
The 2014 Ironman Training thread



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    Just to add ballance to the thread, I still hate swimming

    Got to my xc race late yesterday as my organisational skills are nil, started 15mins behind everyone else, it was a tough 10k course and I came in 3rd from last and only fell over once image

    doing a gym brick tonight

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    JP for experiance as long as the skin's not broke E45 cream can be useful if painful. If the skin is broken and your bleeding then as my good lady wife kindly pointed out to me once you should congratuate yourself on your first menstol cycle. image

    Hiope the boys are ok.

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    Ha ha, cheers Cake, no broken skin, just very red, but the combination of scalding hot water, bath salts and savlon have done the trick, been cycling to work without any tears since Tuesday, Monday was bad, a lot of sobbing and pulling at my groin

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    joddlyjoddly ✭✭✭

    Well, the mojo is edging back in still, and I managed more than 7 hours of something like training last week. 

    I'm shocked by how slow I've become, with running being the most alarming - I can't see anything this bad in my logs for the last 5 years. Swimming has continued to fall away, from a pretty shabby starting point, and I'm not sure about biking as I haven't done more than 20 miles, but I'm hoping that's not as bad as the rest. Running at threshold effort (and heart rate) is currently at what I not long ago considered my marathon pace.....

    Although I've found that as I've got older I seem to lose fitness faster and get it back slower, I am really hoping that this was partly through being close to my limit. If that's the case, then getting back to an acceptable level of fitness may not take so long. The next few weeks will tell - there's something refreshing about finding myself in this uncharted territory!

    PS that's quite enough scrotal narrative, thanks image!

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    Joddly......but at least you have made a start........

    slimshady wrote (see)

    I've decided to put some effort into swimming this year.  4 x IM swims with the fastest being 1hr 28 has made me focus! image  Fed up with coming out knackered and my bike all on its lonesome in transition.

    Had a lesson and all's fine.. other than my legs sink, my stroke's too short, I'm not breathing properly and I scissor kick  image

    but you haven't drowned yet so not all bad image


    i did a 20 miler on the bike as it was dry...should have stuck to my own valley as it was dry here.....got wet in the next one over image

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    slimshady wrote (see)

    I've decided to put some effort into swimming this year.  4 x IM swims with the fastest being 1hr 28 has made me focus! image  Fed up with coming out knackered and my bike all on its lonesome in transition.

    Had a lesson and all's fine.. other than my legs sink, my stroke's too short, I'm not breathing properly and I scissor kick  image

    1hr 28 would delight me!!!!

    My timed 400m is 8:48, so that's around 1hr 45 ish

    lets be honest.... its all prep for an Ironman on my 100th birthday
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    well it sounds like everyone is hitting the training hard, keep it up you lot. I was at the pool this morning, i manged 2500m in 50 min thats with drills thrown in there as well so I was chuffed with that.  i missed a bike session last night due to a family problem but should get on the turbo tonight.

    I can never be arsed to train when its Tubo Night, roll on lighter nights so i can get on the road. (Turbo is the devil)image


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    or you could just buy lights trotter.you can get them really cheaply on the internet image

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    joddlyjoddly ✭✭✭

    There seem to be so many bike accidents these days, I think it's better to play safe and stay on the turbo when it's dark.

    You can make yourself easy to see, but can't see holes and obstructions especially when the roads are so wet, and you can get a harder workout in on the turbo. It's all about getting to the start line in one piece image.

    Slim - good start. So, three swims a week? Every week?

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    2.6km swim for me with drills, easy bike on the turbo later this evening, tomorrow shall be a harder day.

    Scaling back a bit next week and will do a few tests to see how I'm doing and set a marker for the next few months.

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    Joddly, steady on!  I'm trying twice a week which is twice more than I usually do image

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    yeh a could get lights i suppose but then i would have nothing to blame for not going out. I agree that you get a good workout on the turbo like but it just does not compare to geting out on a Sat morning and burning some rubber lol. well if you can burn rubber at 10mph.

    By the way you can all check out my blog at beironfit.blogger.com i have no followers yet so i take it that its no good. its about my road to Ironman and how things are goin ect.

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    joddlyjoddly ✭✭✭

    I just tried that web address and nothing came up!

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    Hill reps on the bike for me today
    Seems like its the week of the mojo return  image

    OC, that timed 30min swim actually might not be a bad idea, I am just starting to get back in the pool so it would be a good benchmark before I start

    Joddly, going to join me tomorrow ??!!

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    Bootcamp tonight followed by a swim and seeing as it's dark out I'll strap lights to my head and the arse of my trunks...just in case.

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    Hof, thats dedicated starting the open air swimming so early in the season

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    joddlyjoddly ✭✭✭

    Impressive to be doing hill reps in January, Melds - good show! Not sure I will be joining you tomorrow as worky stuff is getting in the way.

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    Motivated by fear Joddly ... as always !!
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    How long are your hill reps, Melds?

    Joddly - when I started running after 2 weeks off following IMUK, I was doing 10m/m in order to keep my HR at an acceptable level. It comes back.

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    Fairly short ...

    Up from mine up a lumpy backwards part of the C100 course, 3 loops of a poss 500m hill? Although the incline poss starts 500m before that, then on up to horsey with another hill of similar length

    A rather long way of saying about 6 hills of about 500m each!!
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    I meant in time....

    The problem is, the climb in France is long and steady. Apart from that short steep bit near the bottom (where they wrote the names last time) there's no significant gradient, it just goes on a bit. So it might be more benefit to do your "hill reps" on the turbo - crank up the resistance, drop the cadence, up the effort/HR. Otherwise, its what - 3mins of out of the saddle effort, followed by freewheeling recovery.

    Just a thought.

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    Totally agree and have just the one for that ... This is just a nursery slope to get back in to it ...and to an extent fitted a purpose on my way up the road
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    1hr. Turbo tonight done. Getting easier I think
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    Ok. I'll be quiet now then!image

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    Nah ... neverimage

    Twas a beautiful afternoon and who wants to be stuck on a boring old turbo when the great outdoors looks so luffley

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    sorry joddly it's beironfit.blogspot.com by the way it's nowt special but I could do with one follower at least lol.

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    Cutback week but not getting a great deal done at all with work/ real life getting in the way aldo not feeling 100% had a couple pesky migraines so having a real easy week before cranking it up again next week

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    2k swim done, and 1Hr treadmill done.... thats it off Skiing tonight hung my trainers up.. c u all when i get back..

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    Have a good one Timebikes - make sure you don't break anything while you're out on the slopes!

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    skiing should be good cross training.have fun........I am on one of two rest days.......been 2 weeks since my last full rest day..but feel like i should be doing something......

     been doing a lot of cleaning instead for a change

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