
working at it slowly



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    Blimey Daffs, that sounds consistent?!

    been mid 20's here as well on and off, it's been a while since I could says that


    give my regards to the hills Farty Pants !

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    I'm confused. PC Paul told us that because the message has come throughFB it's not covered under the same harassment laws. We've been threatened with burning our house down and the first threat was to send someone round to smash is up. I kept the messages and showed him. But he said he couldn't do anything.

    He has been blocked from All our FB accounts.

    Anyway I am dog sitting, and I'm bloody knackered And so is she. Got a

    Prob with the cat though, he won't come in the house. The dog is cat friendly, but Harry refuses to come in.
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    Snaily, I think PC Paul has got his wires crossed, or something. Harassment and bullying through social media is taken very seriously. It’s worse in many ways than a face to face confrontation, you’re just left with all those horrible feelings and noway to vent.

    I hope you’ve reported the messages to FB? They should take it seriously and have even banned some people from the site in similar situations.

    I don’t understand the sweet question either - why only eat 2 sweets when there’s a bagfull? image



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    Morning All

    Typical isn't it - gorgeous hot, sunny day again (although currently a little cooler than yesterday's mid 20s) and I'm booked to be riding round the Olympic Velodrome!!

    Thought I'd posted yesterday but it appears not...........

    Happy warm and sunny weekends one and all - anyone doing any events or anything exciting?

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    SlugstaSlugsta ✭✭✭


    Awww, poor Harrycat! It sounds as if he's sulking. I really hope something can be done about the threats and abuse.

    Happy cycling Podds.

    Careful Daffs, this running malarky is getting to be a habit!

    Bright and dry again here, temps high teens. Took SM out for an hour or so cos she is feeling lonely. 


    WAIST well xxx


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    Pippi LSPippi LS ✭✭✭

    Gone cloudy here, very windy, and turned rather cool! Weve been to 

    Iverpool for the river festival. A few tall ships, quite a lot of bands around, etc. also a man standing on water jets several metres high, travelling round the dock! I'll post a photo, as it's hard to explain!

    happy anniversary Westie &Olga!

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    I'm not surprised Harry won't come in, he won't be best pleased with an intruder in his house

    threats and social media, I suspect that because they were not conditional, ie; we'lol burn your house down if you don't do x,y,z then the threat is low, not to say that it didn't happen and its not upsetting but if the intent & capability is low then there will be not a lot they can do. You however as has been pointed out can report to FB, block people who make threats and generally remove them from your life.

    16 miles run, I'm a tad jaded .....small matter of 80 miles on the bike tomorrow ....!

    Frontlined the GPO this morning and told him my name was Podds image

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    YumsYums ✭✭✭

    Evening allimage 

    Happy belated anniversary, DL. Teens , ehimage Just send her to m..........eldy for a few daysimage 

    Daffy, I think you've just become the UK Eurovision entry with your chuggy birthday songimage 

    Pippi is 70? My she's looking grand on it. Flap my P is normal againimage  

    Hello, lady Sue. Lovely to see you. Drop by again soon please

    Westie happy anniversary. Is this for your come back or you n Olga?image 

    Sluggy, sorry to hear SM is lonely. I'm still available image 

    ((((Snaily)))  sisters, eh ?! Glad snaily bloke is independent and good companyimage  

    Have a spendiferous holibob, Farfar

    Podds, a cheese sandwich after some fab cycling. Life doesnt get better. image  

    Been to meditation morning. Super lovely time with the two lady order members and the other ladies including Larry. Looks as though the new med group willstart in january image  Sunday is plod dayimage  

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    Get me....posting from my phone on the train.....Eeek
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    Oh dear oh dear ....the 21st century has caught up with Podds image

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    SpenceSpence ✭✭✭
    Blimey Podds! You'll be on Twitter next!!image

    Have a fab hollibobs Far Far!

    Well run Meldy! image

    I paced at parkrun image 30mins, few people got PBs image
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    M...eldy wrote (see)

    Frontlined the GPO this morning and told him my name was Podds image

    image I shall think of a suitable revenge...............

    M...eldy wrote (see)

    Oh dear oh dear ....the 21st century has caught up with Podds image


    Spence wrote (see)
    Blimey Podds! You'll be on Twitter next!!image

    Fat chance of that Spence - I'm all meeja'ed out now image

    Evening All - having had a scream at the velodrome I may have consumed a couple of glasses of bubbles whilst watching the Nocturne racing hence my new found bravery on my phone image  I do however feel I've probably peaked!!

