
Mums Running Club



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    I can't imagine finding out about an affair, but to discover that your husband has been lying for years and years and years........how awful.

    It's probably easier having divorced parents - they're already divorced so that's that!  I sometimes worry about my dad being lonely but he's forever up in london at some exhibition or another, or getting involved in the village fete/local conservatives/off on holiday .  and I wish my mum and sister lived on this side of the atlantic (not necessarily down the rd but slightly closer than they are!)

    CM and MM hope thing are happier soon.

    Hubby climbing tonight, am so glad it's nearly bed time.  M really has been very trying today.  Every meal/nappy change/getting dressed etc has been a battle today.  At playgroup she was screaming blue murder in the disabled loo when I was doing her nappy, the looks I got when I came out!  You'd have thought I was beating her.

    So looking forward to a wk at my dad's for xmas - her doting aunt, uncle and grandpa can take over!

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    Definitely lots of hugs all round, methinks. Hope things are better for you soon, CM, and MM too. It is so tough when your parents are having trouble - really rocks your world. My Mum's depression kicked off big time when Dad had an affair about 20 years ago - but they managed to work it out and they are still together and very happy. Back then, Mum took him back for the sake of us kids, but I know now that she doesn't regret it at all. Like your Mum, Lotte, I feel a great respect for her, due to the emotional strength it must've needed to pull through. People do find a way though.

    CM - maybe Facebook could be a means of contact? If you go on there and change your e-mail notifications so you aren't notified when you get a message, you could message some of us that way? Keep strong and we are all here for you xx

    Kinsey - how awful, I cannot imagine how much your friend must be hurting.

    CC- good luck withe your mad dash tonight and your babysitter! Hope she's a good one.

    Did another fairly nippy run before nursery pick-up tonight. Could not haul my lazy bum out of bed this morning so finished work a bit early and did it then. Did about 3.5 miles in 29 mins, which is lightning for a trundler like me!

    Better go now - little boy calling!

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    Give us a ring CM. I'll send an email with my number and mobile XX
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    Sorry to hear things are crappy, xmas can be an awful time when you aren't in the mood as it seems to rub salt in.

    Chin up CM- can you create a new user name - just mention tampax & panty pads in your 1st post & we'll know it's you but no-one else would??

    Raining here again - can't wait for the shortest day to pass.... 

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    Have REALLY had to skim read again so apologies in advance! Am at mum and dad's and feel I should go and scoailise with them a bit before bed!

    CM- really hope you're ok. Could you create a new email account so that you have some privacy to offload?

    MM - sorry to hear you're feeling down too. Awful about your friend and it's hard when your parents are having problems too. My dad gets depressed on and off and has Parkinson's which also gets him down so I can relate. I find the that the worst thing with him is that he's terrible at even admitting it and just suffers in silence so that you can't even talk to him about it.

    Mandi - my half was just in October this year but up until earlier this year I had never done more than 8 miles. But, saying that, since my half the most I have done is 7.5 miles becuase I've had a dodgy knee. Have a physio appointment on Jan 4th so hopefully that will help.  

    Keana's nursery is really boiling too and they do have a very strict policy on temperture so that even if they are fine otherwise they get sent home if they're 38 or over. I think her temp may have been borderline at times (37ish) as she has a cold and being in that hot environment must have pushed it over.  What's annoying is that they were quite suspicious when I brought her in suspecting that I had given her calpol or something (which isn't allowed) but I hadn't given her anything. So I'm sure their suspicions were wrongly confirmed when her temp went up.

    CC -love the picture....you look fab!

    Right, I have to go....sorry for missing so many people again....it's just so busy on here that I am having trouble keeping up!

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    Big hugs CM - look after yourself. We are all thinking of you. Set yourself up a Google Mail address - would at least give you personal home e-mail.

