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My Last Run



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    Nice going SazzaG, it'll come with the effort your putting in i'm sure!!image 
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    Had to run on my own this morning as my running buddies were both busy.  Got my ipod out and set it to shuffle so a nice mixture of tunes to help me on my way.  As I was on my own I decided to do a shorter run today rather than a long slow run.  Out along the cycle/footpath (why do cyclists always insist on riding on the footpath bit?) for 2.5 miles before turning back.  A nice dry day today and not too chilly.  Even managed to do a bit of fartlek along the route today as plenty of lamp posts to help.  Run distance was 5.06 miles in a time of 41mins and 53 secs which meant my av pace was 8.17 min/miles. 

    Jog Watch - 0

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    My first 10 mile race today and thoroughly enjoyed it. I was hoping to get near 1:10 and I am not disappointed with my time of 1:12:23. A couple of challenging hills probably scuppered the target time. I ran the first 5 miles steadily and then found it a little tiring for 2 miles. I then seemed to get a second wind and stepped up the pace for the final 3 miles. Average pace of 7:13. My last race also without a Garmin if Santa brings me what I wish for image.

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    some good running going on there folks!  Hope the ankle gets fully better soon marshallini.

    Just a short run for me today - the Lincoln Santa Run, 3.5 K with some other club members.  A nice little trot round Lincoln Cathedral and Castle with about 1500 other like minded nutters (including the bsihop of Lincoln I am told).  The beard of the santa suit gave me fluff balls. so I ditched prior to the race.  Good fun, rather daft, but very Christmassy.

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    After being inspired by Hayley Yelling's inimitable front running at the European x-country champs in Dublin, I set out to cover just about all of the terrains in my local area.  Road, grass, beach, trail and sand dunes featured in 14 interesting miles on & around the Sefton Coastal Path but I had to turn at the Alt Estuary as the Army was kicking up a storm on the Altcar firing range.  My aim was 2 hours and I circled the Marina 25 minutes shy, so off I went over the sandhills towards the baths, then round Victoria Park & home.

    JogWatch: 3 

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    Supposed to have run an LSR today but opted for the local Santa run. Started at the back as they had moved the start from last year and took it nice and steady with postie jr. Not sure of an exact time but reckon we covered the 2 miles in 17 miutes which is not bad going for the boy (He's only 11).

    Jogwatch 0
    Santa watch blooming hundreds!

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    Thought i'd add a post for the wife (Kelly) as she aint registered yet.
    Only having been running a few weeks (fridays and sundays) I think she's doing great and not letting the cold put her off!! Another couple of miles last night in 22mins.
    Steady going, nowt too heavy. I'm really proud of her!!!!
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    Didn't get a chance to do a LSR yesterday, having many committee things to do so did a medium-length one today before the 10k race Sunday. I ended up doing 8.01 miles in 1:05:00.

    It was awful. One of the worst runs I've done in over 6 months.

    Despite going at my normal LSR pace (8:06/mile) my legs felt like I was running through cement and my HR decided it wanted to stick at 80% regardless of what pace I ran at. I ended up averaging 77% MHR and peaking at 85%. I haven't had an "easy" run made that hard before and I'm really disappointed with today.

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    Duck - your experience mirrors my own. It snowed overnight Saturday, there's a good couple of inches in the forest so I set out yesterday morning with my dog Nemo to do an LSR we've run dozens of times before. I have always really loved running in the crisp snow but somehow yesterday I just didn't enjoy it at all, cut it short and  only did about 9 miles in well over an hour and was thoroughly disappointed with myself. First time in many years that I've really felt like packing it all in. Haven't been ill, but not really well either for weeks now, no fever but my pulse is elevated, think I need a rest. Roll on Christmas!
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     a week ago yesterday

    Marsden-to-Edale fell race: 22 miles along Pennines, 4000ft. Peat-bog and hail.


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    Had been laying low due to foot niggles, decided to test it out on the road this afternoon as not run on road for a while now (been running off roads and enjoying the hills). Thought I get the old cadence beeps going too, it's been a while since I used it to refocus my steps - and did I fly todayimage 5k in 15:34 - last achieved this1/4 of century ago! Think the off roads and hills got something to do with itimage
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    Dr.DanDr.Dan ✭✭✭
    Almost 5 min miling ... crikey. image
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    Super fast that, if it was 5000m on the track it would be ranked 3rd in the country for Ladies.image

    My Last "proper" Runimage.

    Got over 3 miles today, I don't know when or why I decided under 3 miles didn't really count but it's a fixed thing now and that's that.

    4.23 miles - 40:10.69 - 9:30m/m.

    Ridgeway bridal path, plantation, Snidley Moore, Reservoir, Top of Woodhouse Hill and back thru the Plantation.

    JugglerWatch - 1

    Ankle is a bit achey nowimage

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    It's a one-off, didn't know what happened...usually averaged 7-8mins on long runs, don't do 5k much - felt great thoughimage 

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    Went for a run today but decided to keep it steady and jus plod out the miles as i was still feeling tight in my legs from my long run on saturday.

    Got about 3 miles away from my car and my foot started to feel tight down one side, then it moved from a tightness to a discomfort which became worse so i decided to stop and turn back, was only doing 7.5min/mles (race pace about 7m/m) so i wasnt running too hard or anything, just fairly comfortable.

    Not too long after i stopped running and was walking back to my car i got a really sharp pain in the side of my foot and after that it was rather quite painful to put pressure on. Made for an enjoyable 3mile walk back to my car, it realy does get bloody cold in shorts and tshirt if you stop running!

