
Dublin Marathon - 29th October 2007



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    Well Pam since you said not Liverpool and some of us are running Liverpool anyway I don't have any suggestion - er apart from Liverpool Half. It would be great if we could all get together for a drink in Spring somewhere.

    My old running calendar is fully booked until March and I'm hopeful of a place at FLM in April.

    Perhpas London might be the place for a few of us to meet up.

    If I don't get into FLM - Cork in June sounds good.

    I've put my future races in my profile.
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    Unless ye all fancy a triathlon I probably won't have time this year :-(
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    We could certainly meet up in London if no one comes up with a better idea.


    Is there anything on in Manchester area worth doing in the spring? I have chums in Burnage who would put me up for a couple of nights.
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    I am just starting to plan my training/races for next year. I think I will do more running events up to 20 miles in the first few months and then concentrate more on the tri races.

    Interestingly I am planning to follow a 20 week training plan for the Ironman UK, which is a sensible plan. Quite aptly it will mean it starts on 1st April.
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    Morning all..back from the lap of luxury...MrGFB had organised for us to be in the honeymoon suite with requisite champagne and choccies!! ::sigh::

    We reliably informed at dinner that we were staying in the suite that President Clinton had stayed in...hope they changed the sheets!!

    I start my 20 week schedule for London at the start of December...I'm looking forward to being told what to do again!! I love working to a schedule!

    HAve a good day all!
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    GFB, does MR GFB follow a lanza schedule? when does it start. I jsut seem to ahve one infection after another at the moment and feeling pretty carp!
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    Sort of ticking over at the minute SL...full on 20 week schedule starts in January...you should probabaly spend the time up to Christmas recuperating and getting base fitness...hope you feel better soon :o)
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    Had my first swimming lesson today with a TI coach which was interesting, and I don't seem to have that many problems! Which suprised me a little!

    As for races, off tomorrow to do a local half marathon at St Neots, if the weather holds and the wind drops a little am hoping for a good time.......

    Hope everyone has a really good weekend......
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    The weather here look DIRE for tomorrow...so I'm going to go do 5 miles on the dreadmill and then a 40 minute swim session. Thats the plan anyway!

    All the best for tomorrow Ian
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    I've just tidied out my top drawer in work (the joys of weekends on call).... amongst other junk, I've retrieved
    -4 toothbrushes
    -10 unidentified keys (although I suspect one is the sole copy of a key to my mum's garage that went missing a while ago - won't be owning up to that one!)
    - 7 nail files (3 of the fancy 4 sided ones)
    - 10.53 in copper coins (ok I made it up - even I'm not bored enough to actually count them. Zuppy junior makes a good living getting a 10% cut for countint loose change whenever he visits)...
    13 batteries and
    3 pencil sharpeners...

    Also found some embarassing stuff ;-) but I don't know any of you nearly wel enough!
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    GFB your weekend sounds lovely - you clearly have Mr GFB well trained! :-)

    I've talked a semi-sedentary friend into doing the Edinburgh Half on April 1st (he lives there) so if anyone fancies it I know a nice bar that does divine melon martinis for after the run...........

    Not doing London (cheque not cashed - boooo) but HH is, so will be with my running club cheering y'all on near Shadwell. so we should see you at 13 and 22 I think....
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    DTB...this is totally unprecidented!! He's only lately got romantic..I dunno..maybe I was a sure thing until recently!!

    Are you coming to London...I'm looking forward to seeing all my Dublin friends!

    SL..c'mon now...I think you know us well enough no judgement...(:::lies:::)
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    ...anyone got skype?
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    Who knows for sure that they are running London?
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    me Pam...running for the local "Foyle" Hospice
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    Afternoon all,

    I really don't know how this has happened, but I just ran my fastest half ever 1:35:20. I am so happy at the moment.

    But I do have to say the marshall at the end of the race nearly got more then he expected when he asked me if I was ok ;o)
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    congrats ian.

    I'm trying to organise a training plan for next years season.... I've never followed a plan before so it's taking quite a while

    some random questions. Ok, so on average womens max HR's are about 6bpm faster than mens and women have higher HR's for the same level of effort. do the 6 beats account for this or when a schedule says @70% MHR do I need to adjust it in some way because I'm a girl?

    Can someone suggest tempo (which I think means steady for moderate length of time?) and speed (puke at the end?) runs for marathon training? Should these progress through the training plan. I'm going to have a look at the one Amadeus was talking about the other day.

    Those of you who have followed plans before, what do you do whne life gets in the way?
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    Am by no means an expert as you know.

    But because it is a percentage of your max HR, would that not take into account the difference between men and womens HR's?