    Off to bed for me - have spent the night wrestling with the intricacies of GirlGuiding UK's new online database for unit and member information. Has driven me spare! It is definitely an example of something where technology is not progress - give me record sheets and registers anyday! Ho hum spot the luddite image

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    Although I don't yet know many of you very well, I'm really sorry to hear a few of you are going through a rough time, the ideas above sound really good so I hope they help - I always find chatting to girlfriends makes you feel a little better!

    JanieTri - sorry to hear about your mc, hope you start to feel 100% soon.

    Yve - well done on your half, what time did you do it in?  The 10K I did in Bristol in May was good, but my time was so slow from my pre baby time (not that I've ever been anything near speedy!!), but although I enjoyed running a race again I did feel really crap about how slow I was lol! 

    I keep looking through my training plans I used for the GNR and drawing a mental blank at how I managed to do it - does that sound mad??  It's almost like giving birth, you remember it at the time, but afterwards it's all a blur image

    At the moment I've been running around 30 -40 mins, which I manage about 3 miles and a bit - do you think I should just stick to making that easier first, and then after Christmas make 1 of my 3 runs slightly longer - I think that's what I did before - baby brain seems to be worse than I thought ha ha.

    Not heard from my friends neighbour yet, really hoping I can get a running partner, may put an ad in the village shop at this rate!!

    Hope everyone has a good day xxx

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    I am amazed by Keana's nursery - so do they do a daily temp check 'just incase'?  Or were they only checking because she had been unwell?  Temps can vary so widely.  Our nursery used to say they would only give calpol if it had been prescribed by the dr, but now they will give it.  If M is teething I have been known to dose her up 1st thing in the morning, and although it's partly because I don't want them calling me, it's also because I know she is sore and if she was ahving the day at home I would have done the same thing.

    Right, go to go and buy a secret santa pressie for my boss........

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    Having a quick 10 min lunch break so eating my sandwich as I write this.

    Mandi - I did it in 1.42. That was better than I had hoped for but not speedy at all compared to some of the girls on here.

    Carovet - no, they don't do routine checks. I think they checked it because she had been ill and they said she felt warm. They won't give calpol unless as an emergency if you can't get there quick enough. Anyway, she seems fine now - slept through the night  for the first time since last Thursday so I finally managed to catch up a bit (although not a great deal since I went to bed at 11.30 and she was awake at 5.55am!)

    Friend of mine had a baby boy by c-section yesterday - she had pre-eclampsia and only managed to get to 31 weeks and the baby was only 3lbs 14oz (which I guess isn't too bad at 31 weeks). I think everything is ok though so that's a relief.

    Right, got to go....

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    CM - hope you can find a way to get some support for whatever's going on.

    I think we've had the same lurgy that everyone else has had - such a treat whilst trying to move! Luckily nursery are incredibly sensible and although they called on the day we were moving because Isabelle wasn't quite herself, they gave her some calpol and were happy when she perked up about half an hour later, and said they felt she'd be better off there with them than at home with us trying to move. She nearly bought herself her first visit to the GP 2 days later when she woke up in the night with a soaring temp and a really fast respiratory rate but luckily was much better in the morning and my parents were having her that day anway.

    I've just been for my first run from our new house! It wasn't a great one because I haven't run for about 10 days - combo of lurgy and moving - but it was a nice afternoon to be out, and fun to run from somewhere different. We haven't moved very far so I really just started from a different point on one of my loops, but previously had a mile uphill to start with so was nice not to have to face that!

    Right, better get showered and off to nursery - I managed to wangle (skive!) out of a course this afternoon as it just didn't seem right to sit inside!!
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    MinksMinks ✭✭✭

    Goodness, Yve, that's tiny.  I hope he's OK - fortunately things are now so much more advanced and tiny preemies do have a fighting chance these days.

    Yes, CM - how about Facebook?  As TattyB says you can set it so that it doesn't send you email notifications when someone contacts you (and it does work as I have mine switched off as I use my work email address for everything and don't have a 'private' one) - and no-one can look at your 'wall' unless you have assigned them as your friend.  Or set up your own email account with Yahoo or Google or one of those free online ones - that way no-one else can access your emails.

