
Sub 10:00...



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    Haven't trained with them lately GB, apart from joining a long ride or two. The frustrating thing for me is that most of the swim sessions (which are what I'd get most value out of) are 9pm. I'm usually tucked up in bed while they're still swimming - then the morning sessions are at Northolt. How am I supposed to get there and to work on time?!

    For a long course athlete there's not a great deal on the programme - but at the end of the day it's a small club and most people are short course so I understand. Mathieu is LC and trains alone, and I do most of my key sessions alone. Don't mind it that way, tbh.

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    Yeah fair enough, that was my impressions on them and no doubt would be the same as yourself if I was still living local.

    Am training a bit with the Clapham Chasers now, great for running as would be expected for a running club, but little else. Other than the first morning session this week, they only have one swim session at 8pm once a week... but because I work the opposite side of the city and long hours I'm rarely back to join that... desperate for some early morning swim club training. This morning was their first time having a seperate morning session though so looking forward to that... and then joining a few weekend rides just to learn my way about again (I seem to have forgotten the roads of Surrey!)


    If you do fancy any training I'm only down the road!

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    Where are you now?
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    TheEngineer wrote (see)

    Ultimately it's time at race pace. you can do 50x100 or 25x200, 12x400, 6x800 - what's the difference with similar recovery?

    It's just a mental challenge: it's easy hitting the 1:30 for your first hundred but your 42nd is going to be bloody hard work.

    There's a "fun" test of fitness... how many 50s can you hit leaving on the 45? image

    I guess it's relevant that running is more of an 'impact' sport than swimming, but nobody's ever suggested that training for a half marathon (similar duration to an IM swim, well for some...) should include 50 x 45 second efforts at HM pace.

    I suppose it's also relevant that swimming is much more technique-driven, so I can see that training at race pace would be more important there than trying to do reps faster and having your technique go to pot.

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    PadamsPadams ✭✭✭

    There does seem to be a difference between swim and run training, which I guess is the technique aspect as CD says.

    The good triathletes I've spoken to have always said the key session is n x 400 at race pace, where n is preferably 8-10. I tried this once on my own (tri club sessions never do anything like this) and I think I did 8 of them leaving on 6:30 and coming in just under 6. That was pretty tough (for me)!

    200s would probably also work well. But I've never done a huge number of shorter reps. I think with swimming it's important not to get to the point in a session where technique is falling apart and you just carry on regardless - I've always thought that's going to have a negative impact as your body gets used to the poor technique.

    Having said all that, I did quite a lot of swimming for IM Austria in 2011 and hardly any for IM France last year, and it didn't really seem to make any difference!

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    Have done a few 6 x 400m alone but not quite at target pace yet... fun session

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    TheEngineer wrote (see)
    Where are you now?

    On the north side of Clapham

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    Golden Boots wrote (see)
    TheEngineer wrote (see)
    Where are you now?

    On the north side of Clapham


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    Smashed the commute this morning, despite the lights I was up there with fastest times over the distance. Note to self, don't sleep in...image

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    I'd just about manage 1 sub 6 400m let alone 8-10 image I'll give that session a go off 7 minutes. Got into the pool early today for the first time in months. Hopefully I can make a habit of that.

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    TheEngineer wrote (see)
    Golden Boots wrote (see)
    TheEngineer wrote (see)
    Where are you now?

    On the north side of Clapham



    Obviously not... I'm on the posh side!


    Are you riding at the weekend?

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    Should be meeting a mate from work, he'll be headed from your way. Probably be RP meet then some hills.

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    Just finished a spur of the moment strava half marathon challenge.. First time running a fairly hard HM outside a race. Got me thinking about my ironman run training.. Any opinions.. Am I better doing a fairly hard 90 minute half marathon every second weekend, or stick to my other plan of 2 hours really easy effort.. personally i'm thinking a fastish HM will be better, preferably off an easy bike.

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    Hard to say without the rest of your training plan. My approach I think should be to aim for a solid tempo bike maybe 2 out of every 3 cycles, and drop it for the third to make space in the cycle for a longer run with some or all at goal pace. I'd have thought it gives some desirable adaptations but key is avoiding too much fatigue. I don't have anywhere near the running legs you do though so maybe you get away with more!

    Did my intervals on Thursday - 7x800@3:45 and 1km@4:00. Easy run today of just over an hour with HR below 150bpm. Just what the doctor ordered on a day like today!
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    Nice session! Do you do that at a track? Reminds me I must get my HR strap working again.

    I've never been organised enough for a plan.. today was a decision on whether to go out on the bike or do an easy treadmill session watching the rugby. Decision was a half marathon and try to get back before the rugby started. I'll get a spin on the bike tomorrow instead, though the weather looks rough.

