
for all new runners ..... (part 2)



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    WEEEEEEEEEENY, How the heck are ya.We do miss your words of wisdom.image
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    Hiya Ecky - Awwww thanks.  It's nice to be missed.  I'm attempting to stay "strong" on life's little highway of highs and lows (not that many highs....and I am an extraordinarily good down hill runner) BUT....I am still getting out there....running atleast 3 times per week -  managing to stay as sane as I can probably ever hope to be image.

    Been spending lots of time with the Doremouse....We went to Windsor triathlon last weekend and I am taking him for his first swimming lesson on Wednesday night.  He is suitably afraid mwahahahaha image.  I did google whether Doremice can swim..??  I shall let you know...image

    Have had a quick read back.  What are you training for Ecky?  What's the next event?

    Have you regained your Mojo LK?

    Hello to newbies.  Welcome! image

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    Weeny,I really hope things get better for you,I will never understand why some people get all the crap in life,I must have been a very bad girl in a previous life.lol.Nice to see you are getting on well with Doremouse,I hope they can swim too,be very afraid Doremouse.lol. I have a 10k run tomorrow night in Burton,its the Midsummer one,Its the Burton Summer League and my 3rd run with our Endurance squad.Im getting a team sweatshirt too.I still cant quite believe this is me.I seem to have struggled for so long and now I feel like I am on the up with the running. I have also signed up for the EDF half in Birmingham which Im really looking forward to thats in Oct,got a couple of runs inbetween and been asked if I fancy cross country. Are you up for any events.

    Hi everyone else,hope all is ok.

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    Ecky - "Team SWEATSHIRT" You is in the squad girlfriend ((High 5s the sister))!! image

    Well done - "endurance" - very apt...you toughed it out....and you are seeing the benefits of mental toughness.  Fabulous! *Onwards*

    Yes yes YES! Do the cross country thing!  Fabulous dirty fun! image

    Good Luck tonight with your 10k.  Any time aspirations?

    I've entered nothing this season....image Even missed my local 10mile road race this year....Doremouse lead me astray THAT weekend.  Blame him! image

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    Actually....my running vests did the Baddow 10 this year.....I just wasn't wearing it myself image
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    Good luck Ecky.

    I am terrifiedimage but if I am to do a tri I guess I need to swim. My running is so terrible at present, need to loose a stone. Off for a cycle this afternoon.

     Hiya Weeny Pimage see you Wednesday Night, I believe the Pool will be empty due to Onety one. Best wishes all, the Sun is out go and enjoy.

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    Im being realistic,would love sub 60,hope it cools down later though,not running till 7.30 so should be ok.Im not sure if the course is Hilly or not. I would just love to run the whole thing,something I really struggle with. I will give it me bestest shot and let you know how I get on.High 5 back atcha,I so love this team thingy,even though I am the slowest there.

    Norty Doremouse,leading our Weeny astray,now get them Budgie Smugglers on and get swimmin.lol

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    Doremouse...the one-ty-one will be over time we get "dans l'eau" image 

    Shall look forward to hearing all about your 10K Ecky.  It's a hot sultry evening (down south) If it's like that "oop North" then it's gonna be a challange out there and racing - but I have every faith in you. GO YOU! Sub 60...in the bag. image

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    OMG,That was just soooo hard,boiling hot up here so running was a struggle,lovely flat course though but Iots of our team found it tough going.I think my time was a round 1.06 so properly chuffed with that.Hubby reckons I was only 10 mins slower than some of our lot and lots of peeps behind me so Im well happy. Feel rough now tho,good value for the run mind,got a burger at the end with salad and rice,very impressed as the finnish was at the Pub.
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    Well done Ecky.

    I love races that end at the pub....Surely it's rude not to do it any other way isn't it? image

    Just got back from 5 very hot and sweaty miles in the woods....there seemed to be alot more up hills than downs today....*groan* I'm HOT image

    I shall let you know how the Doremouse swim-athon goes.....mwhahahahah image

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    Lol Weeny,have fun.image I dont know about you but my legs just dont like the hot weather,I have been shattered all day,mind you,think the vino had something to do with it.

    No running for me today but had a lovely morning at a local school,they have raised funds for Camerons Smile,had to talk to the year 7's,that was so scary.They really went to such an effort though,got all choked up.

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    OMG! Ran this morning - only managed a meagre 3 miles - nearly killed me!!! Way too hot..no air...heavy aching legs - headache all day!