    Kinsey, how awful for your friend.  Would be bad enough to discover your hubby had been cheating all that time - but cheating with a MAN???!  Not sure how you even begin to come to terms with something like that.

    Agree with the others - problems at home and within families can seem so much bigger at this time of year, because the expectation is that everyone is happily cosied up with their nearest and dearest and everyone's ecstatic because it's Christmas.  If you're unhappy then I think Christmas is probably the loneliest time of year. 

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    You're so right Minks, the expectation at this time of the year is so high, and if you believe the hype it feels as though everyone is going out to perfect parties wearing perfect outfits and going home to their perfect families!
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    CC - yuck to nasty periods. Not what you need to recover after your efforts of last weekend!! Weather has been lovely here today too - didn't make the most of it by running in the light, but we did do lots of walking. Got all of our Xmas shopping done apart from 2 things that I'm going to order online! Very pleased that it's out of the way. JP has a garage from the ELC with lots of cars to go in it - he is seriously into his cars just now. Can't wait to see him open it!

    Tiny babies - my nephew, who is 12 today, was born 10 wks prem, weighing just over 2 lbs. He does have some trouble with his eyesight, but is incredibly bright (he passed his 11+ and goes to the local grammar school).

    Vixo - good on you for getting out of the meeting! I don't blame you at all!

    Club run tonight for the first time in a few weeks - just have not had the time to go, which is bad, I know. But I am back now and loving it! Did a very hilly 7.2 in 63 mins, so well pleased with that. I run SO much faster when I go with them.

    Minks - I think it's the expectation about Xmas that gets me down too. I have resolved this year not to expect too much and just view it as a bit of time off work to spend with family. I am really looking forward to spending it with my Mum and Dad for a change!

    Yve - hope K's temp settles down soon. I have to say I would be a bit cross with nursery too - almost seems like they're checking up on you! And a time like that for a half mara is in my dreams!!! Would be happy to crack the 2 hour barrier.

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    ChynahChynah ✭✭✭
    Lovely weather - shame I couldn't make the most of it with a run but had to use my Nate free time to do some Christmas shopping so no running til after dark for me!  Nate spent the day in his Santa outfit looking very cute!
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    TB - well done on the club run.

    CC -  boo to the bad period. Hope your legs feel ok tomorrow.

    Rest day for me today. Well a rest from running or cycling but not a restful day at all. Began badly when we slept in! Hubby away overnight so I set my alarm clock for an hour later than normal (so 6.30)since I couldn't get out but thinking it would give m plenty of time to get showered and actually be well organised for once. Instead I woke a 8.05 with Sophie saying didn't I think it was time to get up! So a mad mad rush to get the older three out for the bus at 9am. Then take Reece up to nursery for 9.15 (we were 15 mins late!). From there went straight to a friends house for a cuppa and  catch up wuntil I had to pick Reece and his little buddy up from nursery and we went over to another friends house for lunch. Then straight from there back to the school to pick up older three plus an extra one and take them to swimming lessons. Didn't get home until after 5pm and hadn't even thought about tea. So then it seemed like a long struggle to get tea, homework and finally everyone to bed.  phew.  Feel bad because I lost my patience with Cameron throwing his food about and the twins were both overtired as they hadn't had a decent sleep today.

     Anyway house needs a tidy before bed for me and hubby should be back sometime now.

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    CC- hope you feel better in the morning, I've got a mirena coil now so although I have longish periods they aren't really much more than spotting.

    TB- good run- clubs really are the best thing!! Glad you got the xmas shopping done- I've done the general aunt/uncle pressies but not got hubby, sis, Mum, dad.... the important ones really.... or the boys....

    Yve- hope the little one is OK- when I was health visiting they wuldn't let babies out of hosp until they reached 4lb but hopefully that won't be too long. It's awful having a sick/ tiny baby in hosp. 

