It's amazing how quickly you get used to a smoking ban. I HATE smoking and have really enjoyed munching my food without the threat of someone blowing poison into my face for a couple of years.

    All this talk of 24 hour races and Ironman makes me feel like a pretender again! I thought I'd joined the gang when I did my first marathon, but now you lot are moving the goalposts! I'm not playing!image

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    4 pounds on the chin LB. Isn't that a dewlap? image. Welcome back.

    LMH. Is there a sub-13 in you? Looks like our full distance times are similar. I'm wondering how close I can get to 12 which is a big ask, but I reckon possible. I can save half an hour in transition ffs!
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    The speed I'm ageing PSC, I'll have a fine turkey neck soon anyway! image 

    Nothing like a bit of sun to point out your wrinkles.....image I shall be off for a full facial soon so they can mend my parched skin!image

    Achilles fine again this morning. I'm going to take it gently.....

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    I haven't had a chance to post on here for ages and don't stand a hope in hell of catching up.

     LMH- just read your race report- sounds like you had a really tough time but did a fantastic PBimage Well done! I really admire your fitness and stamina.

    LB- welcome back from hols. There is nothing like that feeling of getting into your own bed after 2 weeks of holiday.

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    PSC wrote (see)
    Ooooer! image
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    Hi SiJ! Did I miss anything? image
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    Puffy sent me this on another thread - hope it works!

    my ship

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    Ace report LMH. Well done you. image
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    Cheers NGL.

    LB - you are one of the gang, as far as I'm aware we're not in competition to be the maddest - and if we were I'd come below Shades, Mrs Mac and Keith to name a few!

    SiJ - have you been on your holidays too? I seem to remember something but brain is still a little addled.

    PSC - almost certainly. In training I've been swimming, cycling and running faster than I was before Almere and the endurance is definitely still there so on the right day on the right course............... and I too can lose 15 minutes on my IM transitions which would have given me sub-13. It's a shame there are no transition splits this time cos I was very fast through transition - no cycling shorts to put on/take off and no portaloo stop! I think the current accounts for my slow swim time and I'm afraid poor nutrition takes the blame for the rest - and I know how to sort that so I shall. If all goes well in my IMWA prep I shall definitely be targetting a sub-13, more than that I shall leave until nearer the time.

    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    Hiya, have been busy for last couple of days and have just read back.

    HY4 - glad to hear you have found the solution to being pain-free and wishing you the best with the new system.  image

    Elspeth - thanks for pointing me to 100 Mara Club article on RW.  I don't like gas bottles either - scarey things, but good to hear you got your birthday cake done.  image

    Mr Bump - good to hear from you and that you managed to get out on bike and a run.  image

    Shades - many congratulations on placing and time in IOM.  Hoping you're having a lovely holiday too.  image

    MaySze Change - hiya *waves*.  image

    LMH - you've done so well and many congrats again.  Have just read your race report - lot of undermanning and lack of water - how do the organisers get away with it?  Glad you came out of it so well and please have a good rest and feed yourself up.  Agree totally about nutrition - it is a discipline and one I'm currently looking quite deeply into also.  Excellent news about Abingdon Marathon and awesome IMWA - that will be an amazing venue and know you love Oz very much.  image

    LB - yay!  Welcome back!  Missed ya.  It won't take long to get a couple of pounds off and good on you for being so disciplined with that achilles and swimming for two weeks.  image

    VR - well done on Salisbury marathon.  Was that the 54321 event?  Hope there's only one of you at the hairdressers this time.  image

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    Thank you for all the lovely welcome backs! I've been to the gym and done the slowest 6 miles in memory, to test out the achilles. So far, so good.image I'm still terrified it will stop me running, but I'm being sensible. 11.24mm with a MHR of 134 will do for today!

    GNR pack arrived in the post while I was out. Almost forgot I was doing it for a minute. image

    Much happier with Zone F than last year's Zone H (which put me in with the 2.40.00 runners!) I think I have a shout for Zone E but I won't whinge.

    Just heard someone at Total fitness in Warrington died on a bloody machine this week! Running is bad for your health.....image

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    LB - that's good about the 6 miles, but bad about the death in Warrington.  5 miles done and dusted, but am back to powerwalking and let's see how fast I can do that.  image
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    I'd put money on you powerwalking faster than I ran this morning! image

    Well done though - you're going well now Flossie!

