
Sub 3



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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    it sure is quiet in here

    To copy Jools, 16 miles done in somewhere over 2hrs. My first 2hr plus run for a long time.

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    I've been a bit down about running with my groin (and other) niggles recently so haven't been keeping as close an eye on this thread as usual but a few things have caught my attention. If I remember correctly, Gobi doing track reps at some crazy early hour, Dan A doing some blinding mileage, GAWD with yet another parkrun course record (no need to apologise for taking my advice GAWD image ) and Stuart Leaney doing numerous midweek long runs. Apologies to all those doing great things that I have missed.

    I've been (pretty much literally) plodding along. I'm 3 weeks and 212 miles closer to the taper and my groin is no worse and possibly slightly better. Nearly every one of those miles has been between 7.50 and 8.10 pace which is getting pretty monotonous but if I can make it to the taper in 5 weeks time with consistent mileage and the groin no worse then I'll be happy enough. Planned cut-back week next week and then I'll try a 10k on Saturday, I'm still planning to run it hard but it will be my first fast run for 6 weeks so if it's not feeling comfortable I'll back off or DNF.

    Hope you'll all be running again soon, those on the bench.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭

    FR - very sensible, I was most impressed until I got to the still plan on running a 10k hard bit ! nothing to gain and lots to lose esp after being so careful !

    Embrunman is taking place today which is an irondistance race but the bike course  traverses the Col d'Izoard (alt. 2360m) and in total contains over 5000m of climbing! This tracker sort of works, competitor number 128 is a familiar name.

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    RS78RS78 ✭✭✭

    TR - quality biking/running from you as usual. Barns Green is far away enough for me to get in shape but will just see how things go. If I'm runnng without issue by early september then quite possibly yes but I'm not putting any targets/time limits down at the moment to take the pressure off. If I'm going to run/race a half I'm going to have to bag a few 15/16s at the very least from end of september so while I'd like to run it a good few weeks of easy running is needed first.My diet has been good though so I'm not too much of a fatty, haha

    Jools - fair point about endurance base after that monster effort you're taking on. May see you at VLM, a decent performance time wise is needed there even though I enjoyed the occasion last year without really being bothered about the result. I'd like to be able to stick around with TR for a bit and I have a mate who is aiming for a time similar to what I "could" run so we'd probably work well together. Food for thought and all that.

    FR - hope your groin eases, clearly some easy(ish) running for a short while is needed then you should be ready to go fully again. Whats your target in Chicago?

    Trip to the lake district this weekend coming with a mate so making the mistake of already looking at the weather forecast which is as much use as a chocolate fire guard.

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    PadamsPadams ✭✭✭

    Some nice training from the weekend, particularly MT with his VLSR.

    TR - didn't know he was doing that. Gives me a bit of distraction from work for today!

    I did 17M at about 8s on Saturday morning with some clubmates. Then the "3.8k" swim yesterday morning, which was very tough. I did the IMA in 57 and this took me 1:16! 3 square laps in the sea, with moderate waves, but the main issue was the current which was about 1 knot along the shore. Doesn't sound like much but I only swim at about 2 knots, so half speed on the back straight. It also meant swimming at a ridiculous angle to hit the turns when swimming out to sea or back in.

    I haven't swum in the sea for about 18 months, and the choppy water really messed up my stroke, so that I didn't feel tired at all at the finish as I wasn't able to swim properly. I also swallowed a lot of seawater, which is not pleasant. My dad on the other hand loves those conditions and did 1:08, beating some people who usually beat him easily. I originally thought I'd done really badly (partly as he was so far ahead of me), but looking at the results I actually did OK (23rd out of about 100, and the top guys are proper swimmers), he just did really well.

    Oh well, a bit of a laugh anyway! I did feel sorry for the people still swimming an hour after I'd finished, particularly as they didn't seem to be making any progress into the current.

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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    LOL Padams and this is why I run :¬)
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    TRTR ✭✭✭

    RS - sounds good, see how it goes and then maybe do a 1/2 as a marker. I'm pretty keen on doing Barns Green, and wont be in great running shape by then, and I certainly havnt run any 15s or 16s lately.

