
how to improve?



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    I was planning on going out today for my last, "easy" 3 M, but time ran out. I'd forgotten I was supposed to be organising craft-y activities & providing cakes for the village children's party! So no running, but a house that smells deliciously of cake image

    Should get out tomorrow - just hoping if my trainers get soaking that they'll dry before Sunday (and yes jimma - I *do* only have 1 pair of running shoes!) Mind you - if they're still wet on Sunday I guess it won't matter, as they'll get wet soon enough once we're there!

    jimma - what number are you? I'll llook out for you on Sunday (I know its neigh on impossible to meet up, but I can keep my eye open anyway!)

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    Hi B&T what number are you is it safe to give information on the site you never know who is reading this.I know I will be there really early and will be at the toilets a good few times.

    jimma image

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    jimma - I never thought about whether it was safe to give your race number out?? You've made me wonder now! I need to go & find my number before I can post it anyway!
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    What do you think B&T

    jimma image

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    Morning! My number is 1576. I'll be in the loo queue before the race, and at the back at the start. Still haven't decided what I'll be wearing - 3/4 black trousers and short sleeved purple top probably, with a ponytail, looking nervous!!!

    If you see me, do come & say hello!

    Doing a spot of work then must get out for my run.

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    Hi B&T my number is 351 it would be nice to see the face of B&T and find out a proper name I will feel stupid coming over and saying hi B&T

    Good luck with the run today weather not too bad.

    jimma image

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    The face of B&T sounds ominous!!!  Just back from my run - got soaked so good training for Sunday!

    My name's Lucy by the way - see you on Sunday image

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    Hi B&T just to say the very best of luck on your first HM I hope all goes well for you and that you manage to enjoy the run.

    I hope that we manage to meet up it would be nice to meet you.

    all the best

    jimma image

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    Thanks jimma - would be nice to meet you too, and shake your hand for all the advice over the past few months!

    Good luck to you too image

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    Well B&T how did you get on.I dont know about you but I found that a hard HM course,for most of the way round you were running up an incline which does take it out of you.At least the weather was kind.

    I managed my aimed time of 1hr 49min which I was pleased with but as I said it was hard.

    With over 2000 runners it was impossible to see you maybe on another day

    jimma image

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    Hi jimma,

    Just got in. 2:36:15 for me. I'm glad you thought it was a hard course, as I couldn't believe how long those hills went on for! I was hoping for 2:30, but I'm just glad to have done it, and to have finished it. I felt like a zombie at the end, I must admit. But I ran all the way, just walked at the water stops soimage to me - and to you too!!!!

    Sorry I didn't see you - but have a virtual handshake to say thank you for all the good advice image

    Right - feet up, cup of tea, and glass of wine for later.

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    Hi B&T how are you feeling today.I usually do not have any ill effects after a HM but today my legs are sore and aching espicially going up and down stairs so it just shows how hard F of D HM was.You should be extra proud of yourself for completing it as your first half,well done again.

    jimma image

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    If I was any prouder, I would burst!!! Each time I read a posting about how hard others found it, I 'swell' a little bit more!

    Hasn't put me off though - thinking about Chippenham in September ...... although I do have a few 10ks in mind before then. Might try a gentle plod tomorrow to see how my legs are. Mine aren't too bad, only my thighs really. Was doing fine until I came down some stairs in a shop today - then I was very grateful I live in a bungalow!! My knees still feel strangely loose though - like Ikea furniture that needs an Allen key to tighten it up. I walked down to the bus stop to collect my children today, and felt a bit like Bambi - like my legs might just splay out underneath me!

    Must get out actually and recallibrate my Garmin. It reckoned I ran 14.5M yesterday!

    Hope your legs feel better soon. What's next for you?

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    Hi B&T have you run this week yet I am having a week off to relax.Well done by the way in running 14.5 miles that makes your time better.

    I would like to run Chippenham again its handy and a well organised race  with no inclines that seem to go on for ever.I will note it in my diary.I also plan to run Cowpat canter at Midsomer Norton on 2ond. May.I have done it a couple of times before and really enjoyed it.Its about 12k but its not a race for a pb there are woods,hills, streams etc. all good fun and you just run round at an easy pace with no pressure on time,what do you think.

    Hope your gentle plod went well.

    jimma image

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    Just had a look at the Fof D HM photo B&T you are actually smiling at the end while you can see I am struggling you obviously had not put in enough effort to be able to smile or was that more of a grimace you still look remarkable happy

    jimma image

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    jimma - I'm just a very smiley person image Actually- I think by the finish line I was just glad to have reached the end!

    Made it out for my plod on Tuesday and got caught ina torrential downpour - but managed to recallibrate my garmin so hopefully will be a bit more accurate now. Also went out today - sun was shining, legs felt good, and my new pair of running tights had arrived, so had to go out really. Have a new 10k schedule to follow to try and add a bit of speed to my legs, so I did 2M slow then 2M fast and then finished with 2M slow again, Felt good - tiring in the fast bit, and then straight into a headwind for the last 'easy' 2M. Ran the 6M in 61 minutes which is speedier than I've ever managed it image So maybe I can run faster - I just need to 'train' my legs to feel comfortable running a bit faster? (Does that make any sense?)

    Had a look at the 'Cowpat canter' - it looks fab! "beautiful countryside, rolling fields, footpaths, rough tracks, stiles, a pond and a stream" - just need to add getting lost and that's just a normal run for me!! I need to consult with husband to see if we've any plans for that weekend though, as it is the bank holiday weekend. If we've not then I'll be signing up! I'm also considering Chippenham half as well this year. Flat sounds good! I just need to work out how I'd do the main 6 weeks of training during the school holidays, when I'll have my little darlings with me all week. I'm sure I can work it out ....

    Hope you're enjoying your week off running - have a good Easter, and don't eat too much chocolate image

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