
Ironman Regensburg 7th August 2011 - entries open 5th July



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    well done henny, fab report imageimage

    chaffing update - Got my jeans on today, its healing but still walking like John Wayne image
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    More top reporting, guys and gals.  You are inspiring me to get out there and get the hours in over the next couple of months so that I can get my entry in for next year.

    Well done for getting the jeans on purple!  

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    You wont have a choice Ms Holly  image
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    Couldn’t face anything other than shower and bed – but I did have the best sleep ever when I finally stopped puking. 

    <a href="http://www.runnersworld.co.uk/localiser/member.asp?sp=&v=1&MemNo=310520" title="Visit Artful Hen member profile">Artful Hen </a> and as I love my food and good social I need to find the solution!!
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    Couldn’t face anything other than shower and bed – but I did have the best sleep ever when I finally stopped puking. 


    <img title="This member’s stats are private" src="http://www.runnersworld.co.uk/forum/images/arrowRightGrey.gif" /><a href="http://www.runnersworld.co.uk/localiser/member.asp?sp=&v=1&MemNo=310520" title="Visit Artful Hen member profile">Artful Hen </a>


    Did have a bit of a wobble about Outlaw wondering if it was all worth it just to feel so ill.  But I’ll consult people about what to do about it and will be back for Outlaw.

    Another great report but sorry to hear you suffered afterwards - if you do find the solution I'd love to hear it as I am the same after a mere half IM - missed the after meal as upchucking then sleeping image and as I love my food and good social I need to find the solution!!

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    Holly_Golightly wrote (see)

    More top reporting, guys and gals.  You are inspiring me to get out there and get the hours in over the next couple of months so that I can get my entry in for next year.

    Well done for getting the jeans on purple!  

    You going to come round and make sure I get out every day?!  Or just abuse me on here...as always? Hmmm?

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    Will do Podds. You poor thing.
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    Don't feel too sorry for me AH - I quite literally only did half the work you amazing chaps and chappesses did image  
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    Great read Henny!!!! Well done chick! I'm glad I never felt ill, I'm not sure I'd have your guts for sticking at it.

    A couple of quick glimpses of Pirates in this video;


    Think it is Dinky Pinky and Wild Will?

    And my FB photos...
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    Blimey, this thread has moved on in the 24 hours I haven't been on here.

    Great to read the reports, to hear about everyone's triumphs and tribulations.

    Congrats to you all

    And so gutted I could not have been there

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    Gladys, if you had Henny's guts, you'd probably have ended up on a drip too image
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    JjJj ✭✭✭
    my hubby suggested making a book of race reports.

    It's a while since "Becoming an Ironman" was published, after all...
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    SlugstaSlugsta ✭✭✭
    image How very dare they!
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    Mrs SAMrs SA ✭✭✭
    Brilliant reports everyone! image  *wipes tear*   er ...its hayfever.
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    Yes, great reads the lot of them.

    HC you missed a trick there.  Next time you're 'only' doing the swim of an IM, take the mankiest rustbucket you can find, preferably an old dutch town bike dragged from a canal with a basket on the front into T1 and rack it next to the bling.  If you can video the reaction of the marshalls as you wheel it it you'll have an instant youtube hit.

    And if you ride it out from T1 out of sight of the spectators you'll be part of German ironman folklore forever.

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    Haha CD. We discussed possible options. There was an amazing purple three speed sit up and beg with pannier racks and a cool bell. We nearly bought her to take down to transition for a giggle but the brand name of the bike was Simplex. Which is way too close to sanitary protection for my liking!

    And besides it was so cool the other bikes at home would get jealous ;0)
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    OK, I've now got a mental image of you leaving T1 on a kids BMX wearing a pointy helmet.
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    The optiions for setting up a deck chair with camping stove, cup of tea and a newspaper were discussed, too. image
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    I still liked your idea of getting one of those costumes with a horse and jockeys legs and "galloping" out of T1!

    Awesome report btw Hennie.

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    HC, I believe you are referring to this little beauty?

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    Awww Holly you snapped her <beam>

    Sooooo pretty image

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    Ironman 2011 – Germany 2 Meldy 1


    As most of you are probably aware I had a few issues last year and was hoofed off the course with 10k to go (not that I put up much resistance at that point)

    This years race was to be the big improvement that the year before failed to produce and another year stronger would see me running away with all the trophies except the mincing award.


