
Moraghan Training - Stevie G



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    As SG hints at, NYD parkrun double for me. We will start at Upton at 8:00 and take an off-road route to Black Park (just over 5 miles) and then do the first parkrun at 9:00, reverse back and the second one starts to 10:30 so overall it is from 8:00 to 11:00 and about 16 miles so very easy running. 

    Good to get a longish day in midweek as I have to run 3 kids back to university so it is a windy circuit up to Cambridge then onto see my parents in King's Lynn, over to Loughborough and back via Warwick so a couple of days off running and the long run keeps the totals happy. 

    I've got to do the hills to road transition at some stage but may cheat and do hills and track and no road at all. I have entered a 10k in late May so may start March.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2018
    Not that easy if you race the two 5ks!
    And last year we didn't have that 30min window before the second one..i remember about 5mins :dizzy:

    Not to mention the muddy slog bits of the second one.
    There's easier 16s to be had.

    Interesting as a novelty though.

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    I was talking of the post before Reg - missed that one (and agree :wink:).

    That's a very early start for NYD Philip! I won't be going out, or have a late one, but every day I'm not at work I HAVE to have a lie in at the moment :smile:
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    9 today with a warm-up part of 2miles easy, 2.5m steady. That latter part wasn't exactly a cruise with the wind.

    Then main part, 8x300m up marlow hill with jog back.
    Form over speed, but still felt plenty of a workout. Amazing how little power you can feel in your legs near the end!

    59 for the week. Will try and put a 15 in tomorrow and if so then round it up to 70 monday for a 3,000 year.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Will set up a 2018 review of year template later today. Will try and freshen it up while keeping some favourites
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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭
    edited December 2018
    Check your maths SG :smile:
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2018

    Whoops Bus...that'd obvs be a 74mile week then (!) with a 6 to make it to the 3,000.
    (I reserve the right to reduce tomorrow if needs be, as have felt a bit knackd today - wasn't ideal to do the hills the day before a long one either, but it fell that way eg)

    Ok, the magic template below then.

    You know the drill, as soon as you've done your last run of 2018 (2 more days left), get involved with the below.

    The more long winded the better, for the usual end of year love in.

    Open to lurkers too, we could do with signing a few more of you up as regulars too...

    2018 Mileage

    2018 Races (Tally/breakdown)

    2018 Achievements - pbs, pots, World champs/parkrun wins ;), Team prizes, Vet prizes, other notable stuff (maybe a fastest time for xx years, mileage streak, or just staying in the game)

    2018 Personal Highlights - as many as you like

    2018 Personal Lowlights - as many as you can force yourself to go over

    2018 Poster of the year

    2018 Thread performance(s) of the year

    2018 Favourite Thread quirk of the year (a few examples)

    Me - monster race reports and general day in day out verbal...diarrhoea
    Ric - (changing) wisdom and anecdotes
    Bus - more aches than a donkey. Holidays. Elevation.
    Pete - parkrun aficionado, especially pre race, thread nice guy
    Phil - parkrun pacing, "analysis", and just a different angle to the standard flow
    Dachs - acerbic wit from an increasingly afar viewpoint. Once did plates.
    Dean - competing for top champs - so consistently, we take it for granted. Sometimes forgets some of us have much more humble aims :)
    Muddy - seemingly always racing at a zone below ..erm race pace. Good ability to push hard in low key races.
    Joe Bloggs - insanely casual marathons, super non casual triathlons, living the  ultimate dream as part of a running couple. Hats.
    Aley - Huge wisdom, and relayed in a really encouraging demeanour. Thread nice guy.
    Matt Head - thread nice guy. Loves a % HR quote on strava. Struggles to find any races in the SW that aren't massively hilly.
    Matt L - Effortless brilliance - when he can be bothered. Thread Burnley correspondent.
    Reg - tries mad stuff. Magnificent at XC v road,
    Simon - absolute race animal, and always does them right near top end too
    Stevie Who - up and coming well. Loves an insane 10k paced session

    (Hopefully I've managed not to leave an obvious regular off there this time!!)

    2018 Thread moment of the year

    2019 Aims & targets (as wide a scale as you like, from specific times, to doing a certain race, mileage target, or just staying running!)

