
Run for Glory



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    Based on the advice i had from rw coach myself, Keith Anderson,
    i'd say Preeti shouldn't even be running yet

    she's so over her body's "design weight " that she's risking alot of knee etc damage by running

    she needs
    a realistic walk program leading to walk run
    and some good advice on eating
    and an emotional coach to sort out her obvious emotional eating issues

    if they just kick her out and drop her on her arse like that
    then they will have down loads more harm than good
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    agreed Cinders

    it's really tabloid approach to tv imho
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    No sure i'll watch the prog. again, got too angry & started hurling abuse at Cram & co.
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    I just don;t get why pretti wasn;t given a diet plan, she clearly needed help and structure, if she could just go away and lose weight she would'nt be 17 bl**dt stone in the first place!! I know what it's like to be really overweight and try to run, it really really hurts, my first outings of run/walking had some choice language being yelled at my OH who strolled beside me. I'm doing the FLM for the first time but was up to about 9.5 miles at their stage in Jan. This programme is scary they keep going on about how tough and awful the marathon is and you will be in loads of pain. I am mentally prepared for that being a possiblity but will also train and run/walk sensibly to avoid that scenario and enjoy the experience, I've no intention of hitting any walls if I can help it. If I saw RFG before I had a FLM place it would put me off attempting it. We should be encouraging our unfit/overweight population to get off the sofa not be showing them that its agony and unatainable. Also why wasn;t Pretti then couselled to keep it up and enter a 5/10k rather than just being told she can;t do it? Naturally fit people just don;t understand how hard it is for a complete unfit beginner to tackle this, they hav problems that elite runners just would never know. I am so glad that Gunnel, Cram and the evil doc have nothing to do with my training! Will still have to watch it though.
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    Wonder how many casual t.v. viewers this will deter from taking up running?
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    agreed sarah
    i was only going for a 10k but started at 6 stones over weight

    coach told me to get weight off before running and i am so glad he did

    i guess they are going for the "car crash attraction"

    you know how you don't want to look at a car crash
    but you can't help yourself sometimes

    i see that they haven't given the program it's own webpage either just a news report

    and the link there for "read marathonners diary" is nothing to do with this prog!

    at least i've learned the spelling of preeti's name though!
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    exactly Nelle

    it's the programme that the architypal fat bloke at the pub watches and says to his mates laughing - " 'ere look at this lot !"

    it's not motivational at all

    it almost makes you wanna go for a ciggie

    (and i don't even smoke)
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    Nelle, that was just the point I was going to make! :-)
    If I wasn't already running, I'm not sure this would encourage me to get out of the front door - they seem to have made a great thing about taking people who have never run before and training them for the marathon and then wondering why they are finding it difficult.
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    i'll keep watching just to see what happens but there are serious issues with the training advice.

    As for Preeti, she has some serious issues which need addressing before she even thinks about a marathon schedule.

    Michelle, fair play to her but the coaches should have said a big NO NO to her interval training and explained why to the viewing public. As it was they made it sounds like an essential part of weight loss and early marathnon training.

    Not sure of his name but the lad who's lost 2 st. Massive well done to him, but is he risking serious injury by marathon training as opposed to weight loss training?

    John (blind bloke). Superb grit and determination but he's got a knackered hip already. Get him seen to.

    You get the impression that the producers wish for TV is over-powering anything bordering sensible training.
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    seems like this guy is giving them "psychological coaching" of sorts

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    I thought it was a bit soul destroying to run a 5m time trail in the middle of nowhere. They would have been better off to take part in a local 5k, to get a feel what's it like to run in a race.

    Got the impression most were left on their own in terms of training, the coaches have not been discussing individual training and nutrition plan with the runners. Pretti (?) was going for a training run, but the viewer got the impression this was a random session, nothing known in terms of distance or time on feet.
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    Without wishing any of those taking part ill, it would serve the producers right if they all failed due to injury/whatever-it's almost what they deserve for being so stupid& inrealistic with their goals.
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    what is annoying me is that some of these people should have been warned before the programme started that they might not make it. It looked last night as if they had been told that once they were in the prog that was it - they were doing the marathon.

    Surely there must have been thousands of applicants so how did they let Preeti thru unless they knew she wouldn't make it but that if she failed it would be good TV. I'll be surprised if she ever pulls a pair of trainers on again after that - seemed really badly managed. I can only hope that she was given a bit of support after she was dropped and not just shown the door.
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    I agree URR, they would have much more fun (and get some idea of a big race atmosphere) if they all entered a 5K or 10K race rather than just a random 5-miles-in-the-middle-of-nowhere. Especially as they were all running completely different paces so no opportunities for any encouragement from other runners etc.
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    Where did they drag up the doc? She wouldn't be out of place in a concentration camp. What is her definition of a 'good bedside manner'???

    What is the rationale for the programme - to promote a healthy lifestyle for viewers - or to promote mental cruelty and stigmatise people with weight problems?

    I have yet to see anything of educational content on this programme.