    Padams - I dont suppose many did know, he's not big on self publicity !  I saw those swim times last night, sounds pretty tough. Glad I wasnt there, I'd have got rescued ! reminds me of some of the swims I did at Southsea last yr, they had little to do with swim technique and more to do with survival, so I havnt been in the sea yet this yr. Although I really must make a better effort in the next few weeks.

    Looks like JH1 had a good day at Swanage too, Mr Dixon from Hayling Island is still a class act !

    forgot to mention earlier that I did 90 min of hill reps on the bike today

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    RS - No Autumn marafun, just trying to get my endurance back to a suitable state in prep for marathon training. Don't think I'll be doing Bristol HM, saving myself for the Downton smackdown image
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    MtRMtR ✭✭✭

    Just checking back in after my holiday in Wales. Nice to see some minor signs of life on this thread, and some excellent training going on. It'll be very interesting to see how Gobi does in his marathon, and I'm intrigued by Joolska's plan for a Very Long Run.

    My holiday was excellent, but a bit mixed in training terms. Week 1 was on the Gower and I did a lot of sea swimming in calm seas. Managed a 3k swim one day in about 1:10 that I was pretty chuffed with, although measurements may be a bit off (done by Gmaps and landmarks).  Week 2 was more about big waves in pembrokeshire. I did try some swimming, notably in the Blue Lagoon at Abereiddy, but the sea was noticeably colder there.

    Running was less good. Managed about 5 runs on coast paths and off-road hills. Very enjoyable, but I caught a lurgy which stopped me running at all when we were in Pembrokeshire.

    No biking at all.

    Over the past weekend I ran for an hour on Friday, 1.5 hours on Saturday (which wiped me out a bit), then rode my bike for 3 hours yesterday (56 miles).

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    JH 1JH 1 ✭✭✭
    Padams - I saw the results last night too and thought it'd be rough waves. It is hard to get any rythymn when you get bashed about an you are likely to have swum well over 4k trying to get in line.

    Good run MT. You must be getting to know the area well.

    TR - He told me at Bournemouth he was doing Embrunman so will keep on with the updates today.

    Swanage for me yesterday. Things did not go quite to plan but wasn't all that bothered as I did this race to enjoy the scenery and the course. Had a bad nights sleep in the tent and felt knackered by the morning. Got to transition late so only had 4mins to set up and got booted out. This made me late for the start and saw my wave going into the water when I had only just got on the beach. Hadn't even done up the wetsuit and put on hat and goggles. Did this and got into water dead last. Swam past most and by halfway was up to 2nd. Swim felt long. Came out with another guy and took him in transition. Caught 1st guy in age group after 6m and cruised the rest of bike. Felt no need to push to the finish and got held up by a bus in last mile going slow on the windy roads. The run is an absolute killer and went 400ft up within half mile up to Ballard Down. Yes I did walk this and so did every other bugger as I looked back near the top and saw a line of ants using hands on knees to haul themselves up. Then ran along ridge to end and returned to a steep quad mashing descent. Won wave/age group but only 12th overall which was for not pushing too hard during bike and run. Would have helped if I was in the wave with the quicker guys. Really enjoy this race and course so well worth doing if you like a hard bike and run.
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    selbsselbs ✭✭✭

    Great work JH1 - sounds a top effort in a tough race.

    Welcome back MtR - does sound a mixed back indeed.  Hope you're over the lurgy.

    Top sea swimming their Padams, even if the old man is still beating you! and a nice 17m as well.

    Lots of long running their SL anyone woudl think you were doing a marafun soon!

    Joolska - fully back in the running miles club nice stuff.

    Take it easy FR and RS

    Decent couple of weeks training there Gobi.  You must be doing lots of doubles or triples, as you seem to be clocking up the miles without any real long ones?

    i jogged 3 miles today on the tready at 8:15m/m pace.   feel heavy. Calf didn't seem to complain much though. image

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    JH 1JH 1 ✭✭✭
    TR - He's finished in what looks like a cracking time.
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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    Good news Selbs, I am indeed doing doubles and triples
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭

    Better news Selbs, hope you are fully fixed soonest.

    Nice age group prize JH1, sounds a toughie.

    Some fine training noted on a read back, even some running mixed in amongst it!  Good to see Marigold reporting in.

    Very pleased to see SL & Jools getting some longer runs in again.