    2019 One to Watch

    2019 One you'd like to read more from next year  ( I won't include the opposite in case you weasels say me :) )

    Open category - suggested thread improvements etc

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    That's me done for the year then :smile:

    14 miles, just to make a nice neat (ish) total.

    Full end of year report to follow, but here's the headline:

    2,300M and 221,300ft of ascent

    I like to look at this combination of miles and height as being the equivalent of running from the coast in Bangladesh in a dead straight line to the summit of Everest five times with the last visit adding seven out and back trips from base camp (17,600ft), to the summit (29,029ft). Without supplementary oxygen of course :D


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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2018

    Only guy in the thread (and possibly ever) who likes to quote elevation so much :D .

    16 for me, even though I set out thinking 15miles max, but at least 11. Just in case the poor sleep after a 6 day rampage of 59mile miles including hills yesterday lunch time was too much.

    Basically did a route I drive to work for 7miles, bit of a climb, country roads and bit of a dip, didn't fancy the same back, so took a turn at 7.5m that I vaguely suspected where it went, went with the familiar on a road sign, when probably I needed the next turn, and before we knew it 15 wasn't the max, and 15.5 looked likely.

    Couldn't finish on 15.7, so rounded to 16, and came in and my thick top felt about a stone heavier in sweat!

    5 tomorrow makes the 3,000.
    I recognise that 66.5, 69, 75 is a bit too stacked, so this week will definitely ease down a bit. Have resisted the late Cliveden places being offered up to club people. Just not up for an offroad 10k!

    Very vaguely considering the Ealing mile on Friday.  Could potentially be a first run out for the Vaporflys, just for the 1mile. Would have to try and park very close for a switcheroo just beforehand.

    I think that's doable isn't it, as a lot of the residential parking is no parking say 9-10, or 4-5, something odd like that? @PeteM, @PhilipMJones (not sure these work!)

    Anyone game?

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    OK, I'll try a 2018 summary and to keep with the "different angle to the standard flow" I'll mostly ignore the guidelines above.

    First the stats: 1,649 miles so far so it will be just over 1,650 for the year and that is really the story: I'd normally hit 2,000 miles sometime in December and it is just a question of how many more.

    2018 started well enough. Same as the plan this year, New Year Day double parkrun and Black Park turned out at 19:55 as Satnam passed me at 4km and we raced each other back home and I dipped under 20 minutes and Stanam PBed with 19:56. 

    I had 3 targets for 2018: sub 20 parkrun, sub-90 half and 2019 miles for the year. The half was Wokingham and I ran 1:26:34 with fairly even splits so a quite pleasing run. 2 out of 3 targets knocked off and it wasn't even the end of February, all looked well. 

    March was odd, just didn't feel the love for running. I did Maidenhead 10 in 67 but that was slower than the first 10 of Wokingham by some distance and I had a few weeks off in April as I felt jaded and tired. May and June got back and started to enjoy the summer and the speed came back, so 19:29 for the Marlow 5k in June all seemed to be back on track but a week later I got a pain in my knee and it didn't clear and indeed something went ping (luckily only half a mile into a run) and I had to walk back home. 

    July and August were spent with hopeful starts and setbacks. I eventually took two full weeks off and things seemed to be better so September and October were good base months building back up and then I turned my ankle in early November and had another week off while the swelling went down. Since then, back to vase building and that has progressed nicely and I have ran a few low-21 parkruns on tough courses so back in the game.

    So aims for 2018 were 2/3 done. For 2019 my aims will be 2019 miles, sub-20 5k (most likely parkrun) and a raced 10k. Target is not set in stone but sub-42 is a must, sub-41 woudl be nice and sub-40 is not entirely out of the books. Main, unofficial, target is to enjoy running. 

    Poster of the year is bus. 

    Best post of the year is anything by SG involving car parking and or pre-race bushes.

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    Ahh, thanks Philip. Bit of a mixed year then, probably with more downs than ups. Sub 40 10k is definitely doable for you, provide you have a bit of luck with staying injury free.

    SG - gotta big up what you are good at, and the one constant in my running is I like big hills :smile:
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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    edited December 2018

    Mileage: 1,244 (1,073)
    : Just four; Wokingham HM, LFOTM 5K, M'head 10, Fleet 10k
    2 PBs 5k 16:43 & 10 miles 59:27.