    Worst bit was the fact i had to hobble back past all the people i had ran past earlier, felt really embarrassing hobbling along in full running kit. Got a few comments like "your supposed to be out running" and "you've sudenly got a lot slower" but not a single "are you ok" or anything like that. Although to be fair would have rather just seen noone and struggled back on my own!

     Gona take a few days off and see how it does, really hoping its just a strain or something like that! boooo to injurys!

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    Well, crap weather here today, so I wimped out and went to the gym.  Cold, wet and windy, I don't mind a combination of 2 of them, but all 3 turns me into a runner with a huge sense of humour failure.

    So, 2 hours on the horrid treadmill.   image Glad I did it as it reminds me of why a like running outside so much.  I was even reduced to watching about an hour of This Morning after I ran out of vaguely interesting things to look at!  I learned a lot about the joys of Christams canapes ..... yawwwn.....

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    Runnaholic wrote (see)
    and did I fly todayimage 5k in 15:34 - last achieved this1/4 of century ago!
    Blimey thats an amazing time!!! Would love to even come anywhere close to that!  guess your foot niggles have all but gone away?
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    LOL...think I'll be suffering tomorrow with swollen foot, etc and couldn't run for another few weeks!
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    Simple 6.10 miles tonight. Love running in the cold not sure why but great feeling of the cold air in your face. Struggling a little mentally so need tofind a charity place at VLM for motivation me thinks.

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    4.5 M Steady this morning.

    No freezing fog for th first time in almost  a  week !

    An 'ok' run.

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    I was somewhat nervous going out today after yesterday's dreadful session, but today's was good. I took it really easy today, and did 3.1 miles in 24:52 (8:03/mile). Averaged 69% MHR (image) and peaked at 85%.

    I did some strides at the end and did a 400m stretch at 10k pace after about 20 minutes to shake off any sluggishness. Today was really just to blow the cobwebs away. Tomorrow will be a final sharpening up speed session before Sunday.

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    NIce run today, Started at the library and ran up thru the quarry to the trig point on the top of Helsby Hill, then down to Harmers Wood.

    Then for a change, instead of going down the path at the side of the eco house I carried on down the lane and then turned off and came back over the Hill from the otherside.

    I rounded the trig point and some old guy who was leaning against it said "touch the marker and carry on" so I doubled back a few strides and touched it and carried on down towards the farm and right at the bottom, instead of going down the way I came up as this is too trip hazardous.

    3.11 miles so a proper run image  29:38.39 - 9:31m/m

    It's a nice course and as bob on 5k (well, near as damn it) so a new time trail course I think.

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    Hello I posted on here once ages ago but then got out the habit.

    Im 14 and have been averaging 20-25 miles each week aswell as tennis and football twice. I would like to pos my runs but injured ankle during football. I had 4 weeks off and then tryed to run twice this week, both time my ankle was twinging and facing right slightly, so i stopped and cycled instead. Is this the right thing to do or should i go through the pain?


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    hi all,

    back after two weeks solid rest for the ankle - have even shortened the dogs walks to avoid the slippery mud - and giving blood. short run today just to see how it felt. was planning on 4 miles but started to blow a bit at two so cut it short. Giving blood always takes it out of me but being O Neg i figure i need to put some in the bank every now and then in case i ever need it! Ankle little tender afterwards, tomorrow will tell as before it has been more sore the day after. Felt far harder than it should have done, hoping it gets easier again soon!

    3.27m in 31.45

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    Lots of dodgy ankles about.

    Ali - You should really rest it, but saying that I'm running on mine and it's far from good at the moment.

    Just ran 1km down to the local sports and social and did 2 hours of Body Combat, only planned to do first class but you got the second hour 1/2 price so I couldn't resist. It was very hot and very sweaty but good fun. Then ran home again.

    edit - this is really for my previous post - Library to Trig Point  9:26.34 - Loop - 13:35.37 - Trig to Libe 6:36.68

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    Dr.DanDr.Dan ✭✭✭
    I might test my ankle later today ...
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    I went out last night (BRRR!!!) for the first time in10 days after straining my right calf. Had a pretty gentle plod for 2.8 miles and all felt good. Prob did me good to rest my dodgy ankle again.

    So fingers crossed, out again tomorrow and see how it feels.

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    STEPS - Starting at Castle Park I followed my 5k route until I got to the steps I normally don't bother with and ran up them, at the top I turned right and ran along the top to the Jacob's Ladder and went down the old proper steps and nearly came a cropper, survived them and ran back up the new steps, then sort of contoured round back down to the path. Took the direct line down the slope and came back up some more steps. Followed he path up to the monument taking two more sets of steps. Came down via Bellemont Rd and a footpath I've never been down before, thru the park and back in to Castle Park.

    3.51 miles - 38:22.33 - 10:55m/m - dead slow, but am I bothered, am I fudgeimage

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    imageThat's a lot of steps!
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    Dr.DanDr.Dan ✭✭✭

    I'm back! image

    I think!image

    Yep, I reckon so.image

    Two weeks since the very nasty ankle sprain ... it still felt stiff and a bit tender to the touch but I am walking normally and without any pain. So given the possibility of a big freeze hitting Yorkshire, I decided to test the ankle while the ground is still snow/ice free. I went for the option of running to Hyde Park and doing a lap as it gives the chance to cut the run short at any time and cutting across the middle to get back via the shortest route. The first half mile up the big hill felt pretty bad as my ankle felt so imobile ... I thought that maybe it was too early to return ...but it never got worse ... in fact I forgot about it every now and then. The planned lap turned into two ... and then three. image

    Ended up doing 4.4 miles in 38:26. And two hours later and the ankle feels no worse than it did before the run ... stiff but painless. Given it was my first run for 24 days, I felt pretty good. image

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