
Sub 3



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    selbsselbs ✭✭✭
    cant see much left to go for tbh.  might try for quarter finals of football at wembley, as its easy for me to get to.  and maybe a basketball session 1st round night session.  and will pop to watch the marathon(s) i think for free.
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    Ok, will it help if I admit to seeing Metallica (twice), Foo Fighters (twice), Rage, um, there's another one, ah yes, Elton Johnimage

    Nice oneupmanship on the TriGuy DanA but you'll never make any money if you keep paying these people to hang around with you in Xempo kitimage.  Although, I'm sure there are some out there that would pay you money to be able to hang out with said people!  New business opportunity there perhaps?

    Sounds like fun that race PtB.  Will be interesting to see how far a Kenyan marathon measures.  I see last year's winner didn't break 2:20 so it's well slow.

    Clearly - I've got some great stats for you to analyse , I'll post them up when I get a chance to properly prepare them for the relase to the world!

    In other news, I've just seen the NZ standard for 2012 marathon and it's 2:12.  The main driver for the time will be the flaky discretionary policy which says you've got to be top 16 material which I think is utter bs and totally against the Olympic spirit.  The IAAF think 2:15 is good enough to come along (2:18 actually and you could get in) and I don't see the point in a country lowering (raising?) the standard unless they have the talent to warrant it. It doesn't change much for me as my main aim is to be the fastest NZ athlete over the marathon and as much under the 2:18 B standard that I can manage as that gives me a small glimmer of hope.

    As a bit of interest, here's the past 10 games 16th place times and the position of the slowest sub 2:12 athlete.  I know that the 16th place time isn't indicative of the quality of the runner due to usually being in hot conditions etc but it shows that generally a 2:16/2:17 will get you 16th.  If I had time I'd analyse a bit further to see what kind of times the 14-18th placed runners were doing as this would probably show they were generally in 2+ minutes better shape.

    2008 16=2:14:00 <2:12=9th
    2004 2:16:08 2nd
    2000 2:16:43 4th
    1996 2:17:01 1st (won in 2:12:36)
    1992 2:15:51 1st (won in 2:13:23)
    1988 2:15:20 5th
    1984 2:14:20 8th
    1980 2:17:04 3rd
    1976 2:17:50 4th
    1974 2:20:19 1st (won in 2:12:19)

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    selbsselbs ✭✭✭
    yeah that's a stupidly tough qualifying standard marders for NZ that sucks.   might be easier to bite the bullet and become British!!
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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    Selbs - I believe we stiffed our athletes with 2.12 as well...
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    Dan ADan A ✭✭✭
    Marders - have no doubt you could get sub 2:16 for 2016, but sub 2:12 for 2012 is asking a lot.

    Personally I'm aiming for the games in 2044. On the down side I'll be 71. At least the ticket prices will be lower than they are for next year.
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    PtB that marathon looks quality, as Joolska says maybe you will need to piss off a rhino at 20 miles to up the motivation to get through the difficult last 10k.

    Don't see the point in stopping athletes who have hit the qualification standard from competing in the games due to an arbitrary national qualifying standard, especially British ones as you only need to give them £5 on their Oyster cards to get to there. They can camp in MtR's garden if needed.

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    selbsselbs ✭✭✭
    i wonder if GB didn't get any athletes running under 2:12 for mens marathon, if they still wouldn't select anyone at all to run in their home olympics.  i mean they are trying to create a football team... so i'd be surprised.
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    Marders.  Fck em.  Just because some bloke in an office can make a baseless and arbitrary rule doesn't mean you need to follow it.  You have a great talent, have worked your b@llocks off training yourself into great shape and have an opportunity window for major international competitions which frankly will not last many years.  Get yourself another passport. 
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭

