
25th Team Strides Lochaber Marathon



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    Kevin!  ou're up to 20 already?

    I will be there for this one as I just booked it last weekend now all I have to do is get those 5 20s in LOL 

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    Hi Biastai

    2nd 20 this weekend. The 3rd will be the Thanet 20 in a couple of weeks.Not running any quicker by the way! Are you doing Abingdon this year, as it's been reinstated?

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    Kevin - your training is going wellimage
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    Hi Shades, I'll drop you an email over the weekend
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    20 miles for me at the weekend.  Kept a low heart rate throughout, and finished in under 3 hours.  I am pleased with that.  Next one planned for two weeks time.
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    Only 16 this weekend so nice and easy for me!

    See you there Kevin! 

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    Got the Seville Marathon this weekend, can't wait!
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    Sounds nice Mrs Mac
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    Training going great for you guys. Me too although your marathon sounds good this weekend Mrs Mac. I'm of to do some marathon shopping and sight seeing in New York on Thursday, might bimble round Central Park if I can fit it in.
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    Wow really envious of all you jetting off to exotic places.  Just plodding around the streets of Dundee for me.  Although I am going to Liverpool next month for a few days - does that count?

    Hope you have a good run in Seville Mrs M and you get a good Bimble in NY Karen

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    I love New York Karen. Running in Central Park is great for people watching. I'm sure Liverpool will be lovely too!
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    I've packed my run stuff Mrs Mac, looking forward to it. Nowt wrong with Dundee dunderunner, Liverpool nice too. Pal I'm going with is a Liverpudlian.
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    Karen have a great time in New York. 
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    Happycat you changed your name!! I like it. Thanks, will do.
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    9 weeks today image

    Hows everyones training going ??


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    Hi Adbru,

    You've just made my night - I thought it was 8 weeks today and was having a wee panic attack! Not that I suppose an extra week will make THAT much difference, but it's nice to know I have longer than I thought.

    I did a 21 miler yesterday, but it was just one of those that was hard work from the outset. Was windy and a gradual uphill for the first half, but was so knackered by midway even the downhill seemed hard!  Then spent the rest of the day trying not to fall asleep....

    How are you getting on with your training?  


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    Hi CT,

    Your well ahead of me then !!

    Did 14 miles today, thats my longest ever run image .
    That give 34.5 for the week, again my highest ever ....

    Looking to steadily increase the lsr now by a couple of miles each week.
    What time are you aiming for ?? I'm assuming you have a target time if your up to 21 miles already ?!

    I am just looking for a finish as its my first full marathon........ (Although sub 4 would be nice - if unrealistic lol )

     run safe


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    I am just recovering from my little ultra last sunday.

     Hope everyone is well.

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    Perhaps mentioning my 21 miles is giving the wrong impression Adbru, you still managed more miles in the week than I did! I think my longest ever in a week is 36, and that was a wee while ago.  And the state of me after 21 miles was not pretty! 

    I am OK at fitting in LSR's at the weekend, but mid week is sadly lacking, I never seem to be able to meet my schedule (I'm using the 4 runs a week one courtesy of Shades).  This is my first marathon and it's going to be slow. The 21 took 4 hrs 5 mins, so I am still hoping for a sub 5 marathon. 

    Ultracat, where was the Ultra last week? Does this mean you think of marathons as training runs?! I still cant quite believe I might make 26.2 miles, never mind longer....

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    CT 21 miles in just over 4 hours is fine, just the sort of pace I have been doing for my long runs and I managed to run 4.44 marathon when I ran Draycote 35 miler last sunday and it felt a comfortable pace.    I see ultras as good training for a marathon and vice  versa. 
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    Thanks for that Ultracat, it's nice to know there are others running at a similar pace, I can get a bit disheartened when I run with my group once a week and cant keep up!  Well done at Draycote - 35 miles still seems like the kind of mileage I am pleased at on the bike..... 

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    Great time you got Ultracat, superb. Crystal tips, I'm a slow runner so don't get disheartened, great to get your 21 mile run in. I'm hoping with this one because it's flat I'll get 4.30 or under but I'm not bothered if i don't, just looking to feel fresh on my feet at end. Back from New York this morning, do love the place but so tiring. Keep up the training guys, got new off road trainers which are so comfy so try to muddy them up with a run tomorrow.
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    nice to see you back Karen.  Hope you had a great time.
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    Thanks ultracat, did so much and totally drained but raring to get back into training now, well maybe tomorrowimage.
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    Running in the Thanet 20 this Sunday. Made it in 2.51 two years ago but nowhere near that fast now. Looking to do around 3 hrs this time, slowly building up to Lochaber in 8 weeks or so. Looking forward to it, as usual!
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    Glad you had fun Karen D, and thanks for the encouragement. Did you manage to fit in a round round central park? 

    That's a brilliant time for 20 miles Kevin, whether 3 hrs or 2.50ish, good luck on Sunday.

    I'll just stick to my LSR's on my own I reckon, though I do have the Edinburgh Half in a few weeks time.

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    Welcome back Karen.  Were the shoes much cheaper over the pond?  Did you get to do any runs while out there?

     Edinburgh half could be a good way of testing your race pace CT.  Do you have a target time for the half?  I was thinking about entering Alloa.  Never run it before, but would see it as a good way of getting 13 miles at marathon pace under the belt, would not want to push it too hard that close to Lochaber.

     Good luck with Thanet KH.  Hope you get a decent time.

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    Good luck for sunday Kevin. I've just e-mailed off for a space at smokies 10 miler on Sunday, need a wee race in at mo.

    Hi crystal tips and Dundee, was going to type alistair there, you know as in the old kids programme!!

    Really gutted and embarassed as my hotel was called the park central hotel but took half hour to walk to it so didn't run it as you can't run round the actual streets as traffic lights on every corner but on the day we went for a walk round whole thing we got taxi back to hotel from a different corner of park, and quess what, in the other direction, which we never went along, the park was 2 blocks from hotel, which is actually only a 5 minute walk - AAARRRGGHH!! Love central park, very calming and beautiful and the weather was hot and sunny but snow still all around, Gee i've waffled. Dundeerunner i came back with 6 run tops, adidas etc, good names at 4-5 pounds each, new balance off roaders which i tried out today, they were a brand new version out at 40 quid and the comfiest trainers i've had. Had to get some mud on them though, Is it only 8 weeks to race - oh joy!!  

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    Karen, sounds like you'll just have to insist on going back for another visit, so that you can get your Central Park run!  I've never been to NY, but at those prices I might be tempted even just for the shopping!

    Dundee - I dont really have a target for the Edinburgh Half, though last year's was my fastest ever time for a half by a long way, so part of me is tempted to go for it, but on the other hand the focus is supposed to be lochaber so I might just take it easy. It is a nice flat course, and the prevailing wind would be from behind, so you never know.

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    Karen, the price difference on tops etc is criminal.  How can they justify the prices over here?

    Only 8 weeks to go?  This time last year I was in the middle of 6 weeks with no running so I am in much better shape than I was then.  I am hoping to get another 20 miler under my belt this weekend.  Hopefully I can stay cold and injury free and do justice to the course this year.

    CT I have given up on relying on prevailing  winds as they never seem to prevail on the days I need them!

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