    2018 was a bit of an average year for me, two redundancies meant I never really had a consistent routine to my life, as such it was more disruptive than helpful, ironic considering the amount of time I've had off.

    My Highlights were a new 5k PB at the LFOTM and winning my first triathlon in what was my first triathlon of the season. In truth I didn't actually race that well on the day but it was enough to get a win and a prize worth £600, which in a rare moment of charity, I sold for £150 and donated the proceeds to the club. I only did this to get recognition and nobody has even mentioned it so they can f*ck off if they think I am doing it again  :D .:smiley:
    On the lowlights, probably the illness which wrecked the Euro champs, however I didn't really put the work in this year. My cycling was down from 7,273 miles to just 4,787, similarly swimming was well down too.

    Poster of the year: SG for volume and enthusiasm and the forensic in-race detail.

    Thread performance of the year: I'm struggling to think of something if I am honest but I reseve the right to add one once I've read all the report and my memory has been jogged, pun intended.

    Thread moment of the year: Something involving Ric :D

    2019 Aims & targets: I have pretty much made the decision to focus on running in 2019. I will be doing triathlon too but I will be following a running plan with cycling/swimming as XT. I'd still hope to do similar cycling/swimming volumes but I will always prioritise the running sessions. With that in mind I am looking to set PBs in 5k, 10k & HM. I'd be happy to do something like sub 16:20 for 5k, sub 34 for 10k and sub 75 for HM. I think that's possible if I can train consistently over 50mpw with quality sessions. So that would be an almost 100% increase in mileage. That's my concern about whether it's possible.

    2019 One to Watch: I can't think of one so I'll muse upon you all with a hint of SGs style;

    SG probably has room for improvement and I reckon he's got a great marathon in there that we'll never see!
    will keep running in pain through the mud to the horror of regular train goers
    Matt L will continue to run every day at the possible expense of peaking for a specific race but monster some fell race.
    Si will run hundreds of races at about the same level we've become accustomed to with continual reference to some legend called Ian.
    Pete will double-up and win the age-gradings, ignoring torn calf fibres
    Matt H will be one of the ones to watch along with Stevie W and AD
    Phil will most likely hit his arbitrary mileage/year target
    Dean will run a casual sub 31 minute treadmill 10k followed a week later by a 32:xx proper race 10k whilst refusing to recalibrate his treadmill.
    Ric will do a few more weeks of 100 miles, then announce he's about to do a race and almost immediately pull out of said race and stop running because of a slight niggle that Bus would take as a sign that he's fully fit.
    Dachs will focus on quality not quantity with his posts and races as he plots an evil plan to rise from the gloomy shadow of Mr Corney.
    Joe will spend most the year doing ridiculous races/marathons searching for another challenge now the Kona dream has been realised.
    Muddy will find his hidden XC ability now that he knows long legs are no excuse.
    Aley will chip in with sage advice and be another of SG's numerous nice guys, leading me to assume I am one of the thread a*seholes :D

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    Stevie G said:

    Muddy - seemingly always racing at a zone below ..erm race pace. Good ability to push hard in low key races.

    This is not what I want on my gravestone Stevie. Still one 10k race to go this year for me, and just for you I will make it an all out affair :smile: (Actually had a pretty rubbish last fortnight of December with illness bubbling under, holding me back running wise)
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Thought i heard you were loitering around barcelona muddy. Have a great one. Fastest course in the world apparently  ;)
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    As for you reggie baby that has to be one of the best posts of the year. Chuckled throughout   :D .

    So little racing but that 5k pb tells me you have a lot of fast road stuff in you if the injuries stay away. Good to see you concentrating on the running for 2019.

    Phil nice summary even if you did naughtily burn the format
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    Stevie G said:
    Thought i heard you were loitering around barcelona muddy. Have a great one. Fastest course in the world apparently  ;)
    It’s a fast field, I’ll not trouble the first 300 or so, but it’s about 400m longer than Telford ;)
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    Ok, here goes.

    Mileage: 880 with a further 4 or 5 planned today. Need to increase this next year.

    Races: 7 (4 x parkrun, 1 x 5 mile and 2 x 10k). Also some solo time trials in December at 1 mile, 2k and 3k.