    Wardi - age dilemma;  I set my mara PB of 2:46 in 1991, age 36.  Next half dozen were circa 2:50. Always said I'd retire (from marathons) when sub-3 had gone. Of course, when it did go, I had to try to regain it. The attempt ended in a traumatic DNS in 2005, when I was going for sub 3 at 50 (I left my bag on the train at Blackheath on race morning with racing shoes + timing chip + money + train ticket home). Didn't want to finish on that note, but never been near 3 hrs since - 3:07, 3:10, 3:15:50 (started posting on sub 3:15 at this point), and last outing at VLM 2010 - 3:17:46.  I guess I always seem to find a reason to continue - doing Nottm in Sept (I will be 57), Occasionally I get a boost, like last Aug a 1:31 half which suggests a 3:15 mara could still be on, although the training leaves my legs sore all the time. What I'm trying to say in this ramble I suppose is if you want to carry on, it's inside you, and you will find reasons to do so. I still do XC in local league in winter, which I like. The worst bit of ageing, of course, is the times slowing inexorably. But if, like your mate, we pack it in, and stop running,that's even worse than having to run . . . . .and I think I'd sooner be that bloke who lumbers slowly around my neighbourhood than the bloke who settles for pipe & slippers. Perhaps I should take a leaf from this thread, and take a look in Halfords! 


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    Gobi - Re-read my question about Rach and it seems a little insulting.  Didn't intend it that way and hope you weren't offended.

    DanA - I could feel it the moment I woke up so I binned the jog.  Hoping it'll get better as I plan to start following a P&D plan from Monday week which may or may not end up with a marathon.

    Marders - Don't think I ever mentioned that I used to work as a bit of a numbers geek did I?  Will be interested to see what you do post but it was more a question about how you plan your training efforts.  I'm guessing tempo, marathon pace, races, easy and recovery runs play a part but beginning to think that there's a useful pace between easy and marathon pace although if you were to follow P&D it'd probably be at the high end of easy (m-pace +10% I think).  I'd offer you an Irish passport but I'm not sure that you'd be any better off.  Have you decided where to attempt a sub 2:15 yet?

    LJ - It would indeed be absurd for Britain not to enter athletes who have the A standard for an event.

    PtB  - Looks like one of those once in a lifetime experiences - hope you enjoy it

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    Quick dip in as apparently I've been missed?!

    All is absolutely fine. Running shortish runs only at the moment to clear the ITBS - seems to be working. Just madly madly madly busy: juggling far too many balls. Will need to drop one in the next 6 months and I think I know which one that will be given that book, film and cases are going crazy. Oh, and no way I think I can do Berlin this time. Even London next spring looks iffy.

    I can't promise to read back last two weeks but this evening I'm going to try to pick up what everyone has been doing. Anyone run a marathon?

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    Today I did the wanstead flats park run. Last week I was meant to do the st albans half marathon but I was ill. Today I did 16.20 and I won the race  quite easily. Because it had rained yesterday it was quite slippery and because so many turns that slowed me down. So it will never be as fast as the Hackney Marshes park run. It is also a course record. I might do it next week to see if I can beat my best time. And I will have another week of training and the second lap I found harder.
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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭
    State of weather at start of run: sky starting to clear.
    State of weather at end of run: sky starting to clear.
    State of weather during run: p!ss!ng down with rain. Heavy showers, indeed!

    Still, it was actually lovely simply to be back running. 35 mins easy just to check no adverse effects. Looks like I can do a proper long run tomorrow (within the context of 22k as longest run in ages...).
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    Mr BoatMr Boat ✭✭✭

    HR: Sorry to hear you won't be running Berlin although September isn't that far away and if the ITBS isn't completely sorted you may have run out of time anyway; you needed to be in tip top shape to get the 2:45. Life's getting in the way by the sounds of it; all for the good though...maybe we'll be telling our friends 'I know him' one day; just like Marigold image

    GaWD: Nice park run time for a twisty course.

    Birch: really nice post. Loved your second from last sentence; totally agree and hope I feel the same when the time comes.

    17/18 miles on Sunday will bring me up to about 65mi for a 6 day week; highest since VLM. After the recent mini pace debate on here I'm paying special attention to my pace in relation to percentage of target MP. I ran last nights P&D general aerobic 10mi @ 7.24 which is bang on MP +15% and felt good. I think last time I was running to close to MP too often.

    Bit windy around here for cycling today....just sayin' like.