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    LB - Was just thinking the same about you Liverbird.  You speedy bear.  image

    However, must wear the Numpty badge today because found out why I got injured again last week.  With NF Half closing in fast and feeling a bit of pressuer, decided to go and do a 60 min run to get nearer to 5 miles to get into the training zone for that distance.  Notwithstanding, forgot that I had only just got over swine flu and done two runs of 30 mins and 35 mins.  image  Yes, feel a complete idiot.  Would have been wiser if I had walked the distances in the training schedule and continued the buildup runs.  Another mistake to learn from!

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    Can you guess who is back from holiday image. In three weeks there were 10 pages of posts in 24 hrs there are 3 pages!!.

    LB - have you been for a run outside yet or was it in DL. It doesnt matter where the fancy dress men start its where they finish that matters. I got overtaken by a peperami stick at London and the kids still go on about it now.

    Not heard about the death at the gym, will ask one of the lads who works for me if he knows anything as he is in there a bit

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    Hi, welcome back LB. We thought that Denmark was the most expensive place on earth but maybe there is competition for it. You'll soon be back in training.

    LMH - Great report, sounds like a really difficult day and you did really well. I was thinking as I ran my 20 on Sat that you would be doing the distance after many hours swim and bike and couldn't really contemplate how you do it!

    SiJ - Was wondering where you were, bet you are busy with school hols and work etc.

    Flossie - Was reading that latest thoughts are that Tamiflu in kids can cause more problems than it solves with a lot of vomiting as side effects - you can probably agree with that with recent experience in your household.

    VR - Have you been shorn then?image

    Tried to do a tempo run yesterday and it was painful and couldn't go very fast. Just in from 8 miles at more sedate pace now, much more enjoyable.

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    Yes I have been shorn baaaaaa baaaaaaa

    Plus I am completly nit free. Yay!!!!!!!!!!

    To celebrate I have just eaten a doube caramel Magnum image

    Elspeth - I like sedate but if we want to go faster we have to train fast.   Booooooh

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    VR - Boo  indeed.

    Now you won't be even longer haired than me by Loch Ness - unless I get shorn too.

    No Magnums here but I have got some raspberry truffle fudge from Shetland, might have to go and try some - sounds pretty good.image

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    Have had a lovely day out at a local country show with a friend - needed something to stop me training though I guess most people wouldn't call three hours on their feet resting image

    Elspeth - when I start the run it's as though I'm just starting, I do each bit on it's own as it were, once it's done it's gone and I just look forward. I'm just as bad facing a 20 mile training run - feels really hard to get out of the door.

    LB - well done on getting straight back into it. Might still be worth getting it check out - at least a massage? Sad news about the death.

    Flossie - do you think the error of judgement has put you back totally or will you be able to run again in a week or two? I keep toying with the idea of seeing a sports nutritionist but can't convince myself it's worth the money - would need to be someone who came well recommended.

    VR - that must have been a relief!

    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭


    Nice one on the run.


    It's frustrating isn't it.  I'm just glad I've got my 5k beginning of September because that's giving me something to concentrate on.  Looking at last year's training the furthest I went was 5 miles about a 6 weeks before hand then concentrated on speed so I'm planning on doing something similar this year.

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    Elspeth - not a fan of tempo myself either and you're amazingly fast over the longer distances where it counts.  image 

    Yes, LMH's very wise words about Tamiflu were ringing in my ears when I took the prescription for poor Flossette, but by gum was LMH correct about it being a really nasty drug.  Flossette vomitted badly from days 2-5 and it was only when the prescription finished that she could eat properly again.  She also lost a considerable amount of weight, which was quite noticeable - lucky that she was so healthy when it hit.  Some of you might think I was mad not stopping the medication right there and then, but one of the symptoms of swine flu can be vomiting - so what do you do?  When I saw Andrew Castle from GMTV questioning the Minister for Health about Tamiflu and how his own daughter had nearly died from taking Tamiflu, I felt extremely angry because on day 2 you will probably remember how dangerously ill Flossette became, which could have ended in hospitalisation.  The virus is so strong that it can make you feel rough again after the 2 week period if you push yourself too hard - the virus can kick back for a very short while and then wanes again.  Thankfully, neither Flossette or I will be entitled to be included in the immunisation programme and am extremely grateful for that.  Sorry, to go on so, Elspeth, but I wonder whether those who took Tamiflu would have been better off without it and I'm not a medical person by any means.  image