    Off to bed now - absolutely shattered and I'm also supposed to be out on my bike tomorrow........although nothing as impressive as Meldy's 80.......

    Sweet dreams all

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    Hi. Nobody posted in here today or is my RW broken? Or is everyone out doing splendiferous things?

    Liking the sound of meldys 16 miles yesterday.

    What a lovely day its been imageimage
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    Following meldys 16 yesterday she only managed 66 today, my legs are battered. There is a reason why run follows bike ...

    good old Wiggo image

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    There are a lot of feathers in the kitchen, I've checked the oven and can find no evidence ...

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    SpenceSpence ✭✭✭
    Crikey it's been quiet in here!!

    Gotta love Wiggo! image

    6 miles in beautiful sunshine with some club mates image did a big splat running along the canal, got a grazed knee now!
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    66 miles after 16 is quite something image nothing left for you meldy? Only feathers?

    Hope you were not too embarrassed Spence! image well run. It was hot.

    I did an hour on and off road this morning. My new sweatbands came in very usefulimage
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    did not do my 30 mins walk/jog today BUT went with Tony and Scott for a day out in the hills.Went with Tony up his first Munro ( thats hills / mountains over 3000 ft for newbees ) took 4.5 hours and 3 of them were me trying to get to the summit which involved a 5 mile slog .Scott did his Scott thing and ran round other hills for 22 miles That left the three of us with rather tired legs etc so I am counting that as my Sunday workout.
    The boys have gone to the pub and I stayed at home to knackered to do anything. Rest day tomorrow image

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    SpenceSpence ✭✭✭
    Well done Westie! image
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    Pippi LSPippi LS ✭✭✭

    Happy birthday, Larry!

    well walked, Westie!

    ive been rambling in Cumbria, near Tebay. Very nice and quiet too!

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    Epic fail for me on the bike ride today as the dogs let us lie in until 0830 and I was shattered from the last week.......and by the time we'd got up and walked them the combo of Sunday and hot sun meant any cycling would have been a nightmare of avoiding cars and families etc etc........

    ........but all was not lost as we did 7.5 miles of beach and cross country running instead with a section of bushes up to our arm pits..........my legs now look as if I've got some awful tropical rash like disease due to the flagellation they received from thistles and saw grasses and the such like........

    Sounds like everyone had a good Sunday though doing various bits and pieces image

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    Sounds like a great day out. Westie. And won't your new family member be proud of being able to brag to his friends 'MY great-granddad is a runner!' xx

    I think I'm just in under the wire, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY LARRY!!!!! (unless, since nobody else seems to think it's your birthday, FB is telling a lie?) I hope you had a brilliant day, even if it's not your birthday, and if it IS, I hope you have been hugely spoilt and are looking forward to your best year ever. xxx

    DL, as Sluggie says, having teenage landed on you out of the blue must be a huge shock to the system. Hang in there, things will improve in, oh, about eight yearsimage

    Snaily, you've really been in the wars---well done for keeping going, and even thinking up some imaginative new ideas for the NHS (who can really use some new ideas, dog knows!). Wonderful that the Bloke is such a good person to have on side. Sorry about Sis: like JFF says, upsetting you is bad enough, but no excuse for upsetting your nan. Hope you manage to block her out as fully as possible. 

    Sluggie, SM does sound lonely. Is this new? I thought the friend kept her pretty well occupied. And I'm starting to cross my fingers already for the hospital appt...

    Daffs, THANK YOU for the bee-yew-tee-flu birthday ode! Never had one anything like it beforeimage and I have saved it for posterity image)) How you found time to do it with all the running you're doing, I don't know. Have you got another race on the horizon? 

    Pippi, in just a minute I'll pop over to FB and see if you've put up your photos of the river festival---it sounds fab! Oh, and that you for the BD wishes IN DUTCH image)) 

    Has FarFar left already for her holiday? (I do seem to have heard a rumour that she was going....;-) If not, or if you look in, FarFar, hope you have a perfectly wonderful time, just relax and forget all the stuff at work and look after YOU for a little while! xxx

    Meldy, thanks for the clarification on FB. I don't know of any reason why the law would be different three, but you're the policemanimage With 16 miles on foot today, and 80 on wheel tomorrow, you are going to be well-ironed when the time comes! Hats off to you, ma'am!