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    selbsselbs ✭✭✭

    was going to do the Hampstead Heath park run this morning which i recently discovered as its only a couple of miles jog away from me if that - but for some reason thought it was at 9.30 - and after an evening at "taste of london" and lots of wine and food, slept in a bit and once i worked out it starter at 9am around 8.45.... decided on a rest day! will go for a longish run tomorrow.

    nice parkrunning GAWD and hope the ITBS clears up HR.  good news Joolska

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    TRTR ✭✭✭

    Marders - sorry to hear that the bar has been raised, I'd still like you to prove me wrong.

    jools - good news, 22k is longer than I've done in a while.

    MrB - a familar PnD element in your posts again, that means the campaign is up and running. Defo right on the wind comment, I took a 3hr weather beating earlier, and the sun has come out now its all done !

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    Birch - great post!

    96 miles of cycling in the Peak District today. I pretty much picked a route through villages I've never been before. This was a big mistake as 30/40 miles were intensely gruelling. I almost cried at one point. Good training though.

    That's about 320 miles in the last 8 days.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭

    Birch - meant to say earlier, nice post. Lile it says on my garage door "qutting lasts forever"

    Dids - nice miles there, both today and in the last 8 days. You must be feeling pretty gay by now. What sort of nutrtion did you take in today and how much of it ?

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    TR - like Larry Grayson!
    Had 4 bottles of lucozade, one bag of jelly babies and a marmalade sandwich....on top of some toast for brekkie. Guess about 1,500 cals en route, on top of a 600 cal breakfast? Didn't hit the wall with all that obviously!
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    Dan ADan A ✭✭✭
    Did my first race in almost five months yesterday. Basically I'm guilty of "cramming" as the summer mountain season looms next week, so I managed a couple of days ago to get a place at the Midsummer Munro half marathon at Boxhill. Calls itself 'The toughest half in the UK' - all hills, mud, river crossings etc.

    Absolutely loved it. Only using it as a training run so let the lead group of about five disappear off, but caught sight of them about half a mile ahead near halfway. Wasn't consciously chasing them but started to close the gap as they all began to fade. Picked off two at 10 miles...then ran down another on the steep steps at mile 12. Even got to within 10 metres of second place with half a mile to go.

    Lack of recent hill training though prevailed and I was retaken on the last climb. Didn't really push too hard as I'm saving myself for next week (although wouldn't have made much difference). Finished 4th & calf held up OK. Didn't wear a watch so no idea of time. In the 1:50's I guess. Not a race for PB's. Good fun training run. Marvellous!!
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    Glad you're back at it Dan, 4th is a fine result.

    HR life can get too busy at times, unfortunate if the running has to be sacrificed.

    Doing a bit but little specific stuff as my next two outings are long trail races.  However, got a new running partner. Name of Alfie, an 11 month old springer from a dog rescue centre.  He arrives next Saturday our first dog ever.

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    RS78RS78 ✭✭✭

    Been absent for a bit, will have a proper read back at some point....Will try and be a bit more regular over next few weeks but had a lot on.

    DanA -great to see you back racing again, well done in that race mate.

    Selbs- seems like you're building a nice head of steam and ready for another mara campaign.

    Mr B -back into the P&D sway of thingsm nice one. Glad you're going to run Abo.

    TR- hope your ribs have eased a bit?

    Murph- 20m for Henderson was good business, i liked Nolan good character but as far as I'm aware he was offered a good contract for three years and turned it down for 5 at 55k. Proof will be in the pudding as far as replacements go but I think we'll be a lot faster/mobile in midfield next season. Still a lottery with Ashley in charge to be fair.

    HR - tough luck with ITBS, hope it clears but also sounds like you really have too much on to enter into a 2.45 marathon campaign attempt.

    Marders - 2.12 ouch.

    PtB - looks like a great race/trip, I looked at that a few years back. Take your anti-malarials (malarone?) mind you I took lariam for 6 months when I was there and still got malaria twice, lol The lariam apart from almost sending me loopy at one point probably saved me from hospital though.

    Wardi - "Frog on the Tyne".....hope your knee is getting better

    Very quiet on this front running wise, basically just resting for the last three weeks save for the odd 30-40 min very easy runs when I've felt good to do so. Been bust with work though so still pretty active. Got over that fatigue but then picked up a heavy cold so decided to just down tools almost completely and give myself a total break. Had some good, consistent training post London up until 3 weeks ago so the break hasn't come at a bad time really. Had lots of other stuff on in other walks of life too.