    Top cycling efforts TR, Gobi & Rach, MTR, & good work from Padams in the water.

    I'm happy to tick over with steady running/biking for the time being until I get my referral at the local hospital.  Spent the weekend at a festival ingesting pies & cider so ran a few pleasant miles today to burn off a few accumulated calories.

    RS.. I had to raise a smile when I saw that Joey Barton had been offered a free transfer.  It suddenly occured to me that if he did leave, this would almost certainly be the first time that he had been released without charge.  image  

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    Well seeing as it's out there in the public domain yes I did Tim the lycra yesterday. Embrunman is an old ecole long distance race often billed as the toughest in the world - although some may make A case for Norseman. My vote goes for this though as it was probably over 30 degrees yesterday. Having done Nice and Lanza I can't begin to describe how much more of a challenge this puppy is. The most common word I heard yesterday from the 16 UK competitors was brutal. My 5m splits on the velo ranged from under 10mins to 43mins! Was very pleased to get off the bike and be able to knock out some 7:xx miles but then fatigue, the heat, the terrain (over 600M of ascent) and possibly nutrition (lack thereof) slowed me considerably. Shame as I hit the first two legs smack on Tergat and was gunning for sub12. Awesome race and overall pretty happy with the performance for someone who classes himself as neither grimpeur or fell runner. As vous were. 
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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    Well done CRaB it did indeed read as pretty brutal.

    Wardi - maybe time to be a Hash House Harrier. Jog pub Beer Pie repeat ??

    12.6 miles for me today, all alone so upped the pace and turned the run into a fartlek final score was a 6.xx with a few 5.xx parts thrown in.

    Have now passed my July and August mileage totals, expect to take out April and May tomorrow.

    It is safe to say my Swim (ZERO) and bike miles(100) have tailed off considerably.
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    RS78RS78 ✭✭✭

    Selbs - glad you had no reaction on the treddy

    Wardi - haha, good one. That twiiter carry on is just too much now, just get on with it Barton ffs. I think we could be on for a hiding in the derby at the weekend. I'm bored of Pardew's talk too, talks far too much. I'm resigned to nothingness with this regime, just feels like an endless dark abyss, pretty much my thoughts exactly here  http://www.true-faith.co.uk/tf/editorials.nsf/LookupUNID/9A67F91BF3B21E2A802578ED0073CD5E?OpenDocument Glad you can atleast do some training too even if it is very easy stuff. image

    TR - well you might have a wombling partner for Barns Green then and yeah besides being a good marker fitness wise it would be a good laugh. Will just see how things pan out though, no point planning any races when I can barely run round the block at the moment, haha

    A whopping 21 minute jogg yesterday, now just to see if any adverse reaction today then rest again and another jogg thursday.

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    selbsselbs ✭✭✭

    CRAB - top effort that looks realy brutal.  And in 30C heat even more so.  Looks a v fine time indeed.

    Nice one RS.

    Wardi - what Gobi said image nice ticking over at least.

    Gobi - thats a ncie 12... with some fast stuff.

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    TRTR ✭✭✭

    JH1 – sounds like you needed to be in a faster wave indeed, Although you wouldn’t have been able to give them all a headstart. Glad that you enjoyed it. Do you have any more Tris planned this yr ?

    Nice to see MtR, not surprised you didn’t get any biking done, it eats “me” time. My training is starting to dip a bit due to the school hols and will be non-existant at times over the next few weeks so I’m expecting quite a few zero’s. But it’s all part of getting the balance right. 

    Wardi – impressively chipper as usual given the no running regime.

    RS – very wise, I doubt it fills up. I have a date with the Solent ½ in early Oct that I really must make this yr, seeing as I’ve entered about 3 times and never started it yet. I could then do Barns Green and then be in top shape for the Downton Smackdown (snow and ice allowing the race to take place). Last weekends Milland Valley run-out apparently points to me being in 80ish minute shape, I cant see that changing much one way or another by the end of Oct. I’m sure you’ll be able to breeze that sort of pace.

    CRAB – fair effort son ! We are not just any old public Domain, we are the M&S of Public Domains ! We like to follow the antics of our own. If there really are races harder than a New Forest race and hotter than VLM day then it might be quite tough actually !!! and I’ll stick to my comfort blanket races.

