
Mums Running Club



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    Did he not get any for you then?
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    Oops - forgot about the tickets!
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    Well he got 4 handball tickets - given that he paid for them from our joint account I hope I get one!
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    ChynahChynah ✭✭✭
    Thanks, readybed and growbag it is then!  and lots of extra blankets.We're not going for a couple of weeks yet so hoping for warm weather plus as its not too far from home we can always abandon it if things are too bad!
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    Bollocks.  No athletics tickets left, I too thought it was from the 8/7.  Grrrrrrr.image

    Sorry, missed a few days but will try and catch up now.

    Caro, sis you get some tickets then?

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    my email says fro 6am on 8 July to 6pm on 17 July

    are there two lots of reallocations?!

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    oh and went to pick J and E up from T's this morning. J has a dress-down day today. he was wearing school uniform. brilliant job there, T. T had the letter home about it - and the reminder which was sent on weds. but still he didn't know.  good job i was picking him up really or he would have been there in his uniform 10 miles from home with no chance to nip back and change!!!
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    CM  As you said earlier, the people who got *something* the first time get "second dibs" on what is left. I got nothing the first time, and we got "first dibs" today.
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    Only 6.5hrs til i'm off 4 hols woohoo! 19days of ONLY looking after my own children. TT;0)
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    ooo, TT - that sounds fantabulous. where are you going?!
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    oo and my legs are v hurty. my 5.5 miles of hills / intervals yesterday followed by 7 miles this morning while E having a settling in session. my hamstrings are KILLING me. had planned 8 miles but really ... way too much pain! i am so unfit. ah well...
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    JoBoh  it says you don't find out for 24-48 hrs despite it being 'live'.  I applied for 4 athletics, 6 synchronised swimming and 6 basketball.  We shall see.........
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    Blimey, what a lot to catch up on...

    Congrats to Vixo, so glad it all went ok.

    Back yesterday and shouldn't be on here, but 5 loads of washing done and on the line before rain hits AGAIN!

    Fab time but weather not good!! image. Very nice campsite, fab for boys and their bikes. No mud so that was good! Day we arrived was nice and sunny so setting up was good. Friday morning was OK, got runs done and some cycling around campsite, then the rain hit. OMG!! Not good in a tent, but we have 4 bedroom, large lounge tent with large zip up porch area. So we just cooked and ate inside. Also have Kamping Kazi, which again with two wee boys was rather useful!! Boys and S went to sleep at 8pm every night shattered and woke at 7-8am. I don't sleep that well for first night but then get used to it and sleep quite well. Again the fresh air helps I think.

    All come back looking rather bronzed, but I think its mainly from wind burn than actual sun!!

    Very proud of my boys and their cycling. They cycled all the way down to the beach, 1.5 miles, then 1.5 along the promenade. Played on beach for 2 hours, then cycled back the 2.5 miles. They were tired though bless them image!!

    We did plenty though. Shame we couldn't use the site pool that much, just too cold and windy, but they loved it all anyway. Very good site for true camping fans. Beautifully kept fields, wildlife everywhere. Ducks, coots, geese, rabbits, foxes. Lovely night skies when it did clear and very quiet. Working farm so lots of tractors to watch and jobs going on. Boys loved it!!

    Good luck Lotte. Was thinking about you lots as saw signs everywhere. Am sure you will be fine. Bit worried about all the cycling you've been doing and hoping you have tapered a bit more this week?

    Unfit. Pah! CM, you are not, just trained hard.

    ((Camlo)). You are amazing lady!

    Minks hope you have good hols, you probably won't get to read this.

    Another manic weekend to come with a calm day today to catch up. Hubbie and I doing the Cotswold relay tomorrow. I'm in ladies team, he's in men's. I have leg 4 which is the longest of the 10. 13 miles of 406m ascent and 366m descent!! My legs will be very sore next week. Hubbie has leg 7, so just need to cart the kids between the legs. Poor loves!! I won the leg 4 two years ago, so would be nice to get the bubbles again! Get home quick and get changed and ready. Then at 5pm sis turns up with our nephew. They are babysitting for us so we can catch the 6pm train to Bath and go and watch the leg 10 runners come home and then go out for the presentation and a meal after with the other runners in our teams. Sis and partner then off to Glastonbury Sunday as he DJ-ing Sunday night on one of the stages leaving our nephew with us until Monday afternoon. I will be jaded by Monday night!

