
for all new runners ..... (part 2)



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    Lol Cheetara,actually you are right,lots of running talk on here,as well as nurses outfits,heavy breathing and whips.lol
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    I think Weeny instigated that one! image I'm just easily led astray image

    I'm enjoying a lovely rest this evening image

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    Im just an innocent.image
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    cooee, anyone around?
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    Cheetara78 wrote (see)

    I think Weeny instigated that one! image I'm just easily led astray image

    Why do I always get the blame??  image
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    Damn it Weeny - you aint been on here for a bit, i get a bit cheeky and blame you for stuff and your head pops up like a bloody meerkat! image  But in answer to your question - yep you do get the blame!!! image (i'm just your cheeky accomplice)

    Kwala - helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooo over here *waves* how are you???

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    Cheetara78 wrote (see)

    Damn it Weeny - you aint been on here for a bit, i get a bit cheeky and blame you for stuff and your head pops up like a bloody meerkat! image  But in answer to your question - yep you do get the blame!!! image (i'm just your cheeky accomplice)

    Ah ha....*simples*
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    Where you been Weeny - causing mischief elsewhere???  How's things?  Did you say you got an offer on your house?  I got a letter through today, court hearing isn't until 25th May so house won't be going up for sale before then grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr  - but, slowly slowly catch a monkey!!!!

    Did a steady 4 miler today - legs well and truly in bits image

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    Hello All - sorry I've lost track of the thread now - but I know I have read some fabulous stuff...and MOST of it was about the "R" word ...Fabulous! image

    Well done to all those getting out there.  LostKat - was telling my "hood" about you and your achievements in such a short space of time.  They were suitably impressed...but as they are all as jaded and cynical as me...said "how old is she though?" image Then of course the following comment was "ah but will she still be pulling it out of the bag when she's as ripe as us old birds" image.   (i thought "Wot like i is.." image).

    Having been feeling like I will never get back to running well having had two terrible injurred stacked seasons now....I am now feeling that almost anything is possible.

    You know i refer to the GOD that is Mr E Izzard esq.  *bows down in total respect*.  I watched the whole 3 episodes on BBC i player during another sleepless night - *tears spilled*.  I think anyone who watched it would feel the respect for him - but as a runner....WOW! Could identify with all of the pain, the agony, the drive, the determination, the love, the hate, the weather, the kin-ship of other runners...the list is endless.  I used to have those ice baths....gave them up not so long back!!! image Remember the PAIN of them during and when you first get out.  I used to run til I vomitted, couldnt walk straight, with my feet bust open...the works.   What's happened to me?  Where has all my fight gone?  I have never been a quitter...yet now the voice of "quit now...stop...walk" is LOUD in my ear on every run. image  I'll never stop running completely - because I always have...it's in my soul.  It's what I do.  When people describe me to other people around my area...they say "you know...she's a runner"  image  Like that bit! it's normally followed by...with 2 dogs. LOL!

    I'm hoping when I move house.(yes I've accepted a good offer on my house Cheetara image)   Life will take a different more positive track and I can find my soul again.

    Running round in circles, I need to get some focus.  I've lost sight of my goals.  I do this for the love of it and not for the glitter and gold.....image

    Back later

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    Weeny - sounds like a bit of the real you is coming back after being lost for a while.  I can relate to that!  Real life stress certainly gets in the way.  I am real pleased for you though - it sounds as though you're starting to get your life back on track and you can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel and it wont be long before you're on the other side.

    I however.................the light is still very much far away, but i know it's there.

    Go get them goals girl, they're yours for the taking - GO WEENY! image

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    Weeny, you are an absolute legend and an inspiration to relatively newbie runners like me. It looks like you're getting back to yourself after having done some soul searching. Sometimes it takes a big upheaval (like selling your home) to make you realise that things need to change. I really hope that you fall back in love with running again and manage to have some injury free time to just enjoy it image ((((((hugs))))))

    20 miles for me today. Unexpected because I had a CRAP run on Friday and was feeling very low/demotivated. I've also baked a cake, iced it AND mowed the lawn today. Trés productive image

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    Excellent LK - i like your style image well done!

     Well i did my first ever fell race on Sun - trying to run a grade A race in normal road running shoes is NOT good and trying to do a grade A fell race as your first race is NOT good. image  I completely lost the plot after about 5 mins, the hills were just ridiculous - i was tired just walking them! My running partner tried to keep me going but i had just had enough and felt like a fish out of water.

    I really got annoyed after slipping twice and after landing in the river and getting a fully submerged foot - i completely had a sense of humour failure image after this,my running partner found this highly amusing (incidentally this led to the start of my burning rage) he then decided to run ahead to the end and i hadn't a clue where i was going, so i tried to run faster and catch up with people ahead and fell over twice more.

    Came to the last hill descending back to the finish line - slipped again, twisted my ankle, did a big rolly polly down a hill image and sat there in agony thinking "when i finally get down this f'-ing hill, i'm going to kill him for dragging  me into this" got to the bottom and he was there shouted "well done" cos he knew i struggled with it.  I just scowled, hobbled past and shouted "don't you f-ing speak to me!" image

    I was so upset that i had attempted a race way out of my league and the fact that he left me when he said he wouldn't - i was fuming! I had a complete flip out at him and wouldn't speak to him for about an hour! image I WAS VILE!!!!!!!!!!!

    Then on the way home - i realised i was just being ridiculous and we both burst out laughing image think i should have tried an easier one as first time and i now have trail shoes which i purchased today - so i havent given up yet!

    I have bruises on bruises and a gash across my shoulder, but the flat bits across the top of the moor, i secretly enjoyed and quite liked getting absolutely covered in mud!

    Not my normal race report i know - but i guess this will be one of those races i'll look back at and laugh and maybe go back next year and show 'em what i'm made of image

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    Morning all!