    Achievements: pbs at all 6 distances (5:59; 7.40; 11.52; 20.42; 34.49 and 43.25)

    Highlight: as above, churning out a string of pbs between the end of September and Christmas.

    Lowlight: niggly injuries over the summer that caused really reduced mileage in June and July.

    2019 targets: to go under 43 mins for 10k and close to 20 mins for 5k in the spring and then reassess.

    I can’t really comment on the other categories as my lurking status means I don’t feel I know you all well enough to pick one poster, performance or moment - suffice to say, the thread as a whole is an entertaining read!
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    DeanR7DeanR7 ✭✭✭
    Ha ha! Nice work reg.  my treadmill is beautifully, perfectly accurate and its all the road races that are measured too long by about 2 mins....oh and the fact the floor doesn't move is a bit of a hinderance too tbh.  ;)    

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2018
    What you gain with the lack of air resistance and smooth surface you must lose a bit in the monotony. Round a track can feel dull so goodness knows what smashing it on a treadmill is like!
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    Reg Wand said:

    2019 Aims & targets: I have pretty much made the decision to focus on running in 2019. I will be doing triathlon too but I will be following a running plan with cycling/swimming as XT.

    I have never spent the time to fully understand triathlon training so do you have a two-sentence idiots guide? I assume the basic things are that you want a strong cardio-vascular system and you need to do enough of the technical events (swim and cycle) to ensure you don't lose time hand over fist but does it matter if you do tons of one event and top up on the others or do you need to do 20/60/20 etc?
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    Nice end of year reports chaps - made me laugh Reg!

    Results out today for the Cabbage Patch 4. Seems I was 2nd V50 by 6 secs. If I'd known that I might have worked a bit harder :smile:
    Some bloke called Paul Sinton-Hewitt was a couple of places behind me.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited December 2018
    A much better running year for me after a few compromised years. Which led to no races in 2016 and only 1 in 2017. I managed 2x10k, 1x10m trsil, 4 x 1/2 and abo in 2018. Los of personal worse performances, but the cramp ruined 3.01 off a short build up at Abo gives me hope for a better 2019.
    20 today gave me 3086 for the year.

    I like to lurk (but have no interest in measuring my own laps/paces/reps), ricks posts can contain anything, but i hace a certain affinity with Bus as i too try to manage an M50 body and try to get back to somewhere near i used to be. Sub 3(again) is the aim of the 2019 game.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    You're pretty decent now TR to be cramping a 3.01 marathon out! Sounds an excellent year versus recent ones. That alone is worthy of celebrating!

    Hope you have a better 2019, look out for the SG show at a south coast race near you! Potentially!

    ps obvs did my 5 today to see the 3,000 in on the dot. Think I did that a couple of years ago too. Whereas last year was 3,220.5 and 2013 (according to fb!) was  3,087.5

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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    edited December 2018

    I meant to put Eastleigh down as my 10k, Fleet was the year before!

    Phil, you're basically looking at 50:30:20 Bike, Run, swim respectively.
    All three benefit each other in cardio terms but that's only part of the equation. Swimming is mostly technique, it's a skill like playing golf. You also need the specific strength and flexibility. So swimming is mostly upper body and cycling focuses on different leg muscles to running. You put in a hard bike session though and it will mean you don't want a hard run the same or next day so it makes it difficult to juggle all three. They all end up getting compromised to a degree.

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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭
    Last ten weeks totals: 35, 50, 63, 68, 79, 79, 92, 93, 100, 97 miles.

    17 miles today.

    I'll find out later if I've topped the UK list for my age group in the Strava December Distance Challenge. I should be on about 669 km. Though some would suggest that 666 km would be more appropriate.


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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Are you doing the Lydiard plan or something!? That's a quite amazing mileage. The challenge is not to follow it up with a 10-15 day spell doing nothing.

    Keep; it going son.

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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    edited December 2018
    Was wondering where you were, Ric! And what SG said!

    Kilometrage: 648.18 (403 ish miles, and don’t forget the –ish…and see below for lowlights!)

    Races: zero, but 20+ runs in parks at 9 a.m. on Saturday mornings

    at last getting over the 100 parkruns having been stuck at around 90 for nearly a year.

    Only highlight has been getting out every day since September 1st, yet deliberately not exceeding 30 k a week yet!