    Yums, the new meditation group sounds really good. Hope it goes through, you've been looking for something like that xxx

    Podds, get you----posting from a phone! Presumably you were also running an exam and cycling off-road at the same time in order to fit everything in! BTW, how are all the hounds now? There were  a few problems last week, hope they've healed now. 

    Apologies for not having been in. Coming back to NL for a week is great in theory, but means running around like a maniac to get everything done. But we had a totally perfect family day out for my birthday on Saturday. C1 organised it all: drinks at her place, nice lunch on a roof terrace in the sun (she also booked perfect weather!), boat tour round The Hague canals (always wanted to do that, unexpectedly interesting, we all had a blast), drinks on a cafe on a boat moored in a canal (it had 128 different types of beer!), then dinner in a really super new veggie restaurant. Brilliant day, we all had a fantastic time. Best BD party since I was 4 years old image))) 

    Oh, and Monty and I are still chugging, even here! image 


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    morning all, legs not too bad but don't plan doing anything today.

    Just posting a link to the 53 mile highland fling race which gives a good idea how scenic trail running is up here. A very friendly race and good fun but hard work. Scott did run this one and managed 2nd vet . there is a couple of clips of him running and about 3min 40 a good clip of him coming off the hill cant miss his bright running club vest,



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    YumsYums ✭✭✭


    Lots of excellent stuff going on in hereimage 

    A special yay and woo hoo to great grandfather westie, hill walker and beer drinker extraordinaire. Highland fling looks fab but a bit beyond me sadly.

    Chuggy, your family birthday outing sounds excellent and I'm impressed that C1 even arranged suitable weatherimage 

    PoddsPodds, sometimes you just have to follow the force. Yesterday it was obviously a lie in and recharging your batteries type of destinyimage 

    Happy birfdee, larryimage  

    Oh m..........eldy, that sounds like a tough day. Thank goodness you dont have to do it again for a while...image 

    Teabay, pippi? What a fab sounding place;-) 

    Did your fall stop you talking, Spenceimage 

    Hot xcrountry run of 8.5 yesterday. Bit if a struggle. Met some other runners who informed us the route we are practising has changed! Had to explore the change of course on second lapimage  Followed by gardening in the arvo



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    Well done you, Yums! 8.5 x country in the heat is no mean feat. Temperature matters! 

    Westie, LOVED that video! Great music, fabulously beautiful country, and a brilliant atmosphere amongst the people. That shot of Scott absolutely flying down that hill was amazing. If I were ever going to do any race (which I'm not) that's the one I would most like to do image You keep going like you are, maybe you can do it with Scott next year!

    Monty and I toddled a gentle 3 miles this morning, just to keep the leagues moving. It's not as much nicer on the flat as I expected: I actually rather miss the variety of going up and down. I must be going mad!

    The nice sunshine has gone here but it's still a nice temperature and dry, so no real complaints. Hope you all have shiny Mondays! xxx

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    Chuggy the only way I could do 53 miles now is in my dreams but I do get a lot of enjoyment going along to these events and supporting.image. I still have one more ambition which will be sometime next year and that's all I will say about it That is of course if I am still mobile by then .image


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    Morning All

    Seem to have 200+ kids all in the correct Maths exams this morning which is at least some compensation for the fact I appear to be missing another gloriously sunny day image

    Westie - some of my club mates went up a few years ago and did the Highland Fling and very much enjoyed it (not sure a repeat is on though as it's such a stupidly long journey to get there for us suvveners) image

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    A day of rest beckoned.... not quite sure what I have done now it is 3pm and I have to go and get murph in very soon

    Been a few black clouds hanging around today which wasnt on the cards!

    doing long run followed by long bike gives you lovely DOMS, shant be doing that again in a hurry

    Duathlon tomorrow evening ...

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    YumsYums ✭✭✭

    Do you think Sir Bradley has the DOMS todayimage 

    If you werent so scary, m....eldy, someone might have offered to massage you achey limbsimage Westie might hpen along later and if he's taken his brave pills, you might be in luck.

    Podds, hope no 2 was amongst the lot you were organising. 


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    Are there enough brave pills in the world?

    Murph has got his rug on cos its gonna be chilly tonight ... which is why I am throwing myself in a lake in the morning

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