    Replacing Cram and co. with some Army PTI instructors would be a better bet. PTI's have experience and the skills to turn couch potato teenagers into something fitter. They may also have an emotional range and empathetic understanding beyond that of the health Nazis - Cram/Gunnel/Dr Death.
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    you think army pti instructors would have a better bedside manner!they would make dr death seem like a pussycat!agree about educational content though.
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    Sorry Stan, I was being ironic about PTI and Cram and Co. I rate both groups as a sub-species of humanity.
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    Oh dear. My button was pressed when I first head about the idea of this series but I live in Barcelona and can't watch it, so I've just been following the comments here. Doesn't sound good.

    How's it rating? Does it have an audience?
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    it does have an audience
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    I actually real felt for Pretti, she had a degree of determination, and like previous comments I would question the motive for the programme. Did you notice that the first of the 5 mile runners came through in 38 minutes. Bl**dy hell, I wish I could do 5 miles in 38 minutes!! There is a wide range of abilities on the show, some obviously very fit and not really focussed on, .. and the challenged! who had a majority of the show.
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    MinksMinks ✭✭✭
    Frankly I felt that some of them really lacked the necessary drive and determination. It's a marathon, not a fun run in the park. Either commit, or don't bother. Harsh? Maybe, but if you really want to go for the goal then be prepared to make some kind of commitment. Preeti was 17.5 stone and couldn't even manage to shed a stone - where's the commitment? If she couldn't run 5 miles at the start of January then I fully back the decision to kick her out.
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    The 10 miler should give more of a real idea of who is likely to cope in the marathon. I agree with Minks that they need to put in some commitment themselves. Also agree with what others have said that Preeti should be encouraged into a proper weight loss scheme, then maybe train properly for a 5K or 10K.
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    If Preeti was out quite early on then why has she still got a page on Justgiving.com for the FLM ?
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    Interesting mp.

    Initially when I saw only ten listed on the justgiving page I assumed the other 3 had dropped out. But with Preeti still listed I'm not quite sure what to make of it now.

    Here is the justgiving page again for anyone who's new to this thread:

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    Possible explanations: The page is up for a certain length of time and just hasn't been cancelled. Maybe the Beeb asked for it to be left up. Maybe it was left up in the hope of some donations (I'm tempted to give Preeti some. She did put herself through something, so I think she deserves some sponsorship even if it didn't work out). Or maybe she's still planning on doing the marathon on a run walk? Last explanation would be great if it's true!
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    Are the runners going to be entered for any half marathons before FLM? I would have thought at least one HM was highly recommended for anyone training for a marathon?
    Haven't seen any mention of any of them at any of the big HMs over the last couple of weekends.
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    Hi everyone

    I have just "stumbled" across this forum after doing a search for Run For Glory through Ask. I am actually one of the participants of the program - although based on the 3 episodes shown so far you wouldn't know it. I think I'm the token "Northener" who was accepted on the program but unfortunately, along with some of the others, am yet to feature. I became involved in the project as unfortunately we lost our eldest son, Daniel, to suicide in March 2005. Since then we have been heavily involved in promoting the services of Samaritans to young men, particularly in the Nort East of England. I was contacted by the charity to ask if I was prepared to take part which I agreed to do as I felt this would allow me to give something back for all the support they have given my family.

    I can honestly say prior to doing this I loathed running with a passion. My sport has always been football and my fitness had dwindled somewhat in the last couple of years, but particularly in the last 6 months after Daniel's death. I was also in a terrible state emotionally.

    I am however now really enjoying the (running) training and have completed a few half marathons as part of my training (not in race conditions though) in approximately 2 hours 10 minutes. And for the record I came second in the 5 miler recently shown in 45 minutes but unfortunately this wasn't featured.

    I'd love to get involved in your debate as much as I can although "contractually" I am unable to discuss anything that hasn't yet been broadcast - but feel free to ask on what you've seen so far!

    Although I'm still nervous about the "big day" I feel I've made so much progress (both physically & mentally) in the last few months that I have a real chance of running the whole race. I now see running as a real sport, an enjoyable experience and one that I plan to continue with - Nort Run is diarised for October.

    For details on my campaign visit www.justgiving.com/ifucareshare or www.ifucareshare.co.uk. or email me at dean@bedefinancial.co.uk

    Many thanks
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    Hi Dean!!!
    We are extremely honoured to have you join our humble thread!
    As you say your appearances on the show so far have been somewhat limited!
    Reading your story, it is a real shame that you haven't been featured more - let's hope the producers allow you a bit more airtime over the next few shows.
    Congratulations on coming 2nd in the 5 miler - 45 mins is a good time (can't believe you didn't even get a mention for that!!). And good to hear you've got a few 13 milers under your belt. Fully understand that you may not be able to answer questions but if you are allowed to say, are you doing any official races before FLM and what is the longest run you'll do before the big day? General consensus around these threads seem to suggest even first timers should try at least one 20 miler - I'd be interested to know if RFG recommend similar?

    Very best of luck with your training, looking forward to following your progress with interest!!

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