
Paris Marathon 2013



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    Weedy- it's surprising how often you can pick up on things like that! I'm one of those people who takes about 2 hours in the supermarket because I end up looking at all the labels in detail.. 

    Eggy- sorry to hear you're unwell, it's rubbish isn't it?! 

    yer_maj- how did the osteopath go with your groin?

    I was hoping for some advice, and this time I intend to follow it (I definitely should have listened when you all told me not to run last week!!) thankfully by now I'm generally feeling better, and other than being a bit congested and still having a cough I've got no problems (I think I was being a bit dramatic when I said I had the flu, I have a tendency to get that way when I'm ill) and I'm hoping to get back to my training plan this week. I don't really know what to do about my long runs over the next few weeks though. This is what my plan says (and then some races I have booked)

    2nd Feb 15 miles

    9th Feb 16 miles

    16th Feb 10 miles

    23rd Feb Tarpley 20

    3rd March Silverstone Half

    Now I was wondering whether I should just stick to the plan and do 16 miles next week or whether I should do 15 and then 16 instead of the stepback week? So far this training cycle my longest run has been 12, so 12 to 16 seems like a big jump (although that may be more psychological I don't know..). What do you all think?

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    <img src='' alt='http://
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    ATMATM ✭✭✭

    Welcome back, DLR!


     I've got you a back-to-running gift....image * Oh, that's my Xmas-list 2013 so sorted...*

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    I so need one of those mugs....

    Megs - osteo had a good old poke at my groin and whilst my hip still doesn't feel right, I don't get any pain in my groin with walking.  Not tried running yet.

    Mr Maj is home for the weekend and got told that he had to massage my glutes yesterday.  Strangely, he didn't mind at all but was slightly perturbed when he hit some trigger points at top-inner-thigh level which made my whole leg twitch like a demon.  Osteo doesn't get to poke at those bits image

    Megs again - 12 to 16 does seem like a big jump unless yopu've comfortably run that distance in the not too distant past?  I have a 20 miler scheduled for this week but it's going to need some shuggling around I think image

    Le Tout Wales appears to have a hangover this morning.  Along with half of Ireland who are currently in situ in Cardiff....

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    I tried to quote DLR but something is hokey.  Anyway, photo explains where DLR has been...he's gone rooney hair style. image

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    OrbuttOrbutt ✭✭✭

    Yay DLR image good to see mate.

    8.5 paranoid km done. Nothing fell off image

    YM - did Mr YM really give you a knee trembler? image

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    Megs11 - Yay you're at Silverstone me too! It's a bit of a dull course but theres loads of parking and if you do it with pals it's ok. (PLus it's flat and got nice soft tarmac to run on). We should meet up for a medal pose/photo opportunity. Don't worry i'm not a complete knob as the below photo might suggest!

    Just did a lovely 19 miles down to the river, along and back via various tourist spots and London Parks. Nice slow pace, short steps - the gels seem to help, only a smidgen of tiredness in the knees towards the end and felt like i could go on and run 26. I'm glad i didn't - it's tempting. Will probably do a 20 next weekend and a couple of 21s before the big day (body permitting) - was a great route and thought i might bump into one of ya London based peeps.

    Got some French tourists to snap me by Parliament at 8.5 miles - i returned the favour for them. Was Really nice to go off early and run through the places and be clear of the west end by 9.15.



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    p.s Well done Orbs and welcome back Rob

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    Megs - I'd say 12 to 16 is a bit of a jump. Particularly off the back of illness. Maybe take it back a bit for your next LSR.

    I managed a LSS, long slow sleep. Fifteen hours out for the count. Still feel like I have a sumo wrestler sitting on my chest.

    DV - Many things you write have shocked me, but none more than not liking cheese. How can anyone not like cheese? It one of life's finest gifts.
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    Eggyh73 wrote (see)
    DV - Many things you write have shocked me, but none more than not liking cheese. How can anyone not like cheese? It one of life's finest gifts.

    He just hasn't found the right type of cheese.

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    Nice to see you DLR

    Any better Eggy?

    Lovely 20 miles this morning next to the beach in Tampa (Clearwater really) Florida. Brilliant sunshine, about 60 degrees. Spectacular. Now to join some friends for a stone crab lunch before heading back to Alanta.

    These Mizuno shoes are starting to win me over...
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    Hi DLR - good to see you again. Hope all's ok, or at least not too grim.

    Dannii - I think I need to pick your brains some time about going minimalist.