    Just need to think only 7 sleeps until hubbie and I away by ourselves in Nice!! image 

    Right must go sort out the 8th washing load and clean the spare room ready for sis...

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    Oh and still no tickets for us. I am not happy at all, and think we shall just go away somewhere hot that two weeks image!! I can't believe I went to the Olympics in Athens and I can't go to the ones in my own country image!! Bah!!
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    sounds lovely, MM!

    i finally have some good news. T has agreed to pay me the maintenance i asked for!! i can't believe it. i really can't. i worked it out based on the CSA calculator and based on his salary for the tax year before this one as i don't have details for this year. was sure he would dispute. but he hasn't! and i can't believe it -amazing!!! it will make a big difference for me, as well, because i am going down to 3 days a week. next week i am having to pay for a day's childcare because i have the kids as T is away when he is supposed to have them and i have to work one of the days. so those sorts of things, this extra money will be very very useful. and i will be able to pay put the money towards E's child trust fund which i have been covering myself since she was born (he has always paid half of J's but never paid any of E's).

    and also he will now be actioning the financial settlement which means i can buy a house. and get my decree absolute. imageimageimageimage

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    Fantastic CM, hope it all actually happens quickly and you can get settled in a nice new home for you and the kids.

    I'm not actually going away anywhere on holiday, too skint. Got childminding fees/insurance, car MOT and Nat's birthday this month and with it being hols i am not getting much income this month either, 3 of my minded kids are off the entire school holidays and the other two are of for the 1st two and half weeks. However we do have over £200 and two tanks full of petrol worth of day trips planned image.

    Week 1: not much planned, just going to enjoy being able to lie in and not having to do anything, have swimming and a bit of geocaching in the local park pencilled in.

    Week 2: we are going to Deep sea world, Boness &Kinneil steam railway & mine with my Mum and swimming.

    Week 3: Swimming (again) then two kids I childmind will be back from Disneyworld and start back on the Thursday and we are having a day at Stirling castle & kings park and a day at Palacerigg country park -rare breeds petting zoo with a bit of geocaching in the surrounding nature trails.

    Week 4: Summerlee Heritage park, Kelvingrove museum and art galleries, Botanic gardens and a day at Auchinstarry (local place with rock climbing, canal, boat marina and sensory garden) and will probably do a bit of geocaching there too.

    Week 5: Swimming, Transport museum, Museum of rural life (which is actually a working farm run without tractors etc just the old fashioned way with horses and ploughs), a Day at my friends in Perthshire playing in park with bats/balls and bit of geocaching round the old roman ruins.

    Week 6: Calderglen country park-mini zoo and huge play area, Callendar Park & house & huge play area, World of Wings -bird sanctuary place

    Week 7: Blairdrummond Safari park, Boness steam train (again- but will be 1st time for minded kids), Tollcross park &children's farm, Burngreen and colzium parks- kiddies cycling course and play parks and maybe a bit of geocaching

    Week 8: Auchingarrich wildlife park,  Almond valley heritage centre and then they all go back to school on the wednesday for a rest.

    Got a list of other stuff to do but not enough days LOL, never been to Glasgow's oldest house, or the Tenement House and there's the museum of religion and the Falkirk wheel and a few big country parks that either have never been to or haven't been to in years. So plenty to keep us busy and hopefully stop the kids all argueing and driving me bonkers. 

    I could do with ideas for packed lunches from you all image, we will be taking picnic with us on all our days out as no way I can afford to be buying lunches for myself and four kids on all those trips. Think we will get sick of our usual packed lunch- ham sandwich, cheese stick, mini peperami, grapes, raisins, cherry tomatoes, yoghurt, fresh orange juice and a chocolate mini roll.