    As for tempo, I would say this is just above your race pace, and for dublin I was doing a tempo run every other week or so of only between 3 to 5 miles. Steady I think would be more like race pace. And speed sessions yep puke up at the end.

    I more or less managed to follow the 3:45 plan from this site. I didn't follow it to the letter I had off days missed days out and sometimes didn't complete the runs. But when I did miss a run I didn't try and catch up! I had missed it so therefore just moved onto the next session! Also the speed sessions on the plan on a Tuesday I never did. I went along to my running club, and did theirs instead. These sessions were the only ones I did with the club, all the other runs tempo, LSR's and steady runs I did by myself.....

    Not sure of any of the above helps, but it seemed to work for me!
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    GFB - I live in London, and will know lots of people in the club doing it, and some of you lot, so will definitely be being a very vocal supporter!

    Ian - Congrats! that's a fabulous time, you must be so chuffed!

    SL I'm less of an expert than pretty much everyone here, yourself included, but I had the impression a tempo run was just a different name for a threshold run - ie sustainably hard effort a smidgen below the pace at which you go anaerobic? might be wrong though.....!
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    ...so if anyone wants me to hold food etc for them, I'll be at 13 and 22 ish...

    Giller having my spare gel and energy bar was FAB in Dublin, so only fair I should do it for someone else eh? :-)
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    HR training is all a black art and a mystery to me so I don't know about your 1st Q...

    Like Ian though I had tempo as quick (10K type) pace and steady as Planned Marathon Pace (quick but sustainable). LSR is PMP + 30 / 90 secs. Thats how I worked it out for teh last couple of plans anyway and they went ok.

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    Ian - finally got round to looking up the name of the hotel in Seville !
    It's called Hotel Aacr Museo - nice and friendly and good value for money - here's the link, lazy of me, I know...
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    I did 7 miles today. Longest run since Dublin. I am currently doing 17 miles per week.

    What are all you lovely Dublin 2006ers doing running-wise at the mo?
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    I've been trying to get my gammy knee sorted. After finding out I have one leg shorter than the other, I've now found out my hips are pointing in different directions so I'm doing lots of very painful stretching and strengthing. Pain usually kicks in about the 7 mile mark so I'm off to do a 10 miler tomorrow morning.

    I've spent the entire afternoon working on a training plan... It's all colour coded and everything. Mr H will be proud of me. Our resident astiste DTB may think it looks more like the work of a pre-schooler. Who would of thought that there are so many clashing colours in a palate of 256000 :-) Amadeus, I used the FUrman training programme for the run portions. some of the speed stuff looks kinda tough?

    Thanks Ian for the hotel link.

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    Is it mailable SL?

    If so could I have a look
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    Likewise - I wouldn't mind a look, esp as I'm still umming and ahhing over the idea of a tri (yes I am a big girls blose but I have serious worries over the swim part and I only have a MTB)

    The whole plan looks tough, not just the speed parts! One of teh atrcations for me was the sheer quantity of teh long runs. The blurb along with the plan empahasises quality over quantity and people who have used it swear by it. It also tallies pretty well with teh plan that SJ mooted which is a good sign.

    Anyway it was designed by Yanks, so how tough can it be????
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    SL...you could give Simon Ward a look see, he runs a triathlon/Ironman training camp/and schedules, I've met him through Computrainer (he's the UK, rep)

    If you google him you'll find him...or I think I have his email address if you want I'll send it to you.
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    Ok just read back...DTB, I'm so looking forward to meeting you again...I'll be travelling to London with my sister and our eldest daughter (both like to partay!!) so I'll be able to socialise a whole lot more in London!!

    This week I got back in the water and I have so enjoyed my swimming (brick session this morning...5 mile run and 1K swim...gee but I'm slow!!)

    Apparently next week I'm going out for a 2 hour bike ride with MrGFB...Lord help me!!

    I'm going at a low heart rate, apparently now is the time for base training so HR's have to be low (like don't be afraid to walk slow!!)

    SL...here is the website for Simon Ward Simon

    He's a nice guy with a good reputation for Ironman coaching (I think he was the official coach for HIUK)...it might be worth a go getting "professional help" LOL!!
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    <<Puts hand up as well>>

    SL, would it be possible to have alook at the plan as well?
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    Plum it's in excel. I'll mail it tomorrow. I'm off to clear the various bits of bikes and training gear out of the car now. I'm picking ironwolf's mate up at the airport tomorrow morning and the poor guy probably doesn't want to end up sitting on a rear derailleur.

    oop's just seen you Ian, I'll email you too. It's a bit tailored towards me and what I'm doing but it's always good to see as many people's versions as you can.
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