    Lotte- you should volunteer for one of those fly on the wall documentaries- show those slackers how 'real' Mums do it!

     Chynah- I love the santa baby stuff, Archie had his on for the toddler party aswell today but when I went to take a photo I realised the camera wasn't charged. At least you got your shopping done.

    Been to club for reps & then came home to calls from my Mum & my Sis. We are doing a charity shop next week & they are both bickering over how to get the stuff there, who is going to have the biggest space, when we are going to open aaarrrghhhh, I just wanted a little table to sell a few boxes of things to start a trust fund for Archie & now I'm going to be shoved in a corner while they take over. 

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    Busy on here last night, and I'm a morning person!!

    Lotte that sounds like a manic day, but then I think all your days must be mad, mine are bad enough with two the same age, but you have 4 others!!

    I got my run in yesterday with a friend, we managed 8.30 miling for 5.25 miles, so around 45 mins. Quite pleased with that as it's a hilly run, I do struggle on the hills now though. Going to try for 7 again on Sat. Took the boys out for a walk in the sunshine, so really made the most of the day yesterday. Felt a bit sick again last night, so maybe did too much?

    I have done most of our xmas shopping online, but we are going on sunday to Bath. Boys are going to grandparents for the weekend tomorrow. Hurrah!! Coming home to us sunday evening. So we can spend some time together, maybe have nice lunch etc.

    Yve, that makes me feel very lucky to have got to 35 weeks. My two were 4lb5 and 4lb8, so a decent size, but they looked so small and very skinny, you could see all their bones, no fat at all. They were 7lb by 8 weeks, so normal birth weight!! Hopefully this one will be a bit bigger and I'll get further than 35 weeks this time.

    Good luck for your run today CC, hope the TOTM subsides.

    Well done on your runs Chynah and TB. I am too tired to make it to the club in the evenings, makes me feel sick again, so daytime running for now.

    Off to dance class with boys, then to see my sister in Bristol for lunch, so another busy day...

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    MinksMinks ✭✭✭

    Gosh, what busy lives we all lead!  I was SUCH a piggy yesterday.  We had our work Christmas lunch at a posh hotel - three courses.  I had butternut squash and baby spinach risotto to start, then roast turkey with all the trimmings (although fondant rather than roast potatoes which just wasn't right!) and then spiced pear creme brulee for dessert.  VERY nice!  Then I went for a pizza with a friend last night, as was the only night we could both make and wanted to catch up before Christmas.  And I'm ashamed to say I polished off a full Pizza Express fiorentina pizza - not quite sure where I put it all!!

    Lotte, sounds like you had a mad day yesterday!  Never good when the day starts as a crazy rush.  When hubby and I were both poorly last week, I'd set the alarm as hubby hadn't decided whether he was going to try to get up for work.  When it went off I asked him if he was going in, and he grunted a bit and said he was still thinking about it.  Next thing I knew it was 7:40am and Kit was tugging at our duvet and asking to get up!  So that made the decision for us - hubby didn't go in (which was the right call actually as he felt really rubbish).

    Vixo, glad the move went OK.  Must be quite strange starting a regular run from a different place - but nice to miss out the hilly start!  I have that problem as we live on top of a hill so all my runs finish with a climb image

    TattyB, well done on getting all the Christmas shopping finished.  I seem to have hit a bit of a hiatus with ours.  I was going great guns (having got nearly all of it online) then seem to be stuck on the last few bits (mainly presents for Kit's grandparents from him - it's hard enough thinking of things to buy them from us, without having to think up an extra present as well!)

    CC, boo to the heavy period.  Hope it stops soon.  The first few I had after Kit was born were dreadful and I was terrified they'd stay like that, but thankfully they reverted back to normal within about 4 months.  Even though mine are very light I still feel quite tired for the first couple of days, and tend to have night sweats too.  Hormones eh?!