    I thought today's run was reasonably okay for fatigue, but i've been struggling since! If i keep that 90 minute HM pace i'm thinking over the weeks it will start to feel easy. Probably no point trying to go faster. Better to add in distance right? Given that its extremely unlikely i'd be near 3 hour marathon pace during an IM.. Deep down i'd like to think its doable but i'll keep that deep down until after my first raceimage

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    Just purchased a fancy Garmin 810 so I can actually start using more than my casio stop watch or iphone in training image

    This also means I can finally sort myself out with trainerroad

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    I haven't trained this hard before with such consistency. I have to say I felt pretty defeated yesterday. Long bike on Sunday wasn't particularly stellar, though it was me doing all the work on the front. Fatigue was through the roof, and I got myself into a real huff over training hard if the outcome was me still being shit. Feeling a bit better today, but guess it will come and go... perhaps it's the gradual erosion of naivety...

    Does anyone else feel disillusioned when this knackered, and do you have any particular way of dealing with it?

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    I'd not over analyse it. I did a pants half marathon on Sunday, but as it was my longest run this year and I'd done almost 3 hours of exercise beforehand with no real fuel - what did I expect.

    Rest up a bit and your next good session will cheer you up.
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    Sometimes, TE, especially when I was IM training and there was another hard session planned.  It's one reason why I didn't plan very far ahead, to be honest: taking a rest day or having an easier session because I was knackered didn't leave me feeling that I'd 'failed' in not sticking to the schedule.  Taking a cut-back every now & then will help consolidate the gains you've made and not leave you vulnerable to over-training.

    That's probably b*llocks but it's what I told myself anyway!

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    I think its normal to feel like that when you've overcooked it a bit. Short term gains don't happen in this sport and I think that leaves me wondering why I bothered training so hard for the last couple of months for no major improvement. Looking back to where I was 6 months - 1 year ago I see a big difference and that keeps me going. A week of rest, lots of stretching, lots of water and just a couple of easy sessions might be on the cards?

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    Rome wasn't built in a day.

    I'd hazard a guess and say whilst your bike training has always had an element of quality about it, perhaps the run training has all been 'easy' or not so quality. I may be wrong.

    If you're suddenly packing in track sessions/tempo runs/etc, AND building on the bike (200km rides, etc) then something is going to start hurting. Build time or effort or distance, not all three in one week.

    I might be a sprint monkey but I'm fully aware that I can't (or indeed couldn't) do a week of quality bike and quality run. Maybe it is different in the longer game.

    As BKins says, you just keep plugging away and sucking it up, and in a few months you suddenly realise running has come on in leaps and bounds.

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    Thanks for the comments. Have to say it looks brighter today. Easy swim at lunch and I'll go for a cruise of a jog this evening. Tomorrow I'll ride the bike home (which I left at work last night in a fit of "I don't want to play any more"!).

    Have definitely not been expecting myself to deliver any more than 2 key sessions a week, but I think I've been too keen to get volume into my training (going on for 30hrs last 2 weeks) and so the hard work is on top of being a bit run down. Grey area training - exactly what I didn't intend! 

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    Happy to be back with the running club on the track tonight... held back a lot just in case any pain in the knee cropped up again but nothing, so means I can start run training again now properly - though a bit too late for the marathon in 3 weeks probably?


    Still... 8 x 800 at 2:45... and 2:33 for the last two. Quite a fan of 800 reps

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    That's pretty quick GB - I do my half mile reps on the road rather than the track but if I get any down to 2:45 I'm happy.

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    Means nothing though unfortunately if I can't convert into a quick marathon time.. something I have not yet been able to do image

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    You're a lot faster than I am, GB, but I'd suggest that running 800 in 2:33 is not "holding back a lot". Just be careful. One pain free session does not mean you can resume full tilt training...

    Patience, padawan. image

    (Side note I'm feeling better today!!)

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    CD don't forget he's short 4.5m of a half mile,  takes a second or two at least! 

    I like 400s and 1200s. I always find 800s tougher,  which is odd. 

    The track near my hotel in the Alps will remain unused by me this trip. I'll spend more time carb loading instead. 

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    IronCat5 wrote (see)

    CD don't forget he's short 4.5m of a half mile,  takes a second or two at least! 

    I like 400s and 1200s. I always find 800s tougher,  which is odd. 

    The track near my hotel in the Alps will remain unused by me this trip. I'll spend more time carb loading instead. 

    Oh the hard life eh!


    Engineer, IC (and anyone else)... it's nearly TT bike weather?

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    Funny that you mentioned feeling like that this week TE.. out of the blue on Tuesday evening I just got hit really hard by exhaustion. Felt like a bad flu.. Had to take a day off work and curl up in bed feeling sorry for myself! From a google of flu symptoms from overtraining it looks like a pretty normal thing to happen when you push too hard. Not a nice feeling especially when you bring it on yourself! Live and learn.

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    I think it'll be a while before I can do group rides or anything really strenuous GB. Need to tick over on easy for the foreseeable. 

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