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    Not been on for a while so apologies if I miss anyone.

    RS - sensible approach, no point in entering target races yet, only add pressure when you don't need it. Jools - good session and mileage, sounds like you are building a nice base.  Padams, sounds like a good swim in tough conditions, your old boy did well. SL, 3 LSRs in a week, impressive esp mid week 17. MT, excellent mileage, CW nice climbing for a fens boy.  FR good effort on the mileage front, hope the groin clears up,  JH1 excellent racing despite start, sounds like a more competitive wave would have helped. CRAB sorry to be repetitive but brutal is the word, awesome is another one.  Wardi glad you are getting a few miles in, pies and cider sound good.  selbs hope you haven't had any reaction to your jog, sure weight will come off quickly.

    Decent week running for me, LSR of 20 on Sunday was at target MP+1 min, legs were still v sore for last couple of miles - was hoping that legs would have been getting used to it by now.  Starting to up the pace a little this week so will see how that goes.  6 x 5 mins intervals are calling my name, can't say I am looking forward to them 

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    JH 1JH 1 ✭✭✭
    CRAB - That's a fair effort in the heat with all that climbing.

    TR - Might be doing Winchester fast twitch in Sept and then probably do Ballbuster later in Nov. We could have a thread day out if some of the regulars do it.
    You still doing Swashbuckler 2?

    Shame about the lurgy MTR, but sounds like a decent few weeks swimming and a bit of running. New Forest swim is flat as a pancake so no waves to worry about.

    See a threader, posted a sub 30 10k pb at the weekend with quite a gap to 2nd.
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    JH 1 wrote (see)
    See a threader, posted a sub 30 10k pb at the weekend with quite a gap to 2nd.

    Ah, but it was a bit of a tapered 10k so does it really count? image


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    TRTR ✭✭✭

    Good miles Murph

    JH1 – great idea on doing the NADbuster, you’d do well there. CD nearly always does it too.  I could be tempted, I did it in Nov 2008 as a complete numpty and did 3:20. Sub 3 is the benchmark there, as well as here. Was checking Swash the revenge out again this morning, still loads of places left. I would like to do it as it as a hard blow-out before the ½ IM, and I would like to put my fitness to race use in more than the ½ IM, otherwise all that training (I’ve spent sooooooooo much time on my bike this summer) could go to waste if I put myself in a ditch again in my one and only race !
    I’m off work after this week and might not get much training time (esp swim time) not that that bothers me, as I’m pretty fit at the mo, the biggest obstacle is justifying the entry fee esp when the kids are off school………..I could spend the entry fee on doing stuff with the kids…………but I’ve spent all that time on my bike (only 2 turbos too, when I first cut my hand).

    30mins for 10K pah ! I make sure I get value for my money and make em last 37mins at least.

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    Dan ADan A ✭✭✭
    Not sure what's impressed me most this week. Either CRAB with his hors categorie IM race, JH1 swimming through the field, or that dodgy foreigner knocking out a sub 30 10k after a mere 156 miles the week before.

    On reflection, the winner has to be Joey Barton's brazen audacity at accusing the Arsenal player of cheating considering he himself had gone down quicker than Jordan on the Titanic.

    Did I mention that I got chicked at the Richmond parkrun last Saturday, in a not too shabby time. But she didn't have her barcode, so it goes unnoticed this time. Quite a few fast ladies around the park these days; puts us boys back in our box a little...

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    MtRMtR ✭✭✭

    I could also be tempted by the Ballbuster in November. It's an event I've always planned to do.

    But at my current level of fitness, it might take me 3 hours to do the first run! Went for a slow jog at lunchtime and was slower than 8mm. I was trying to keep the HR down, but even so I didn't feel great.

    Olympic distance race at Dorney Lake this weekend. If I get close to 2:30, I'll be dead chuffed.

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    TRTR ✭✭✭

    Barns Green 1/2 is Sun 30th Oct, NADbuster is Sat 12th Nov and the Downton 1/2 (thread 1/2 mara championships/smackdown) is Sun 27th Nov. Thats quite a regime, I'll have to think about that .