    We had a long and mildly eventful journey down which included a cyclist in a red jersey, horror at the price of a wee and a lorry driver with enough dream catchers in his cab to make several feather dusters, that said we arrived, we drank beer and registered and racked and all those bits that you have heard about.  Remembered what I had forgotten and raided the expo for a new bento box which I duly stuffed full of gels kindly donated by Grinning Aitch


    Saturday night I am quite used to not sleeping the night before the race so I laid in bed just focussing on nice shallow breathing, thinking of nice long swim strokes and kept my HR to an acceptable level.  Up before the alarm and downstairs to the hotel to grab coffee whilst I faffed with filling water bottles and convincing my eyes that they should give in and take the contact lenses!


    Waiting for the prebooked taxis was a little stressing as none of the drivers spoke English and no one knew who had booked what but eventually we managed to manhandle our way into one and headed off (via the Industrial Estate) to the lake.  Tyres pumped (as in inflated not psyched!!)  Banana scoffed with photographic evidence (thank you Gladys!!!)  Queued for the loo to pass time and then queued again.  I never find that much to do in transition of a morning so there is a lot of waiting around.  Wetsuited and stood on the beach ready for the off looking like a herd of migrating beluga whales.

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    Swim. 1.35


    The first turn point was about 1k up the side of the lake, I had intended to wait until most people had gone before swimming off to avoid any repeat of last year.  Started off fine but it was still a lot busier than it should have been due partly I think to a narrow beach start, a few people got in my way and I felt the familiar rise of panic starting as I missed a few breaths and failed to get into my pattern,  I did some breast stroke and then floated on my back all trying to slow the heart rate to no avail, I think it was at this point some bloke was desperately trying to flag someone down to do up his wetsuit for him and I am sorry I couldn’t help.  In the end I managed to attract the attention of a canoeist and gave myself a good talking to, remembered the shallow breathing techniques that I had done before and by some miracle I started swimming and continued that way to the end, it was exactly as I had planned to swim and if anyone got in my way then it was my choice of path through them and I overtook a lot of people from the very back of the field.

    I was very happy to be out in one piece and with a respectful time given the initial issues

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    Run 6.00


    Having lost all the goals I had hoped for I think I took the easy option and decided to have a sociable run, it took a while to get through transition and out, I had forgotten to put my garmin on while we were there but it picked up a signal quicker than it does at home!

    I wont linger on the run bit as its pretty inconsequential, I did discover however that defaulting to the Ironman shuffle is not always needed and that I could actually run properly !  I also have had previous issues with not sleeping after an event and as such have tweaked my nutrition a bit to be mainly water and gels on the bike and the run gave me an added option to try something else, I had only bananas and cake and had just as much energy as I would have done on gels and coke and all the rest of the rubbish I consume! 

    The pocket piratical support out on the course was great, every corner you turned there was a flash of yellow!!  I walked and talked with Swiss Bobby and Waffy and Rio and Barlos, I ran a fair bit and paced pretty well if a little sporadic, I like a 4 lap course as it breaks down nicely, I overtook a few more sick, lame and injured and tootled on through.

    Very soon I was on the last 10k, I had enough time but still ran most of it and it was my turn to take the right turn to the finish, it came quicker than I thought and I fully intended to make the most of the chute and the pirate support … well until I saw 2 blokes in front of me that is,  well, it would be rude not too!!!   Ralff (2 x f for effect I reckon) was not happy at being chicked at the end but he should have visited the hurtbox a bit sooner then J

    All that feckin effort at the end and the bliddy live feed was off!!


    Sorry, this has been long but hopefully someone will benefit from dealing with expectation when conditions change, this was supposed to have been the significant improvement year, on paper it was all there, the training, the speed and the course, on the day it didn’t happen and not just because of the swim. It would be easy to chuck the towel in and believe me it crossed my mind in the swim and on the bike!!  You have to have flexible goals, you have to have sheer bloodymindedness and you have to want to get to the end any which way. 


    I am happy to conquer Germany at last, I am not happy with the time but as a wise man once said ‘a kill’s a kill’ and I have the shirt and medal to prove it.  Mr Rose, your contract has been extended, next year will be different.  image


    Aaaand lastly,  so many people help to make this annual beer fest (Oops) possible,  the PSOF support is legendary and enviable, you guys ROCK. My very good friends, the Twitter girlies (and boysies), the long suffering Admiral (although I have a feeling that might be me next year),  and anyone else who knows me.


    Thank you for making this continued journey a pleasant experience.

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    where the feck did the bike bit go?

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    ha ha ha. was just about to ask the same thing Melds!
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    You didn't actually do the bike, did you? Come on, fess up.
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