    Megs, RS - I'm like that. I have been known on occasion to get my phone out and use the calculator to compare stuff. Sadly the figures quoted on the packets are often wildly inaccurate. It's a minefield trying to find out the regulations regarding the accuracy of nutritional information manufacturers are obliged to adhere to. The best I can find out is that they're either under no legal obligation whatsoever to provide accurate information or that they have a 20 per cent leeway either side. Fast Food Nation, by Eric Schlosser, is a fascinating read about the food industry if you haven't read it. Training-wise, you've just had an enforced step down week, so your Silverstone Half could work as your next one as it's about a month between them. The jump from 12 to 15 is fairly big, so you could maybe go 14, then 16.

    Orbutt - good to hear.

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    DLR - good to see you poking you head above the wall again image.

    Scott - I think Alex Salmond may use that as a slogan for the forthcoming referendum image .

    Jimbob - we seem to have covered pretty similar territory today, although you were out before I was. I started at Kew and ran back down to Tower Bridge, although I was on the opposite side from Westminster. Good run, although it's a bit muddy at the Kew end.

    Now eating pizza and watching highbrow television. Draco Malfoy was actually quite ginger in the first Harry Potter film, wasn't he? He got much blonder later. *waves a slice of cheesy pizza at DV to see if he runs away like a girl*.
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    Dannirr - Running along Clearwater beach sounds nice. I'm still riddled with the flu. Feel more human than I did on Thursday, but still confined to the couch.

    Good running Jimbob.

    RR - I have to admit I've never seen any of the Harry Potter films.

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    Eggy - Glad your feeling a bit better.........

    Well done on the run TJB, and glad things are going in the right direction Orbutt.

    DV - I am with you on the cheeseimage But maybe because I am completely dairy intolerant!

    Nice to see you DLR!

    Avoid label confusion by eating things with only 1 ingredient! image

    The shift from hell is done, and I feel like I've been there and back. 9.5 hours standing, major stabbing pains in side for the last 2 hours and no-one to relieve me because there was only 3 members of staff in due to some of the 'younger' generation taking sickies!imageimage And now because I feel so bloody awful, I have eaten a  ton of bad food and will feel even worse later!imageimage


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    eggy - you gotta see that bad boy out in the horizontal! nasty grim flu bug NASTY. on the plus side, it's giving your legs a bit more rest before you start back up again and try to muster a bit of form in time for the big day (you will be thereimage) - or am i just being too positive - is it all fudged?

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    Orbutt wrote (see)

    YM - did Mr YM really give you a knee trembler? image

    An entire leg tremblerimage

    Eggy you need to stay horizontal for a few more days by the sound of it.

    Mmmmm cheese....except blue cheese.  That's the work of lucifer.

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    Jimbob - One way or another I'll be there. No dreams of any decent form what so ever. This year will be an exercise in just getting around.

    Kaz - Sounds like a tough return to work. Hope you can rest up tonight.
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    Eggy - you can join our posse (me, kaz and orbutt so far...I think.  Seems like DLR's making a play to join but don't think his hair will fit inimage ).  The running/walking/sight-seeing wounded.  Goal is to finish with as much hilarity enroute as possible.

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    Sounds like a plan. Wait DLR and hair? What sort if witchcraft is this?
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    and get the medal round yer neck

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    Can I join the sightseers? I'll bring Wine Gums for everyone

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    You can't buy your running buddies, Weedy...besides, I don't like winegumsimage

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    Eggy - if you are still horizontal, might as watch the Harry Potter films. They're excellent image
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    No worries Yer Maj, I might not even make it unless I can get to the bottom of what's wrong soon enough to start getting my long runs in.

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    Weedy - How are you feeling after the crash?

    Dannirr - Superbowl watching for me tonight.
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    Eggy - Super Bowl? Superbowl? Why? I don't even watch it and I'm here image. Ok, I do watch the half time show if I have nothing else to do, and the commercials on the Internet the next day. Give me rugby any day. My son is having a Super Bowl party tonight - about 20 kids aged 16-17 for a game starting at 7pm and going to about 11 pm, all on a school night! Chicken wings and pizza have been ordered by Mrs D, which just means the place will stink of fried food! Can you tell I am not a fan image ?

    RR - I forgot to thank you for the confirmation of the weather for the Goofyimage. I wasn't sure anyone had heard me image
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    Okay thanks Eggy. Just faffing on back and forth with the garage and insurance company now...

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    okay, so weedy's in too.  I'm not above bribery.  Although, I hope you don't have to join us weedy and get yourself sorted out.

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    Dannirr - I'm the exact opposite. I hate rugby, but love American football. Been watching it since the early 80's the days of Marino, Montana and Elway. That superbowl party sounds awesome to me.
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