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    Lev_Lev_ ✭✭✭
    Hi all

    I’m slightly self-conscious as this is my first post but I’ve spent the last month rather compulsively trying to glean hints, tips and pearls of wisdom from this forum and thought that it was about time I got involved a bit more actively as I train alone and don’t really know anyone with whom I can discuss my running. Apologies in advance but this is going to be a very long post to give you all the background info. Ignore/abuse me for it if you like.

    I have a few questions, but first a bit of background info. I’m fully aware that in choosing the sub 3 forum I might come across as a bit naïve or overambitious so do feel free to shoot me down if you see fit. This post has my background. Will have to do separate posts re my training and questions to keep to the appropriate length. Sorry in advance.


    I’m 28 and live in London. I’ve been running on and off for the last year but only really seriously since March (combination of improved working hours and better weather tempted me to start running outside rather than on the treadmill and it spiralled from there). I didn’t follow any particular programme and looking back was slightly silly as my running consisted pretty much solely of cranking out 10k runs before work, my main goal really being to run quicker than I had done before. Followed a slightly hilly road route and generally ran it in around 41-42 mins.

    So, I got chatting to some people at work and was persuaded to participate in the Luxembourg half marathon early June. I’d never intended to race but thought it might be an interesting one-off challenge. I had about 6 weeks to prepare but again, being ignorant, didn’t really look into proper training and just continued to run my 10ks, with a few longer runs in the mix. I got a Garmin half way through this and pushed myself a bit more on the pace. By this point I ran 10ks in just under 40 mins and I ran the half marathon distance 3 times in preparation, the second and third both being sub 1:29:XX, which was my goal. I ended up completing the race in 1:25:45 and having a great time – the adrenalin was a huge buzz and, although I’d thought it would be the only race I’d ever run, as my result seemed to surprise everyone and I’d enjoyed it, I thought I’d try another. Within 48 hours, I’d signed up to do the Berlin marathon (6 months ago I would never have thought I’d run a marathon but again I thought “why not?”; I have a horrid suspicion that, although I’ve sworn this is the only one I’ll do as it takes so much time and I’m about to become much much busier at work, I’ll end up getting a bit addicted).

    See next posts re my marathon training for Berlin (just under 6 weeks) and my questions to you.


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    Lev_Lev_ ✭✭✭
    Training for Berlin

    So, turning now to the marathon. A couple of people I knew who’d done marathons said I should aim to run it sub 3 hours. This struck me as rather absurd given how new I am to running but it did spur me on to find out more. I’ll say straight away, although in my heart of hearts, that’s my goal for Berlin (25 September), I’d be happy with anything below 3:10 given that this is the first time I’ve done this.

    Essentially I’ve been following Pfitz, having found the book really useful in explaining different training zones (all of which is totally new). I was going to do 12/55, with a few weeks in advance to get in some endurance but I soon upped this to doing a sort of 15/70. I know you might accuse me of being foolish as I didn’t really have the proper base but somehow my body has adjusted pretty quickly to the mileage, which has built:

    w/c 20/6: 45m with a 15m LR in 2:11
    w/c 27/6: 50m with an 18m LR in 2:20
    w/c 4/7: 52.7m with a 13m and a 15m LR in 1:52
    w/c 11/7: 63.4m with a 21m LR in 2:36
    w/c 18/7: 67m with a 22m LR in 2:39 (overall average 4:30/km, 11m at MP of 4:15/km)
    w/c 25/7 (cutback): 57m with a 16m LR in 2:00
    w/c 1/8: 72.5m with a 16m MLR in 2:00 and a 24m LR in 2:56 (4:33/km on average, run as a progression getting gradually quicker) (foolishly long I acknowledge but I felt ok at 21 and wanted the confidence boost – don’t intend to run further than 22m on any more LRs)
    w/c 8/8: 75m, including a 23m LR in 2:47 and a 16m MLR in 2:00.
    w/c 15/8: so far done 26m - my first VO2max intervals (10m total with 6 x 1k at 3:23, 3:21, 3:23, 3:22, 3:32 and 3:28 - the last two were pretty tough) and a 16m MLR today in just over 2 hours. recovery for the next couple of days.