    Kit's nursery is ridiculously warm too.  It's a pain when it's really cold outside as he needs warm clothes but only needs a thin top while he's inside.  I don't like to put him in lots of layers for nursery as there's too much potential for things to get lost.  Our nursery always smells of disinfectant - I can smell it in Kit's hair and on his clothes when he comes home.

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    I'm stranded! Well not realy but my car battery has gone flat because I left the rear de-mister on after nuresry run this morning. Oops. When I jumped in to go fetch Reece again the battery was flat as a pancake. Cue quick call to nursery to get them to stop my friend who was picking up her wee boy and hitch a lift home for Reece. Luckily its a nice day here, we need to go to the shop (about a mile away) and then another friends for a cuppa about another half mile on from shop. Reece though is refusing to walk saying his legs are sore today because he has had PE! Wonder if I could cycle with the twins in the trailer and Reece on his seat behind me...

    Phoned hubby to find out where the jump leads are - in the back of his car, very useful that! Still at least he has said he will come home early tonight and do the athletics taxi run and fix my car.

     7 miles this morning and a quick stop off at the gym for a row! Not a twinge from my ankle thankfully but frustratingly still a niggle in the butt!

    CC - hope you are feeling better soon. What kind of changes are you making to your mara plan? Iwas going to do the P&D one too. Don't want to give up on the idea of doing Lochaber but it would probably be mad to start mara training when I can't shift this butt/hamstring niggle.

    Minks - I like the sound of all that yummy food!

    MM - hope you enjoy your weekend. 

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    Crikey, Lotte, it never rains but it pours! At least you can see the funny side! Think you're quite right to be cautious with your niggle and contemplating mara training.

    Minks - mmm, sounds lovely food to me! You definitely must burn it off though - you're ever so tiny.

    CC - hugs, hope the cold goes away soon x

    MM - enjoy the weekend. Sounds like bliss to me!

    Going to finish work early today, methinks. Have done everything I need to do (well, I'm actually ahead of myself for a change!) so may go home and tackle the various other jobs that need doing, like the Mount Everest of ironing that's in the spare room and the Xmas present wrapping... Off to get our Xmas tree tomorrow from Delamere Forest. Ben has plans on a 7 footer but he can forget it - my maximum offer is 5ft and I am NOT BUDGING!!

    Happy weekends all xx

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    Ours is 4 foot and stands on a table, so it is cat proof and child proof!

    M's screaming fits are really beginning to get to me.  She can be so sweet, and then again this morning from 7.00am when I woke her up till 7.25 when hubby took her to nursery, she basically was hysterical.  Screaming, crying, rolling on the floor, thrashing.  It all starts as soon as you lie her down to change her nappy - she tries to roll over and get up, so I have to pin her down and the screaming ensues.  I can't change her standing up because they are washables and there's too many parts to be held into place.  Hubby being around wasn't helping either, as he changed the routine, and sat her on his knee in the kitchen whilst eating his breakfast, so of course she wanted his breakfast and screamed even more when she couldn't have it! 

    Hubby is at work late tonight (party, but my work thinks he ahs a meeting) so I have to collect M from nursery. I really hope we don't have a rpt performance.

    Having 'christmas' with the in laws tomorrow. - food fest, then going to a friends for a party on sunday.

    Ran 4 miles after work last night and felt fine.  Looking forward to running with my big sis over xmas.

    CC hope the snot dies down soon.  Hope your car gets fixed Lotte.  Good running MM.  Hi to everyone else!

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    MinksMinks ✭✭✭

    Oh, no Lotte!  What a disaster!  At least you were able to get Reece collected and don't have to go too far afield this afternoon.  And - bonus! - hubby will be home early to help with the ferrying around.  Talking of cars, I'm embarrassed to admit that about 2 minutes after leaving the house to go out last night, I had to pull over at the top of our road to phone hubby and ask him how to close the electric windows!  image I just had a complete mental blank - OF COURSE I know how to do it, have done it loads of times before!  I'd opened the windows to clear them of water then just couldn't work out how to close them again.  Meanwhile I was trying to de-mist the windscreen as I couldn't see a thing (which was why I'd pulled over to start with).  Felt SUCH an idiot!  Still trying to decide if I was having a 'blonde moment' or a 'senior moment'!