    Been out today for 35 mins and felt fine so hope to push on this week coming and get a full month in before MIlton Keynes half and see where I'm at fitness wise in that race. Then look to push on to Burnham Beeches and then Bristol half with some proper, regular training.

    Nepal trip 99% off, pretty sure I'm doing an Open University course in Human Biology starting October with a view to going back to university next autumn to do Physiotherapy.

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    Just back from the Richmond 10k. Looking at the results from last year I see Marders and Marigold in 1st and 3rd so wonder if anyone else did it this year? Just got a text with my result (new one for me) and it was 36:56 and 74th place.
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    Dan ADan A ✭✭✭
    PMJ - good run. Sounds like a good standard like last year; I remember I set a PB and it was only good enough for 65th I think. I had a place today but got sucked into going to the pub last night and didn't get in until 2am. Oops! Just did a nice 11 mile cleanser though to loosen off after yesterday.

    RS - if you need any help/advice, my missus has just completed her biology A-Level and has got her place at uni to study physiotherapy next autumn. She was very thorough in the research & application so could offer some assistance on the process if required.

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    Dan A wrote (see)
    PMJ - good run. Sounds like a good standard like last year; I remember I set a PB and it was only good enough for 65th I think.
    Incredible quality, 35 minutes dead was 40th and yet only 581 runners. The BUPA 10000 had 163 people in 35 minutes but 9,808 finishers: so 4 x more fast but 17x runners.
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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭
    Race yesterday sounds a lot of fun (and hard work!), DanA. Good to see you back racing again, too.

    Nice 10k, PMJ. Does sound high quality. I much prefer those races - give me 50th woman and a pb over a podium finish in a poorer time!

    Welcome back, RS. Sorry to hear you've been poorly, but a wise decision to back off a bit. I'll see you at Bristol although I'll probably skip Burnham this year.

    21km for me in the end to complete my impromptu cut-back week. Now lounging in front of the athletics.
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    RS78RS78 ✭✭✭

    Dan - nice one, congrats to your other half, where is she going to uni, is she starting this autumn?  I've been to University of Herfordshire open day which would be a good location from where I am. Also going to Univ of East London open day which is Statford. Both of those are 3 years full time. Brunel does a part time 4 year degree but location from here isn't ideal. That option may work better in terms of being able to do more work to earn a crust at the same time.

    Physio Admissions tutor at Herts advised a Human Biol open university course SK277 which is a course centred around illness/disease as well as covering all the physiology etc, and probably best suited for a mature student whose studied before at uni but many moons ago. Will see what UEL tutors suggest in terms of what I'll need when I see them next sat. A level human biol would be a good option too but would have to find out how feasbile to nail it in a year so I could start at Uni next autumn 2012.

    PMJ - nice 10king there, think some of my club were going down to do that.

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    selbsselbs ✭✭✭

    Nice work DanA sounds a great race, and well done on the 10km PMJ!

    RS - might see you at MK and BB half's then!  i was hoping for a big PB at MK, but not sure i am really in good enough shape yet.  I seem to have gone backwards last few weeks, and might have to face facts that i need to be a bit more disciplined with my "extra curricular" activities if i want to improve to where my A goal is.

    Nice work Joolska - u will have to call it in miles soon...

    Did 17.5 miles this morning, which confirmed i am slower now than 3 weeks ago in Stockholm.  Same average HR as then, and 18secs per mile slower! Oh well, another 60 mile week.  Time to lift the miles over coming weeks to 70+.

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    RS78RS78 ✭✭✭

    Jools - cheers, been happy to take a break really with lots of other stuff going on anyway. Looking forward to Bristol thats my A race but still planning on BB before. Hopefully catch up with yourself, SL, maybe MtR etc. Just waiting for the cheap train tickets for that weekend to become available. Nice 21K, doing the same in front of the athleticsimage

    Selbs - nice one, yeah I think MK will just be a good workout really and measuring stick to see where I'm at. I'll be way off tip top shape but I haven't piled on much weight and have been living healthy/active in the last few weeks so think I can get back to decent fitness fairly quickly and hope to get a month of training in before then. Got friends who live just near MK so its also a visit to go see them. Nice 17m

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