
Losing it with Nam and Bear



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    come on in Sass!  Sass is an "old hand" from waaaay back - I've known her on the forums since about 2003 I think?

    I've heard a couple of other variations on that Gillian McKeith one - "If you are what you eat then she's eaten a wrinkled old prune" and "...she's eaten a shrew".  I do think she does some neat "shock tactics" to get the message across, even though I suspect some of her nutritional stuff is wide of the mark

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    Bl**dy hell Nam, I must be packing away a heck of a lot of calories each day to have piled on the weight that I have in the last six months or so image
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    lol kk, there's a joke in there about it being easier to sleep with Coops... image

    Ok here goes:

    Ideal weight loss: 1 stone 

    Short term goal: lose 1/2 stone by mid Feb (prior to ski holiday) and regain my fitness

    Shorter term goal: Weigh less than my svelte boyfriend! image

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    well you wouldn't eat gillian mckeith now would you?

    that would shock me

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    I wouldn't touch her with a barge pole!

    My problem with her is that her qualifications as a nutritionist are dubious. What she is qualified in is marketing  - which means her main aim is promoting her ideas/products with the aim of making money.

    I doubt she really gives a toss about the nation's health.

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    I'm more than a stone and a half heavier than BD, he is 6ft1, I am not.
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    You can get metabolically tested (www.trainsmart.com) they also do exercise tests and workout VO2 max and stuff.  I fancy having it done but haven't had any spare cash to do it image It would be great to know at what heart rate/pace  you burn most fat when running!

    Everyone's metabolism is different but it is not fixed.  Exercise increases metabolisim (muscle tissue has a higher metabolic need that fat) dieting slows metabolism.  Also remember muscle weighs more than fat so you can be leaner and trimmer and still be the same weight.

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    Round of applause for me please, despite working in a bakery where I could have free cakes and pasties, I had a ham salad bowl (with coleslaw but that's veggies innit) followed by an apple for my lunch. I resisted the lure of the cakesimage. Will have pasta bake for tea once Mr k has returned with a new light tube for the kitchen so I can see to cook.

    Fruit today: glass of OJ, banana, tomato, cucumber, lettuce, apple

    Exercise: 10 minutes' walk to and from work, squats while picking quilt pieces up from kitchen floor

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    Well done Kwilter !

    (Good job I don't work in a bakery image )

    Food today:

    Breakfast - Yoghurt

    2 handfuls of nuts during morning

    Lunch - Cheese and homemade caramelised onion sarnie (thinnest slices I could manage without it turnimg to crumbs) and a few Pringles (left over from Crimbo and need to finish them)

    Few more nuts and a pear this afternoon

    Dinner will be fresh pasta

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    Well done Kwilter!!  x
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    ChynahChynah ✭✭✭
    I've had a successful day on the eating front but mainly due to the fact that  I feel so ill i haven't eaten much in days!  Unfortunately though this does mean I haven't run - which isn't good as should be training for FLM!
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    Just picked up the car from the garage so decided to run......1.7miles up hill and I've managed to lose158 pounds!!! amazing!!!!image
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    Pink, beebs, one of my goals too is to weigh less than the other half. He's making it difficult by being ill and off his food at the moment.

    Tried an instant couscous pot thing for tea. Actually surprising edible, but was too spicy for me, so the bloke ate it and I did soup & pitta instead.

    Run scheduled for tomorrow after work; I will also try either half an hour or so on the exercise bike before I leave in the morning (will require getting up at 05:30), or a swim at lunchtime (will require battling the sale shopping crowds to get to the gym). We shall see.

    This eating sensibly lark isn't that difficult when you put a bit of effort in. I just need to avoid stress/boredom making me turn to bacon sandwiches & chocolate/crisps. 

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    For me that's very much the crux of it - I'm wondering what'll happen once I get back to my course which keeps me very busy during term time.
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    m.ittenm.itten ✭✭✭

    Evening image

    Well done those that have had a good day............ and generally well done to anyone who has made it through the first day back at work!!! It was horrible image

    I've been ok on the food front today

    Breakfast: porridge (at work cause I had no milk at home)
    Mid morning: Nutrigrain bar
    Lunch: New Covent Garden Soup - tomato
    Throughout day: 2 nectarines & a hand-ful of nuts (left over in drawer of desk - all gone now!)
    Dinner: two poached eggs on toast

    Also had two Bounty celebrations - but that was cause I was p*ssed off with myself for splitting the yoke on the egg!!!!

    All in all not too bad. Off to running club in a bit.........

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    Im new here and rather podgy (lol) looking to get in shape.  Dr has reccommended i loose weight after trying to concieve for a year with no luck.

    Need to loose about 3/4 stone (thats after i get all the xmas munchies out of the way image)

    (p.s. if anyone could tell me how to change my name on here id be grateful x)

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    BB ✭✭✭
    Hi Ally (not stalking you - honest!) if you go to "my details" in the top righthand corner you should be able to enter a new nickname, it has to be something not used before and won't let you change it if not, but even a space or a fullstop may be enough to get your new nickname accepted
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    BB ✭✭✭
    oops it's on the left not the right ...image
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    BB ✭✭✭
    Right, I am fed up with keep putting on a few pounds then losing them, then putting them on again, all the bliddy time. This time I want to lose them and keep them off. I do more exercise now than I have ever done in my life (I aim to run about 30 miles pw and do some classes and lots of walking), so it must be the eating (well I know it is). My basic diet is good, lots of fruit, veg, and fish. But whenever I am bored or down I eat chocolate, sweets and crisps - sometimes lots at a timeimage So my plan is one day at a time starting now. I have about 10 pounds to lose (again) and I want to be faster and lighter for the Bath half in mid-march - that's a pound a week - sounds ok ... good luck everyone B x
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    Thanks for the welcome everyone.

    Yes Bear, we go back a L_OO_N_GG way!

    I need to lose two stone to just get into my 'okay' weight category, so you can see that I'm in trouble image.  However, I'm going to the gym three times a week (I live on the south coast now) and I'm being really careful about what I eat.

    I know what the problem is though..... portion control.  I don't have any!

     Sass xx 

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    I had the worst foodfest today...it was supposed to be day one...image..but I've just figured it out that it's probably emotional...my daughter and her fiance who have been with us for two weeks for the holidays went back to England today...image....ok thats out of my system...I start (properly) in the morning.
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    sass - know wot u mean about portion control!  and its always the wrong things I have too much of.

    had pasta bolognaise and carrots and brocolli for tea and lowfat custard and banana for afters.  feeling abit cravingy for choccy and crisps!  but fighting the feeling, fight the feeling! image

    was really happy with food shop too, instead of normal £100 it was £70 cos I wasnt buying all the crap i normally eat.  

    going to think about making some home made soup.  anyone got any ideas????


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    (((((ginge))))))  tomorrow is a good day to start.

    I had a terrible day yesterday (which was my first day) but wiped the slate clean today and didn't feel bad about it.

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    ..thanks pea!!...
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