
Port Talbot harriers



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    Evening all

    How are we all?  Recovering from Abingdon or tapering for Snowdon. 

    Been out to Morgans for a meal and am as full as an egg!!!  Lovely evening for a run. Went along the beach earlier.

    Real shame I will miss the MT10 as I have uni that weekend.  Such a good race.

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    NR- This Uni thing is a hinderence on racing but it will all be worth it and will soon pass before you know it.image

    WA- Good to see you today and good luck to you and JD for Snowdon, away from tonight so wont get a chance to wish you both well again.

    PR5- Touche!!image

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    I am full too. Have had far too much rice this evening. Blimmin' carbo loading.

    Werp !
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    Evening all

    Been out and did tonys loop (7.5) must agree with NR was a lovely day for a runimage

    Just entered Edinburgh marathon looking forward to it but did think it is a bit expensive

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    PD, very good today. Back feels great now, but not for long. I expect to be crippled by this time on Saturday.

    Have managed to cancel my booking in the Travellodge in Caernafon as a vacancy came up somewhere in Llanberis. Only issue now for me is that Uncle Ian who is helping MWA manage wa & his brother is baaad in bed. I may yet be snookered by lack of babysitters. Watch this space ....

    JD - I have solved my taper problems. Simples, I have not bothered tapering. At the end of the day I have only done 3 weeks training for Snowdon so how can lack of final week perpetration make things worse ?

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    Paff- You are right about the price but hopefully by May we will have got over that and have a good weekend.image

    DV's Birthday Bash on Marathon night should be a laugh whatever happens.Will speak soon about travel and accommodation planimage

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    PD - Edinburgh sounds like it will be good.  Its my birthday when we are in London for VLM so we will be celebrating too image

    WA - fingers crossed for you for Saturday.  Good news that your back is better.

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    NR - I hope you are not going to carry a bunch of birthday balloons during the VLM ... and still beat us all to the finish!! On second thoughts, perhaps I should tie some filled with helium to my back to get that 'light footed' stride I've read about ...

    PD - bit much when PR5 is giving us grief when he is on recovery runs!

    PR5 - naughty image

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    Morning image

    'Light footed' thats a new one for  me.  I am not the most graceful of runners image

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    Morning all image
    I booked two days off!!!!
    RB - got to be fit for PD he is a bit of a devil image I feel I may be eating them words! You training tonight?
    Paff - would loved to have come yesterday but decided to be sensible. See you later at Macs.
    WA & JD - go easy now lads, nearly there. Doing Snod, makes my eyes water thinking about it.
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    "WA & JD - go easy now lads, nearly there. Doing Snod, makes my eyes water thinking about it." - It's all downhill you know, in more ways than one.
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    Morning all - should be in training tonite not run since last thursday.

    PD - should have a good drink to celebrate my birthday and getting a PB in marathon!
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    WA - I dont mind the down hill bit it would be the up hill bit!! image How is your son doing?
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    PR5 - sorry, can't make tonight's club session as I sing with the choir on Thursdays.  Hoping to get out for a few miles later this afternoon ... anybody interested?

    NR - I think it is something to do with shorter contact time and better performance .... but what do I know?  I just plod!

    WA & JD - best wishes for Snowdon ... rather you than me.

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    Morning guys - I really don't know what to do tonight I have 4 rest days a week as it is?? If I am overcompensating for my old ankle/foot injury isn't there a way I can overcome this lil knee niggle! Argh! The 2 points hurt the same time! It's the patella on left knee and cuboid I think on left foot?! I injured all the outer part of my foot 3 times in 3 years! image

    Why don't we stretch down after our runs? I think that's another problem I'm having! I am not warming down properly!

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    RB - Maybe a decent few miles on sunday then! 13 or so?
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    PR5 - sounds good to me.
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    Morning all i have been out & done my run to day ,6 31 mile off back down the van soon to see the wife for 2 daysimage

    FL still no beer & i am eating plenty of rice image

    PR5 thanks for the call yesterdayimage

    JD NR WA hope all goes well in the marathon wish i was fit image

    RB good to see you back running on Tuesdayimage

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    MM my carribean juant is in jan we get back on 7th feb ,it won't mess up our LSR runs still 10 weeks to go thats more than enough for me,didnot plan to be upto 20miles b4 end feb anywayimageyou've got a head start use it wiselyimage

    hows your day off goingimagei had my treditonal day off brekkieimagethis is the life,i'd better go & get
    dressed now b4 my o/h comes home for dinnerimageare you running today,full rest for me

    JD your welcome to join in JAMAICA MAN we can share some jerk chicken & some of thier finest dark rum b4 i a little run on the beachimageimage


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    JR snap it's my left knee on the inside edge of the patella thats enforced 3 weeks rest on meimagewhen do you plan to try a run,your in the wars with the foot aswell

    JD,WA good luck on the hills lads boy i'm jealous wish i could joih youimage

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    PR5  aint you working todayimage
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    MM61... supposed to be the club run tonight! Il be serilously be gutted if I don't go! It's a wierd feeling when u really wanna run but u really shouldn't! Do you know what's triggered yours?

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    JR the only thing i can think is when i was getting off the bus b4 my lochness marathon i fell backwards
    & hit the knee very hard on the metal bracket under the arm rest,no probs during the race,but really bad the next day
    i have raced since in the gwent league,& 8 mile M/T race no probs but the day after in agony,so been on enforced rest for 2 weeks now & only them 2 races in a month,like you i really want to try it but a bit edgey about making it worse,may try next week it's fine on the flat or uphill but hates downhill
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    MM61 no proper day off today,been for a walk on the beach,but got to go and deliver a ton of oak after lunchimage May go for a run later if i am not too tiredimage
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    jason djason d ✭✭✭

    MM61- so you'll be back in time for Tregaron thenimage

    WA- fingers crossed for babysitting frontimage. At least that now you're based in llanberis, you'll be able to join us for a beer all being wellimage

    MM- come on, get out there! image

    5m slow for me today and legs have found a bit of bounce againimage. Off to do some packing soon....

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    JD don't no about tregaron as i may do the tough10 or dursley dozen instead i prefere ofroadimageplenty of mud,not over bothered about tregaron early days yet & gotta work out my marathon scheduleimage

    did you all know the reverese 10 is starting in bedlinog this year a bit odd as its 10 miles from ponty

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    MM61 I get this feeling JD is gunning for you now aswellimage

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    well we can all have dreams ( but then all turn into nightmares)imagegawd i can't wait to get back,its nogood talking the talk if you can't walk the walkimage
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    MM let me know when your starting  your LSR's so i can be ready to join you
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