    TattyB, 7ft sounds like an enormous tree to me!  But if you have the space, go for it - I love big trees!  And yes, I gues I must just burn off all the food I eat.  It's a standing joke with my in-laws how much I can put away for someone so little!

    Carovet, not sure what to say about M's screaming fits.  All I can say is that it's very likely just to be one of the delightful phases they go through, and will soon pass.  Very frustrating while it's happening though.  Must say I was lucky with Kit - had heard lots of horror stories from various friends about nappy changing and wriggling toddlers, but he was always (and still is, for his night-time nappies) very compliant and always lay there on his back, legs in the air, ready to be changed.

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    Caro - you have my every sympathy on the difficult nappy changes. It is a job I dread. Some days JP will NOT lie still to have his done and you'd think that we were torturing him, the noise he makes! We get the rolling over trick as well, and he kicks really violently as soon as you start to pin him down! And he is incredibly strong. If he doesn't do that, he wriggles out of my grip and runs off, bare bum and all! I find the best trick is to give him something to look at before I change him so he's distracted. Failing that, I just put up with the screaming.image

    Minks - LOL at your 'moment'! Be reassured by the fact that I do things like that all the time!

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    After my moaning I actually had a cute evening with M.  I picked her up quite late by the time I left work, and so she was downstairs, not in the baby room.  As soon as she saw me she crawled over at high speed, and was all over me, clamoring to be picked up.  I guess it is just a phase.  She is so possessive over certain things as well - her 2 cups, if you take them away because she's throwing them, or has finished, or generally is just dragging them around the place for no reason - oh my god!!  CC I reckon we have Scarlett no 2 here.......

    CC I agree about marathon training and trying to make the runs fit in, and realising they'll all be in a weird order.  I have done myself a prog, assuming I do the one in April.  And I come home to yet another e mail from hubby asking if he can go away for the wk end, which means 4 days of no running.......not great when marathon training.  I'm not sure I'm going to say yes either.........we had a long discussion about how if I do a marathon he's not going to be able to go away as much at wk ends, and how it will all balance out because assuming this time next yr I am pregnant, I won't be running races or training for anything, so he can go away as much as he wants (within reason!) and yet he still asks me and makes me feel bad for wanting to say no.  He even asked me if once I'd done the marathon I'd stop going to the running club, because the best night at the climbing wall is on a Tuesday  - same night as track.  He's the one that really encouraged me to go in the 1st place, I have met new people to run with, and am so much faster than I was, so I put my foot down!

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    Caro - you stand your ground girl!

    Minks- lol at your blonde moment!

    TB - go for the 7 footer! I love big real trees too!

    I did hitch up the trailer and cycle with Reece up in the baby seat behind me (some benefits to having a titchy 4 year old!) and the twins in the trailer ! It was up hill all the way out but that meant it was down all the way back! Reece is just too crazy on his own bike to have him cycle along the road with me on a bike too. Anyway we had a nice afternoon.

    Car fixed and hubby away picking up the older 3 from youth club. I am trying to put lights on a big house plant we have and have had to conceed that if it is going to be lit up I am going to have to dust it. Bah life is too short to dust plants!

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    ChynahChynah ✭✭✭

    Caro - every nappy change or change of clothes is a wrestling  match these days!  It's murder trying to change him in the swimming pool changing rooms!  He is also pretty good at running off starkers!

    Have resorted to putting the playpen round the tree to stop the little guy from wrecking it!

    CC - good luck shopping in Guildford tomorrow - I went in on Thurs and it was horrid!

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