    Lowlights: too many! Discovered a fracture in my back in January, damaged my meniscus in May and am constantly trying to manage a calf and Achilles issue. It is called old age.

    Poster of the year: Ric, not least for the magnesium debate which I meant to contribute to, so will do so now! Many years ago a vet told me to take potassium and magnesium in the form of small combination salt tablets. They definitely aided recovery and therefore allowed harder training. Then they seemed to go off the market, but are back now: New Era Combination P.

    Thread performance of the year: has to be Dean with two Euro golds, two Uk golds and a World silver.

    Thread moment of the year: meeting up with SG to discuss training and footie whilst attending a Salford City match.  And the team are going through nearly as bad a patch as I am!

    2019 Aims & targets: to run every day in 2019,  to run 2019 kms, to lose 12 pounds. If I manage these I will be running better and hopefully be reasonably competitive in the age group that I move into in two days time! I intend to up the Pilates type stretching to try to fend off both old age and all the niggles. Have bought my train tickets for February LFoM by the way, although it is a little soon in the return to training to expect too much.

    2019 One to Watch: Ric. I really hope he is able to capitalise on the current training block.

    And all the best for 2019 everyone!

    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2018

     Nice one Aley - obviously hope you can get that mileage back up, as well as registering a decent amount of races next year!
    Reading all that injury, suddenly makes me remember I left Scott out of the earlier little light hearted line on everyone ! Doh - was always going to miss someone out (And you too Andy D, but you at least let me off by admitting lurker status  ;)

    Wool too - included you last time, but forgot this time..garrhhh!

    And obvs Lit knows she always has a home here <3<3

    I best get my report up. I warn you now it's going to be a monumental size. There were 32 races for goodness sake, and needs covering. :o:D

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    Happy New year everyone .I will do a full review, but this is the summary. Circa 1600 miles in my first full year of training, highlight being running 2.55 at Abingdon in my 2nd marathon! Looking forward to going further and faster next year!
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2018

    Let's go...

    2018 Mileage    

    3,000 on the nozzer! A month ago I was fairly sure" I'd miss it comfortably, with a 40mile week a month ago as a semi fatigue easing week, seeming to settle it. But a mad dash at the end, consisting of 66.5, 69, 75 in the last 3 full weeks saw me there. An increase in racing and the 2 months of specifically capping at 50mile weeks naturally brought it down from last year, which was a couple of hundred more.

    2018 Races (Tally/breakdown)

    32 - 7 x XC, 5 relays, 4x1mile, 13x5k (3 parkruns), 1x5m, 1x10m, 1xHM
    (the 3x1mile relay I've classed as a mile, as the other relays are more random leg lengths)

    2018 Achievements

    In terms of race placings, pots and the likes, a decent year for picking a few bits up.The relays were quite a successful hunting ground

    • Upton Court 4x4km relay. We'd set ourselves up as a "Mixed, Vet team", signing up the star lady runner, so we knew we'd be unbeatable in that category, but actually won the whole thing! Great work on a really hot day!
    • Dashers Pair Relays, 5x1km job with Chris Hunt. We were both at the top of our games that day and smashed it to be honest, and racked up a fairly decent margin. Felt really strong.
    • Windlesham 5x1km Relays - the original version of the Datchet version, and a 2nd place, to the local dons Lee and Samson. Not a million miles off them, with the boy Illot, and apart from my slight shock of the first changeover seeing us in 6th, and then instantly losing a place, we quickly got it back to 2nd. Nice bottle of wine prize (probably - I've never drunk more than a few sips in my life)

    In road races

    (Tried to reduce the size of this pic, but it actually increased it!)

    Allow the ridiculous, and never to be repeated finish line high..well, as it's a midget kid, "low" five.

    • Marlow 5 team prize was pleasing and I got to keep the shield for the year again :)
    • Gosport Golden Mile/ 5k was a great day for positions, if not times (strong wind!). 3rd in the mile, and won the 5k. Nice vouchers (albeit hard to use them!!!)
    • Gosport 5k - got back for race 5/5 in the standalone 5k series, and enjoyed a 3rd place on an even windier day and another voucher.
    • Local summer series, pleased to pick up 3 top 5 positions, a 3/4 and 5!
    • Ealing Mile - won one of these. It's a very low key race, but I've been there and not won it before, so I might as well include :D

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