    As for the swim sesh with Doremouse last week.... he CAN swim! image

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    how are all doin

    hoping your training is going well

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    Hi Micknphil,very quiet on here lately,everyone is asleep,shhhhhhhhhh.

    I was having a look at your website the other day and reading the reason for your running.The pics are just amazing,so inspiring.

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    Hi Ecky

    i've just read ure profile -

    i wish u well

    if ever i can help u in anyway at all , please contact me , i'll be more than happy to help or advice

    bear in mind some days i'm busy, but i'd reply

    " i have it " if u dont hear within say 7 days " remind me "

    thanks & take care 

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    Thanks Micknphil,Im getting there eventually,slow but sure.Like you I have a big reason for running although a lot of my running now has moved on to club running but I still do a lot of charity runs. I just love the feeling of freedom.Im by no means amazing and its been a hard slog but I feel that my son is with me when I run just in a different way.
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    you dont have to be amazing

    just be you - just run for u and ure boy ahh ....

    look after number one, cos the rest will i assure u , peeps say they dont, but when push comes to shove  !!

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    FWIW, I think you're amazing Ecky image

    (and you Mick hehe!!)

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    just keep doing what u all do

    your own time, pace , distance

    just enjoy it and feel good

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    Aw thanks Kwala,you making me blush.How are you doing,how is the leg.

    Hi Weeny,glad Doremouse is still alive to tell his swimming tail.I bet his little legs were going like the clappers.lol. Well done on managing 3 miles,2 and I was ready to collapse,could hear my heart beat in my ears,though the banging was a burglar.lol

    Inspiring words Micknphil,it is very individual.I was chatting to my runnign buddy about this and I was saying that even when you are in a race with thousands of people,you are still alone because its not abotu what everyone else is doing,its about you getting through and doing what you can.I believe just getting over that finnish line is the big thing for me.I am addicted to the cheer you get,even if you are near the back.I was very last on my first ever 10k and the cheer was just amazing.I just bloomin love this running lark,gutted to be missing a 5m club run tonight because of work,got a 12k coming up soon though so plenty to keep me goping till the EDF half.I am staring a training plan for that next week.

    Hi everyone else,hope you are all ok.

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    Micknphil *legends* image

    Ecky *respect with loads of hugs thrown in* image

    Kwala...how is your LEG-END ?image

    As for Doremouse...he was rightfully scared of the Weeny swim coachig session image....he was quite well behaved too image.  We cycled to Greenwhich Park on Sunday (I need to do LOTS more cycle training.....had really bad ITBS when I woke up yesterday morning...got roller out...BOY that kills image and as I said...further added insult to injury by having a run.  Still...got to get used to this is I ever have ANY hope of getting that triathlon licked.

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    Aw Weeny,thanks,you are so nice,lots of hugs back to you. Hats off to you for getting on a bike,I just cant get into cycling.Good job Im not up for a triathlon.ITBS,ouch.Im sure you will be fine though Weeny,you are determined.image.
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    My leg is fine now, only thing stopping me is me!! I really do not like this heat, so I'm doing a little plod on the treadie now and then with the fan blowing full on in my face - get very bored though, so not making a lot of progress, but anything is better than nothing!
    I'm going back to netball training from next week too - v excited about that image

    I love cycling, but only on the flat or downhill!!!
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    Hi all had a 2nd swim with Weeny P and been Circuits tonight with a twisted..........Ran into the forest really good fun. Thanx Weeny your a doll imagex

    Well done Ecky.

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    AlbionAlbion ✭✭✭

    hello, just a quick hello .... hope you are all well ?

    running went totally to pot after the VLM, but I am just getting back into it as now in training for a 1/2 in sept.

    boy, its so hard tho' I am never having  that amount of time off again ! lesson learnt !

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    Today was the turn of Little Miss Doremouse and her mate from the water bank..........Well done Girls x
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    Was she RFLing by any chance? Well done girlies image
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    Yep and they did well and we all had a fun dayimage.
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    Well done ladies on the RFL,they are such emotional runs.Glad you had good time doremouse.

    Hi Albs,what half are you doing,I got mine in Oct in Brum.

    Well,managed a 9ish miler on Sun,even after a bottle of vino the night before,got another club run soon,its a relay so only 2.1 miles but am really exited about it,only 3 runs to do now for the Burton league,what am I guna do then image.

    Hope everyone else is ok.

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