    TT ;0)

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    sounds like a fab lot of stuff planned! how about cheese and biscuits / rice cakes / ryvitas for packed lunch? or hummous and pitta bread? or pasta salad made with leftover pasta / chicken etc?

    have a poorly J tonight. he is 'cold on in the inside even though it is warm in here'. bless.

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    Awesome news CM image. Not about J though, poor love image. Must be the week for it as Mum has finally got a interim financial agreement from my Step Dad too and is now back on the same money she had before. Phew!! image

    I have done 8 loads of washing, cleaned the whole house, changed bedding on our bed and spare room, scrubbed floor in spare room due to cat accident when we were away. Watered green house and sorted out tomatoes. Picked tonnes of fruit and veg and am now sitting down before monster race tomorrow. I do fancy a glass of wine mind, but trying to be good as race tomorrow and been drinking for a week on hols!! image

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    i see PP has some news...
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    I do indeed CM...

    Billy (officially William) was  born on 23rd June at 0904. He weighed 7lb12oz and I managed a natural birth on gas and air alone. Here comes the birth story so look away now if you're squeemish...

     My waters went with a twang at 0310 and, because of my previous section I was told to go in to hospital straight away. My friend came to look after abi at about 4 and we were in hospital for about half past. My contractions were 5 minutes apart from the off. At about six o clock I requested gas and air as they were getting a little bit more intense. The MW decided at about half seven to stick a canula in my arm, just incase I needed another section, then she was going to examine me. I was still wearing my trousers and the poor woman was trying to stick a needle in my vein when I announced I needed to push. Fortunately it was handover/takeover time so there was another midwife to hand who was able to help Mr PP whip my trousers off while the 1st midwife struggled to get the canula in. I managed to get the head partially out but then my contractions just stopped!!!image The midwife was telling me to push at the next contraction but they just weren't coming so she said, push anyway and as I did they pulled him, quite brutally according to Mr PP, by the ears and he came into the world with a scream! I thought that was it but no....

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    8 loads? Blimey you must have a fast washing machine MM. Mine gets the clothes nice and clean but a cold wash takes about 110 minutes.

    Good news on the independence front CM.

    [edit] Congratulations PP.

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    ....my placenta hadn't come away from the uterus wall so I had to go into theatre to have it manually removed under a spinal block. Think All Creatures Great and Small and you've some idea of what this woman was doing elbow deep in my womb. Most unpleasant! Needless to say, I'm a bit bruised and battered but overall I'm ok and Billy is feeding really well. Mr PP is just changing his bum then I'm back to feeding him again.

    So, there we are, The porkyplodders are now a family of 4. image

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    Yay PP!! God - if you were a cow that is called 'being cleansed' when you have a retained placenta. I hope you feel thoroughly cleansed..........

    Welcome back MM, hope I don't have 8 loads of washing after our little camping trip.

    CM - good news image

    TT - you have 8 weeks summer holidays?? 6 wks of child entertaining is going to be hard enough!
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    Many congratulations PP - William was on my list of boys names too, welcome to the world little Billy!
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    Quicke from me - back from hols....had a lovely time but came back to a stinking house as had accidently turned off the fridge freezer before we left - oops. But holiday in south west France was great - good weather, nice accomodation, lots of lovely red wine. I have to admit it beat our last 3 years of camping in rainy cornwall!

    Not had time to read back properly and hubby's birthday today so will have to do it another time.

    But big congrats to Vixo and PP on the new arrivals! Hope you are both enjoying having a newborn around again.

    And CM - great news!! image

    And now can I pick your brains - just wondering if anyone can recommend a good first bike as we want to get K one for her birthday. We want one with pedals and will get stabilisers  - I know there has been a lot of chat on here about bikes in the past but I can't remember the specifics.

    Right, off to eat cake..... happy birthday to TT too!

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    I can't say that cleansed is a word which springs to mind when I describe how I'm feeling Caro! lol!
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