    Following Pfitz, I’ve been getting in some good tempo runs, generally with 2m warm up and building to around 8m at tempo pace (which has been between 3:50 and 3:55 mins/km). I've now joined his 18/70 with 5 weeks to go though and so there aren't any more of those left. Last week pushed myself for the first 10k at tempo and ran it a bit like a race in 36:56 (I’ve used the first 10k of my tempo runs as a fitness guide and it’s gradually come down to sub 38mins – wanted to push hard to go sub 37 this week). Also plenty of recovery miles, generally at about 5:15 mins/km so somewhere between 8/8.5min miles. Not sure how to do it but could link to my Garmin page if that would help to give you the picture.

    I acknowledge, I’ve pushed myself quite hard and might appear like an injury waiting to happen but seem to have got away with it so far (some slight left hip flexor issues but they’ve been improving with some physio work). Generally stiff after LRs but seem to recover in a day or so. First few weeks of upping the mileage so much I felt shattered but then I focused on getting proper rest and earlier nights and I haven’t really felt overtrained.

    For what it’s worth, around 5’8-5’9 and currently weigh around 59kg (I’ve lost about 1 stone/6.5kg in the last 3 months with my increased training as my appetite is generally quite small – I find this quite worrying and am trying very hard to keep it stable though as weight loss isn’t my goal).

    Questions to follow in the final post (sorry again)
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    Lev_Lev_ ✭✭✭
    Questions for you

    So, I’ve now got just under 6 weeks to go on Sunday and have joined the Pfitz 18/70 for the “race preparation” and “taper” mesocycles. My questions really relate to what strategy it’s best to take from here in. Basically, as the race looms, I’m starting to get a bit nervous. I’d like to run sub 3 hours but have a few questions:

    1. Am I just deluding myself? As mentioned, I’d be happy with anything that’s a decent enough result for a first marathon but having put in the time and the miles, sub 3 would be fantastic.

    2. How much practice at MP should I get? As I’ve not done a marathon before, I’m scared that I might just burn out. I’ve been taking gels on long runs to get my stomach used to them but the idea of running (1) further than I’ve ever done and (2) at a consistently faster pace than my long runs frightens me a bit?

    3. There aren’t any tune up races around on the right dates. Is it sensible to run 10ks as time trials or better to run eg 13m at MP to get the experience? The Pfitz plan has a 10k race 4 weeks out from the marathon but on lots of other schedules people seem to race half marathons 4 weeks out. Doing a time trial means Berlin will be only the second proper race I've actually run after the Luxembourg half. My 10k PR in training is now down to 36:56 but I've never done a time trial of a half in training. I imagine I could now improve on my Lux time of 1:25:45, given that my fitness/endurance seems much improved after 2 months of proper training but is it worth doing that just for the hell of it/the potential gratification of imrpoving my half PR or should i just stick with the 10k time trial as there's less of an injury risk?

    4. Potential injury concern - last couple of runs, I've ben getting a bit concerned re shin splints (get a bit of a pain around and just above my left ankle - generally only start to notice it after around 10 miles or so and it's certainly not prohibitive). Usually notice it a bit more doing cool down at a slower pace towards the end of a long run (so, eg the final mile of today's 16m run, which was a 9 min mile). Have iced a bit and am keeping it easy next few days - don't know how much I'm being overparanoid though and whether it's usual for slight pain only to build up later into a run. Any experiences? I think maybe my left shoe is tied a bit tight, which could also be affecting my gait.

    4. Am I missing something that I should really be aware of?

    5. Can I join your forum?!

    Thanks and sorry this is such a long post

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    TRTR ✭✭✭

    Lev - lost of that was a bit complicated for me but it sounds good to me, the 1:25 was 6 months ago, so you will be better than that already. You have lots of miles in the bank and lots of LSRs and MLRs since then. As a novice your limiter will be a relative lack of endurance, but I see no reason why you cant run a sub 3 at Berlin. You'd need a 1:23 1/2 as a pointer, and I'd wager you are lots better than the 1:25 nowadays. The 36min 10k in training shows more than enough leg speed for a sub3 (if you did the 10k as a proper race you'd take over a minute off too). You are also young and lightweight. Aim 1:28 ish for 1/2 way and then its all about how much you want it and how deep you are prepared to dig.

    I ran sub3 first go age 40 at 12 stone, so it'll be a piece of cake for you. Stick around and join in !

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