    A bit quiet on here isn't it? Someone farted?

    I watched the Eddie Izzard programme on Monday. I'd recorded it but turned out it was just the 1 hour summary programme. Good job really as I cried 3 times! Don't think I'd have lasted if I'd watched the whole 3 hours. I'd have been dehydrated! Erm, don't tell anyone though. image

    Been for a couple of runs this week totalling 11.4 miles which is a good week for me! I've set April targets of beating PBs starting with the Derby 10k a week on Sunday. Got no hope really but will give it my best shot. I think the Telford sub-50 was a one-off! Must've been the basque and fishnets that I wore. image

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    Sorry Edster,it was me,been eating beans.lolimage.

    Tis very quiet on here tho,hope everyone is ok.

    I have been doing my usual plodding,have applied for the Rosliston forrestry run which is cross country so looking forward to getting muddy.lol Dissapointed that Sky Sports dropped the kilomathon programme last week so interviewed for nothing,oh well,there will be other opportunities,have given up slim world and have gone back to boxercise,I had not been for a few months and they were so shocked at how much w8 I had lost so I think I will throw the scales away and concentrate on exercise.

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    trigger2trigger2 ✭✭✭


    Been lurking whilst fidgeting on the subs bench!  Ecky I read the article in Take a Break today - the bit about the glass ornament got me - how very sweet.  You have a right to be proud of your kids.  Fantastic.

    Am now on Easter holidays and plan to make the most of it.  I WILL CROSS TRAIN EVERY MORNING!  I will swim and hopefully I might even take a plod next weekend - fingers crossed.image

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    Thanx Trigger,yes,he is so thoughtful,he even takes some of his toys up to share with cam too,hes fine most days but little things make me realise,how much he misses his brother.

    Bet that bench is driving you mad isnt it.You are very determined tho,fingers crossed for recovery.

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    Ed - you cried and admitted it - you big gay! image

    5 miles steady run for me today, then a few pints!!!! (It is easter after all)

    Hi everyone image

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    Few pints sounds good cheetara,Im on the wine,did a good few miles at club last night so feel like I deserve it  and like you say,it is easter.
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    Ecky - Excellent - enjoy the wine image
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    I did Cheetara and have some for tonight too,must get off my bum and go do some running tomorrow though,my legs were very stiff this week after being tortured at Boxercise.
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    Hmmmm, i know the feeling.  I've got a 17 mile run to go and plan for tomorrow and i already have bruised toenails image i guess i gotta get off my ass and pack some miles in - enjoy the wine image
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    I find that a glass of wine the night before does wonders for my sleep, so I feel refreshed the next day for a biiiiiiiiiiig run. Starting my taper now, so it'll probably be around 17 miles for me too. Might run to my parents'. My Mum made some cracking carrot cake and I wouldn't mind going back for another slice, hehe.

    Hope everyone's enjoying their Easter break image

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    Sounds painful Cheetara,good luck for you massive run tomoz,Im only on a maximum of  8 milers at the mo but enjoying them.

    LK carrot cake sounds amazing,17 mile training runs seem so long,I only just managed the 16 at the kilomathon,cant imagine having to do another mile,realy need to do more training if I ever get a marathon place.

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    LK - what a great incentive to get running - running to your mum's house for cake, excellent!

    LK - hope you enjoyed your run.  I did my 17 miles today, the furthest i've ran yet. Some beautiful views but i encountered excruiciating pain in shin and under my left foot so it slowed me down significantly.  Bumped into a friend who was out cycling, always nice to see people on route.

    It was more about the miles than the time anyway so - mission accomplished!

    Happy Easter all - time for wine! image

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    Well done on your 17 miler Cheetara, a massive acomplishment image Shame about the pain, but at least you completed it.

    Did 17 miles myself, but decided not to run to my parents' because I just wanted to come home and have a shower afterwards. It was supposed to be 18ish, but I decided I didn't want to run past the stonking great rotweiller and I was feeling pretty rubbish, so I cut across and missed him (and an extra mile) out.  First 5 miles felt great, but I just hit a wall and the rest was a long hard slog. I hated it and considered calling my other half on more than 1 occasion. It left me feeling pretty crap and low in confidence to be honest, but I've had a pep talk and am feeling a bit better now.

    Thank GOD it's taper time. I'm shattered. Bedtime for me!!

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    Cheetara,huge well done on your 17 miler,amazing how you managed it whilst in pain.

    LK ,huge well done to you too,dont let that run put you off,it happens and you have been training sooo hard lately,you will be amazing on the day.

    I only managed a little 3 miler today,think too many easter eggs stopped me going further as felt a bit like poo,ah well,I have put that behind me,onwards and upwards.

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    Ecky - that's the attitude to have!  Some days i feel i can run forever, other days i can barely run up the road lol!

    LK - I had a similar feeling, had a few niggles up to 6 miles, started to feel good, then just pain upon pain, it was the beautiful views that kept me going.  Wise decision to do a de-tour and miss the rotti!

    Time to put feet up - the thought however of running 10 miles tomorrow makes me feel image

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    Cheetara,this marathon training seems very intense,maybe I need another year til I apply.lol
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    10 miles tomorrow? Are you insane??? image Having said that though, I have 8ish planned. Going down running club early and will do a wee 2.5 mile before we go out for our proper run which will be around 5.5-6. Ouchy! Need to do some real hardcore massage work on my calves before then  image
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    Ecky - hmmmm i guess it depends on how intense the training plan is?!!!!!!

    LK - That's what the schedule says - 10 miles, but i'm  finding these big runs in the week too much now.  I can manage the big sunday runs if i rest enough in-between as it's crippling me now.  I think the 10 will become a steady 5 for me as i'm due a 20 miler this sun image

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