    VR - love Shaun the Sheep and yes, that was a very random thing to say - it was the 'baaaaaaaaaaa' bit that started it.  Glad you came out with a double caramel Magnum - they're the bestest!!!  image

    LMH - glad you've had a lovely day at the county show.  I love the shows - when Dad was alive we used to quite literally walk in and out of the steam tractors admiring the magnificent engineering and the peeping of the warning whistles.  It was always followed by a ride on the horse merry go round, half a cider and a pork and stuffing roll and was still doing that in my 20's.  Have kept that tradition going to this day and am looking forward to the Dorset Steam Fair, 2-6 September - once we've done that little ritual and are covered in black smuts, it's off to the fair.  image

    TBH the reinjury affected me quite badly over the last few days and felt really low and my lovely Mum (who doesn't believe in physio or exercise of any kind) gave me the 'at 50, you're not built to go running' and I flipped this morning to 'in spite of what Mummy says, but with care'.  image  So, whilst out powerwalking this lunchtime, something inside me said: 'yes, you can do this, you will make some stupid mistakes because you're human and you will learn from them'.  Now have an appointment with physio tomorrow at 5.30 pm to evaluate the degree of ITB and whether or not I get grounded again plus video analysis on the treadmill of running gait.  Must get to the bottom of this situation and that's probably the region it's in too.

    Sports nutrition is so individual and am currently trying out The Zone Diet by Barry Sears.  It works for me and bought it from Amazon - 'Enter the Zone' by Barry Sears for £0.30 plus £2.75 p&p.  Some people are turning to 40:30:30 - this nutrition plan is 33:33:33.  image

    HY4 - hopefully, I'll learn from this mistake.  image

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    JPenno wrote (see)

    Can you guess who is back from holiday image. In three weeks there were 10 pages of posts in 24 hrs there are 3 pages!!.

    Just admit it - you missed me when I was away! image Cheeky bugger anyway - I only logged on to find out if you were still alive and you cost me 6€! I believe the bloke who died had a heart attack.

    Little M.iss Happy wrote (see)

    LB - well done on getting straight back into it. Might still be worth getting it check out - at least a massage? Sad news about the death.

    I absolutely will be getting it checked out! It is in no way "better" - just not complaining as loudly. I know I should probably stop altogether, but if I do you'll find me climbing the bridge to chuck myself off.image

    Got a lovely big salad for tea. image Anybody heard how Shades is?image

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    Cross post Flossie. I completely agree with you about the Tamiflu. It must have been awful to see poor Flossette suffer so badly too. She'll recover the weight loss though and hopefully neither of you will ever have to give the swine flu another thought.

    Fwiw, my mum thinks I'm a bit nuts too and is always saying I'm not built for running and I should "do less!" The truth is, my family are INCREDIBLY unfit. My brother is a 17 stone beer monster and nobody really understands why I don't smoke or drink a gallon of cider a day!

    And I'm the one who always ends up in hospital........image

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    Flossie - I'm not built for anything and am officially 'invalid' so shouldn't be straining myself! image

    I probably will be offered the immunisation but won't be having it, nor would I take Tamiflu but it's an individual decision and you make the best one you can with the information you have at the time. Don't beat yourself up.

    LB - swimming lessons.

    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    LMH - I am resisting your charms to pull me to the dark side.....image

    But I did really enjoy the swimming! My quads were screaming for some reason.image

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    LB - are we sisters?  image  Sounds like my family and just think how much more time you would have spent in hospital if you hadn't taken your health into your own hands.  image
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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭


    Yes.  I think the mistake this time round was caused by not having enough time to set up my desk properly.  I've only had a small niggle today.  After last year I don't walk over manhole covers and walk round them so there's no chance I'm going to slip over and do the same thing again which has caused all these problems.

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    LB - you sound like you could do with a bike and swimming pool to keep you happy for a while until you see fizzy terrorist.  image
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    LMH - you're far from an 'invalid' after that latest tri event.  Don't mean to be so hard on myself, just hate it when things go wrong and....yeah, you're absolutely right.  image
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